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Article on Jyotish

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Dear Vic,


Whilst it's still on my mind, I'd like to comment about the use of Gems



///Also we see that performance of yagna, religious rituatual, wearing of

gems, chanting of mantra DEFINITELY HAS AN EFFECT on the

PRARABDHA KARMA as it is written in the horoscope.///


As mentioned earlier, remedies, solutions to problems, yagya and so forth

are a blessing of 9th bhava/Jupiter. Likewise, Gems (precious stones,

precious metals etc) are seen from the 2nd bhava/Jupiter. I believe that

an astrologer should assess, very carefully, a person's ability to obtain

such remedies before prescribing them. It's cruel, in my opinion, to

offer remedies, expensive gems and such, to a person who has no ability

to obtain these.


If Prarabdha karma was not set, and we know it is stamped in every strand

of DNA, it would be impossible for any astrologer to read a horoscope.

All enlightened teachers/gurus, from time immemorial, knew that those who

were ready for their teaching (at that time) would be drawn to them. A

reference to this can be found in John 6: 65 where Christ said;

" Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come to me, except it were

given unto him of my Father. "


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Vic D " <vicdicara

<jyotish-vidya >

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:56 AM

Re: Article on Jyotish



Dear Mrs. Wendy,


I really enjoyed your response and thank you for it. Let me address it:


> 1) Prarabdha Karma is what is written in the horoscope. This is

> already

> written, set in stone so to speak.


Are we certain that what the horoscope indicates is entirely set in

stone? I am more of the opinion that Karma is a swirling abstract

energy, not a list of deeds inscribed into a tablet. I feel that

karmic energy can create one outcome or the other depending on how it

is directed - must as electric directed into a radiator creates heat,

but directed into an air conditioner creates cold.


I see that twins have nearly identical charts but their lifes take

distinctly different directions BOTH RELATED intimately to their

charts, but both unfolding two different possibilities. One of them is

plugging in refrigerators, the other is plugging in ovens. And thus

the outcome is externally different but internally connected.


Also we see that performance of yagna, religious rituatual, wearing of

gems, chanting of mantra DEFINITELY HAS AN EFFECT on the

PRARABDHA KARMA as it is written in the horoscope.


~ Vic DiCara




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Dear Krishna,


///He can overcome any limitation, because he created it by

his own actions in the first place and because he possesses spiritual


that are not subject to planetary pressure. " ///


Of course man can transcend the illusion of maya (karma) on the spiritual

level. However, on the physical level the only way to escape our karma is

to exit this existence. Saints and Seers still live out their karma but

they are free from the bondage of suffering. We suffer when we are unable

to accept the circumstances we find ourselves in.


This all comes down to what Sri Yukteswar was saying about the spiritual

resources that are not subject to planetary pressure.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Krishnamurthy Seetharama " <krishna_1998

<jyotish-vidya >

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:06 PM

Re: Article on Jyotish



Dear Vic,


In general, I tend to agree with your line of thinking. It would be

appropriate to share a quote from Swami Yukteswar here:




" A child is born

on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical

harmony with one's individual karma. His horoscope is a challenging


revealing his unalterable past and it's probable future results…The


boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth is not meant to

emphasize fate – the result of past good and evil - but to arouse man's

will to

escape from his universal thralldom. What he has done he can undo. None


than himself was the instigator of the causes of whatever effects are now

prevalent in his life. He can overcome any limitation, because he created

it by

his own actions in the first place and because he possesses spiritual


that are not subject to planetary pressure. "





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[Wendy ji]


///I did enjoy reading your article! Not too lengthy so easy for a weary mind to

appreciate :-)///


Thanks! :-)


[Vic ji]


///With a name like Balaji I suddenly find myself remembering Annakut!///


Er... I don't understand?


///In the case of Leo, Venus is a benefic (period).///


But, is not the third a malefic? Wendy ji had, some time ago, mentioned

Krishna's line in Bagavat Gita and related it to the trishadyas. The 3rd, 6th

and 11th govern desire, anger and greed respectvely, and this makes these houses



///I applaud your selection of topic. I am not sure if I agree on a fine point

that a strong third house will stop a person from believing in fate.///


Thanks! :-) BTW, the third does play a role here--Wendy ji pointed it out a long

time ago while we were studying the chart of one of her sons, I think...


