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lagna n 7th house connection

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The MOON in the chart has its dispositor in the 11th house, the JUPITER: relief.

She goes on to do the GURU, JUPITER pooja. She will get relief from her husband,

children, co borns and friends and also (finances)


It is not SATURN, I was thinking something else.




Thursday, July 17, 2008 11:47 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection



Dear Pooja,


I understand you will not discuss much about this chart to your friend, as she

is already depressed.


There is some' VAIRAGYA ' involved but can not tell when.


You already mention that she is devoted to SHIVA.


The MOON in the chart is a lonely planet and its dispositor, SATURN, is malefic

and and too in the 8th house. Its a double whammy.


About the GURU pooja.


Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.


But on THURSDAYS she can observe fast, dedicating the THURSDAY food the the

JUPITER. And tell her to chant MRUTYUNJAYA MANTRA everyday and definitely on

THURSDAYS, after chanting of these mantra She needs to pray the SHIVA to relieve

her from the present difficulties.


She can eat fruits on Thursdays. If she feeds the needy and ill, in the name of

The JUPITER, it will be better


NO hard work. She will be able to live a decent life and will get a job within

weeks or months after this.


One more thing. Did she get married with traditional Hindu Ceremony? If she had,

they would have done the GURU pooja in their own way.


Now, whatever she does she does herself and the JUPITER, no third party

involved. If I get headache and you take medicine, my headache won't go and you

will get ill!


Its all karma., law of cause and effect.






pooja Sharma

Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:29 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


dear babu,

now,all the planets seem to be malefic in one way or other according to what our

group discussed so far.i really didnt know the horo was so much afflicted.does

it mean she is destined to live such a life and there is no ray of hope?cud u

please elaborate ''guru pooja " ?(she doesnt follow any guru).

one more thing.as i told u,she is so much inclined towards spirituality.wud such

bad afflictions leading to failures in every aspect of life wont take her

towards vairagya/sanyasa?

(one more thing,she was a scholar thruout her academic years,a sports person,a

leader of the sorts.she switched so many jobs but cudnt retain any.she is

jobless till date.)

kindly comment



--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Narendra <naren.dra wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:36 PM


Thank you for the compliment, Vic.


Please have a look at this chart again.


The JUPITER, as a lord of the 6th house also becomes a malefic, due to its

mooltrikona, Sagittarius rashi there. So it would cast a malefic aspect on the

7th house(husband) , 3rd house (younger co born) and the fifth house( love,

romance, progeny)


Apart from that the 5th lord MARS is in the 8th house, unfulfilled desires, out

of control and this hasty step to get married, on her own initiative.


And according to the Hindu tradition the marriage of a woman is considered as a

new birth (of a woman) and for that the JUPITER must be good and strong. In

here, I can not say the same of JUPITER.


What the lady in question has to do is the GURU (JUPITER) pooja to pacify the

'gods'. Otherwise its all 'rolla golla' (problems)


Please correct me.






Vic D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:01 PM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Dear Babu


On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:18 AM, Narendra wrote:


> 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

> partnership she is in.



> I am following this argument with keen interest and I feel the above

> is correct.


> The point is the SATURN's mooltrikona rashi is in the 8th house and

> therefore he becomes absolute malefic and causes 'garbad' with the

> younger co borns of the native, husband's family and even her status

> as a married woman is in trouble.


> But correct me, I am leraner.


IMO, this was an EXCELLENT assesment.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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PS: ///...and here (also) is a reference to the tenth incarnation (Kalki


which is associated with the Temporal Lobe. More on this when time



It would seem that the planet associated with Kalki Avatar could be Ketu

who is closely associated with the Nucleus Caudatus (tail) which sits

near the amygdala in the temporal lobe, an area of the central nervous

system that is closely associated with learning and emotions.


Source: Human Physiology (expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature)





Dear Jai, Vic and All,


Just a brief visit here (for now) as I have a lot to catch up on

(off-list) after a week of enforced rest. It's quite uncanny how the

topic of Avatars should pop up on the very day I received the latest

addition to my bookshelf. I will quote just a little from this

wonderfully incredible book...



The following summary from the Vedic Literature gives a brief account of

Buddha Avatar, Vishnu's incarnation as Buddha.

" Once, in a battle between the Devas and the Asuras, the Devas were

defeated by the Daityas, or demons, the sons of Diti. The Devas went to

Vishnu for help, and as a result Vishnu agreed to incarnate as Gautam,

the Buddha, to restore life in accord with Natural Law. "


Buddha is associated with the Brainstem and Thalamus. The nearest

satellite to the thalamus is the sub-thalamus. The functions of the

sub-thalamic nucleus express the quality of discrimination, which is also

a quality assigned to Budh in Jyotish...etc..


....and here (also) is a reference to the tenth incarnation (Kalki Avatar)

which is associated with the Temporal Lobe. More on this when time



Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







" Jai Dixit " <jaidixit74

<jyotish-vidya >

Thursday, July 17, 2008 3:24 AM

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection



Dear Vic Prabhu,


//It is possible because planets are associated with deities. Not sure

about Rama. But Mercury is Vishnu, Jupiter is Krishna, Saturn is

Shiva. Those are the main three in my opinion//




From Sun came the incarnation of Rama, from Moon that of Krishna, from

Mars that of Narasimha, from Mercury that of Buddha, from Jupiter that

of Vamana, from Venus that of Parashurama, from Saturn that of Kurma

(Tortoise), from Rahu that of Varaha (Pig) and from Ketu that of Pisces

(Fish) occurred. Incarnations other than these also are through the

Planets. The beings with more Paramatmâñú are called divine beings.


Not sure about Budha associated with Buddha as there are some schools of

Hinduism that dismisses Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu. Also which planet

would be associate with Kalki who is yet to come is another question.


Lord Subramanya or Muruga is associated with Rahu. Normally people with

afflicted Rahu are suggested to visit and offer their prayers to Kukke

Subramanya in Karnataka.





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dear sir,

i really feel sympathetic towards this friend.but sir,one thing still troubles







(previously,as i told u ,she was enjoying a wonderful life.she used to be a HERO

of the sorts.)

im confused.

anybody help?



--- On Thu, 7/17/08, Narendra <naren.dra wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:47 AM







Dear Pooja,


I understand you will not discuss much about this chart to your friend, as she

is already depressed.


There is some' VAIRAGYA ' involved but can not tell when.


You already mention that she is devoted to SHIVA.


The MOON in the chart is a lonely planet and its dispositor, SATURN, is malefic

and and too in the 8th house. Its a double whammy.


About the GURU pooja.


Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.


But on THURSDAYS she can observe fast, dedicating the THURSDAY food the the

JUPITER. And tell her to chant MRUTYUNJAYA MANTRA everyday and definitely on

THURSDAYS, after chanting of these mantra She needs to pray the SHIVA to relieve

her from the present difficulties.


