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Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how

they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment

in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal

chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of

RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage

are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for

twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro

car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and

Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for

my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time

(affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak

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Dear lajimi ji, No more reply on Sanmighan's ruels as i mention in my last mail. regards kanakYogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote: Dear Kanak, Mr.Shanmugham's book explains under the Chapter, "Advanced Stellar Astrology",soon after the chater on A Method to set a correct Lagna by K.P.(using the Xth

cusp)...that,Sun,the athmakaraka,(soul),or,Jupiter,(the putrakaraka),or, Venus (the Kama karaka) will always be found transitting the star or sub of the IXth s/l,at the time of birth... ! Thus,Kanak,you could use this method,the Xth cusp method or the RP's method,whichever you may choose,to rectify the TOB... Many methods are made available by Shanmugham,for which we are indebted to him,without doubt...now it is for the astrologer to choose...the method he is most comfortable with... All that I'm saying is

that,thus far,I am more than satisfied with the Ascendant sublord and ss/l appearing as the Moon's star-lord and sub-lord respectively...provided the corrected TOB is within + or _ 20 to 30 minutes... There is,truly no point in debating endlessly which method is 100% correct ALWAYS...we all know that no "formula can ever be 100% correct ALL the time... I guess let us move on and stop this pointless/endless discussion... With best wishes, L.Y.Rao.Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not

setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own

prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was

deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it

done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Rergards kanaktw853 <tw853 > wrote: Dear All,Let me repeat:Firstly, a rectified TOB by mere RPs can not be claimed as correct

because it may not be the same depending astrologer, date, time and place of casting. (One can see Shri KP Kuppu Ganapathi's kind answer to my blunt question without knowing that is him at that time in Msg#5054 of this group and experience of Baskaran and Khake in Msg#5028 point 3 & 4)Secondly, the results of Rangarajan's study on 300 AA-rated birth records are below:Conclusion: Using the connection between ASC sublord and MOON starlord is not a reliable technique for rectifying birth time.Another point is how can the Horary result be the same for any KP astrologer of different kinds like a beginner level, high level, with good manner or bad manner, without much faith in KP Readers etc.and also depending the nature of devine science. Regards,twP.S.Msg#4682 of this GroupDear Members,I have just uploaded a file summarising the results of our study on 300

AA-rated birth records. I decided to stop with this number since for the present study this appears sufficient.I will be happy to continue the study with other techniques, if members so suggest.Regards,RangarajanFILE SECTION OF THIS GROUPRectification Study A Study of Various Methodologies of Birth Time Rectification pandeypunit May 28, 2005Study of AA - Records (Final).doc Study of AA -Records (Final) 28 KB ranga_mms May 27, 2005Study of AA-Rated Charts (Final)May 27, 2005Rangarajan Krishnamoorthyranga (AT) mmsindia (DOT) comI have been able to process 300 records from the list given by TW. Since this is a reasonable number I decided to stop here and take a break. For validating Shanmugham's technique of birth time rectification (as we have understood), this experiment appears to be sufficient.Since the output from

my program is quite large, I decided not to include the individual record details in this document. If anyone is interested, I can make it available separately.Here are the latest results.Description(Total No. of Records: 300) Passes FailsCorrect Records 247 (82%) 53 (18%)Incorrect (-30 min) 252 (84%) 48 (16%)Incorrect (-25) 233 (78%) 67 (22%)Incorrect (-20) 239 (80%) 61 (20%)Incorrect (-15) 228 (76%) 72 (24%)Incorrect (-10) 243 (81%) 57 (19%)Incorrect (-5) 235 (78%) 65 (22%)Incorrect (+5) 245 (82%) 55 (18%)Incorrect (+10) 235 (78%) 65 (22%)Incorrect (+15) 240 (80%) 60 (20%)Incorrect (+20) 239 (80%) 61 (20%)Incorrect (+25) 248 (83%) 52 (17%)Incorrect (+30) 242 (81%) 58 (19%)Conclusion: Using the connection between ASC sublord and MOON starlord is not a reliable technique for rectifying birth time. , Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:>> Dear Raichur ji,> > !) Why we are try to got same answer, if astrologer are at deffer place?.we are doing harmfull work with this rule.we have to understand that every persons thinking style are deffer.and not in KP but in any branch of astrology not got same answer. but we KP astrologer never think on it.and try to prove it which is totaly fallacy statement.> > 2) same one statement " kP IS 100% " is also Fallacy statement. In that time Shri KSK he need this statement bcoz of that situation. we are not discuss about Shri KSK's situation etc but we all know no one is 100%.every KP astrologer are fail in his pridiction as well as Vedic astrologer also fial in his pridiction they are not allways correct, but KP IS MORE ACCURET THEN ANY OTHER BRANCH OF