///PS - Balaji, I also don't appreciate any cheap shots pertaining in any way to

the Moon! =) (j/k) even though it WAS cute.///


It was not a " cheap shot. " I love puns - can't help it, Budha is my Lagna lord!



///In my opinion your hand broke (and everything else that ever happened " to "

you) in an attempt to raise your consciousness and help your evolution towards



I agree with you--but, due to limits of space (the article had to be less than

500 words and had to have some humor in it) I couldn't put all this in.


However, after breaking my hand, I realized that I could drive my sister's moped

with one hand in a cast. Even now, I'm driving my sister's bike with only my

right hand, though my left hand is healing fast.


Of course the accident happened in BU-SA-BU because Budha, karaka for hands, was

transiting 2nd (12th house of loss from 3rd house of hands).


BTW, I really liked the article on your site! :-)



Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor



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Wendy ji,


///Often it's in the greatest suffering that we have the greatest opportunity to

be close to God.///


As always, your ability to combine philosophy with practicality shines through!



This reminds me of something I read once:


{{{I asked God to spare me pain. God said No. Suffering draws you apart from

the worldly cares and brings you closer to me.}}}


Interestingly, vairagya karaka Sani rules suffering! :-)



Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor



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HELLO all,


THere is also one thing called as - Group karma .Thats

why sometimes whole group sufferrs or get same thing.Dacoits when do

wrong things in a group are bound to have group karma ,hence

fructification will take place in group result.


Even a family has

one common karma, even people of nation sometimes face same karma,



think over it..........








jyotish-vidya , Balaji Narasimhan

<sherlockbalaji wrote:


> Dear friends,


> I have written a small piece on Jyotish for Mid-Day, where I work

as a Special Correspondent.


> Hope you like it! :-)


> The link is:


> http://www.mid-day.com/lifestyle/2008/nov/101108-astrology-free-



> ~~~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan

> Author & Editor

> http://www.balaji.ind.in/

> ~~~~~~~~~


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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


You could be correct. However, after reading that paragraph again, I am unable

to reach the same conclusion as you have. It could be my limitation to

understand or comprehend what the sages have said. But, I will keep my efforts

going and I will start believing what you have said once I am convinced.






--- On Wed, 12/11/08, Wendy Vasicek <jyotishvidya wrote:

Wendy Vasicek <jyotishvidya

Re: Article on Jyotish


Wednesday, 12 November, 2008, 11:10 AM












Dear Krishna,




///He can overcome any limitation, because he created it by


his own actions in the first place and because he possesses spiritual




that are not subject to planetary pressure. " // /




Of course man can transcend the illusion of maya (karma) on the spiritual


level. However, on the physical level the only way to escape our karma is


to exit this existence. Saints and Seers still live out their karma but


they are free from the bondage of suffering. We suffer when we are unable


to accept the circumstances we find ourselves in.




This all comes down to what Sri Yukteswar was saying about the spiritual


resources that are not subject to planetary pressure.




Best Wishes,


Mrs. Wendy


http://JyotishVidya .com


____________ _________ _________ _______






" Krishnamurthy Seetharama " <krishna_1998@ >




Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:06 PM


Re: Article on Jyotish




Dear Vic,




In general, I tend to agree with your line of thinking. It would be


appropriate to share a quote from Swami Yukteswar here:




" A child is born


on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical


harmony with one's individual karma. His horoscope is a challenging




revealing his unalterable past and it's probable future results…The




boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth is not meant to


emphasize fate – the result of past good and evil - but to arouse man's


will to


escape from his universal thralldom. What he has done he can undo. None




than himself was the instigator of the causes of whatever effects are now


prevalent in his life. He can overcome any limitation, because he created


it by


his own actions in the first place and because he possesses spiritual




that are not subject to planetary pressure. "


































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dear vic,

you say in vedic world view fate does not exist.in birth chart 9 th house is

denoted for fate and 10 th house for karma.then again there exists good fate

and bad fate too.Good fate people are prompted to exert hardly secrificing

pleasures and get the liverage meaning they will get more than the efforts made.