She can eat fruits on Thursdays. If she feeds the needy and ill, in the name of

The JUPITER, it will be better


NO hard work. She will be able to live a decent life and will get a job within

weeks or months after this.


One more thing. Did she get married with traditional Hindu Ceremony? If she had,

they would have done the GURU pooja in their own way.


Now, whatever she does she does herself and the JUPITER, no third party

involved. If I get headache and you take medicine, my headache won't go and you

will get ill!


Its all karma., law of cause and effect.






pooja Sharma

Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:29 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


dear babu,

now,all the planets seem to be malefic in one way or other according to what our

group discussed so far.i really didnt know the horo was so much afflicted.does

it mean she is destined to live such a life and there is no ray of hope?cud u

please elaborate ''guru pooja " ?(she doesnt follow any guru).

one more thing.as i told u,she is so much inclined towards spirituality. wud

such bad afflictions leading to failures in every aspect of life wont take her

towards vairagya/sanyasa?

(one more thing,she was a scholar thruout her academic years,a sports person,a

leader of the sorts.she switched so many jobs but cudnt retain any.she is

jobless till date.)

kindly comment



--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:36 PM


Thank you for the compliment, Vic.


Please have a look at this chart again.


The JUPITER, as a lord of the 6th house also becomes a malefic, due to its

mooltrikona, Sagittarius rashi there. So it would cast a malefic aspect on the

7th house(husband) , 3rd house (younger co born) and the fifth house( love,

romance, progeny)


Apart from that the 5th lord MARS is in the 8th house, unfulfilled desires, out

of control and this hasty step to get married, on her own initiative.


And according to the Hindu tradition the marriage of a woman is considered as a

new birth (of a woman) and for that the JUPITER must be good and strong. In

here, I can not say the same of JUPITER.


What the lady in question has to do is the GURU (JUPITER) pooja to pacify the

'gods'. Otherwise its all 'rolla golla' (problems)


Please correct me.






Vic D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:01 PM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Dear Babu


On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:18 AM, Narendra wrote:


> 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

> partnership she is in.



> I am following this argument with keen interest and I feel the above

> is correct.


> The point is the SATURN's mooltrikona rashi is in the 8th house and

> therefore he becomes absolute malefic and causes 'garbad' with the

> younger co borns of the native, husband's family and even her status

> as a married woman is in trouble.


> But correct me, I am leraner.


IMO, this was an EXCELLENT assesment.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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dear sir,


//Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.//


sir,what ive learnt is that lords of trikonas are unconditional benefics

irrespective of their other bad lordships.


kidly comment




--- On Fri, 7/18/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9 wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Friday, July 18, 2008, 9:21 AM







dear sir,

i really feel sympathetic towards this friend.but sir,one thing still troubles







(previously, as i told u ,she was enjoying a wonderful life.she used to be a

HERO of the sorts.)

im confused.

anybody help?



--- On Thu, 7/17/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:47 AM


Dear Pooja,


I understand you will not discuss much about this chart to your friend, as she

is already depressed.


There is some' VAIRAGYA ' involved but can not tell when.


You already mention that she is devoted to SHIVA.


The MOON in the chart is a lonely planet and its dispositor, SATURN, is malefic

and and too in the 8th house. Its a double whammy.


About the GURU pooja.


Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.


But on THURSDAYS she can observe fast, dedicating the THURSDAY food the the

JUPITER. And tell her to chant MRUTYUNJAYA MANTRA everyday and definitely on

THURSDAYS, after chanting of these mantra She needs to pray the SHIVA to relieve

her from the present difficulties.


She can eat fruits on Thursdays. If she feeds the needy and ill, in the name of

The JUPITER, it will be better


NO hard work. She will be able to live a decent life and will get a job within

weeks or months after this.


One more thing. Did she get married with traditional Hindu Ceremony? If she had,

they would have done the GURU pooja in their own way.


Now, whatever she does she does herself and the JUPITER, no third party

involved. If I get headache and you take medicine, my headache won't go and you

will get ill!


Its all karma., law of cause and effect.






pooja Sharma

Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:29 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


dear babu,

now,all the planets seem to be malefic in one way or other according to what our

group discussed so far.i really didnt know the horo was so much afflicted.does

it mean she is destined to live such a life and there is no ray of hope?cud u

please elaborate ''guru pooja " ?(she doesnt follow any guru).

one more thing.as i told u,she is so much inclined towards spirituality. wud

such bad afflictions leading to failures in every aspect of life wont take her

towards vairagya/sanyasa?

(one more thing,she was a scholar thruout her academic years,a sports person,a

leader of the sorts.she switched so many jobs but cudnt retain any.she is

jobless till date.)

kindly comment



--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:36 PM


Thank you for the compliment, Vic.


Please have a look at this chart again.


The JUPITER, as a lord of the 6th house also becomes a malefic, due to its

mooltrikona, Sagittarius rashi there. So it would cast a malefic aspect on the

7th house(husband) , 3rd house (younger co born) and the fifth house( love,

romance, progeny)


Apart from that the 5th lord MARS is in the 8th house, unfulfilled desires, out

of control and this hasty step to get married, on her own initiative.


And according to the Hindu tradition the marriage of a woman is considered as a

new birth (of a woman) and for that the JUPITER must be good and strong. In

here, I can not say the same of JUPITER.


What the lady in question has to do is the GURU (JUPITER) pooja to pacify the

'gods'. Otherwise its all 'rolla golla' (problems)


Please correct me.






Vic D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:01 PM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Dear Babu


On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:18 AM, Narendra wrote:


> 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

> partnership she is in.



> I am following this argument with keen interest and I feel the above

> is correct.


> The point is the SATURN's mooltrikona rashi is in the 8th house and

> therefore he becomes absolute malefic and causes 'garbad' with the

> younger co borns of the native, husband's family and even her status

> as a married woman is in trouble.


> But correct me, I am leraner.


IMO, this was an EXCELLENT assesment.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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The mooltrikona sign of the JUPITER, The Sagittarius falls in the 6th house,

which is considered a dusthana. and, therefore, he is malefic. He is lord of

the trikona , the 9th house, but he becomes a malefic owing to its mooltrikona

falling in the 6th house.


The JUPITER is a planet of DHARMA, and one goes to DHARMA when in difficulty so

......she may wear the JUPITER, PUKHRAJ , but if the situation aggravates she

has to remove it.


Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her chart

the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is relief, a

way out.


I can understand she is in real difficulties now as she is running the dasha of

moon/rahu/saturn now The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a person like


One thing I fail to understand. The 4th house lord VENUS is combust with the SUN

in the 9th house. This could mean that her father deviated from the social

norms, had no regard for the children and she took her own way. The Rahu in the

4th house suggests troubled childhood. The parentage was poor, her mother has

some problems with health, may be low blood pressure or similar. All this is

guess work. Do not assume it to be correct.


