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Dear Manoj Ji,


As lagna lord in 12th, afflicted with ketu, aspected by mars, 6th lord moon is

in lagna 6th has rahu, her health wd not be in good condition, mars aspects 8th

also, so there is vulnerability to her health and her relationship, but jup

gives protection. 8th has debilitated venus, doesn't have protection further it

has mar's aspect, it can give multiple problems bt when ? Let's see, the event

that we wd know about on 28th quiz may help.




, Manoj Chandran

<chandran_manoj wrote:


> Dear Neelam Ji,


> As I read my analysis, I could not believe the following " 5th " possibility

never occurred to me. This is what is called being blinded I think. Excuse me

for offering an " alternate ending " to this saga. May be I can get some " Cookie

Points only " if this prediction comes true.


> I have already elaborated all the points I need to make for this conclusion.

It is amazing I never made it. I feel the Lady herself may have been possibly

diagnosed with a very serious disease or symptoms of a potentially terminal

disease may have surfaced. I was so focussed on 11H being house of Gains that it

missed my mind that it is also 6th from the 6th and can be the house of illness.


> The Dasha sequence also supports this I feel. Since she had Me-Rahu earlier,

Rahu being in the 6H, dispositor Moon in Lagna with Markesh, could have been the

beginning of this illness which then reached its " Peak " during the Jupiter Antar

Dasha. Infact Sun and Moon conjunction or aspectual relationship on the 7th

house is supposed to bring " Kalatra Dosha " through diseases. All the arguments

made for Death of Father/Parent applies amazingly here as well.


> Sun is Karak for health and for heart

> Venus is Karak for female organs

> Leo covers upper abdomen down to navel

> 7H covers lower abdomen and organs there in.


> Sun, Venus, Leo, 7H cusp, 7L, seriously afflicted. As explained in my first

email LL Saturn is also not all that great being placed in Dagsha rashi, very

closely conjunct Ketu, aspected by Mars and aspected by Ketu in transit. It is

interesting that both Capricon and Leo are Dagdha rashis. Combined affliction of

both 22nd Drekkana Lord and 64 Nav lord with Jupiter  spells trouble for the

Native herself. In the Drekkana 22nd Drekkana Lord Me is in Jupiter's sign and

Jupiter is in Mercury's sign. An ominous parivartan of Amshas!


> Hence my alternate conclusion to this is that the Native had either a heart

attack or a stroke (Sun, Lagna, Mercury(nerves)) or even diagnosis of a more

terminal and serious disease. I am not a medical astrology enthisiast hence

unable to be more specific but this can easily be the " other " result for the

8L/2L/11L scenario with 11L taking on the Role of the 6L. Rahu antar sets it up

for Guru (Maraka on Steroids)  to bring it to fruition. Close involvement of

Ketu and Mars guarantees the need for surgery.


> Regards,

>  -Manoj






> ________________________________

> Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj


> Sun, October 25, 2009 6:09:25 AM

> Re: Quiz-2



> Dear Neelam Ji,


> This is a wonderful learning example. Let me give my humble attempt, please

excuse me if it is a bit too long. I found this to be quite tricky and infact

could be a few different events.


> Those who find it too long, please scroll down and I have the key conclusions

highlighted, if you are not interested in the analysis.


> Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)

> Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004


> Static Analysis:

> Yogi: Mars, AvaYogi: Me  Duplicate Yogi: Me

> Dagdha Rashis: Capricon & Leo


> Yoga Analysis:

> A wonderful GKY smack in the middle of the Lagna with a very nice almost FULL

Moon and extremely strong Jupiter retro with dig bala. Only issue is that Moon

is the 6L.


> LL Saturn strong and well placed in 12H. However, Capricon is also a Dagdha

Rashi. Saturn is also closely conjuct Ketu. Ketu influencing a planet in his own

sign is very signifant. Dagdha rashi means it is good for 12H affairs but

average for Lagna lord affairs.Both Ketu, Sa and 12H aspected by Ma.


> Lagna has 2L/11L, 6L, aspected by 8L/5L Me and 7L Sun.

> 10L is very strong and well placed in the 5H with benefic aspect from very

powerful Jupiter.


> Luminaries: Moon is fullish and well placed and well conditioned by Jup but

aspected by 8L and 7L.

> Sun is in his own house, BUT he is in Gandanta at 0 deg 49 minutes. This is

very significant.

> 9L/4L Venus is unfortunately debilitated in 8H, gains some strength back in

Navamsh, but is still weak (12th from 9th) and 8th from Lagna for

Bhagyesh/Sukhesh is not pretty.


> Gandanta Sun in own house in 7H. 5L/8L Me in 7H.

> Me has the 8H as his MT sign and hence his 8H characterisitic will dominate.

> Sun has tremendous varga bala, but a luminary does not gain much ground in

divisional charts if it is weak in rashi chart.


> Me is quite a potent Malefic in this chart. He is the 8L, 22nd Drekkana Lord,

Lord of a dagdha rashi, placed almost smack in the middle of the 7H. So, he is

the worst rogue in the block, sitting on prime real estate (7H). He gains

further malefic strength by being exalted in Navamsh in the 12H. The 12H in

Navamsh falls in the 8H in the Rashi, further strengthening his 8H power.


> Ascendant is in the Nak of the Yogi planet Mars. Jupiter forms a potent dhana

yoga in the Lagna. 11 house has a whopping 37 points in SAV. 10 H has healthy 30

points. All point to quite a materially comfortable life with possbility of

sudden large gains through 11L.

> Whether she will be able to enjoy it with the condition of 4L/9L Venus is

another question.


> Jupiter, Sun are Maraka lords. Jupiter's association with Sun and Me in the

1-7 axis incredibly amplify each other's maraka qualities. This is a potent

combination to watch.


> Incident happened in Me-Jupiter period (I am omitting the next level). Me is

placed in 7H, Jupiter in 2H. Most planets transit 7H.


> Since every house has a good and bad side, let me try go first determine if

this Event is a positive or negative event.


> Mars, Me, Ju, Su transiting the 7H with Sa and Ve the 5H and Rahu the 3H and

Ke the 9H.

> Of this Me, Jupiter, Sun are killers.

> Me is 22nd Drekkana lord, Sun is 64th Navamsha Lord, and all planets are

transiting Leo a Dagdha Rashi.

> Plus SAV of the house of Transit is 21.

> Further Sa and Venus transiting Gemini. Sa is quite close to Ve and also

aspecting all four planets transiting Leo.

> Rahu transiting 3H Aries is also aspecting the " Maraka Group " and Mars. Rahu

is at 10 deg 07 min almost exact degree of

> transit Sun.

> 8L Me in Transit is at 4d 24m, within 5 degree of Natal Sun and 7L cusp (and

hence very close aspect on Asc cusp as well).

> Ketu transiting 9H conjunct Natal venus and aspecting transit Venus and Sat.

> Natal Moon at 12th from Ascendant.

> Hence all these planets in Leo are transiting 8H from Moon and Moon is

transiting 6H from this group of planets and 8H from Saturn and Venus.


> So, it is clear to me from above transit scenario that the fundamental event

in question is a TRAGEDY.


> Scenario One: Domain 7

>  IS it a Marriage Tragedy?

> So let us focus on 7H matters first:

> This chart has enormous potential for Marital Discord.

> it is clear that Moon and Jupiter's influence are key to protection, since 9L

Venu is no help. So if transits can weaken Moon and Jupiter, situation is ripe

for malefic influence.

> It is fascinating to realise that from the 7H, Me becomes 2L/11L and Jupiter

becomes 5L/8L, and the situation is almost the same, just in reverse. That is

the dasha is now of 2L/11L and 5L/8L. Also from 7H, 7L is in 12H conjunct Ke

aspected by Mars. So clearly Me dasha is not conducive for marital harmony.


> All the analysis above gets reinforced because Lagna and Chandra Lagna and

Jupiter Lagna are the same.


> So we have to turn to the Navamsha for more clues. In the Rashi Dasha/Antar

are 7/7, hence Neutral.

> In Navamsha, Me/Ju are 6/8 showing potential stress. But how bad can it be?

> Me is exalted in his own Rashi which is 8H in Lagna.

> Ju is Vargottam in the Navamsh which is Lagna in Rashi.