You can take the example of Mr Barac Hussain Obama the president select of

America.Rising from a small status he has reached the top.he did karma

relentlessly to achieve this since his fate was to become a president. Every

thing is predtermined, even this discussion with you.Fate makes some persons

rise in life and some become criminals and they do the karma accordingly.The

path is known to all. but why don't every one follow the rightpath to achive

things.You will see that children of a highly educated person do not achive

similar high education.Those who remain under educated fate is low and this

does not allow to do karma like other brothers/ sisters. If I accept

your view that fate is nothing and only karma is there, then tell me what karma

I do now to become president/priminister of my country.Is it possible? no. caz

My fate is not to become that.thanks.


On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 Vic D wrote :

> Dear Shashi,


> This opinion has no Vedantic support. You are simply

> not clear on what

> " fate " and " karma " are. You are mistaking " fate " for

> karma generated

> by previous lifetimes. and " karma " for actions in the

> current lifetime.


> Attempting this discussion in English will probably be

> frustrating.


> Please understand that the English meaning of " fate "

> connotes things

> happening that are beyond your control. In the Vedic

> worldview " fate "

> does not exist. Everything happens because of choices

> you made - which

> you may or may not remember and which may or may not be

> from your

> current lifetime.



> ~ Vic DiCara


> www.vicdicara.com

> www.vedicastrologer.net






> On Nov 11, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Shashi Singh wrote:


> >

> > I also stronly believe that karma depends on fate.If

> fate does not

> > allow,no one can fallow the karma.All know that by

> doing certain

> > karma certain things can be achieved, but how many

> follow this?every

> > oneis born diffrent in status and in intelligence.A

> person having a

> > dull intelligence will not achieve in education which

> is

> > necessary for upliftment which he desires.A

> person does karm

> > as per his quality of fate only.If fate is good, he

> will do karma

> > accodingly otherwise he will remain idle and suffer n

> life as his

> > fate indicates suffer only.

> >

> > On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 Wendy Vasicek wrote :

> >> Dear Vic,

> >>

> >> ///I see that twins have nearly identical charts but

> >> their lifes take

> >> distinctly different directions BOTH RELATED

> intimately

> >> to their

> >> charts, but both unfolding two different

> possibilities.

> >> One of them is

> >> plugging in refrigerators, the other is plugging in

> >> ovens. And thus

> >> the outcome is externally different but internally

> >> connected.///

> >>

> >> The charts of twins with seemingly identical

> horoscopes

> >> need to be read

> >> very carefully (incorporating the finest dasa period)

> .

> >> The following

> >> article is my attempt to explain this.

> >>

> >> http://jyotishvidya.com/twins.htm

> >>

> >> ///Also we see that performance of yagna, religious

> >> rituatual, wearing of

> >> gems, chanting of mantra DEFINITELY HAS AN EFFECT on


> >> as it is written in the horoscope.///

> >>

> >> Even this will be reflected in the horoscope; strong

> >> 9th house/Jupiter:

> >> good fortune, support of nature, solution to

> problems,

> >> remedies,

> >> medicine, yagya, tapas etc..

> >>

> >> Best Wishes,

> >> Mrs. Wendy

> >> http://JyotishVidya.com

> >> ___

> >>

> >>

> >> -

> >> " Vic D " <vicdicara

> >> <jyotish-vidya >

> >> Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:56 AM

> >> Re: Article on Jyotish

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Mrs. Wendy,

> >>

> >> I really enjoyed your response and thank you for it.

> >> Let me address it:

> >>

> >>> 1) Prarabdha Karma is what is written in the

> >> horoscope. This is

> >>> already

> >>> written, set in stone so to speak.

> >>

> >> Are we certain that what the horoscope indicates is

> >> entirely set in

> >> stone? I am more of the opinion that Karma is a

> >> swirling abstract

> >> energy, not a list of deeds inscribed into a tablet.

> I

> >> feel that

> >> karmic energy can create one outcome or the other

> >> depending on how it

> >> is directed - must as electric directed into a

> radiator

> >> creates heat,

> >> but directed into an air conditioner creates cold.

> >>

> >> I see that twins have nearly identical charts but

> their

> >> lifes take

> >> distinctly different directions BOTH RELATED

> intimately

> >> to their

> >> charts, but both unfolding two different

> possibilities.