In one of your threads you say where were all these yogas when she got

married? These planetary positions in her chart impelled/compelled her to that

action. Please let me have the date she married, wish to know the planetary

positions (transits)

pooja Sharma

Friday, July 18, 2008 10:34 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection



dear sir,


//Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.//


sir,what ive learnt is that lords of trikonas are unconditional benefics

irrespective of their other bad lordships.


kidly comment



--- On Fri, 7/18/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9 wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Friday, July 18, 2008, 9:21 AM


dear sir,

i really feel sympathetic towards this friend.but sir,one thing still troubles







(previously, as i told u ,she was enjoying a wonderful life.she used to be a

HERO of the sorts.)

im confused.

anybody help?



--- On Thu, 7/17/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:47 AM


Dear Pooja,


I understand you will not discuss much about this chart to your friend, as she

is already depressed.


There is some' VAIRAGYA ' involved but can not tell when.


You already mention that she is devoted to SHIVA.


The MOON in the chart is a lonely planet and its dispositor, SATURN, is malefic

and and too in the 8th house. Its a double whammy.


About the GURU pooja.


Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.


But on THURSDAYS she can observe fast, dedicating the THURSDAY food the the

JUPITER. And tell her to chant MRUTYUNJAYA MANTRA everyday and definitely on

THURSDAYS, after chanting of these mantra She needs to pray the SHIVA to relieve

her from the present difficulties.


She can eat fruits on Thursdays. If she feeds the needy and ill, in the name of

The JUPITER, it will be better


NO hard work. She will be able to live a decent life and will get a job within

weeks or months after this.


One more thing. Did she get married with traditional Hindu Ceremony? If she had,

they would have done the GURU pooja in their own way.


Now, whatever she does she does herself and the JUPITER, no third party

involved. If I get headache and you take medicine, my headache won't go and you

will get ill!


Its all karma., law of cause and effect.






pooja Sharma

Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:29 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


dear babu,

now,all the planets seem to be malefic in one way or other according to what our

group discussed so far.i really didnt know the horo was so much afflicted.does

it mean she is destined to live such a life and there is no ray of hope?cud u

please elaborate ''guru pooja " ?(she doesnt follow any guru).

one more thing.as i told u,she is so much inclined towards spirituality. wud

such bad afflictions leading to failures in every aspect of life wont take her

towards vairagya/sanyasa?

(one more thing,she was a scholar thruout her academic years,a sports person,a

leader of the sorts.she switched so many jobs but cudnt retain any.she is

jobless till date.)

kindly comment



--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:36 PM


Thank you for the compliment, Vic.


Please have a look at this chart again.


The JUPITER, as a lord of the 6th house also becomes a malefic, due to its

mooltrikona, Sagittarius rashi there. So it would cast a malefic aspect on the

7th house(husband) , 3rd house (younger co born) and the fifth house( love,

romance, progeny)


Apart from that the 5th lord MARS is in the 8th house, unfulfilled desires, out

of control and this hasty step to get married, on her own initiative.


And according to the Hindu tradition the marriage of a woman is considered as a

new birth (of a woman) and for that the JUPITER must be good and strong. In

here, I can not say the same of JUPITER.


What the lady in question has to do is the GURU (JUPITER) pooja to pacify the

'gods'. Otherwise its all 'rolla golla' (problems)


Please correct me.






Vic D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:01 PM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Dear Babu


On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:18 AM, Narendra wrote:


> 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

> partnership she is in.



> I am following this argument with keen interest and I feel the above

> is correct.


> The point is the SATURN's mooltrikona rashi is in the 8th house and

> therefore he becomes absolute malefic and causes 'garbad' with the

> younger co borns of the native, husband's family and even her status

> as a married woman is in trouble.


> But correct me, I am leraner.


IMO, this was an EXCELLENT assesment.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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Dear Babu,


You wrote for pooja's friend that jupiter is a malefic in the chart.

But as per parashara's chapter on yogakarakas, jupiter is considered

auspicious planet for Cancer ascendants.Please do refer to the following.



Venus and Mercury are malefics, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are

auspicious. Mars is capable of conferring a full-fledged yoga and

giving auspicious effects. Saturn and the Sun are killers and give

effects according to association. These are Cancer ascendant's effects//


In one of the earlier mails pooja has mentioned the time of marriage

as Jan 2003. At that time the person was running sun/jup dasha. She

got married to the very person whom she loved in that period. See that

jupiter is in 9th house in navamsa ( as vic has pointed earlier, 9th

house relates to long time partnerships via marriage). So IMO, jupiter

is an auspicious planet for her. Please do note that moon in 8th from

jupiter has weakened the helpful planet and strengthening jupiter

would ease her troubles.


You wrote:

// The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her chart the Jupiter is

its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is relief, a way out.//


Jupiter is in the 11th house in the natal chart not in second house.


You wrote:

//The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a person like acid..//


Please don't make such scary statements. Mrs. Wendy has many a times

pointed out that Rahu being a shadow planet cannot act alone. Rahu

takes the quality of the planet in conjunction or that of its

dispositor.The nakshatra in which rahu is placed is also significant.

Here combust venus is the dispositor of 4th house. The individual's

troubled mind is from marital disputes. But with wisdom she would

definitely get over with it.







jyotish-vidya , " Narendra " <naren.dra wrote:


> The mooltrikona sign of the JUPITER, The Sagittarius falls in the

6th house, which is considered a dusthana. and, therefore, he is

malefic. He is lord of the trikona , the 9th house, but he becomes a

malefic owing to its mooltrikona falling in the 6th house.


> The JUPITER is a planet of DHARMA, and one goes to DHARMA when in

difficulty so .....she may wear the JUPITER, PUKHRAJ , but if the

situation aggravates she has to remove it.


> Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON,

of her chart the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second

house. There is relief, a way out.


> I can understand she is in real difficulties now as she is running

the dasha of moon/rahu/saturn now The rahu is in the 4th house and

would 'burn' a person like acid..

> One thing I fail to understand. The 4th house lord VENUS is combust

with the SUN in the 9th house. This could mean that her father

deviated from the social norms, had no regard for the children and she

took her own way. The Rahu in the 4th house suggests troubled

childhood. The parentage was poor, her mother has some problems with

health, may be low blood pressure or similar. All this is guess work.

Do not assume it to be correct.


> In one of your threads you say where were all these yogas when she

got married? These planetary positions in her chart

impelled/compelled her to that action. Please let me have the date she

married, wish to know the planetary positions (transits)

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Dear Pooja,


If you are doubtful regarding a gem, prescribe a mantra instead.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor




On Jul 18, 2008, at 2:34 AM, pooja Sharma wrote:


> dear sir,


> //Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic

> in the chart and may aggravate the situation.//


> sir,what ive learnt is that lords of trikonas are unconditional

> benefics irrespective of their other bad lordships.