> Lagna of Navamsh is 9H is Rashi.

> Lagnesh of Navamsh is Venus who is in his own Navmasha of Taurus.

> Jupiter re-enforces his protective shield in the Navamsha quite powerfully.

> Hence my conclusion from above is transit affliction to Jupiter and Moon is

insufficient to weaken Jupiter's kavach enough to cause a monumental TRAGEDY (as

hinted by the Maraka Group of Planets). Jupiter being Karak for husband and

marriage for a woman is strong enough I feel to withstand this onslaught.


> Hence 7H TRAGEDY is ruled out.


> Scenario 2:

> Since Me is also the 5L, let us explore the Children angle. Once again since

the main event has been identified as a Maraka event, due to Jupiter's

extradionary strength, any TRAGEDY concerning children is ruled out.


> Scenario 3: Since 7H is heavily involved, we need to explore the Career Angle

since 10th from the 10th is the 7H. First of all it is difficult to determine if

the Lady has a Career. She has strong 10H credentials which means " Status in

Society " .


> 4L Venus in the 8H, deb could mean change or break in education or could mean

that she may be very well educated but not working in the same field. Any way,

the only possibility for a " Maraka " even to affect her career will be " losing

her Job " or taking VRS (voluntary retirement). In D-10 already weak Sun is with

Rahu, dasha lord Me is with Ke and exalted Antar lord Ju is with debilitated

Mars. A " dramatic celebration event at work " is highly doubtful.


> Hence any TRAGEDY involving " career " that results in " celebration or

achievemnt " is not possible.


> Scenario 4:

> Let us go back to basics and explore the house significations:

> Me in this case is primarily the 8L (MT sign). 8H: Sudden accidents, Death,

CHronic disease, Winning Lottery, Inheritance

> etc.

> Jupiter: 11H (primary MT sign): Sudden windfall, Excessive Gains, Large


> Jupiter: 2H : Maraka, Killeramplified by association with 8L, 7L, 74, Wealth.

> Me: 5H: Children, creativity etc but being placed in Dagdha rashi this is

suppressed (while 8Lordship is not suppressed due VRY like effect).


> Since this is most probably a negative event, let us explore vulnerabilities

in the chart.

> 7H vulnerabilities have been explored and rejected.


> The weakest planet in the chart is Venus. Venus is 4L/9L.

> 9L status is especially weak since it is in 8H (12th from 9th) and


> Venus even though in own sign, is in the 8H in Navamsha.

> 4L/9L Venus has no benefic aspects but aspected by Mars.

> In Navamsha Ve is also with retro Sa (12L), Mo (6L) and Ketu.

> Venus's Rashi dispositor is 12th from it in Rashi.

> Same Me while exalted in Navamsh is still placed in 8H related to Rashi.

> Sun, karaka for Father is in Gandanta, conjunct 8L Me and aspected by 6L Moon

and Marakesh Ju.

> Sun is placed in and ruler of a Dagdha Rashi.


> Transits:

> Rahu transiting Aries at 10d 07m is almost exactly only transit Sun (10d 17m).

> Marakesh Jupiter and 8L/22 Drekkana L Me is conjunct Sun

> Mars is conjunct Sun

> Saturn is aspecting Sun from Gemini

> Saturn is closely conjunct Venus 4L/9L

> Ketu is aspecting Ma and Venus from 9H

> Rahu/Ketu is in 3H/9H axis.

> 3H = 12th from 4th and 7th from 9th indicating DEATH of parents

> Sun is the ruler of the 64th Navamsha hence LEO is a deadly sign

> Natal Moon at 12th from Ascendant.

> Hence all these planets in Leo are transiting 8H from Moon and Moon is

transiting 6H from this group of planets and 8H from Saturn and Venus.


> In Dwadasamsha, Both Mercury and Moon are debilitated Me/Ju have a 6/8

relationship in Dwadashamsha.

> Jupiter is much weaker in Dwadashamsha since he loses his directional

strength. He is in the Amsha of Sun who has been  severely weakened.

> 11H has 37 SAV, 7H has 21 SAV

> 11H is also 3rd from the 9th and 8th from the 4th

> Situation is indicative of Large Gain from an even Larger Loss.


> Hence the only logical and possible scenario that ties together 8L/12L/2L is

DEATH of a parent, resulting in large inheritance for the lady. Since a married

woman considers her husband's parents also as her parents, this could be either

her or her husband's parent(s), death that resulted in a substantial



> I might be completely off, but I am happy I have made a sincere attempt with

focus on traditional techniques.


> Thanks Neelam Ji for this wonderful Quiz and learning opportunity.


> Regards,

>  -Manoj






> ________________________________

> neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>

> ancient_indian_ astrology <ancient_indian_ astrology>

> Wed, October 21, 2009 1:41:06 AM

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2



> Dear Friends,


> I think the best way to test our skills and to learn from them is to practice

and practice. Blind charts are the best way to do that, as we have seen many



> I am presenting another case here to predict an event on a day in the life of

this lady.


> Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)


> Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004


> If there are any doubts/queries, please feel free to ask. Birth time is



> Please send your readings latest by 28.10.09 midnight.


> Best wishes

> Neelam


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Dear Utkal Ji,


Here is when Vargas become crucial. THe mind is much faster than my typing

finger so I have considered several other factors and vargas and come to the 2

possible conclusions. IF one of them is correct, I attribute to clues in the

Vargas I feel. We shall wait and see what the event was.


Also, every planet has to play his role and some times role changes. Jupiter is

a great protector but when he is Potent Marak? Is he going to protect or Kill

(kill can also mean " death like " situation). I have bet more on his Marak

qualities for health and Protective qualities for relationships. I feel it is

very significant he is very well placed and Vargottam in Navamsha but badly

placed in 22nd Drekkana Lord, and 8th Lord's sign in Drekkana. That is my humble

opinion. Guru: Great Protector OR Potent Killer. Which Guru will show Up?


Great thing is either way we all get to Learn and Share.






, " utkal.panigrahi "

<utkal.panigrahi wrote:


> Dear Manoj Ji,


> As lagna lord in 12th, afflicted with ketu, aspected by mars, 6th lord moon is

in lagna 6th has rahu, her health wd not be in good condition, mars aspects 8th

also, so there is vulnerability to her health and her relationship, but jup

gives protection. 8th has debilitated venus, doesn't have protection further it

has mar's aspect, it can give multiple problems bt when ? Let's see, the event

that we wd know about on 28th quiz may help.


> Regards,

> Utkal

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Dear Manoj ji,I must appreciate your wonderful posts. Keep it up! Cannot say much as of now, but this is turning into a great learning experience.We should not lose sight of Karkatwas and house significations, and those who use divisional charts, can use them effectively.

RegardsNeelam2009/10/26 Manoj <chandran_manoj






Dear Utkal Ji,


Here is when Vargas become crucial. THe mind is much faster than my typing finger so I have considered several other factors and vargas and come to the 2 possible conclusions. IF one of them is correct, I attribute to clues in the Vargas I feel. We shall wait and see what the event was.


Also, every planet has to play his role and some times role changes. Jupiter is a great protector but when he is Potent Marak? Is he going to protect or Kill (kill can also mean " death like " situation). I have bet more on his Marak qualities for health and Protective qualities for relationships. I feel it is very significant he is very well placed and Vargottam in Navamsha but badly placed in 22nd Drekkana Lord, and 8th Lord's sign in Drekkana. That is my humble opinion. Guru: Great Protector OR Potent Killer. Which Guru will show Up?


Great thing is either way we all get to Learn and Share.






, " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi wrote:


> Dear Manoj Ji,


> As lagna lord in 12th, afflicted with ketu, aspected by mars, 6th lord moon is in lagna 6th has rahu, her health wd not be in good condition, mars aspects 8th also, so there is vulnerability to her health and her relationship, but jup gives protection. 8th has debilitated venus, doesn't have protection further it has mar's aspect, it can give multiple problems bt when ? Let's see, the event that we wd know about on 28th quiz may help.