> >> One of them is

> >> plugging in refrigerators, the other is plugging in

> >> ovens. And thus

> >> the outcome is externally different but internally

> >> connected.

> >>

> >> Also we see that performance of yagna, religious

> >> rituatual, wearing of

> >> gems, chanting of mantra DEFINITELY HAS AN EFFECT on

> >> the PRARABDHA

> >> KARMA as it is written in the horoscope.

> >>

> >> ~ Vic DiCara

> >>

> >> www.vicdicara.com

> >> www.vedicastrologer.net

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> > ---

> >

> >

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Dear Mrs Wendy,


Yes both Fate and Destiny are understood by the general English

speaking populace to be intrinsically related to predestination. A

famous quote which bucked this theory is " Man is the architect of his

own destiny. " Evidence that the common conception of " destiny " or

" fate " is something outside your control.


Therefore as an astrologer speaking to a person with such conscious

and subconscious understandings of " fate " and " destiny " I make it a

point to never, ever, ever use those words. Instead I use the word

" Karma " and explain that I am using " karma " distinctly from " fate "

because " karma " indicates that we have control over our future (which

will soon be our present).


Prarabdha Karma is very " dridha " or stubborn, but it is NOT ABSOLUTELY

FIXED. There is no doubt about this. For example: " Aham tvam sarva

papebhyo moksha " says Krishna in Gita 18.66 - he will immediately

deliver moksha from prarabdha karma ( " papam " ) to they who approach him

with sincere heart.


It is very *uncommon* to be able to significantly alter prarabdha

karma - but is not impossible. Furthermore, we can infuence the future

far more easily - and that future quickly becomes " prarabdha " or " the

present. "


Great souls do not act within the law of Karma. " avajananti mam

mudha... " runs the gita shloka explaining that liberated souls (such

as Krishna, Buddha, etc.) act of their pure freewill, and it is

foolish to consider them under the rule of karma.




~ Vic DiCara









On Nov 11, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Wendy Vasicek wrote:


> Dear Vic,


> If I may add my opinion here...


> ///Please understand that the English meaning of " fate " connotes

> things

> happening that are beyond your control. In the Vedic worldview " fate "

> does not exist.///


> If we look in the Oxford dictionary, for instance, we will find that

> the

> word fate is synonymous with destiny. The word karma is also defined

> (in

> same dictionary) as " actions in previous lives, believed to decide

> his or

> her fate in future existences " . The only karma that is within our

> control

> is that which is being produced by our actions in this lifetime

> (kriyamana karma). Prarabdha karma is already set...no argument that

> this

> is a result of actions in previous lives, but once set it is beyond

> our

> control to change this.


> As for the philosophy of Vedanta in regards to jyotish:

> We understand that the highest principle of jyotish, a limb of the

> Vedas

> (Vedanga), is " as a light on the path of self-realisation. "

> From this level, the level of Vedanta, we're led towards the true

> understanding of 'Self " (the ultimate reality).


> Vedanta is a spiritual tradition leading to self-realisation...the

> ultimate realisation of reality. This is also what all great religious

> teachers try to convey. The Buddha and the Christ both taught this

> same

> reality; Be still and know that " I AM " God! I AM THAT I AM! etc, etc..


> But even they had to fulfil their karma. Remember Christ in the

> garden of

> Gethsemane where, knowing his destiny was close at hand, prayed to

> God;

> " Father, if possible, take this cup from me, but then he uttered;

> " Not my

> will, but yours be done " . He knew that he could not escape his destiny

> and surrendered completely to the " Will of God " ...which we see

> reflected

> in the horoscope.


> I remember Maharishi in the last few years before his death...how

> terribly ill he was, he could hardly speak or even hold a candle. Even

> though all these great souls were " AT ONE " with the ultimate reality

> (Vedanta), their karma still had to play itself out.


> PS: The concept of Prarabdha karma (destiny/fate) is not my concept,

> but

> is (rather) the most fundamental principle of jyotish.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ___



> -

> " Vic D " <vicdicara

> <jyotish-vidya >

> Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:46 AM

> Re: Article on Jyotish



> Dear Shashi,


> This opinion has no Vedantic support. You are simply not clear on what

> " fate " and " karma " are. You are mistaking " fate " for karma generated

> by previous lifetimes. and " karma " for actions in the current

> lifetime.