> kidly comment

> pooja



> --- On Fri, 7/18/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9 wrote:


> pooja Sharma <poojasharma9

> Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection

> jyotish-vidya

> Friday, July 18, 2008, 9:21 AM

dear sir,

> i really feel sympathetic towards this friend.but sir,one thing

> still troubles me:







> (previously, as i told u ,she was enjoying a wonderful life.she used

> to be a HERO of the sorts.)

> im confused.

> anybody help?


> pooja

> --- On Thu, 7/17/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


> Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

> Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection

> jyotish-vidya

> Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:47 AM


> Dear Pooja,


> I understand you will not discuss much about this chart to your

> friend, as she is already depressed.


> There is some' VAIRAGYA ' involved but can not tell when.


> You already mention that she is devoted to SHIVA.


> The MOON in the chart is a lonely planet and its dispositor, SATURN,

> is malefic and and too in the 8th house. Its a double whammy.


> About the GURU pooja.


> Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in

> the chart and may aggravate the situation.


> But on THURSDAYS she can observe fast, dedicating the THURSDAY food

> the the JUPITER. And tell her to chant MRUTYUNJAYA MANTRA everyday

> and definitely on THURSDAYS, after chanting of these mantra She

> needs to pray the SHIVA to relieve her from the present difficulties.


> She can eat fruits on Thursdays. If she feeds the needy and ill, in

> the name of The JUPITER, it will be better


> NO hard work. She will be able to live a decent life and will get a

> job within weeks or months after this.


> One more thing. Did she get married with traditional Hindu Ceremony?

> If she had, they would have done the GURU pooja in their own way.


> Now, whatever she does she does herself and the JUPITER, no third

> party involved. If I get headache and you take medicine, my headache

> won't go and you will get ill!


> Its all karma., law of cause and effect.


> Regards.


> Babu.


> pooja Sharma

> Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:29 AM

> jyotish-vidya

> Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


> dear babu,

> now,all the planets seem to be malefic in one way or other according

> to what our group discussed so far.i really didnt know the horo was

> so much afflicted.does it mean she is destined to live such a life

> and there is no ray of hope?cud u please elaborate ''guru pooja " ?

> (she doesnt follow any guru).

> one more thing.as i told u,she is so much inclined towards

> spirituality. wud such bad afflictions leading to failures in every

> aspect of life wont take her towards vairagya/sanyasa?

> (one more thing,she was a scholar thruout her academic years,a

> sports person,a leader of the sorts.she switched so many jobs but

> cudnt retain any.she is jobless till date.)

> kindly comment

> pooja


> --- On Wed, 7/16/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


> Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

> Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection

> jyotish-vidya

> Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:36 PM


> Thank you for the compliment, Vic.


> Please have a look at this chart again.


> The JUPITER, as a lord of the 6th house also becomes a malefic, due

> to its mooltrikona, Sagittarius rashi there. So it would cast a

> malefic aspect on the 7th house(husband) , 3rd house (younger co

> born) and the fifth house( love, romance, progeny)


> Apart from that the 5th lord MARS is in the 8th house, unfulfilled

> desires, out of control and this hasty step to get married, on her

> own initiative.


> And according to the Hindu tradition the marriage of a woman is

> considered as a new birth (of a woman) and for that the JUPITER must

> be good and strong. In here, I can not say the same of JUPITER.


> What the lady in question has to do is the GURU (JUPITER) pooja to

> pacify the 'gods'. Otherwise its all 'rolla golla' (problems)


> Please correct me.


> Regards.


> Babu.


> Vic D

> Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:01 PM

> jyotish-vidya

> Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


> Dear Babu


> On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:18 AM, Narendra wrote:


>> 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

>> partnership she is in.



>> I am following this argument with keen interest and I feel the above

>> is correct.


>> The point is the SATURN's mooltrikona rashi is in the 8th house and

>> therefore he becomes absolute malefic and causes 'garbad' with the

>> younger co borns of the native, husband's family and even her status

>> as a married woman is in trouble.


>> But correct me, I am leraner.


> IMO, this was an EXCELLENT assesment.


> Yours,

> Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

> http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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Thank you very much for your comments/reply.


I forgot to mention that the JUPITER in the second house is in the navamansa

chart, I type with one hand with the first right finger My left side is a weak,

a I clean forgot to write that. Jupiter is NOT in the 9th house in the NAVAMANSA



The second point, that is how I felt and read. and had to tell what I

understood. But this was not intended for the owner of the chart. Anyway, I

won't make scary comments.


She got married in January 2003, but what date?








Friday, July 18, 2008 3:08 PM


Re: lagna n 7th house connection



Dear Babu,


You wrote for pooja's friend that jupiter is a malefic in the chart.

But as per parashara's chapter on yogakarakas, jupiter is considered

auspicious planet for Cancer ascendants.Please do refer to the following.



Venus and Mercury are malefics, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are

auspicious. Mars is capable of conferring a full-fledged yoga and

giving auspicious effects. Saturn and the Sun are killers and give

effects according to association. These are Cancer ascendant's effects//


In one of the earlier mails pooja has mentioned the time of marriage

as Jan 2003. At that time the person was running sun/jup dasha. She

got married to the very person whom she loved in that period. See that

jupiter is in 9th house in navamsa ( as vic has pointed earlier, 9th

house relates to long time partnerships via marriage). So IMO, jupiter

is an auspicious planet for her. Please do note that moon in 8th from

jupiter has weakened the helpful planet and strengthening jupiter

would ease her troubles.


You wrote:

// The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her chart the Jupiter is

its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is relief, a way out.//


Jupiter is in the 11th house in the natal chart not in second house.


You wrote:

//The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a person like acid..//


Please don't make such scary statements. Mrs. Wendy has many a times

pointed out that Rahu being a shadow planet cannot act alone. Rahu

takes the quality of the planet in conjunction or that of its

dispositor.The nakshatra in which rahu is placed is also significant.

Here combust venus is the dispositor of 4th house. The individual's

troubled mind is from marital disputes. But with wisdom she would

definitely get over with it.





jyotish-vidya , " Narendra " <naren.dra wrote:


> The mooltrikona sign of the JUPITER, The Sagittarius falls in the

6th house, which is considered a dusthana. and, therefore, he is

malefic. He is lord of the trikona , the 9th house, but he becomes a

malefic owing to its mooltrikona falling in the 6th house.


> The JUPITER is a planet of DHARMA, and one goes to DHARMA when in

difficulty so .....she may wear the JUPITER, PUKHRAJ , but if the

situation aggravates she has to remove it.


> Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON,

of her chart the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second

house. There is relief, a way out.


> I can understand she is in real difficulties now as she is running

the dasha of moon/rahu/saturn now The rahu is in the 4th house and

would 'burn' a person like acid..

> One thing I fail to understand. The 4th house lord VENUS is combust

with the SUN in the 9th house. This could mean that her father

deviated from the social norms, had no regard for the children and she

took her own way. The Rahu in the 4th house suggests troubled

childhood. The parentage was poor, her mother has some problems with

health, may be low blood pressure or similar. All this is guess work.