> Regards,

> Utkal

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Dear Neelam ji, I wonder why you forgot to include the 3-4 responses of Manoj Chandran ji. Love and regards,Sreenadh , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Group,> > So far we've received 18 responses to this quiz. I am giving these names.> Kindly let me know if I've missed anyone.> > 1. Shyam S Kansal> 2. Chiranjiv Mehta> 3. Angelina Jolie> 4. Sreenadh> 5. Vijay Goel (2 responses)> 6. K.Gopu> 7. Sudhir> 8. S.R.Balasubramaniam (2 responses)> 9. Chakraborty> 10. Radha (2 responses)> 11. Sundar> 12. Suprakash> 13. Gopi> 14. Sheevani> 15. Sreeram_Srinivas> 16. Dhananjayan> 17. Utkal> 18. Manoj Chandran> > > It is encouraging to have many learned members participate in such> exercises. However, there are some regular members who have not yet> participated in this quiz.> I would request them to join us. It is only to put our skills to test and> learn from others.> > There is still plenty of time, We close on 28th midnight. Hope to see more> dare-devils come forward.> > Thanks and Regards> Neelam>

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Dear Sreenadh ji,Manoj ji had discussed different aspects, but by process of elimination, himself gave one final reading in the end. So I took that one for him.In today's post he has given another opinion which makes it two now.

I hope Manoj ji would clarify.Thanks for keeping an eye! :-)RegardsNeelam2009/10/26 sreesog <sreesog








Dear Neelam ji,   I wonder why you forgot to include the 3-4 responses of Manoj Chandran ji.

Love and regards,Sreenadh , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

>> Dear Group,> > So far we've received 18 responses to this quiz. I am giving these names.> Kindly let me know if I've missed anyone.> > 1. Shyam S Kansal

> 2. Chiranjiv Mehta> 3. Angelina Jolie> 4. Sreenadh> 5. Vijay Goel (2 responses)> 6. K.Gopu> 7. Sudhir> 8. S.R.Balasubramaniam (2 responses)> 9. Chakraborty

> 10. Radha (2 responses)> 11. Sundar> 12. Suprakash> 13. Gopi> 14. Sheevani> 15. Sreeram_Srinivas> 16. Dhananjayan> 17. Utkal> 18. Manoj Chandran

> > > It is encouraging to have many learned members participate in such> exercises. However, there are some regular members who have not yet> participated in this quiz.> I would request them to join us. It is only to put our skills to test and

> learn from others.> > There is still plenty of time, We close on 28th midnight. Hope to see more> dare-devils come forward.> > Thanks and Regards> Neelam>

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Dear Manoj ji,I agree with you. It is in fact very difficult to be 100 per cent correct in such blind examinations.But if we are near correct, in the sense, we can judge the nature of event and some close possibility. it is quite remarkable.

I am happy to see many responses and some with detailed reasoning looking at various angles. RegardsNeelam2009/10/26 Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj








Dear Neelam Ji,


Thanks for your comments. I don't feel being corrrect is all that important. It is much more important to flush out all the possibilties in our minds thoroughly. I feel once we do that, then we can look at the results and fine tune our judgement. Then we learn some thing. If instead we just go with a simplistic approach without much analysis and get a " correct " answer, then we have learned nothing. If we use a logical approach and flush out all possibilties then, even if the answer is  " wrong " , we have still learned a lot.


So, in a way, getting the answer to the Quiz right, I feel is not the true measure of learning. More impoartantly, are we able to justify that answer by juggling the various possibilities and coming to a judgement. I have to commend you for being so Astute in giving this Quiz right at the heels of the 8L/11L conversation !!! What better way to learn than through this exercise?









neelam gupta <neelamgupta07

Mon, October 26, 2009 9:39:06 AMRe: Re: Quiz-2


Dear Manoj ji,I must appreciate your wonderful posts. Keep it up! Cannot say much as of now, but this is turning into a great learning experience.We should not lose sight of Karkatwas and house significations, and those who use divisional charts, can use them effectively.


2009/10/26 Manoj <chandran_manoj@ >





Dear Utkal Ji,Here is when Vargas become crucial. THe mind is much faster than my typing finger so I have considered several other factors and vargas and come to the 2 possible conclusions. IF one of them is correct, I attribute to clues in the Vargas I feel. We shall wait and see what the event was.

Also, every planet has to play his role and some times role changes. Jupiter is a great protector but when he is Potent Marak? Is he going to protect or Kill (kill can also mean " death like " situation). I have bet more on his Marak qualities for health and Protective qualities for relationships. I feel it is very significant he is very well placed and Vargottam in Navamsha but badly placed in 22nd Drekkana Lord, and 8th Lord's sign in Drekkana. That is my humble opinion. Guru: Great Protector OR Potent Killer. Which Guru will show Up?

Great thing is either way we all get to Learn and Share.Regards,-Manoj

ancient_indian_ astrology, " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi@ ...> wrote:

>> Dear Manoj Ji,> > As lagna lord in 12th, afflicted with ketu, aspected by mars, 6th lord moon is in lagna 6th has rahu, her health wd not be in good condition, mars aspects 8th also, so there is vulnerability to her health and her relationship, but jup gives protection. 8th has debilitated venus, doesn't have protection further it has mar's aspect, it can give multiple problems bt when ? Let's see, the event that we wd know about on 28th quiz may help.

> > Regards,> Utkal

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Dear Manoj ji, //I don't feel being corrrect is all that important. It is much more

important to flush out all the possibilties in our minds thoroughly. I

feel once we do that, then we can look at the results and fine tune

our judgement. Then we learn some thing. If instead we just go with a

simplistic approach without much analysis and get a "correct" answer,

then we have learned nothing. If we use a logical approach and flush

out all possibilties then, even if the answer is "wrong", we have still

learned a lot.// You said it well - I agree with you. Love and regards,Sreenadh , Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:>> Dear Neelam Ji,> > Thanks for your comments. I don't feel being corrrect is all that important. It is much more important to flush out all the possibilties in our minds thoroughly. I feel once we do that, then we can look at the results and fine tune our judgement. Then we learn some thing. If instead we just go with a simplistic approach without much analysis and get a "correct" answer, then we have learned nothing. If we use a logical approach and flush out all possibilties then, even if the answer is "wrong", we have still learned a lot.> > So, in a way, getting the answer to the Quiz right, I feel is not the true measure of learning. More impoartantly, are we able to justify that answer by juggling the various possibilities and coming to a judgement. I have to commend you for being so Astute in giving this Quiz right at the heels of the 8L/11L conversation !!! What better way to learn than through this exercise?> > Regards,> -Manoj

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dear Manojji,

thanks for the clarification. Reg Inheritance daughters have equal rights

as per Indian law and it is also implemented where the family has a

balanced approach and respect to Law.

Our custom is the moment the girl gets married she automatically

gets the gotra of her husband. she gets equal rights in the family like

her husband.





--- On Mon, 10/26/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manojRe: Quiz-2 Date: Monday, October 26, 2009, 6:47 PM




Dear Gopu Ji,


I understand your question. You make a good point. I came to that conclusion partly because Jupiter is in Lagna also and hence from Karak of Husband event remains the same. 11L dasha/Antar can definitely bring about death of Father since 11th is 2nd from the 10th so it denotes a Maraka house to "gains" from the Father. But because of the Jupiter in Lagna I stretched it to include In-laws and also Sun can represent Father-like figures. Also I am out of touch with practically and legally how inheritance works with daughters etc in India. I agree having the Husband's chart will help clarify as well.








K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>ancient_indian_ astrologyMon, October 26, 2009 2:57:34 AMRe: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2






dear Manoj ji

U have given an exhasutive analysis and presentation. However I have

a query. U have finally concluded that the native's parents or parents-in -law

would have passed away. In south the general approach of knowing the death

of parents who are sick is to analyse the chart of the eldest son or the youngest

son. I dont know what the ancient texts say.

Here the native is a female unless and until she is the only child to their parents

then u can always analyse the chart on the possible death of the parents.

In case of the parents-in-llaw the native's husband's chart can only confirm

abt the possible death.

I would request u or Neelamji or anybody who has knowledge in these aspects

to clarify.

Once again thanks for the exhaustive analysis and presentation.


good wishes,

k.gopu--- On Sun, 10/25/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ > wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ >Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2ancient_indian_ astrologySunday, October 25, 2009, 6:39 PM




Dear Neelam Ji,


This is a wonderful learning example. Let me give my humble attempt, please excuse me if it is a bit too long. I found this to be quite tricky and infact could be a few different events.