> Attempting this discussion in English will probably be frustrating.


> Please understand that the English meaning of " fate " connotes things

> happening that are beyond your control. In the Vedic worldview " fate "

> does not exist. Everything happens because of choices you made - which

> you may or may not remember and which may or may not be from your

> current lifetime.



> ~ Vic DiCara


> www.vicdicara.com

> www.vedicastrologer.net




> ---



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I agree that non-personal entities such as groups, nations, etc.

aquire a karma even though they have no specific Jeeva. Thus mundane

astrology works.




~ Vic DiCara









On Nov 12, 2008, at 2:13 AM, DHEERAJ KHOSLA wrote:


> HELLO all,


> THere is also one thing called as - Group karma .Thats

> why sometimes whole group sufferrs or get same thing.Dacoits when do

> wrong things in a group are bound to have group karma ,hence

> fructification will take place in group result.


> Even a family has

> one common karma, even people of nation sometimes face same karma,

> etc....


> think over it..........


> thanks,

> dheeraj





> jyotish-vidya , Balaji Narasimhan

> <sherlockbalaji wrote:


>> Dear friends,


>> I have written a small piece on Jyotish for Mid-Day, where I work

> as a Special Correspondent.


>> Hope you like it! :-)


>> The link is:


>> http://www.mid-day.com/lifestyle/2008/nov/101108-astrology-free-

> spirit-bangalore-stars-beliefs.htm


>> ~~~~~~~~~

>> Balaji Narasimhan

>> Author & Editor

>> http://www.balaji.ind.in/

>> ~~~~~~~~~





> ---



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Dear Shashi,


Please see my recently posted message about the distinction to English

native-speakers concerning the words " fate " , " destiny " and " karma " and

why I feel it is important to use the word " Karma " and not the others

when explaining a reading or a principle to them.




~ Vic DiCara









On Nov 12, 2008, at 9:03 AM, Shashi Singh wrote:



> dear vic,

> you say in vedic world view fate does not exist.in birth chart 9 th

> house is denoted for fate and 10 th house for karma.then again

> there exists good fate and bad fate too.Good fate people are

> prompted to exert hardly secrificing pleasures and get the liverage

> meaning they will get more than the efforts made. You can take the

> example of Mr Barac Hussain Obama the president select of

> America.Rising from a small status he has reached the top.he did

> karma relentlessly to achieve this since his fate was to become a

> president. Every thing is predtermined, even this discussion with

> you.Fate makes some persons rise in life and some become criminals

> and they do the karma accordingly.The path is known to all. but why

> don't every one follow the rightpath to achive things.You will see

> that children of a highly educated person do not achive similar high

> education.Those who remain under educated fate is low and this does

> not allow to do karma like other brothers/ sisters. If I

> accept your view that fate is nothing and only karma is there, then

> tell me what karma I do now to become president/priminister of my

> country.Is it possible? no. caz My fate is not to become that.thanks.


> On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 Vic D wrote :

>> Dear Shashi,


>> This opinion has no Vedantic support. You are simply

>> not clear on what

>> " fate " and " karma " are. You are mistaking " fate " for

>> karma generated

>> by previous lifetimes. and " karma " for actions in the

>> current lifetime.


>> Attempting this discussion in English will probably be

>> frustrating.


>> Please understand that the English meaning of " fate "

>> connotes things

>> happening that are beyond your control. In the Vedic

>> worldview " fate "

>> does not exist. Everything happens because of choices

>> you made - which

>> you may or may not remember and which may or may not be

>> from your

>> current lifetime.



>> ~ Vic DiCara


>> www.vicdicara.com

>> www.vedicastrologer.net






>> On Nov 11, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Shashi Singh wrote:



>>> I also stronly believe that karma depends on fate.If

>> fate does not

>>> allow,no one can fallow the karma.All know that by

>> doing certain

>>> karma certain things can be achieved, but how many

>> follow this?every

>>> oneis born diffrent in status and in intelligence.A

>> person having a

>>> dull intelligence will not achieve in education which

>> is

>>> necessary for upliftment which he desires.A

>> person does karm

>>> as per his quality of fate only.If fate is good, he

>> will do karma

>>> accodingly otherwise he will remain idle and suffer n

>> life as his

>>> fate indicates suffer only.