Do not assume it to be correct.


> In one of your threads you say where were all these yogas when she

got married? These planetary positions in her chart

impelled/compelled her to that action. Please let me have the date she

married, wish to know the planetary positions (transits)









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NO offence of any kind intended. Please correct me


Ok The JUPITER is auspicious for the CANCER Lagna because it owns the 9th house,


But what about his effects of the 6th house where its SAGITTARIUS sign, the

mooltrikona sign falls? SURELY there is some action there!


About the RAHU in the 4th house in the sign of LIBRA whose lord is combust with

the SUN in 9th house. I believe the VENUS is the dispositor of the RAHU. What do

we make of that? And the RAHU is in the naxatra CHITRA of MARS, who is a

yogkaraka but in the 8th house.


I do not want to scare anyone but I had said what I thought.









Friday, July 18, 2008 3:08 PM


Re: lagna n 7th house connection



Dear Babu,


You wrote for pooja's friend that jupiter is a malefic in the chart.

But as per parashara's chapter on yogakarakas, jupiter is considered

auspicious planet for Cancer ascendants.Please do refer to the following.



Venus and Mercury are malefics, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are

auspicious. Mars is capable of conferring a full-fledged yoga and

giving auspicious effects. Saturn and the Sun are killers and give

effects according to association. These are Cancer ascendant's effects//


In one of the earlier mails pooja has mentioned the time of marriage

as Jan 2003. At that time the person was running sun/jup dasha. She

got married to the very person whom she loved in that period. See that

jupiter is in 9th house in navamsa ( as vic has pointed earlier, 9th

house relates to long time partnerships via marriage). So IMO, jupiter

is an auspicious planet for her. Please do note that moon in 8th from

jupiter has weakened the helpful planet and strengthening jupiter

would ease her troubles.


You wrote:

// The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her chart the Jupiter is

its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is relief, a way out.//


Jupiter is in the 11th house in the natal chart not in second house.


You wrote:

//The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a person like acid..//


Please don't make such scary statements. Mrs. Wendy has many a times

pointed out that Rahu being a shadow planet cannot act alone. Rahu

takes the quality of the planet in conjunction or that of its

dispositor.The nakshatra in which rahu is placed is also significant.

Here combust venus is the dispositor of 4th house. The individual's

troubled mind is from marital disputes. But with wisdom she would

definitely get over with it.





jyotish-vidya , " Narendra " <naren.dra wrote:


> The mooltrikona sign of the JUPITER, The Sagittarius falls in the

6th house, which is considered a dusthana. and, therefore, he is

malefic. He is lord of the trikona , the 9th house, but he becomes a

malefic owing to its mooltrikona falling in the 6th house.


> The JUPITER is a planet of DHARMA, and one goes to DHARMA when in

difficulty so .....she may wear the JUPITER, PUKHRAJ , but if the

situation aggravates she has to remove it.


> Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON,

of her chart the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second

house. There is relief, a way out.


> I can understand she is in real difficulties now as she is running

the dasha of moon/rahu/saturn now The rahu is in the 4th house and

would 'burn' a person like acid..

> One thing I fail to understand. The 4th house lord VENUS is combust

with the SUN in the 9th house. This could mean that her father

deviated from the social norms, had no regard for the children and she

took her own way. The Rahu in the 4th house suggests troubled

childhood. The parentage was poor, her mother has some problems with

health, may be low blood pressure or similar. All this is guess work.

Do not assume it to be correct.


> In one of your threads you say where were all these yogas when she

got married? These planetary positions in her chart

impelled/compelled her to that action. Please let me have the date she

married, wish to know the planetary positions (transits)









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Dear Babu,


I am not at all annoyed by your mail, but if I annoyed you, I am

sorry. I understand how difficult it would be for someone to type with

just one hand, ( My father had been through a similar condition some

years ago and I had seen him struggle to do things), and I am very

much willing to share the knowledge I gained being in the group. I

still have lots to learn, though :-)


you wrote:

//But what about his effects of the 6th house where its SAGITTARIUS

sign, the mooltrikona sign falls? SURELY there is some action there!//


yes, there is some action going on there. lagna lord moon is in the

6th house (house of struggles), whose dispositor jupiter is 6th from

it. Moon is karaka for 4th house and is giving shakata yoga. ( please

do go through the interpretation of shakata yoga I have given for the

same chart )Result- logic and reasoning affected giving worries.


Jupiter is strong by parivarthana and in its own house in navamsa ( if

you superimpose navamsa chart with natal chart, jupiter falls in 9th

house- ofcourse it is second from navamsa lagna). So the worries will

come to pass as she grow older.


You wrote:

//About the RAHU in the 4th house in the sign of LIBRA whose lord is

combust with the SUN in 9th house. I believe the VENUS is the

dispositor of the RAHU. What do we make of that? And the RAHU is in

the naxatra CHITRA of MARS, who is a yogkaraka but in the 8th house.//


All relates to struggles related to 4th house. But one needs to

understand that rahu's association with planets which are badly placed

is the source of problem here. Mere rahu in 4th house would not cause

troubles. Moreover, the strength of karakas play a significant role

rather than the occupants of the house.


You wrote:

//I do not want to scare anyone but I had said what I thought.//


If you don't know, the use of examples and metaphors have all created

much trouble in the group over the past few months. In an earlier

mail, You wrote: //The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a

person like acid..//So only I wrote, please don't make scary

statements. Because this is an online discussion group, many things

which we write here could be misinterpreted and my only intention was

to caution you about that.





P.S The date of marriage of the lady was posted by pooja earlier as

jan 25, 2003, I believe. Couldn't locate that post for you, anyway

until 24 june 2006, the lady was going thru sun/jup period.


jyotish-vidya , " Narendra " <naren.dra wrote:


> NO offence of any kind intended. Please correct me


> Ok The JUPITER is auspicious for the CANCER Lagna because it owns

the 9th house, agreed.

> But what about his effects of the 6th house where its SAGITTARIUS

sign, the mooltrikona sign falls? SURELY there is some action there!


> About the RAHU in the 4th house in the sign of LIBRA whose lord is

combust with the SUN in 9th house. I believe the VENUS is the

dispositor of the RAHU. What do we make of that? And the RAHU is in

the naxatra CHITRA of MARS, who is a yogkaraka but in the 8th house.


> I do not want to scare anyone but I had said what I thought.


> Regards.


> Babu




> m2sangeeth

> Friday, July 18, 2008 3:08 PM

> jyotish-vidya

> Re: lagna n 7th house connection



> Dear Babu,


> You wrote for pooja's friend that jupiter is a malefic in the chart.