ASTROLOGY. this statement KP is 100% accuret give chance to Vedic astrologer to attack on KP bcoz failore is 100% no one pridict right every time. dont you think we KP astrologer have to change our statement about accurecy?> > 3) we have best method of RP and we found many times correct, one time we done work on Birth time rectifiction with RP in this group and many times i prove with maths that Sanmugam's rules is totaly falcy then why we try to agian and agian repitedly insist new comer to check with this rules? it is not our duty to guide newcomer on correct path? or still we are run on same way which is writen in BOOKS?.if you are go on same line and not look at what is KP then are you gain in KP?why dont you not think that writen by our rishi is only last statement?> > 4)I request all memebrs to think on it, we need some corection in our style and word we use to prove KP, and if we do not do

we are liable for that in future.> > 5) i know may some members take me in wrong way. I am very sorry if i heart anyonce feelings, .> > 6) I agin request you and specialy Lajmi ji to check Sanmugam's rules continuesly 3-4 dyas and check, you found allways all nine planet conected with MOON star Lord.> > This is my last mail on this subject.I never discuss on Sanmugam's Rule in future.> > Very anxious,> Kanak Bosmia> > > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> yes. This is a good method. Mr Gondhalekar uses this method when he asks us to check RPS, and the connected s/l when the person comes to you, and your work on the natal chart . RPS are in a way divine guidance. But when answering some one by corespondence, you may not get it correct.> > There is a strong urge, both in the querent and the astrologer when the question on

is asked. > > The only problem with RPS is that 2 KP astrologers working at different places, on the same question, at different times may not > get the same answer. > > > > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Raichur ji,> > If we have to final by relation sub then whjy we check this Sanmigam's rule? why not direct we checck relation sub?> > More perfect and correct method is: when some one come to us and ask any question then wehave to cast RP and check the sublord which is releted with question:> for example: some one come to us and ask a question about Child Birth so we have to checdk 5th SL. this 5th SL will 100% come in RP. if not then adjest it as per RP and without any feerther chacking we found very correct time.> > A perosn come to me for consaltation, during aour talk he told me that he was go to jail

for two days., i check his 12th SL was JUP so i adjest his 12th SL as RAH aby adjesting time only - 0.30Sec.> > regards> Kanak> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> Dear Kanak > Select one nearest to known (but uncertain time). Then final test is always to correlate the relation ships, and events. In your case, see your 5th house lords, and your son,s 9th cusp lords. you should find a relationship in these, if both the TOBs are correct. > > good luck> > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Raichur ji,> > I am wondering, ok this rules is for agjesting time within 10 to 15 Mnt.but as i many times give detials with maths that 24 hrs. all planet conected woth Moonn star so when we adjest time within 10 t0 15 Mnt. answer is same bcoze we know all nine planet always conwected with starlord of MOON. I STRONGLY

REQUEST YOU TO CHECK FOR 5 DAYS CONTUNUESLY you will found all nine planet conection with Moon starlord.so ther is no question of 10 to 15 mnt.> > i am try to give more detail:> for exmple MOON is in the star of JUP.> > Now givan time is 4.15 and Asc sublord is JUP.> next sub is SAT and befer JUP sub is RAH.> > bcoze we have to check within 10 to 15 mnt so we have only three sub for selection.> > as per me all nine planet always conected with moon star lord so all three JUP,SAT,RAH are conected with Moon star lord JUP.> > Now please gide me how to slect one within this three ?> > regards> kanak> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> DEAR Hasmukhrai> This is one rule, of the many for Birth Rectification, where TOB is to be corrected. The FINAL ANALYSIS IS THE CHECK ON THE INCIDENTS IN LIFE, OR RELATIONSHIP

WITH CHILDREN WHOSE TOB IS KNOWN TO BE CORRECT. The correction by this method is valid only within a span of about 10-15 minutes.> > But, where the time is definite, you will find the SUB LORD of ASC > is cannected to the starlord of the moon, directly, or indirectly.> > check and let us have the results of your study.> > good luck> > Hasmukhrai Mehta <astroclinik wrote:> If the sub-lord of the Ascendant has to be the star-lord of the Moon to prove that the time of birth is correct, then the Ascendant sub-lord of all the natives born within about 24 hours must be the same. Because Moon remains in a star for about 24 hours. Is this possible?> > Good luck and all the best.> > Hasmukhrai J Mehta.> > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote: Dear Lajimi ji,> > First i want to clear that i

am not gainst P.M.Sanmugam perosnaly, i am aginst only rules: Asc. SL conection with Moon starlord only. and i am prove many times with maths that this rules is totaly falcy.and I REQUEST YOU TO CHECK AS I GIVEN MATHS YOUR SELF YOU FOUND I AM VERY CORRECT..AND THEN REPLY ABOUT YOU EXPERIANCE.> > Regarding other rules of Sanmugan's i salute him about "Aspect of Outerplanet and inner planet " and i many times write in grouop and i personaly use regularly in my daily use.> > Regarding Astrosceret part 2, you have mantion rules on SUN-VEN-JUP is writen by Late Sri Kudanthai Nathan-Srilanka not by snmugam IF THERE IS NO PRINT MISTKE IN BOOK.> > Now as per Rules planet in star or sub in SUN-VEN-JUP will be candidate for 9th sublord.> > Look at todays position:> >