>>> On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 Wendy Vasicek wrote :

>>>> Dear Vic,


>>>> ///I see that twins have nearly identical charts but

>>>> their lifes take

>>>> distinctly different directions BOTH RELATED

>> intimately

>>>> to their

>>>> charts, but both unfolding two different

>> possibilities.

>>>> One of them is

>>>> plugging in refrigerators, the other is plugging in

>>>> ovens. And thus

>>>> the outcome is externally different but internally

>>>> connected.///


>>>> The charts of twins with seemingly identical

>> horoscopes

>>>> need to be read

>>>> very carefully (incorporating the finest dasa period)

>> .

>>>> The following

>>>> article is my attempt to explain this.


>>>> http://jyotishvidya.com/twins.htm


>>>> ///Also we see that performance of yagna, religious

>>>> rituatual, wearing of

>>>> gems, chanting of mantra DEFINITELY HAS AN EFFECT on


>>>> as it is written in the horoscope.///


>>>> Even this will be reflected in the horoscope; strong

>>>> 9th house/Jupiter:

>>>> good fortune, support of nature, solution to

>> problems,

>>>> remedies,

>>>> medicine, yagya, tapas etc..


>>>> Best Wishes,

>>>> Mrs. Wendy

>>>> http://JyotishVidya.com

>>>> ___



>>>> -

>>>> " Vic D " <vicdicara

>>>> <jyotish-vidya >

>>>> Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:56 AM

>>>> Re: Article on Jyotish



>>>> Dear Mrs. Wendy,


>>>> I really enjoyed your response and thank you for it.

>>>> Let me address it:


>>>>> 1) Prarabdha Karma is what is written in the

>>>> horoscope. This is

>>>>> already

>>>>> written, set in stone so to speak.


>>>> Are we certain that what the horoscope indicates is

>>>> entirely set in

>>>> stone? I am more of the opinion that Karma is a

>>>> swirling abstract

>>>> energy, not a list of deeds inscribed into a tablet.

>> I

>>>> feel that

>>>> karmic energy can create one outcome or the other

>>>> depending on how it

>>>> is directed - must as electric directed into a

>> radiator

>>>> creates heat,

>>>> but directed into an air conditioner creates cold.


>>>> I see that twins have nearly identical charts but

>> their

>>>> lifes take

>>>> distinctly different directions BOTH RELATED

>> intimately

>>>> to their

>>>> charts, but both unfolding two different

>> possibilities.

>>>> One of them is

>>>> plugging in refrigerators, the other is plugging in

>>>> ovens. And thus

>>>> the outcome is externally different but internally

>>>> connected.


>>>> Also we see that performance of yagna, religious

>>>> rituatual, wearing of

>>>> gems, chanting of mantra DEFINITELY HAS AN EFFECT on

>>>> the PRARABDHA

>>>> KARMA as it is written in the horoscope.


>>>> ~ Vic DiCara


>>>> www.vicdicara.com

>>>> www.vedicastrologer.net





>>> ---



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Dear Balaji,


I place a lot of emphasis on the power of words and the terminology we

choose to use. I have chosen to give up the use of the term

" functional malefic " or " functional benefic " because I feel it clouds

the issue more than clarifies it. I have decided that the benefics are

" benefic " and the malefics are " malefic " - this is a description of a

planet's inherent personality. The nature of a planet due to the

houses it owns is a related but distinct consideration - therefore I

don't want to use the same terminology to describe both.


It is a fact that a benefic who owns a house of suffering will carry

the energy of that house. However, because I am very picky with

semantics (as all thought is based in language and words), I choose

not to call the owner of a bad house a " malefic " or a " functional

malefic " because it is confusing and unnecessarily complicated. For

example Venus is a benefic planet - if I call her a " functional

malefic " because she owns a difficult house, that to me is

unnecessarily complicated language - which will impair my ability to

meditate upon the situations clearly.