> But as per parashara's chapter on yogakarakas, jupiter is considered

> auspicious planet for Cancer ascendants.Please do refer to the




> Venus and Mercury are malefics, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are

> auspicious. Mars is capable of conferring a full-fledged yoga and

> giving auspicious effects. Saturn and the Sun are killers and give

> effects according to association. These are Cancer ascendant's effects//


> In one of the earlier mails pooja has mentioned the time of marriage

> as Jan 2003. At that time the person was running sun/jup dasha. She

> got married to the very person whom she loved in that period. See that

> jupiter is in 9th house in navamsa ( as vic has pointed earlier, 9th

> house relates to long time partnerships via marriage). So IMO, jupiter

> is an auspicious planet for her. Please do note that moon in 8th from

> jupiter has weakened the helpful planet and strengthening jupiter

> would ease her troubles.


> You wrote:

> // The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her chart the Jupiter is

> its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is relief, a way



> Jupiter is in the 11th house in the natal chart not in second house.


> You wrote:

> //The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a person like acid..//


> Please don't make such scary statements. Mrs. Wendy has many a times

> pointed out that Rahu being a shadow planet cannot act alone. Rahu

> takes the quality of the planet in conjunction or that of its

> dispositor.The nakshatra in which rahu is placed is also significant.

> Here combust venus is the dispositor of 4th house. The individual's

> troubled mind is from marital disputes. But with wisdom she would

> definitely get over with it.


> Regards,

> manasa.


> jyotish-vidya , " Narendra " <naren.dra@> wrote:

> >

> > The mooltrikona sign of the JUPITER, The Sagittarius falls in the

> 6th house, which is considered a dusthana. and, therefore, he is

> malefic. He is lord of the trikona , the 9th house, but he becomes a

> malefic owing to its mooltrikona falling in the 6th house.

> >

> > The JUPITER is a planet of DHARMA, and one goes to DHARMA when in

> difficulty so .....she may wear the JUPITER, PUKHRAJ , but if the

> situation aggravates she has to remove it.

> >

> > Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON,

> of her chart the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second

> house. There is relief, a way out.

> >

> > I can understand she is in real difficulties now as she is running

> the dasha of moon/rahu/saturn now The rahu is in the 4th house and

> would 'burn' a person like acid..

> > One thing I fail to understand. The 4th house lord VENUS is combust

> with the SUN in the 9th house. This could mean that her father

> deviated from the social norms, had no regard for the children and she

> took her own way. The Rahu in the 4th house suggests troubled

> childhood. The parentage was poor, her mother has some problems with

> health, may be low blood pressure or similar. All this is guess work.

> Do not assume it to be correct.

> >

> > In one of your threads you say where were all these yogas when she

> got married? These planetary positions in her chart

> impelled/compelled her to that action. Please let me have the date she

> married, wish to know the planetary positions (transits)



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Dear Manasa ,


Thank you very much for your reply.


We are all members of this astrology family and I am happy to be part of it.


I have learnt from your comments and I feel I am on the sea shore collecting

sands, the pearls are in the deep ocean of astrology, The Holy Science.











Friday, July 18, 2008 9:02 PM


Re: lagna n 7th house connection



Dear Babu,


I am not at all annoyed by your mail, but if I annoyed you, I am

sorry. I understand how difficult it would be for someone to type with

just one hand, ( My father had been through a similar condition some

years ago and I had seen him struggle to do things), and I am very

much willing to share the knowledge I gained being in the group. I

still have lots to learn, though :-)


you wrote:

//But what about his effects of the 6th house where its SAGITTARIUS

sign, the mooltrikona sign falls? SURELY there is some action there!//


yes, there is some action going on there. lagna lord moon is in the

6th house (house of struggles), whose dispositor jupiter is 6th from

it. Moon is karaka for 4th house and is giving shakata yoga. ( please

do go through the interpretation of shakata yoga I have given for the

same chart )Result- logic and reasoning affected giving worries.


Jupiter is strong by parivarthana and in its own house in navamsa ( if

you superimpose navamsa chart with natal chart, jupiter falls in 9th

house- ofcourse it is second from navamsa lagna). So the worries will

come to pass as she grow older.


You wrote:

//About the RAHU in the 4th house in the sign of LIBRA whose lord is

combust with the SUN in 9th house. I believe the VENUS is the

dispositor of the RAHU. What do we make of that? And the RAHU is in

the naxatra CHITRA of MARS, who is a yogkaraka but in the 8th house.//


All relates to struggles related to 4th house. But one needs to

understand that rahu's association with planets which are badly placed

is the source of problem here. Mere rahu in 4th house would not cause

troubles. Moreover, the strength of karakas play a significant role

rather than the occupants of the house.


You wrote:

//I do not want to scare anyone but I had said what I thought.//


If you don't know, the use of examples and metaphors have all created

much trouble in the group over the past few months. In an earlier

mail, You wrote: //The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a

person like acid..//So only I wrote, please don't make scary

statements. Because this is an online discussion group, many things

which we write here could be misinterpreted and my only intention was

to caution you about that.





P.S The date of marriage of the lady was posted by pooja earlier as

jan 25, 2003, I believe. Couldn't locate that post for you, anyway

until 24 june 2006, the lady was going thru sun/jup period.


jyotish-vidya , " Narendra " <naren.dra wrote:


> NO offence of any kind intended. Please correct me


> Ok The JUPITER is auspicious for the CANCER Lagna because it owns

the 9th house, agreed.

> But what about his effects of the 6th house where its SAGITTARIUS

sign, the mooltrikona sign falls? SURELY there is some action there!


> About the RAHU in the 4th house in the sign of LIBRA whose lord is

combust with the SUN in 9th house. I believe the VENUS is the

dispositor of the RAHU. What do we make of that? And the RAHU is in

the naxatra CHITRA of MARS, who is a yogkaraka but in the 8th house.


> I do not want to scare anyone but I had said what I thought.


> Regards.


> Babu




> m2sangeeth

> Friday, July 18, 2008 3:08 PM

> jyotish-vidya

> Re: lagna n 7th house connection



> Dear Babu,


> You wrote for pooja's friend that jupiter is a malefic in the chart.

> But as per parashara's chapter on yogakarakas, jupiter is considered

> auspicious planet for Cancer ascendants.Please do refer to the




> Venus and Mercury are malefics, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are

> auspicious. Mars is capable of conferring a full-fledged yoga and

> giving auspicious effects. Saturn and the Sun are killers and give

> effects according to association. These are Cancer ascendant's effects//


> In one of the earlier mails pooja has mentioned the time of marriage

> as Jan 2003. At that time the person was running sun/jup dasha. She

> got married to the very person whom she loved in that period. See that

> jupiter is in 9th house in navamsa ( as vic has pointed earlier, 9th

> house relates to long time partnerships via marriage). So IMO, jupiter

> is an auspicious planet for her. Please do note that moon in 8th from

> jupiter has weakened the helpful planet and strengthening jupiter

> would ease her troubles.