--> DATE WEDNESDAY 6 9 2006 5.30 am I.S.T.SID TIME AT 5.30 LT= 4 H. 29 M. 47 S.> Time show is for sub ending +/- 1 min.> SUN. 5 19 25 14 Sun Ven Rah : ends at 22:35)> MOON 10 24 18 11 Sat Mar Rah : ends at 08:24)> MOON 1 11 1 46 37 Sat Mar Mer : > MARS 6 4 44 21 Mer Sun Sat : ends at 19:20)> MERC 5 23 52 0 Sun Ven Sat : ends at 07:14)> JUP. 7 20 17 30 Ven Jup Jup : NO END > VEN. 5 5 49 13 Sun Ket Rah : NO END > SAT. 4 24 41 44 Moo Mer Rah : NO END > RAHU -R 12 2 0 9 Jup Jup Rah : NO end > KETU -R 6 2 0 9 Mer Sun Jup : NO end > URAN -R 11 18 51 24 Sat Rah Moo : NO end > NEPT -R 10 23 53 31 Sat Mar Mar : NO end > MOON:(Mar-Jup 11:18)(Mar-Sat 14:40)(Mar-Mer 17:41)(Mar-Ket 18:56)> (Mar-Ven 22:30)(Mar-Sun 23:34)(Mar-Moo 25:21)(Rah-Rah 28:34)> >

> > SUN- IN THE STAR OF VEN - OK> MOON: MOON CHANGE SUB IN SHOR DURATION SO HE COME IN SUB OF VEN-JUP-SUN-RAHU-KETU-( AROUND 5:30 pm SUN ASPECT MOON.SO AFTER 5:30 ALL DAY MOON - OK)> MAR:IN THE STAR OF SUN- OK> MER: IN THE STAR OF VEN - OK> JUP- IN THE STAR AND SUB OG JUP. - OK> VEN: IN THE STAR OF KETU AGENT OF SUN. AND SUB OF rah AGENT OF jup.-OK> SAT: IN THE SUB OF RAH AGENT OF JUP.-OK> RAH:IN THE STAR OF JUP.-OK> KET: IN THE STAR OF SUN. - OK> > That means all 9 planet be a 9th sub then how to select one of them? I request all memebrs to check agian and agian and look am i right?> I have check this rules when i read book but i found falcy rule and t i dont want to discuss this but when you specily ask my opinion on this rules i have to write what i

relay think on this rules.this is the reson i never suggest any one astrosecret part 2 & 3. i suggest only part one.> > Lajimi ji many time i write in group and also talk on phone with many members that never accept any thing without checking our self even it was writen by any one( i repit any one).and dont read book with deep impression of authore, also never read astrology book like story book.if you wnat to understand any method properly and right way.this is my personal thinking and i dont mind if one can disagree with me.> > > with best regards> Kanak Bosmia> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote:> Dear Kanak,> You seem to dismiss the late Shanmugham's rule out of hand...> May I draw your attention to the chapter on Advanced Stellar Astrology in his book(part II)...> He says " I have observed that in the Star or Sub of the

IXth sublord,Sun or Jup or Venus has been found transitting at the TOB...> For the time taken by you,Kanak,as the correct time Venus some distance away from being exactly on the IXth cusp....> And...this rule,also of the late Shri M.P.Shanmugham has been proved to be correct,in the example quoted by you...> The late Mr.M.P.Shanmugham has given many rules..it does not seem to be fair to apply only one of the rules,and if it fails,condemn the theory in totality...> Kindly think about it carefully, Kanak,Sun,Jupiter and Venus are Atmakaraka,Putrakaraka and Kamakaraka respectively...> Well,pl.let me have your opinion...> With kind regards,> L.Y.Rao.> > > > > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Vijay ji,> > I dont belive in Sanmugam's Rule. many time in this group i prove by maths that this rules is