Those who find it too long, please scroll down and I have the key conclusions highlighted, if you are not interested in the analysis.


Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)

Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004


Static Analysis:

Yogi: Mars, AvaYogi: Me Duplicate Yogi: MeDagdha Rashis: Capricon & Leo


Yoga Analysis:A wonderful GKY smack in the middle of the Lagna with a very nice almost FULL Moon and extremely strong Jupiter retro with dig bala. Only issue is that Moon is the 6L.


LL Saturn strong and well placed in 12H. However, Capricon is also a Dagdha Rashi. Saturn is also closely conjuct Ketu. Ketu influencing a planet in his own sign is very signifant. Dagdha rashi means it is good for 12H affairs but average for Lagna lord affairs.Both Ketu, Sa and 12H aspected by Ma.


Lagna has 2L/11L, 6L, aspected by 8L/5L Me and 7L Sun.

10L is very strong and well placed in the 5H with benefic aspect from very powerful Jupiter.


Luminaries: Moon is fullish and well placed and well conditioned by Jup but aspected by 8L and 7L.Sun is in his own house, BUT he is in Gandanta at 0 deg 49 minutes. This is very significant.

9L/4L Venus is unfortunately debilitated in 8H, gains some strength back in Navamsh, but is still weak (12th from 9th) and 8th from Lagna for Bhagyesh/Sukhesh is not pretty.


Gandanta Sun in own house in 7H. 5L/8L Me in 7H.

Me has the 8H as his MT sign and hence his 8H characterisitic will dominate.

Sun has tremendous varga bala, but a luminary does not gain much ground in divisional charts if it is weak in rashi chart.


Me is quite a potent Malefic in this chart. He is the 8L, 22nd Drekkana Lord, Lord of a dagdha rashi, placed almost smack in the middle of the 7H. So, he is the worst rogue in the block, sitting on prime real estate (7H). He gains further malefic strength by being exalted in Navamsh in the 12H. The 12H in Navamsh falls in the 8H in the Rashi, further strengthening his 8H power.


Ascendant is in the Nak of the Yogi planet Mars. Jupiter forms a potent dhana yoga in the Lagna. 11 house has a whopping 37 points in SAV. 10 H has healthy 30 points. All point to quite a materially comfortable life with possbility of sudden large gains through 11L.

Whether she will be able to enjoy it with the condition of 4L/9L Venus is another question.


Jupiter, Sun are Maraka lords. Jupiter's association with Sun and Me in the 1-7 axis incredibly amplify each other's maraka qualities. This is a potent combination to watch.


Incident happened in Me-Jupiter period (I am omitting the next level). Me is placed in 7H, Jupiter in 2H. Most planets transit 7H.


Since every house has a good and bad side, let me try go first determine if this Event is a positive or negative event.


Mars, Me, Ju, Su transiting the 7H with Sa and Ve the 5H and Rahu the 3H and Ke the 9H.

Of this Me, Jupiter, Sun are killers.Me is 22nd Drekkana lord, Sun is 64th Navamsha Lord, and all planets are transiting Leo a Dagdha Rashi.Plus SAV of the house of Transit is 21.Further Sa and Venus transiting Gemini. Sa is quite close to Ve and also aspecting all four planets transiting Leo.Rahu transiting 3H Aries is also aspecting the "Maraka Group" and Mars. Rahu is at 10 deg 07 min almost exact degree of

transit Sun. 8L Me in Transit is at 4d 24m, within 5 degree of Natal Sun and 7L cusp (and hence very close aspect on Asc cusp as well).

Ketu transiting 9H conjunct Natal venus and aspecting transit Venus and Sat. Natal Moon at 12th from Ascendant. Hence all these planets in Leo are transiting 8H from Moon and Moon is transiting 6H from this group of planets and 8H from Saturn and Venus.


So, it is clear to me from above transit scenario that the fundamental event in question is a TRAGEDY.


Scenario One: Domain 7 IS it a Marriage Tragedy?

So let us focus on 7H matters first:

This chart has enormous potential for Marital Discord.

it is clear that Moon and Jupiter's influence are key to protection, since 9L Venu is no help. So if transits can weaken Moon and Jupiter, situation is ripe for malefic influence.

It is fascinating to realise that from the 7H, Me becomes 2L/11L and Jupiter becomes 5L/8L, and the situation is almost the same, just in reverse. That is the dasha is now of 2L/11L and 5L/8L. Also from 7H, 7L is in 12H conjunct Ke aspected by Mars. So clearly Me dasha is not conducive for marital harmony.


All the analysis above gets reinforced because Lagna and Chandra Lagna and Jupiter Lagna are the same.


So we have to turn to the Navamsha for more clues. In the Rashi Dasha/Antar are 7/7, hence Neutral.In Navamsha, Me/Ju are 6/8 showing potential stress. But how bad can it be?Me is exalted in his own Rashi which is 8H in Lagna.Ju is Vargottam in the Navamsh which is Lagna in Rashi.Lagna of Navamsh is 9H is Rashi.Lagnesh of Navamsh is Venus who is in his own Navmasha of Taurus.Jupiter re-enforces his protective shield in the Navamsha quite powerfully.

Hence my conclusion from above is transit affliction to Jupiter and Moon is insufficient to weaken Jupiter's kavach enough to cause a monumental TRAGEDY (as hinted by the Maraka Group of Planets). Jupiter being Karak for husband and marriage for a woman is strong enough I feel to withstand this onslaught.


Hence 7H TRAGEDY is ruled out.


Scenario 2:

Since Me is also the 5L, let us explore the Children angle. Once again since the main event has been identified as a Maraka event, due to Jupiter's extradionary strength, any TRAGEDY concerning children is ruled out.

Scenario 3: Since 7H is heavily involved, we need to explore the Career Angle since 10th from the 10th is the 7H. First of all it is difficult to determine if the Lady has a Career. She has strong 10H credentials which means "Status in Society".


4L Venus in the 8H, deb could mean change or break in education or could mean that she may be very well educated but not working in the same field. Any way, the only possibility for a "Maraka" even to affect her career will be "losing her Job" or taking VRS (voluntary retirement). In D-10 already weak Sun is with Rahu, dasha lord Me is with Ke and exalted Antar lord Ju is with debilitated Mars. A "dramatic celebration event at work" is highly doubtful.


Hence any TRAGEDY involving "career" that results in "celebration or achievemnt" is not possible.


Scenario 4:

Let us go back to basics and explore the house significations:Me in this case is primarily the 8L (MT sign). 8H: Sudden accidents, Death, CHronic disease, Winning Lottery, Inheritance

etc.Jupiter: 11H (primary MT sign): Sudden windfall, Excessive Gains, Large acquisitionJupiter: 2H : Maraka, Killeramplified by association with 8L, 7L, 74, Wealth.Me: 5H: Children, creativity etc but being placed in Dagdha rashi this is suppressed (while 8Lordship is not suppressed due VRY like effect).


Since this is most probably a negative event, let us explore vulnerabilities in the chart.7H vulnerabilities have been explored and rejected.


The weakest planet in the chart is Venus. Venus is 4L/9L.9L status is especially weak since it is in 8H (12th from 9th) and debilitated.Venus even though in own sign, is in the 8H in Navamsha.4L/9L Venus has no benefic aspects but aspected by Mars.In Navamsha Ve is also with retro Sa (12L), Mo (6L) and Ketu.Venus's Rashi dispositor is 12th from it in Rashi.Same Me while exalted in Navamsh is still placed in 8H related to Rashi.Sun, karaka for Father is in Gandanta, conjunct 8L Me and aspected by 6L Moon and Marakesh Ju.Sun is placed in and ruler of a Dagdha Rashi.


Transits:Rahu transiting Aries at 10d 07m is almost exactly only transit Sun (10d 17m).Marakesh Jupiter and 8L/22 Drekkana L Me is conjunct SunMars is conjunct SunSaturn is aspecting Sun from GeminiSaturn is closely conjunct Venus 4L/9LKetu is aspecting Ma and Venus from 9HRahu/Ketu is in 3H/9H axis.3H = 12th from 4th and 7th from 9th indicating DEATH of parentsSun is the ruler of the 64th Navamsha hence LEO is a deadly signNatal Moon at 12th from Ascendant.