> You wrote:

> // The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her chart the Jupiter is

> its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is relief, a way



> Jupiter is in the 11th house in the natal chart not in second house.


> You wrote:

> //The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a person like acid..//


> Please don't make such scary statements. Mrs. Wendy has many a times

> pointed out that Rahu being a shadow planet cannot act alone. Rahu

> takes the quality of the planet in conjunction or that of its

> dispositor.The nakshatra in which rahu is placed is also significant.

> Here combust venus is the dispositor of 4th house. The individual's

> troubled mind is from marital disputes. But with wisdom she would

> definitely get over with it.


> Regards,

> manasa.


> jyotish-vidya , " Narendra " <naren.dra@> wrote:

> >

> > The mooltrikona sign of the JUPITER, The Sagittarius falls in the

> 6th house, which is considered a dusthana. and, therefore, he is

> malefic. He is lord of the trikona , the 9th house, but he becomes a

> malefic owing to its mooltrikona falling in the 6th house.

> >

> > The JUPITER is a planet of DHARMA, and one goes to DHARMA when in

> difficulty so .....she may wear the JUPITER, PUKHRAJ , but if the

> situation aggravates she has to remove it.

> >

> > Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON,

> of her chart the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second

> house. There is relief, a way out.

> >

> > I can understand she is in real difficulties now as she is running

> the dasha of moon/rahu/saturn now The rahu is in the 4th house and

> would 'burn' a person like acid..

> > One thing I fail to understand. The 4th house lord VENUS is combust

> with the SUN in the 9th house. This could mean that her father

> deviated from the social norms, had no regard for the children and she

> took her own way. The Rahu in the 4th house suggests troubled

> childhood. The parentage was poor, her mother has some problems with

> health, may be low blood pressure or similar. All this is guess work.

> Do not assume it to be correct.

> >

> > In one of your threads you say where were all these yogas when she

> got married? These planetary positions in her chart

> impelled/compelled her to that action. Please let me have the date she

> married, wish to know the planetary positions (transits)



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dear sir,

her date of marriage:25jan.2003


//Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her

chart the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is

relief, a way out.//


here i beg your pardon sir.moon's dispositor jupiter is in eleventh house in

taurus in exchange with venus who occupies its 9th house of pisces.kindly make

the correction.


sir,of the four daughters,she is the one who has always been favoured by her

father.he is her role model.infact,she spent all her childhood coming upto the

expectations of her father,trying to become his " SON " .yes,she had a bit strained

relations with her mother,but not that much.






--- On Fri, 7/18/08, Narendra <naren.dra wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Friday, July 18, 2008, 11:18 AM







The mooltrikona sign of the JUPITER, The Sagittarius falls in the 6th house,

which is considered a dusthana. and, therefore, he is malefic. He is lord of the

trikona , the 9th house, but he becomes a malefic owing to its mooltrikona

falling in the 6th house.


The JUPITER is a planet of DHARMA, and one goes to DHARMA when in difficulty so

......she may wear the JUPITER, PUKHRAJ , but if the situation aggravates she has

to remove it.


Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her chart

the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is relief, a

way out.


I can understand she is in real difficulties now as she is running the dasha of

moon/rahu/saturn now The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a person like


One thing I fail to understand. The 4th house lord VENUS is combust with the SUN

in the 9th house. This could mean that her father deviated from the social

norms, had no regard for the children and she took her own way. The Rahu in the

4th house suggests troubled childhood. The parentage was poor, her mother has

some problems with health, may be low blood pressure or similar. All this is

guess work. Do not assume it to be correct.


In one of your threads you say where were all these yogas when she got married?

These planetary positions in her chart impelled/compelled her to that action.

Please let me have the date she married, wish to know the planetary positions


pooja Sharma

Friday, July 18, 2008 10:34 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


dear sir,


//Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.//


sir,what ive learnt is that lords of trikonas are unconditional benefics

irrespective of their other bad lordships.


kidly comment



--- On Fri, 7/18/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Friday, July 18, 2008, 9:21 AM


dear sir,

i really feel sympathetic towards this friend.but sir,one thing still troubles







(previously, as i told u ,she was enjoying a wonderful life.she used to be a

HERO of the sorts.)

im confused.

anybody help?



--- On Thu, 7/17/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:47 AM


Dear Pooja,


I understand you will not discuss much about this chart to your friend, as she

is already depressed.


There is some' VAIRAGYA ' involved but can not tell when.


You already mention that she is devoted to SHIVA.


The MOON in the chart is a lonely planet and its dispositor, SATURN, is malefic

and and too in the 8th house. Its a double whammy.


About the GURU pooja.


Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.


But on THURSDAYS she can observe fast, dedicating the THURSDAY food the the

JUPITER. And tell her to chant MRUTYUNJAYA MANTRA everyday and definitely on

THURSDAYS, after chanting of these mantra She needs to pray the SHIVA to relieve

her from the present difficulties.


She can eat fruits on Thursdays. If she feeds the needy and ill, in the name of

The JUPITER, it will be better


NO hard work. She will be able to live a decent life and will get a job within

weeks or months after this.


One more thing. Did she get married with traditional Hindu Ceremony? If she had,

they would have done the GURU pooja in their own way.


Now, whatever she does she does herself and the JUPITER, no third party

involved. If I get headache and you take medicine, my headache won't go and you

will get ill!


Its all karma., law of cause and effect.






pooja Sharma

Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:29 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


dear babu,

now,all the planets seem to be malefic in one way or other according to what our

group discussed so far.i really didnt know the horo was so much afflicted.does

it mean she is destined to live such a life and there is no ray of hope?cud u

please elaborate ''guru pooja " ?(she doesnt follow any guru).

one more thing.as i told u,she is so much inclined towards spirituality. wud

such bad afflictions leading to failures in every aspect of life wont take her

towards vairagya/sanyasa?

(one more thing,she was a scholar thruout her academic years,a sports person,a

leader of the sorts.she switched so many jobs but cudnt retain any.she is

jobless till date.)

kindly comment



--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:36 PM


Thank you for the compliment, Vic.


Please have a look at this chart again.


The JUPITER, as a lord of the 6th house also becomes a malefic, due to its

mooltrikona, Sagittarius rashi there. So it would cast a malefic aspect on the

7th house(husband) , 3rd house (younger co born) and the fifth house( love,

romance, progeny)


Apart from that the 5th lord MARS is in the 8th house, unfulfilled desires, out

of control and this hasty step to get married, on her own initiative.


And according to the Hindu tradition the marriage of a woman is considered as a

new birth (of a woman) and for that the JUPITER must be good and strong. In

here, I can not say the same of JUPITER.


What the lady in question has to do is the GURU (JUPITER) pooja to pacify the

'gods'. Otherwise its all 'rolla golla' (problems)


Please correct me.






Vic D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:01 PM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Dear Babu


On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:18 AM, Narendra wrote:


> 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

> partnership she is in.