totaly falcy.> > bellow is my clculation as per K.Baskarn's Book.I WANT TO CLEAR THAT TIME BY ME AND RAICHURJI ARE MOSTLY SAME BUT THIS IS NOT HAPPN EVERY TIME THAT IF WE CHECK WITH SANMUGAM'S RULES AND WITH HELP OF RP BITHER COME SAME.> If we check time 03.20 Asc. SL is MOON and Birth MOON star lord is MAR.not match.> > 03-09-2006 13:52:15> > DATE DD,MM,YYYY e.g. 9,2,1997 ? 03,09,2006> pLACE: l.g.hOSPITAL-aHMEDABAD 23 n 00 ,, 72 e 36> WANT GULBURGA METHOD Y/N ?> TIME:24 HR BASIS not AM/PM,Hr,Mi.Sec ? 13,52,15> DAY LORD IS SUN.> ASC= 237 3 40 MARS MERC JUP VEN> MOON/CHANDRA 256 14 7 JUP VEN MOON MOON> RAHU 332 8 35 JUP JUP RAHU SAT> KETU 152 8 35 MERC SUN JUP VEN> > ANOTHER TIME Y/N ?> MOON TRANSIT ON 18/08/1978 ALLHABAD. As under:> From 02.27.05 MAR start start.> 02.27.05 to 03.41.25 MAR satar and MAR

sub .> Our time is suring this SUB so we check SUB-PSUB for this SUB.> 02.27.05 TO 03.41.25 - MAR-MAR-MAR> 03.41.25 TO 02.31.25 - MAR-MAR-RAH> 02.31.25 TO 02.52.28 - MAR-MAR-JUP> 02.52.28 TO 03.04.15 - MAR-MAR-SAT> 03.04.15 TO 03.14.47 - MAR-MAR-MER> 03.14.47 TO 03.19.17 - MAR-MAR-KET> 03.19.17 TO 03.31.59 - MAR-MAR-VEN> 03.31.59 TO 03.35.14 - MAR-MAR-SUN> 03.35.14 TO 03.41.25 - MAR-MAR-MOO> I allwyas prefer to use rules given in K.Baskaran's rules: RP Asc. = Birth MOON and> RP Moon = Birth Asc.> we have in RP Asc. MARS MERC JUP VEN ( MAR-VEN andf RAH are in Conj.)> MAR is as Starlord of birth MOON.agian MER sub(Agent of VEN)sao we have two more RP> MER and JUP.> But KETU aspected by JUP and MAR and both are in our RP. so we give more wight to node> and select sub-sub as KET.03.14.47 TO 03.19.17 - MAR-MAR-KET> Asc for this time is as

under:> For 03.14.47 : - MER-JUP-SUN-VEN> For 03.19.17 : - MOO-JUP-MOO-VEN.> In RP Moon we have JUP VEN MOON MOON> so if we look at time 03.19.17 : - MOO-JUP-MOO-VEN. all are same as RP > Moon. and i suggest to take this time is as right birth time.> > All caculation done on KPAstro2.5 with KPNA. and RP calculted in Raichur's software.> > Regards> Kanak> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> As per criterion of ASC sub lord should be same as Moon,star the correct> time will be 3,20 :asc 90,33,21 i,e Cancer or Karka Lagna> > Vijay Kumar <vk_51 wrote: > Dear Mr. Rao, Raichur, Kanak and other learned scholars,> > Please help me to fix the Lagna of the following native, whose TOB is not accurately known. > > Female> 18-08-1978>

0300 - 0330 Hrs IST> Allahabad (UP)> 81E51, 25N27> > Star : Dhanshta-I (Capricorn Rasi)> > Within the span of 0300 to 0330 Hrs IST, the Lagna transits from Gemini to Cancer.> > It would be obligatory, if the Lagna could be fixed to Sub level.> > Thanks and Regards,> > Vijay Kumar> > > > Get your email and more, right on the new .com > > > > > Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small Business. > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > All-new Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. >

> > > > > > Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out. > > > > > > > Hasmukhrai J Mehta> Astrological services par excellence> http://www.astroclinica.com > > Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

> > > > > > > Get your email and more, right on the new .com > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > Get your email and more, right on the new .com > > > > > > > > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > All-new Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. > > > > > >

> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

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Dear Swami ji, as always "YES BOSS YOU ARE RIGHT. NOT RIGHT ALLWAYS RIGHT." not more comment, i have to keep my energy for new research work. but i still wiating for rectifiction, detail givan by me and i want only rasilord, starlord, sublord and subsub lord of Asc. and birth MOON. Best regards Kanak Bosmiaswami omkar <swamiomkar wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification

we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i

follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier

contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so

i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same

and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.

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Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after

getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of

system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing

results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact

address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so

i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same

and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong

way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good

result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the

authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts

research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again

in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is

diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the

birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

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Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100%

result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after

seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any

practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for

Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth.

then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont

we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about

on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

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Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth

time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are

misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can

tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier

practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we

to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all

charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information

about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place

and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.

Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

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Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, 3) Native looks little fat. Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar

<swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you

kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old

postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is

another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like

this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the

authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA

rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart

it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't

able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work

i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.

Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

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Dear Swamiji, Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you. please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times ) with best regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote: Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar

www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100%

result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after

seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any

practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for

Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth.

then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont

we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about

on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it

NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

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Dear Kanak, I thought after getting answer from you then i can explain "how i got". ASC = 93:23:39 moon-sat-sat Moon = 35:44:53 Ven-Sun-Mer This above value is for ASC and Moon. i always ready to share my knowledge. so after your answer i wil give a details report about my RBT Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you. please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times ) with best regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not

taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my

simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which

u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this

system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that

ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get

diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer

done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil

tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.

Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

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Daer Kanakbhai,


It order to improve on the correct birth time, there is an

alternative ,using the Navamsa- Dwaddasamsa.


The principle is very simple.One Navamsa covers 3deg 20 min of

Zodiac.One 12th part of this covers 16 min 40 sec of zodiac Count

from the Navamsa Lagna ,if it odd rasi, i.e Mesha, Mithunaets it is

male.If it falls in even rasi eg Vrishabha, Karka etc. the sex is

male. Thus knowing the sex of the child we can use this method to

correct upto nearly 27 sec.( 2hrs approx is 120x60=7200 sec,is lagna



The navamsa lagna degree elapsed, is broken into intervals of

16min 40 sec., which rsi the last portion falls will decide the sex.

If the sex is right, no problem the time is correct, if sex is wrong

a correction of 1 sign either way is to be attempted.This simple

method can be used as cross check.


Example Lagan 10deg 30min in Tula gives Makara Navamsa, This

makara navamsa range is for 3deg 20 min(10deg to 13 deg 20min),The

elapsed deg in this navamsa is 10deg 30 min min 10deg= 30 min. Divide

30 min by 16min 40 sec = nearly 2 i.e 2nd rasi from makara which is

Kumbha, an odd rasi hence sex is MALE. If the child is female we

need to correct; deduct or add 1 sign depending on the elapsed deg.

Adjustment approx27 sec. Ready made table can be made. for 12

rasis. .



Please try it out.







Please experiment.










, Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia



> Dear Swamiji,


> Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but

to learn from you.


> please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the

Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON.

with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation.


> I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON



> I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many

members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep

silent for sometime ( retirement for some times )


> with best regards

> kanak




> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:

> Dear Kanakji,


> As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed

the chart between 7.55 to 8.00


> Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57.


> Some Major Points to verify with natives physical.

> 1) Some hair fall in head.

> 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private



> Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly.



> Swami Omkar

> www.pranavapeetam.org




> Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:

> Dear Swami ji,


> Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose

you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only

from clint so i do this)


> so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no

misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his

email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person.


> so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND



> Good Luck


> regards

> kanak


> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:

> Dear Kanak,

> the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much

correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00.


> pls provid any other data.


> Swami Omkar


> '---

> Dear Raichurji,


> very soon i post my method RBT.


> Swami Omkar

> www.pranavapeetam.org


> Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:

> Dear Swami Onkar ji

> Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth

time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to

learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be

helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just

re post it.


> good luck


> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:

> Dear Kanak and all,

> The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in

wrong way.

> like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP.

> even though the people not understanding my simple email....they

misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil

going to explain?


> there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the

asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method

is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i

am not told i am getting 100% result.


> so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give

and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some

event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time

what u r having in mind that only the right one.

> after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it.

again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only

give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP



> finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.!


> see my commnets with Orange!


> Swami Omkar


> Dear Swami ji,


> thanks for your view.

> My comment in bold*************


> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:

> Dear Twji,


> I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old



> if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no

use to follow this system!


> I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time

rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system

is not velid statement.

> horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can

tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the

time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question

in mind at the time of meeting.

> I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc

and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow

that is giving amazing results.


> What is the authantication of your result?

> becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction.

> from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this

technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact


> but any other people who done 100 charts research and told

comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this?

> and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s

postings...based on RBT.

> i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP

system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of

data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the

RBT techque that is very importent.

> in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of

result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC

and MOON or which techniqe they followed.


> You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i


> no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the


> some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the

thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work!


> Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data

of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his

effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing

research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on

system which we following. so i request people who doing research

they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice.


> what is the authantication of data from his own data which they

getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct

data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this

too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got

only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data.

> Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i

will do all my work again and dispose all my old work.


> Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA

rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are

we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what

is with us is only right...

> people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give

fake data. in that manner i told.

> you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that ,

natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the

same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the

truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just

understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in

future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to

archaeology which tellis only past ! not future...

> i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future!

> every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive

the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving!