Hence all these planets in Leo are transiting 8H from Moon and Moon is transiting 6H from this group of planets and 8H from Saturn and Venus.


In Dwadasamsha, Both Mercury and Moon are debilitated Me/Ju have a 6/8 relationship in Dwadashamsha.Jupiter is much weaker in Dwadashamsha since he loses his directional strength. He is in the Amsha of Sun who has been severely weakened.

11H has 37 SAV, 7H has 21 SAV11H is also 3rd from the 9th and 8th from the 4thSituation is indicative of Large Gain from an even Larger Loss.


Hence the only logical and possible scenario that ties together 8L/12L/2L is DEATH of a parent, resulting in large inheritance for the lady. Since a married woman considers her husband's parents also as her parents, this could be either her or her husband's parent(s), death that resulted in a substantial inheritance.


I might be completely off, but I am happy I have made a sincere attempt with focus on traditional techniques.


Thanks Neelam Ji for this wonderful Quiz and learning opportunity.









neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>ancient_indian_ astrology <ancient_indian_ astrology>Wed, October 21, 2009 1:41:06 AM[ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2

Dear Friends,I think the best way to test our skills and to learn from them is to practice and practice. Blind charts are the best way to do that, as we have seen many times.I am presenting another case here to predict an event on a day in the life of this lady.Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004If there are any doubts/queries, please feel free to ask. Birth time is correct.Please send your readings latest by 28.10.09 midnight.Best wishesNeelam____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __Tired of spam? Mail has the

best spam protection around http://mail.

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Dear Neelam ji,The Quiz-2LIVE you posted is not just LIVE but getting LIVELY......Regards,gopi. , neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Manoj ji,> > I must appreciate your wonderful posts. Keep it up!> Cannot say much as of now, but this is turning into a great learning> experience.> > We should not lose sight of Karkatwas and house significations, and those> who use divisional charts, can use them effectively.> > Regards> Neelam> > > > > > > 2009/10/26 Manoj chandran_manoj > >> >> > Dear Utkal Ji,> >> > Here is when Vargas become crucial. THe mind is much faster than my typing> > finger so I have considered several other factors and vargas and come to the> > 2 possible conclusions. IF one of them is correct, I attribute to clues in> > the Vargas I feel. We shall wait and see what the event was.> >> > Also, every planet has to play his role and some times role changes.> > Jupiter is a great protector but when he is Potent Marak? Is he going to> > protect or Kill (kill can also mean "death like" situation). I have bet more> > on his Marak qualities for health and Protective qualities for> > relationships. I feel it is very significant he is very well placed and> > Vargottam in Navamsha but badly placed in 22nd Drekkana Lord, and 8th Lord's> > sign in Drekkana. That is my humble opinion. Guru: Great Protector OR Potent> > Killer. Which Guru will show Up?> >> > Great thing is either way we all get to Learn and Share.> >> > Regards,> >> > -Manoj> >> >> > <%40>,> > "utkal.panigrahi" utkal.panigrahi@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Manoj Ji,> > >> > > As lagna lord in 12th, afflicted with ketu, aspected by mars, 6th lord> > moon is in lagna 6th has rahu, her health wd not be in good condition, mars> > aspects 8th also, so there is vulnerability to her health and her> > relationship, but jup gives protection. 8th has debilitated venus, doesn't> > have protection further it has mar's aspect, it can give multiple problems> > bt when ? Let's see, the event that we wd know about on 28th quiz may help.> > >> > > Regards,> > > Utkal> > > >>

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Dear Gopu Ji,


I was taking 9H as the house of the father. 10H is "gains" from the father. 11H is maraka to 10H hence indicates loss of the father since there is no more "gain" from the father. It can also be taken as 3rd from the 9th. Either way 11H is the house of "doing Karmas to the father". Dasha/Antar of 11L can bring death to the father. Even if it does not happen to be true in this case, above is one of the results possible from the 11H.








K Gopu <kgopu_24 Sent: Mon, October 26, 2009 5:48:20 PMRe: Re: Quiz-2






dear Manoji,

Thank u for the clarification. However when it comes to father

we take the 9th house and sun also represents father. Yet 10th is

also taken as father because it becomes the 7th from the 4th( mother).

But late sri B.V.Raman takes 9th house as father. Let us wait for the results.



k.gopu--- On Mon, 10/26/09, Manoj <chandran_manoj@ > wrote:

Manoj <chandran_manoj@ >[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Quiz-2ancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, October 26, 2009, 9:22 PM

Dear Gopu Ji,There is one more reason why I included her in-laws. This chart has an unique feature where if you rotate the chart and take 7H as Lagna then it shows an interesting mirror image. From the 7H Me becomes 2L/11L and Ju becomes 5L/8L. So clearly again the Me-Ju dasha, from the house of the spouse is still a 2L/11L/8L dasha and hence similar possibilities emerge. A very interesting chart and exercise from Neelam Ji.Regards,-Manojancient_indian_ astrology, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Gopu Ji,> > I understand your question. You make a good point. I came to that conclusion partly because Jupiter is in Lagna also and hence from Karak of Husband event remains the same. 11L dasha/Antar can definitely

bring about death of Father since 11th is 2nd from the 10th so it denotes a Maraka house to "gains" from the Father. But because of the Jupiter in Lagna I stretched it to include In-laws and also Sun can represent Father-like figures. Also I am out of touch with practically and legally how inheritance works with daughters etc in India. I agree having the Husband's chart will help clarify as well.> > Regards,> -Manoj> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> K Gopu <kgopu_24@.. .>> ancient_indian_ astrology> Mon, October 26, 2009 2:57:34 AM> Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2> > > dear Manoj ji > U have given an

exhasutive analysis and presentation. However I have> a query. U have finally concluded that the native's parents or parents-in -law > would have passed away. In south the general approach of knowing the death> of parents who are sick is to analyse the chart of the eldest son or the youngest> son. I dont know what the ancient texts say.> Here the native is a female unless and until she is the only child to their parents> then u can always analyse the chart on the possible death of the parents.> In case of the parents-in-llaw the native's husband's chart can only confirm> abt the possible death.> I would request u or Neelamji or anybody who has knowledge in these aspects> to clarify.> Once again thanks for the exhaustive analysis and presentation.> > good wishes,>


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Dear Neelam-ji,


After going thru different replies, I have again re-considering my

earlier replies.


I would like to add one more possibility........(The more the

Merrier...I guess !!!)


Surgical removal of cyst or Uterus.




5th Lord & 8th Lord (Yoni) Me is getting affected by Mars by transit. This

will also affect self (LL), spouse (7H & 7L).







On Behalf Of deepak sharmaTuesday, October 27, 2009 1:23 AM Subject: Re: Quiz-2





Respected Madam,Thank you so much for the inputs you've provided.Your knowledge and efforts are highly appreciated.I'm still not able to fix the ascendant due to some confusions which I'll try to clear with you once the result is posted. Your inputs were quite helpful based on which my observations are as below -1.) There are several afflictions in the chart and health reamains a concerned area for native whatever the ascendant is.2.) During Apr-May-Jun 2004, there were serious troubles in the family ( Husband & Wife in particular as observed from Son's Chart).3.) The event being traced seems a negative one only, taking any of the ascendants.4.) Capricorn Ascendant here gives weak renal system, vulnerability to skin problem, problems in leg, constipation & accidents, accident / health problem to spouse, troubled marriage life, weak marital tie and probably end of marriage life / accident on 24 Aug 04.I'll surely post analysis if its correct. Hope this is fine. Thanks again for your cooperation.Warm Regards,Deepak Sharma--- On Mon, 10/26/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 > wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 >Re: Quiz-2 Date: Monday, October 26, 2009, 6:13 PM