Rather, if a benefic owns a bad house, he or she is still and alway a

benefic. The only difference is that he or she is a benefic who ALSO

carryies some " bad luggage " . Or more clearly - a " benefic who owns a

difficult house. "


The reverse is also true. Saturn is Saturn, for example. Yes he is my

lagnesh - therefore he is a malefic who is also the lagnesh and who

also owns the 2nd house. Using this terminology I can more easily sort

things out and organize effects and interpretations in my thought



For my son, for example, Saturn is a malefic (as he is for everyone)

who is ALSO a yogakaraka. I find it much more productive to use this

style of description rather than trying to lump a single description

onto Saturn, or worse to use the same terminology in two contrary



I was lead to adopt this stance on terminology by examining the

behavior of exalted natural malefics and the practical effects of

benefics owning bad houses.


For example, Jupiter owns my 3rd and 12th Houses. Nonetheless he is a

benefic. In my case he is a benefic who is also connected to loss and

desire, spirituality and motivation, sex and art, etc. Hopefully at

this point the purpose of my using the terminology I use is clear: I

find it highly beneficial to separate the planet's inherent

personality from it's the additional energies it is also connected

with due to house ownership. For this reason I don't want to use the

same terminology ( " Malefic " and " Benefic " ) to describe both.


~ Vic DiCara





PS - By the way I consider the 3rd to be a *mild* dusthan, not a bad

one. And the 11th I consider a neutral or slightly positive place.




On Nov 11, 2008, at 9:51 PM, Balaji Narasimhan wrote:


> [Wendy ji]


> ///I did enjoy reading your article! Not too lengthy so easy for a

> weary mind to appreciate :-)///


> Thanks! :-)


> [Vic ji]


> ///With a name like Balaji I suddenly find myself remembering

> Annakut!///


> Er... I don't understand?


> ///In the case of Leo, Venus is a benefic (period).///


> But, is not the third a malefic? Wendy ji had, some time ago,

> mentioned Krishna's line in Bagavat Gita and related it to the

> trishadyas. The 3rd, 6th and 11th govern desire, anger and greed

> respectvely, and this makes these houses evil.


> ///I applaud your selection of topic. I am not sure if I agree on a

> fine point that a strong third house will stop a person from

> believing in fate.///


> Thanks! :-) BTW, the third does play a role here--Wendy ji pointed

> it out a long time ago while we were studying the chart of one of

> her sons, I think...


> ///PS - Balaji, I also don't appreciate any cheap shots pertaining

> in any way to the Moon! =) (j/k) even though it WAS cute.///


> It was not a " cheap shot. " I love puns - can't help it, Budha is my

> Lagna lord! :-)


> ///In my opinion your hand broke (and everything else that ever

> happened " to " you) in an attempt to raise your consciousness and

> help your evolution towards enlightenment///


> I agree with you--but, due to limits of space (the article had to be

> less than 500 words and had to have some humor in it) I couldn't put

> all this in.


> However, after breaking my hand, I realized that I could drive my

> sister's moped with one hand in a cast. Even now, I'm driving my

> sister's bike with only my right hand, though my left hand is

> healing fast.


> Of course the accident happened in BU-SA-BU because Budha, karaka

> for hands, was transiting 2nd (12th house of loss from 3rd house of

> hands).


> BTW, I really liked the article on your site! :-)


> ~~~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan

> Author & Editor

> http://www.balaji.ind.in/

> ~~~~~~~~~





> ---



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Vic ji,


///I place a lot of emphasis on the power of words and the terminology we choose

to use. I have chosen to give up the use of the term " functional malefic " or

" functional benefic " because I feel it clouds the issue more than clarifies it.

I have decided that the benefics are " benefic " and the malefics are " malefic " ///


So, you mean, for a person with Tula Lagna with Sani in Lagna, he is still



///For example Venus is a benefic planet - if I call her a " functional malefic "

because she owns a difficult house, that to me is unnecessarily complicated

language - which will impair my ability to meditate upon the situations



You remind me of a guy I know, with Makara Lagna, who claims that Guru is ALWAYS

good. He has Guru in the 5th, and he can't get along with any of his kids!


Before I learnt Jyotish, I too believed in just the concept of " malefic " and

benefic " as an inherent quality of a graha. Only time and knowledge made me

realize that onwership of houses if important. Fail to consider this, and your

predictions will go wrong.