> You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent

asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use

RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my

experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i

am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary)


> Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we

memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what

heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and

always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me

and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance



> We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent.

> even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school

of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making

confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q

for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil

tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked

verious time too.



> Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT

in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter

20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for

KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all

failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books.


> in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if

people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct

demo in CHAT session.


> I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss

in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets

try to look about result.

> i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post


> i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only

after 10 days becoz of moduration.


> if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or

2 charts and explain how it done.


> i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i

belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me.


> Here is Data and please do rectification.


> Male

> date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954

> Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania

> Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am.

> i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and

MOON position for my checking.

> Surly i wil do wait for a day!


> Rergards

> kanak





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> >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<





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Dear Swami ji, His time of birth is 7:58 AM and two indication given by you is wrong. He has very good hair groth. and no Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, regards Kanakswami omkar <swamiomkar wrote: Dear Kanak, I thought after getting answer from you then i can explain "how i got". ASC = 93:23:39

moon-sat-sat Moon = 35:44:53 Ven-Sun-Mer This above value is for ASC and Moon. i always ready to share my knowledge. so after your answer i wil give a details report about my RBT Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you. please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. I will reply

your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times ) with best regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen

near to private part, Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with

this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r

<raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and

rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give

result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or

which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who

telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the

basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road

behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session.

I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers

India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it

NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

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Dear Kanak, This looks very amazing that you are having exact time of birth. as per my very little knowledge i tryied to do RBT. and also given some practical exampels. but as per your result my thoery is failure..we can keep like this...! so i hope i dont want to explain my failure thoery to all. now i need answer for my two questions.! 1) how you can proove that 7.58 time is correct. what is the astrologcial or practical..logical truth behaind it? 2) you are doing lot of KP research as a well known kp astrologer, i am asking to u that 7.57 and 7.58 makes diffrence in SUB level?( if so pls tell the explaination) Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote: Dear Swami ji, His time of birth is 7:58 AM and two indication given by you is wrong. He has very good hair groth. and no Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, regards Kanakswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, I thought

after getting answer from you then i can explain "how i got". ASC = 93:23:39 moon-sat-sat Moon = 35:44:53 Ven-Sun-Mer This above value is for ASC and Moon. i always ready to share my knowledge. so after your answer i wil give a details report about my RBT Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you. please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation.

I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times ) with best regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives

physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who

want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and

all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed

back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid

statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving

the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use

thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal

and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session.

I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is

talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers

India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

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Dear R Satish ji,



Could you kindly show us a practical application of your simple BT

rectification method for the birth times of Indira Gandhi and Blair posted in Msg#9700 for the benefit of KP learners as Swami

Omkar ji is not jet showing his better method in this regard.


Thanks and regards,




, " R Satish " <rsatish1942




> Daer Kanakbhai,


> It order to improve on the correct birth time, there is an

> alternative ,using the Navamsa- Dwaddasamsa.


> The principle is very simple.One Navamsa covers 3deg 20 min of

> Zodiac.One 12th part of this covers 16 min 40 sec of zodiac Count

> from the Navamsa Lagna ,if it odd rasi, i.e Mesha, Mithunaets it


> male.If it falls in even rasi eg Vrishabha, Karka etc. the sex is

> male. Thus knowing the sex of the child we can use this method to

> correct upto nearly 27 sec.( 2hrs approx is 120x60=7200 sec,is


> duration).


> The navamsa lagna degree elapsed, is broken into intervals of

> 16min 40 sec., which rsi the last portion falls will decide the


> If the sex is right, no problem the time is correct, if sex is


> a correction of 1 sign either way is to be attempted.This simple

> method can be used as cross check.


> Example Lagan 10deg 30min in Tula gives Makara Navamsa, This

> makara navamsa range is for 3deg 20 min(10deg to 13 deg 20min),The

> elapsed deg in this navamsa is 10deg 30 min min 10deg= 30 min.


> 30 min by 16min 40 sec = nearly 2 i.e 2nd rasi from makara which


> Kumbha, an odd rasi hence sex is MALE. If the child is female we

> need to correct; deduct or add 1 sign depending on the elapsed


> Adjustment approx27 sec. Ready made table can be made. for 12

> rasis. .



> Please try it out.


> Regards,


> Satish



> Please experiment.




, Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Swamiji,

> >

> > Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you


> to learn from you.

> >

> > please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the

> Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of


> with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation.

> >

> > I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON

> possition.

> >

> > I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many

> members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep

> silent for sometime ( retirement for some times )

> >

> > with best regards

> > kanak

> >

> >

> >

> > swami omkar <swamiomkar@> wrote:

> > Dear Kanakji,

> >

> > As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i


> the chart between 7.55 to 8.00

> >

> > Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57.