Dear Deepak ji,//The BT provided seems a round off figure i.e 7 PM & I doubt the accuracy of same as 6:52 PM gives different ascendant.//Yes you are right, the ascendant has just changed. I have found the chart correct as per my little understanding. That is why I used it for this quiz. I had given three events to ascertain the accuracy if anyone wished to do so.//You've provided the birth date of her two sons. The event could be better judged if birth time + birth place of sons are also provided. //If it helps you, I am giving the details. But Elder son: 3.11.1985/12. 05/DelhiYounger Son: 9.10.1995/17. 40/Delhi// I might change opinion if birth time of sons are provided. Else I'll stick to the above reply.//Please feel free to change your opinion, but we’ll appreciate if you can give your reasons too. We are all here to share and learn.RegardsNeelam


2009/10/26 deepak sharma <deepak_rptech@ >










Dear Neelam Ji,She lost her husband on 27th August 2004.Else atleast some tragedy with husband is expected.She was going through the sub period of Jupiter (Significator of Husband) which is closely under the affliction of 8L (Me) in Natal Chart.Kindly Note -1.) The BT provided seems a round off figure i.e 7 PM & I doubt the accuracy of same as 6:52 PM gives different ascendant.2.) You've provided the birth date of her two sons. The event could be better judged if birth time + birth place of sons are also provided. 3.) I might change opinion if birth time of sons are provided. Else I'll stick to the above reply.Thanks for this interesting Quiz.Warm Regards,Deepak Sharma

--- On Wed, 10/21/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com> wrote:


neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>

[ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2

"ancient_indian_ astrology" <ancient_indian_ astrology>Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 2:11 PM






Dear Friends,I think the best way to test our skills and to learn from them is to practice and practice. Blind charts are the best way to do that, as we have seen many times.I am presenting another case here to predict an event on a day in the life of this lady.Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004If there are any doubts/queries, please feel free to ask. Birth time is correct.Please send your readings latest by 28.10.09 midnight.Best wishesNeelam

This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New Delhi, India. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

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Dear Deepak Sharma ji,Please feel free to ask and clear your confusion. Three events with dates should be enough to reach a correct time.You may have two more :She has 2 elder brothers and no sister.

She is a postgraduate in Mathematics from a top institute (IIT Delhi) and works as a software developer.Hope this would help. I had initially stated that I had given the time after checking it on the events of her life.

Please feel free to take it or leave it. You may have a difference of opinion which you can share with the group. Thanks and regardsNeelam2009/10/27 deepak sharma <deepak_rptech








Respected Madam,


Thank you so much for the inputs you've provided.

Your knowledge and efforts are highly appreciated.


I'm still not able to fix the ascendant due to some confusions which I'll try to clear with you once the result is posted.


Your inputs were quite helpful based on which my observations are as below -


1.) There are several afflictions in the chart and health reamains a concerned area for native whatever the ascendant is.

2.) During Apr-May-Jun 2004, there were serious troubles in the family

( Husband & Wife in particular as observed from Son's Chart).

3.) The event being traced seems a negative one only, taking any of the ascendants.

4.) Capricorn Ascendant here gives weak renal system, vulnerability to

skin problem, problems in leg, constipation & accidents, accident /

health problem to spouse, troubled marriage life, weak marital tie and probably end of marriage life / accident on 24 Aug 04.


I'll surely post analysis if its correct. Hope this is fine. Thanks again for your cooperation.


Warm Regards,

Deepak Sharma

--- On Mon, 10/26/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Quiz-2

Monday, October 26, 2009, 6:13 PM



Dear Deepak ji,//The BT provided seems a round off figure i.e 7 PM & I doubt the accuracy of same as 6:52 PM gives different ascendant.//


you are right, the ascendant has just changed. I have found the chart

correct as per my little understanding. That is why I used it for this

quiz. I had given three events to ascertain the accuracy if anyone

wished to do so.

//You've provided the birth

date of her two sons. The event could be better judged if birth time +

birth place of sons are also provided. //If it helps you, I am giving the details. But

Elder son: 3.11.1985/12. 05/DelhiYounger Son: 9.10.1995/17. 40/Delhi// I might change opinion if birth time of sons are provided. Else I'll stick to the above reply.//

Please feel free to change your opinion, but we’ll appreciate if you

can give your reasons too. We are all here to share and learn.RegardsNeelam



2009/10/26 deepak sharma <deepak_rptech@ >







Dear Neelam Ji,


She lost her husband on 27th August 2004.

Else atleast some tragedy with husband is expected.


She was going through the sub period of Jupiter (Significator of

Husband) which is closely under the affliction of 8L (Me) in Natal



Kindly Note -


1.) The BT provided seems a round off figure i.e 7 PM & I doubt the accuracy of same as 6:52 PM gives different ascendant.

2.) You've provided the birth date of her two sons. The event could be

better judged if birth time + birth place of sons are also provided.

3.) I might change opinion if birth time of sons are provided. Else I'll stick to the above reply.


Thanks for this interesting Quiz.


Warm Regards,

Deepak Sharma--- On Wed, 10/21/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com> wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2

" ancient_indian_ astrology " <ancient_indian_ astrology>Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 2:11 PM




Dear Friends,I

think the best way to test our skills and to learn from them is to

practice and practice. Blind charts are the best way to do that, as we

have seen many times.I am presenting another case here to predict an event on a day in the life of this lady.

Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004

If there are any doubts/queries, please feel free to ask. Birth time is correct.Please send your readings latest by 28.10.09 midnight.Best wishes


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Dear Neelam Ji,


Posting reply again. Kindly ignore the previous mail.

Your inputs were quite helpful based on which my observations are as below -


1.) There are several afflictions in the chart and health reamains a concerned area for native

2.) During Apr-May-Jun 2004, there were serious troubles in the family

( Husband & Wife in particular as observed from Son's Chart).

3.) The event being traced seems a negative one only

4.) There are indications of long travellings & difficulties involved in it, weak renal system, vulnerability to

skin problem, problems in leg, constipation & accidents, accident /

health problem to spouse, less remunerative or dissatisfying Jobs, troubled marriage life and probably end of marriage life / accident / hospitalization on 24 Aug 04.


I'll surely post analysis if its correct. Hope this is fine. Thanks again for your cooperation.


Warm Regards,

Deepak Sharma--- On Tue, 10/27/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Quiz-2 Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 3:20 PM



Dear Deepak Sharma ji,Please feel free to ask and clear your confusion. Three events with dates should be enough to reach a correct time.You may have two more :She has 2 elder brothers and no sister.

She is a postgraduate in Mathematics from a top institute (IIT Delhi) and works as a software developer.Hope this would help. I had initially stated that I had given the time after checking it on the events of her life.

Please feel free to take it or leave it. You may have a difference of opinion which you can share with the group. Thanks and regardsNeelam2009/10/27 deepak sharma <deepak_rptech@ >








Respected Madam,


Thank you so much for the inputs you've provided.

Your knowledge and efforts are highly appreciated.


I'm still not able to fix the ascendant due to some confusions which I'll try to clear with you once the result is posted.


Your inputs were quite helpful based on which my observations are as below -


1.) There are several afflictions in the chart and health reamains a concerned area for native whatever the ascendant is.

2.) During Apr-May-Jun 2004, there were serious troubles in the family

( Husband & Wife in particular as observed from Son's Chart).

3.) The event being traced seems a negative one only, taking any of the ascendants.

4.) Capricorn Ascendant here gives weak renal system, vulnerability to

skin problem, problems in leg, constipation & accidents, accident /

health problem to spouse, troubled marriage life, weak marital tie and probably end of marriage life / accident on 24 Aug 04.


I'll surely post analysis if its correct. Hope this is fine. Thanks again for your cooperation.


Warm Regards,

Deepak Sharma

--- On Mon, 10/26/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com> wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2ancient_indian_ astrology

Monday, October 26, 2009, 6:13 PM



Dear Deepak ji,//The BT provided seems a round off figure i.e 7 PM & I doubt the accuracy of same as 6:52 PM gives different ascendant.//


you are right, the ascendant has just changed. I have found the chart

correct as per my little understanding. That is why I used it for this

quiz. I had given three events to ascertain the accuracy if anyone

wished to do so.

//You've provided the birth

date of her two sons. The event could be better judged if birth time +

birth place of sons are also provided. //If it helps you, I am giving the details. But

Elder son: 3.11.1985/12. 05/DelhiYounger Son: 9.10.1995/17. 40/Delhi// I might change opinion if birth time of sons are provided. Else I'll stick to the above reply.//

Please feel free to change your opinion, but we’ll appreciate if you

can give your reasons too. We are all here to share and learn.RegardsNeelam



2009/10/26 deepak sharma <deepak_rptech@ >







Dear Neelam Ji,


She lost her husband on 27th August 2004.