> I am following this argument with keen interest and I feel the above

> is correct.


> The point is the SATURN's mooltrikona rashi is in the 8th house and

> therefore he becomes absolute malefic and causes 'garbad' with the

> younger co borns of the native, husband's family and even her status

> as a married woman is in trouble.


> But correct me, I am leraner.


IMO, this was an EXCELLENT assesment.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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The Correction:


I explained about this earlier.


The JUPITER is in the second house of the NAVAMANSA chart and not in the RASHI



Someone explained to me that the JUPITER will always be a benefic planet

although its mooltrikona rashi is in the 6th. This is in the PARIVARTANA YOGA

with the VENUS and causes good results .And all the planets that are involved in

the PARIVARTANA YOGA are gaining strength, so also the VENUS and the SUN are

strengthened. RAHU'S dispositor is strengthened and he becomes powerful..

Your comments prove that. SHE is the role model and acted like a SON. GOD BLESS



The RAHU is transiting over her second house in the sign of CAPRICORN ,

according to the CHANDRA RASHI and this could be causing some tension although

its powerful. This will go away.


But I do not think that there will be any harm if she does GURU pooja, but on

the contrary. She is going to the DHARMA.









pooja Sharma

Saturday, July 19, 2008 6:18 PM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection



dear sir,

her date of marriage:25jan.2003


//Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her

chart the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is

relief, a way out.//


here i beg your pardon sir.moon's dispositor jupiter is in eleventh house in

taurus in exchange with venus who occupies its 9th house of pisces.kindly make

the correction.


sir,of the four daughters,she is the one who has always been favoured by her

father.he is her role model.infact,she spent all her childhood coming upto the

expectations of her father,trying to become his " SON " .yes,she had a bit strained

relations with her mother,but not that much.





--- On Fri, 7/18/08, Narendra <naren.dra wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Friday, July 18, 2008, 11:18 AM


The mooltrikona sign of the JUPITER, The Sagittarius falls in the 6th house,

which is considered a dusthana. and, therefore, he is malefic. He is lord of the

trikona , the 9th house, but he becomes a malefic owing to its mooltrikona

falling in the 6th house.


The JUPITER is a planet of DHARMA, and one goes to DHARMA when in difficulty so

......she may wear the JUPITER, PUKHRAJ , but if the situation aggravates she has

to remove it.


Her horoscope is not that bad. The dispositor of the lagnesh, MOON, of her chart

the Jupiter is its own sign MEENA in the the second house. There is relief, a

way out.


I can understand she is in real difficulties now as she is running the dasha of

moon/rahu/saturn now The rahu is in the 4th house and would 'burn' a person like


One thing I fail to understand. The 4th house lord VENUS is combust with the SUN

in the 9th house. This could mean that her father deviated from the social

norms, had no regard for the children and she took her own way. The Rahu in the

4th house suggests troubled childhood. The parentage was poor, her mother has

some problems with health, may be low blood pressure or similar. All this is

guess work. Do not assume it to be correct.


In one of your threads you say where were all these yogas when she got married?

These planetary positions in her chart impelled/compelled her to that action.

Please let me have the date she married, wish to know the planetary positions


pooja Sharma

Friday, July 18, 2008 10:34 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


dear sir,


//Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.//


sir,what ive learnt is that lords of trikonas are unconditional benefics

irrespective of their other bad lordships.


kidly comment



--- On Fri, 7/18/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Friday, July 18, 2008, 9:21 AM


dear sir,

i really feel sympathetic towards this friend.but sir,one thing still troubles







(previously, as i told u ,she was enjoying a wonderful life.she used to be a

HERO of the sorts.)

im confused.

anybody help?



--- On Thu, 7/17/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 17, 2008, 10:47 AM


Dear Pooja,


I understand you will not discuss much about this chart to your friend, as she

is already depressed.


There is some' VAIRAGYA ' involved but can not tell when.


You already mention that she is devoted to SHIVA.


The MOON in the chart is a lonely planet and its dispositor, SATURN, is malefic

and and too in the 8th house. Its a double whammy.


About the GURU pooja.


Please advise her not wear the JUPITER Gem, because he is malefic in the chart

and may aggravate the situation.


But on THURSDAYS she can observe fast, dedicating the THURSDAY food the the

JUPITER. And tell her to chant MRUTYUNJAYA MANTRA everyday and definitely on

THURSDAYS, after chanting of these mantra She needs to pray the SHIVA to relieve

her from the present difficulties.


She can eat fruits on Thursdays. If she feeds the needy and ill, in the name of

The JUPITER, it will be better


NO hard work. She will be able to live a decent life and will get a job within

weeks or months after this.


One more thing. Did she get married with traditional Hindu Ceremony? If she had,

they would have done the GURU pooja in their own way.


Now, whatever she does she does herself and the JUPITER, no third party

involved. If I get headache and you take medicine, my headache won't go and you

will get ill!


Its all karma., law of cause and effect.






pooja Sharma

Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:29 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


dear babu,

now,all the planets seem to be malefic in one way or other according to what our

group discussed so far.i really didnt know the horo was so much afflicted.does

it mean she is destined to live such a life and there is no ray of hope?cud u

please elaborate ''guru pooja " ?(she doesnt follow any guru).

one more thing.as i told u,she is so much inclined towards spirituality. wud

such bad afflictions leading to failures in every aspect of life wont take her

towards vairagya/sanyasa?

(one more thing,she was a scholar thruout her academic years,a sports person,a

leader of the sorts.she switched so many jobs but cudnt retain any.she is

jobless till date.)

kindly comment



--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Narendra <naren.dra (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 6:36 PM


Thank you for the compliment, Vic.


Please have a look at this chart again.


The JUPITER, as a lord of the 6th house also becomes a malefic, due to its

mooltrikona, Sagittarius rashi there. So it would cast a malefic aspect on the

7th house(husband) , 3rd house (younger co born) and the fifth house( love,

romance, progeny)


Apart from that the 5th lord MARS is in the 8th house, unfulfilled desires, out

of control and this hasty step to get married, on her own initiative.


And according to the Hindu tradition the marriage of a woman is considered as a

new birth (of a woman) and for that the JUPITER must be good and strong. In

here, I can not say the same of JUPITER.


What the lady in question has to do is the GURU (JUPITER) pooja to pacify the

'gods'. Otherwise its all 'rolla golla' (problems)


Please correct me.






Vic D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:01 PM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Dear Babu


On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:18 AM, Narendra wrote:


> 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

> partnership she is in.



> I am following this argument with keen interest and I feel the above

> is correct.


> The point is the SATURN's mooltrikona rashi is in the 8th house and

> therefore he becomes absolute malefic and causes 'garbad' with the

> younger co borns of the native, husband's family and even her status

> as a married woman is in trouble.


> But correct me, I am leraner.


IMO, this was an EXCELLENT assesment.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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