> >

> > Some Major Points to verify with natives physical.

> > 1) Some hair fall in head.

> > 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private

> part,

> >

> > Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly.

> >

> >

> > Swami Omkar

> > www.pranavapeetam.org

> >

> >

> >

> > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@> wrote:

> > Dear Swami ji,

> >

> > Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint (


> you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take


> from clint so i do this)

> >

> > so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is


> misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide


> email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person.

> >

> > so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO



> >

> > Good Luck

> >

> > regards

> > kanak

> >

> > swami omkar <swamiomkar@> wrote:

> > Dear Kanak,

> > the data which you are given i think, the time is not that


> correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00.

> >

> > pls provid any other data.

> >

> > Swami Omkar

> >

> > '---

> > Dear Raichurji,

> >

> > very soon i post my method RBT.

> >

> > Swami Omkar

> > www.pranavapeetam.org

> >

> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar@> wrote:

> > Dear Swami Onkar ji

> > Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify


> time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like


> learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would


> helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please


> re post it.

> >

> > good luck

> >

> > swami omkar <swamiomkar@> wrote:

> > Dear Kanak and all,

> > The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in

> wrong way.

> > like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP.

> > even though the people not understanding my simple


> misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil

> going to explain?

> >

> > there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you


> asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all


> is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result


> am not told i am getting 100% result.

> >

> > so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u


> and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some

> event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time

> what u r having in mind that only the right one.

> > after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind


> again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed


> give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP

> astrologers.

> >

> > finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.!

> >

> > see my commnets with Orange!

> >

> > Swami Omkar

> >

> > Dear Swami ji,

> >

> > thanks for your view.

> > My comment in bold*************

> >

> > swami omkar <swamiomkar@> wrote:

> > Dear Twji,

> >

> > I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as


> postings.

> >

> > if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is


> use to follow this system!

> >

> > I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth


> rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of


> is not velid statement.

> > horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u


> tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary?


> time chart also reflects the answer which the native having


> in mind at the time of meeting.

> > I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc

> and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow

> that is giving amazing results.

> >

> > What is the authantication of your result?

> > becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction.

> > from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using


> technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact

> address.

> > but any other people who done 100 charts research and told

> comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this?

> > and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s

> postings...based on RBT.

> > i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of


> system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity


> data which they used in thier research? first how they understood


> RBT techque that is very importent.

> > in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of

> result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between


> and MOON or which techniqe they followed.

> >

> > You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am


> right?

> > no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the

> techniuqe.

> > some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the

> thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work!

> >

> > Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk


> of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his

> effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing

> research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence


> system which we following. so i request people who doing research

> they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice.

> >

> > what is the authantication of data from his own data which


> getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct

> data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try


> too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got

> only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data.

> > Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice


> will do all my work again and dispose all my old work.

> >

> > Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA

> rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who


> we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and


> is with us is only right...

> > people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never


> fake data. in that manner i told.

> > you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP

that ,

> natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the

> same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the

> truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just

> understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in

> future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to

> archaeology which tellis only past ! not future...

> > i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for


> > every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and


> the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving!

> >

> > You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get


> asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we


> RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my

> experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.


> am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary)

> >

> > Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment,


> memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what

> heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment


> always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji,


> and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance

> result)

> >

> > We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent.

> > even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier


> of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making

> confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q

> for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students


> tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked

> verious time too.

> >

> >

> > Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about


> in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter

> 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful


> KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and


> failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books.

> >

> > in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if

> people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct

> demo in CHAT session.

> >

> > I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we


> in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and


> try to look about result.

> > i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil


> again.

> > i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only

> after 10 days becoz of moduration.

> >

> > if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one


> 2 charts and explain how it done.

> >

> > i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native.


> belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me.

> >

> > Here is Data and please do rectification.

> >

> > Male

> > date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954

> > Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania

> > Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am.

> > i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and

> MOON position for my checking.

> > Surly i wil do wait for a day!

> >

> > Rergards

> > kanak

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India

> > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger


> 8. Get it NOW

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US

> (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India

> > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger


> 8. Get it NOW

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

> >

> >

> >

> > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India

> > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger


> 8. Get it NOW

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.