Else atleast some tragedy with husband is expected.


She was going through the sub period of Jupiter (Significator of

Husband) which is closely under the affliction of 8L (Me) in Natal



Kindly Note -


1.) The BT provided seems a round off figure i.e 7 PM & I doubt the accuracy of same as 6:52 PM gives different ascendant.

2.) You've provided the birth date of her two sons. The event could be

better judged if birth time + birth place of sons are also provided.

3.) I might change opinion if birth time of sons are provided. Else I'll stick to the above reply.


Thanks for this interesting Quiz.


Warm Regards,

Deepak Sharma--- On Wed, 10/21/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com> wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ gmail.com>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Quiz-2

"ancient_indian_ astrology" <ancient_indian_ astrology>Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 2:11 PM




Dear Friends,I

think the best way to test our skills and to learn from them is to

practice and practice. Blind charts are the best way to do that, as we

have seen many times.I am presenting another case here to predict an event on a day in the life of this lady.

Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004

If there are any doubts/queries, please feel free to ask. Birth time is correct.Please send your readings latest by 28.10.09 midnight.Best wishes


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Dear All,


For those who are interested in exploring some new vargas, I notice some thing very interesting in the Ashtamsha (D-8) Varga. For those unfamiliar, Ashtamsha is the Tajika inspired Varga for Major Difficulties in Life, including Death. In the Ashtamsha it ineresting to note that:


a) Jupiter is the Ruler of the Asc

b) Jupiter and Mercury are in the same sign of Mars in 5H of Ashtamsha

c) Saturn (the LL from Rashi) is in the 8H of Ashtamsha

d) Sun (Karak for Father and Health and 7L from Rashi) is in the Asc in Ashtamsha

e) Venus (9L, Karak for Love, Kidney, etc) is in the Asc in Ashtamsha

e) Projecting Ju & Me back to the Rashi chart, they go to the 3rd house of Rashi

f) Projecting Saturn back to Rashi, it goes to 6H of Rashi


I have not used Ashtamsha much before, but following some regular rules and techniques of evaluating Vargas from above, interesting conclusions can be arrived at.

I invite members to comment discuss if interested.









neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 Sent: Mon, October 26, 2009 9:39:06 AMRe: Re: Quiz-2

Dear Manoj ji,I must appreciate your wonderful posts. Keep it up! Cannot say much as of now, but this is turning into a great learning experience.We should not lose sight of Karkatwas and house significations, and those who use divisional charts, can use them effectively. RegardsNeelam

2009/10/26 Manoj <chandran_manoj@ >




Dear Utkal Ji,Here is when Vargas become crucial. THe mind is much faster than my typing finger so I have considered several other factors and vargas and come to the 2 possible conclusions. IF one of them is correct, I attribute to clues in the Vargas I feel. We shall wait and see what the event was.Also, every planet has to play his role and some times role changes. Jupiter is a great protector but when he is Potent Marak? Is he going to protect or Kill (kill can also mean "death like" situation). I have bet more on his Marak qualities for health and Protective qualities for relationships. I feel it is very significant he is very well placed and Vargottam in Navamsha but badly placed in 22nd Drekkana Lord, and 8th Lord's sign in Drekkana. That is my humble opinion. Guru: Great Protector OR Potent Killer. Which Guru will show Up? Great thing is either way we all get to Learn and Share.Regards,-Manoj

ancient_indian_ astrology, "utkal.panigrahi" <utkal.panigrahi@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Manoj Ji,> > As lagna lord in 12th, afflicted with ketu, aspected by mars, 6th lord moon is in lagna 6th has rahu, her health wd not be in good condition, mars aspects 8th also, so there is vulnerability to her health and her relationship, but jup gives protection. 8th has debilitated venus, doesn't have protection further it has mar's aspect, it can give multiple problems bt when ? Let's see, the event that we wd know about on 28th quiz may help.> > Regards,> Utkal

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Dear All,Now we have 21 participants. I am giving the list below. Hope I’ve not missed out anyone.1.     Shyam S Kansal2.     Chiranjiv Mehta3.     Angelina Jolie4.     Sreenadh5.     Vijay Goel  

6.     K.Gopu7.     Sudhir8.     S. R. Balasubramaniam  9.     Chakraborty  10.  Radha  11.  Sundar12.  Suprakash13.  Gopi14.  Sheevani15.  Sreeram_Srinivas  16.  Dhananjayan  17.  Utkal  

18.  Manoj Chandran  19.  Ramesh Mishra20.  Deepak Sharma  21.  AV PathiRegardsNeelam

(PS: the list is in the order of responses posted)

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Pranams,Ms.Renunw ji and Mr.Manoj ji,It is some thing strange to note and perplexed with out interpretative answers.Both of you just observed geographical distribution of planets ploughed back in D-8 and viewed from one form to another;left me blank and empty.One thing, I could visualize from your [Ms.Renunw ji ] observations that present birth's karma of the native lingers around past birth [LL in 5th H] and furture births karma encircles past births[5th L in 9thH ]and the present birth mystify him towards

future birth[9th L in Lagna].From the above I could conclude more rebirths are assured to the native.Regards/Dhananjayan--- On Wed, 28/10/09, renunw <renunw wrote:renunw <renunw Re: Quiz-2 Date: Wednesday, 28 October, 2009, 8:28 AM




Dear Manoj ji,


You are indeed a very good teacher to all of us. Hope we would get more and more quizzes so that we could enhance our knowledge little by little.


Coming to Ashatmsha, it is interesting that LL is in the 5th house, 5th lord is in the 9th house and 9th lord in the lagna. What does this mean Manoj ji? I am clueless.... does it mean that the native is very fortunate that she would come out of any difficulties in life smoothly?





ancient_indian_ astrology, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ ...> wrote:


> Dear All,


> For those who are interested in exploring some new vargas, I notice some thing very interesting in the Ashtamsha (D-8) Varga. For those unfamiliar, Ashtamsha is the Tajika inspired Varga for Major Difficulties in Life, including Death. In the Ashtamsha it ineresting to note that:


> a) Jupiter is the Ruler of the Asc

> b) Jupiter and Mercury are in the same sign of Mars in 5H of Ashtamsha

> c) Saturn (the LL from Rashi) is in the 8H of Ashtamsha

> d) Sun (Karak for Father and Health and 7L from Rashi) is in the Asc in Ashtamsha

> e) Venus (9L, Karak for Love, Kidney, etc) is in the Asc in Ashtamsha

> e) Projecting Ju & Me back to the Rashi chart, they go to the 3rd house of Rashi

> f) Projecting Saturn back to Rashi, it goes to 6H of Rashi


> I have not used Ashtamsha much before, but following some regular rules and techniques of evaluating Vargas from above, interesting conclusions can be arrived at.

> I invite members to comment discuss if interested.



> Regards,

> -Manoj






> ____________ _________ _________ __

> neelam gupta <neelamgupta07@ ...>

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> Mon, October 26, 2009 9:39:06 AM

> Re: [ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Quiz-2



> Dear Manoj ji,


> I must appreciate your wonderful posts. Keep it up!

> Cannot say much as of now, but this is turning into a great learning experience.


> We should not lose sight of Karkatwas and house significations, and those who use divisional charts, can use them effectively.


> Regards

> Neelam








> 2009/10/26 Manoj <chandran_manoj@ >



> >Dear Utkal Ji,

> >

> >Here is when Vargas become crucial. THe mind is much faster than my typing finger so I have considered several other factors and vargas and come to the 2 possible conclusions. IF one of them is correct, I attribute to clues in the Vargas I feel. We shall wait and see what the event was.

> >

> >Also, every planet has to play his role and some times role changes. Jupiter is a great protector but when he is Potent Marak? Is he going to protect or Kill (kill can also mean "death like" situation). I have bet more on his Marak qualities for health and Protective qualities for relationships. I feel it is very significant he is very well placed and Vargottam in Navamsha but badly placed in 22nd Drekkana Lord, and 8th Lord's sign in Drekkana. That is my humble opinion. Guru: Great Protector OR Potent Killer. Which Guru will show Up?