///PS - By the way I consider the 3rd to be a *mild* dusthan, not a bad one. And

the 11th I consider a neutral or slightly positive place.///


Some of these thinks you say are, very frankly, quite contrary to what I learnt

from Wendy ji. And, given a choice, I would rather stick with my guru's

teachings. Please don't feel offended by my words.



Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor



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Thanks Vic!


--- On Thu, 13/11/08, Vic D <vicdicara wrote:

Vic D <vicdicara

Re: Article on Jyotish


Thursday, 13 November, 2008, 3:52 AM












Dear Krishna,




> I am extending what I read. Hence, I could be wrong. Please do


> correct me if it is so.




IMO you are perfectly correct.




~ Vic DiCara




www.vicdicara. com


www.vedicastrologer .net




























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Dear Balaji,


" Malefic " or " Benefic " (in my lexicon) refers to the planet's

intrinsic PERSONALITY. Yes, even for Tula Lagna, Saturn is still the

same person. However for Tula, this same person is ALSO the

yogakaraka. He is a malefic personality who will do many very good

things for the native.


You say I remind you of someone who thinks that Jupiter is always

good. But has Jupiter in his 5th House and a terrible relationship

with his children.


You are being too sloppy with your wording to understand my point

clearly. I do not say that Jupiter is " always good " ! I say that

Jupiter always has a " benefic personality. " For exampe, in my case

(Makara Lagna), Jupiter is a benefic personality who will cause a lot

of distress, spiritual opportunities, and manual skills (being the

lord of the 3rd and 12th).


PS - the principle is that the karaka of a house is bad for the

related PERSON when placed in the house itself. Thus Jupiter in the

5th has a negative effect on the children. Venus in the 7th a negative

effect on the spouse, etc.


Ownership of houses !!!IS!!! important. I am simply stating that it is

best to keep the effects of house lordship separated from the

intrinsic nature of the planet in your contemplations and while you

attempt to meditate on a reading.




~ Vic DiCara









On Nov 12, 2008, at 9:52 PM, Balaji Narasimhan wrote:


> Vic ji,


> ///I place a lot of emphasis on the power of words and the

> terminology we choose to use. I have chosen to give up the use of

> the term " functional malefic " or " functional benefic " because I feel

> it clouds the issue more than clarifies it. I have decided that the

> benefics are " benefic " and the malefics are " malefic " ///


> So, you mean, for a person with Tula Lagna with Sani in Lagna, he is

> still malefic?


> ///For example Venus is a benefic planet - if I call her a

> " functional malefic " because she owns a difficult house, that to me

> is unnecessarily complicated language - which will impair my ability

> to meditate upon the situations clearly.///


> You remind me of a guy I know, with Makara Lagna, who claims that

> Guru is ALWAYS good. He has Guru in the 5th, and he can't get along

> with any of his kids!


> Before I learnt Jyotish, I too believed in just the concept of

> " malefic " and benefic " as an inherent quality of a graha. Only time

> and knowledge made me realize that onwership of houses if important.

> Fail to consider this, and your predictions will go wrong.


> ///PS - By the way I consider the 3rd to be a *mild* dusthan, not a

> bad one. And the 11th I consider a neutral or slightly positive

> place.///


> Some of these thinks you say are, very frankly, quite contrary to

> what I learnt from Wendy ji. And, given a choice, I would rather

> stick with my guru's teachings. Please don't feel offended by my

> words.


> ~~~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan

> Author & Editor

> http://www.balaji.ind.in/

> ~~~~~~~~~





> ---



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Vic ji,


///You are being too sloppy with your wording to understand my point clearly. I

do not say that Jupiter is " always good " ! I say that Jupiter always has a

" benefic personality. " ///


Could we avoid words like " sloppy " which are bound to irk without illuminating?


I KNOW that Guru is a natural benefic. Maybe, you should understand the

difference between natural and functional benefics and malefics before you

continue to advice me?


Wendy ji has usually made references in her posts like " F/M Guru, " etc. I have

always read this as functional malefic Guru--that is, the natural benefic Guru

is a malefic in the chart being discussed.



Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor



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