> >

> >Great thing is either way we all get to Learn and Share.

> >

> >Regards,

> >

> >-Manoj

> >

> >

> >ancient_indian_ astrology, "utkal.panigrahi" <utkal.panigrahi@ ...> wrote:

> >>

> >> Dear Manoj Ji,

> >>

> >> As lagna lord in 12th, afflicted with ketu, aspected by mars, 6th lord moon is in lagna 6th has rahu, her health wd not be in good condition, mars aspects 8th also, so there is vulnerability to her health and her relationship, but jup gives protection. 8th has debilitated venus, doesn't have protection further it has mar's aspect, it can give multiple problems bt when ? Let's see, the event that we wd know about on 28th quiz may help.

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >> Utkal

> >





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Dear Vijay Ji,


Thank you my health is better these days.


A few points from my perspective:


1) Dasha/Antar of 11L is definitely a time where it is possible to do Pitr Karma. So I hope, even if my conclusion is wrong in this case, this fact about the 11L dasha/antar is not forgotten.


2) I agree to your Jupiter being strong point, but as I have explained earlier, I feel Marak quality of Jupiter will prevail over his beneficience. I just cannot see the transit of so many Malefic planets pointing to an auspicious event. Especially when 8L is transiting very close to the 7H cusp (and hence aspects very close to Lagna cusp).


3) I felt the "trickier" part was the 8H affairs. 9L Venus going to the 8H is ashubh for 9H but Shubh for the 8H ! Hence that should give protection to 8H significators. But I do not see any significant positives for 9H significators. In this case Ve being both lords of 4H and 9H and the Karak Sun being in the firing lane seems ominous.


4) I had just replied to Renu Ji on the D-8 chart which shows similar propensities.


BUT I always respect and treasure your analytical mind and experience. You make good points, we await the RESULTS !!!








vijay.goel <goyalvj Sent: Tue, October 27, 2009 7:46:43 PM Re: Quiz-2

Dear Manoj ji ,Jai Sri Krsna,I hope you will be running good health :)\\ I was taking 9H as the house of the father. 10H is "gains" from the father. 11H is maraka to 10H hence indicates loss of the father since there is no more "gain" from the father. It can also be taken as 3rd from the 9th. Either way 11H is the house of "doing Karmas to the father". Dasha/Antar of 11L can bring death to the father. Even if it does not happen to be true in this case, above is one of the results possible from the 11H.// In the example chart, Venus is better to play as marak to father than jupiter.Venus is in 12th from 9H and 2nd from sun.Venus is again in 8H in navamsha.Venus is 9L in 2H with neecha 8L in D-12.So i feel venus antar is more potent for the loss of father. Infact the running dasa ke\venus from 24th jan 09 to 26th march 10 shows up this

warning.//Also, every planet has to play his role and some times role changes. Jupiter is a great protector but when he is Potent Marak? Is he going to protect or Kill (kill can also mean "death like" situation). I have bet more on his Marak qualities for health and Protective qualities for relationships. I feel it is very significant he is very well placed and Vargottam in Navamsha but badly placed in 22nd Drekkana Lord, and 8th Lord's sign in Drekkana. That is my humble opinion. Guru: Great Protector OR Potent Killer. Which Guru will show Up?//In this chart, 64th navamsha lord from moon is Sun and 22nd dreskone lord from lagna is Mercury. Jupiter is vargottam so it indicate strong possibility for material gain and fulfillment of desires.Bad health to spouse or herself is more prominent in Sun antardasa.************ ********* ********Most

confusion part for me in this chart is:1)The role of 'RETRO' Jupiter who is also 2nd lord the marak.2) The strong sun in own rasi and exalted in d-9 but in "Gandant".Is Shiva's rudra avatar Hanuman is NOT able to cross the ocean which does not have BRIDGE of Nakshatra in between. ?Thankyou,Regards,Vjay GoelJaipur.

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Dear Neelam-ji,


The quiz was really great. We al enjoyed it and learnt from it.

I was waiting for result anxiously and even left bed at 12:30 to

check the results (Had a minor verbal duel with my Better half

for checking mails at such an hour).


I would again like to thank you for lucid explanations provided.

It really helped me.


In this connection, I would like to know one info. - the date of

marriage. I would like to check a technique I am experimenting










On Behalf Of neelam guptaWednesday, October 21, 2009 2:11 PM Quiz-2

Dear Friends,I think the best way to test our skills and to learn from them is to practice and practice. Blind charts are the best way to do that, as we have seen many times.I am presenting another case here to predict an event on a day in the life of this lady.Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004If there are any doubts/queries, please feel free to ask. Birth time is correct.Please send your readings latest by 28.10.09 midnight.Best wishesNeelamThis Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New Delhi, India. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

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Dear Chakraborty ji,

//> The quiz was really great. We all enjoyed it and learnt from it.

> I was waiting for result anxiously and even left bed at 12:30 to

> check the results (Had a minor verbal duel with my Better half

> for checking mails at such an hour).//

Ha..Ha... I enjoyed it. ;) It is a good news for us that we are all this much

interested in astrology, but certainly a bad news for our better halfs. ;)

Love and regards,



, " Chakraborty, PL "



> Dear Neelam-ji,


> The quiz was really great. We all enjoyed it and learnt from it.

> I was waiting for result anxiously and even left bed at 12:30 to

> check the results (Had a minor verbal duel with my Better half

> for checking mails at such an hour).


> I would again like to thank you for lucid explanations provided.

> It really helped me.


> In this connection, I would like to know one info. - the date of

> marriage. I would like to check a technique I am experimenting

> with.


> regards


> Chakraborty

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Dear Chakraborty ji,Thanks.:-)Better halves better understand!Date of marriage for this lady is 4.11.1984RegardsNeelam2009/10/29 Chakraborty, PL <CHAKRABORTYP2








Dear Neelam-ji,


The quiz was really great. We al enjoyed it and learnt from it.

I was waiting for result  anxiously and even left bed at 12:30 to

check the results  (Had a minor verbal duel with my Better half

for checking mails at such an hour).


I would again like to thank you for lucid explanations provided.

It really helped me.


In this connection, I would like to know one info. - the date of

marriage.  I would like to check a technique I am experimenting










On Behalf Of neelam guptaWednesday, October 21, 2009 2:11 PM Quiz-2


Dear Friends,I think the best way to test our skills and to learn from them is to practice and practice. Blind charts are the best way to do that, as we have seen many times.I am presenting another case here to predict an event on a day in the life of this lady.Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004If there are any doubts/queries, please feel free to ask. Birth time is correct.Please send your readings latest by 28.10.09 midnight.Best wishesNeelamThis Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New Delhi, India. The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

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Dear Chakaraborty ji,


//The quiz was really great. We al enjoyed it and learnt from it.

I was waiting for result anxiously and even left bed at 12:30 to

check the results (Had a minor verbal duel with my Better half

for checking mails at such an hour).//




ha ha..and that [the mail] too from a smart & well loved lady!






, " Chakraborty, PL "



> Dear Neelam-ji,


> The quiz was really great. We al enjoyed it and learnt from it.

> I was waiting for result anxiously and even left bed at 12:30 to

> check the results (Had a minor verbal duel with my Better half

> for checking mails at such an hour).


> I would again like to thank you for lucid explanations provided.

> It really helped me.


> In this connection, I would like to know one info. - the date of

> marriage. I would like to check a technique I am experimenting

> with.


> regards


> Chakraborty




> ________________________________


On Behalf Of neelam gupta

> Wednesday, October 21, 2009 2:11 PM


> Quiz-2




> Dear Friends,


> I think the best way to test our skills and to learn from them is to practice

and practice. Blind charts are the best way to do that, as we have seen many



> I am presenting another case here to predict an event on a day in the life of

this lady.


> Birth details: Female 17 August 1962/19.00 hrs/Delhi (aquarius lagna)


> Event to be seen for : 27 August 2004


> If there are any doubts/queries, please feel free to ask. Birth time is



> Please send your readings latest by 28.10.09 midnight.


> Best wishes

> Neelam





> This Message was sent from Indian Oil Messaging Gateway, New Delhi, India. The

information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this

message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain

proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended

recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please

notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any



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