> >


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Dear Swamiji, Please check both time. both are very near def is only one mnt.but in 7.57 3rd sub is KET and in 7.58 3rd Sub is VEN. so when we check third cusp metter then which one count as right? this is reson that i insist to rectifed up to sub-sub leaval. hope it help regards kanak Bosmiaswami omkar <swamiomkar wrote: Dear Kanak, This looks

very amazing that you are having exact time of birth. as per my very little knowledge i tryied to do RBT. and also given some practical exampels. but as per your result my thoery is failure..we can keep like this...! so i hope i dont want to explain my failure thoery to all. now i need answer for my two questions.! 1) how you can proove that 7.58 time is correct. what is the astrologcial or practical..logical truth behaind it? 2) you are doing lot of KP research as a well known kp astrologer, i am asking to u that 7.57 and 7.58 makes diffrence in SUB level?( if so pls tell the explaination) Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, His time of birth is 7:58 AM and two indication given by you is wrong. He has very good hair groth. and no Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, regards Kanakswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, I thought after getting answer from you then i can explain "how i got". ASC = 93:23:39 moon-sat-sat Moon = 35:44:53 Ven-Sun-Mer This above value is for ASC and Moon. i always ready to share my knowledge. so after your answer i wil give a details report about my RBT Swami

Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you. please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for

some times ) with best regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to

rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same

people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can

tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier

practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we

to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all

charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information

about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place

and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it

NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

All-new Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

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Dear Kanak and Swamiji, Absolutely desireable,indeed.In my personal experience only Shanmugham's method,used with a SW which gives positions of planets and cusps upto sub-sub level is found very useful... BTW,am extremely happy to note,Kanak, that you are back with us...!

With kind regards, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK !Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please check both time. both are very near def is only one mnt.but in 7.57 3rd sub is KET and in 7.58 3rd Sub is VEN. so when we check third cusp metter then which one count as right? this is reson that i insist to rectifed up to sub-sub leaval. hope it help regards kanak Bosmiaswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, This looks very amazing that you are having exact time of birth. as per my very little knowledge i tryied to do RBT. and also given some practical exampels. but as per your result my thoery is failure..we can keep like this...! so i hope i dont want to explain my failure thoery to all. now i need answer for my two questions.! 1) how you can proove that 7.58 time is correct. what is the astrologcial or practical..logical truth behaind it? 2) you are doing lot of KP research as a well known kp astrologer, i am asking to u that 7.57 and 7.58 makes diffrence in SUB level?( if so pls tell the explaination) Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, His time of birth is 7:58 AM and two indication given by you is

wrong. He has very good hair groth. and no Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, regards Kanakswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, I thought after getting answer from you then i can explain "how i got". ASC = 93:23:39 moon-sat-sat Moon = 35:44:53 Ven-Sun-Mer This above value is for ASC and Moon. i always ready to share my knowledge. so after your answer i wil give a details report about my RBT Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you. please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times ) with best regards kanak swami omkar

<swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the

detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the

comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question

in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on

RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to

provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not

future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way

for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for

making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz

in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get

past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE

1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody

Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Messenger with

Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << All-new Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

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Respected KP masters,I hav tried birth time rectification with Asc and RP moon. I have not been successful even with my own family memebers. Whereas, the Natal moon and Asc as researched by late Shanmugham for birth time correction and professed by both Lajmiji and Raichurji have shown good results. These are of course my findings. I may be wrong to put down any theory since I am not a professional astrologer. With due apologies;V.Ramachandran.On 9/16/06, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote:






Dear Kanak and Swamiji, Absolutely desireable,indeed.In my personal experience only Shanmugham's method,used with a SW which gives positions of planets and cusps upto sub-sub level is found very useful...

BTW,am extremely happy to note,Kanak, that you are back with us...!

With kind regards, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK !

Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote:

Dear Swamiji, Please check both time. both are very near def is only one mnt.but in 7.57 3rd sub is KET and in 7.58 3rd Sub is VEN. so when we check third cusp metter then which one count as right? this is reson that i insist to rectifed up to sub-sub leaval. hope it help regards kanak Bosmiaswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Kanak, This looks very amazing that you are having exact time of birth. as per my very little knowledge i tryied to do RBT. and also given some practical exampels.

but as per your result my thoery is failure..we can keep like this...! so i hope i dont want to explain my failure thoery to all. now i need answer for my two questions.!

1) how you can proove that 7.58 time is correct. what is the astrologcial or practical..logical truth behaind it? 2) you are doing lot of KP research as a well known kp astrologer, i am asking to u that 7.57 and 7.58 makes diffrence in SUB level?( if so pls tell the explaination) Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@

> wrote: Dear Swami ji, His time of birth is 7:58 AM and two indication given by you is

wrong. He has very good hair groth. and no Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, regards Kanakswami omkar <swamiomkar@

..co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak,

I thought after getting answer from you then i can explain " how i got " . ASC = 93:23:39 moon-sat-sat Moon = 35:44:53 Ven-Sun-Mer

This above value is for ASC and Moon. i always ready to share my knowledge. so after your answer i wil give a details report about my RBT Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@

> wrote: Dear Swamiji,

Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you. please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation.

I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times )

with best regards kanak swami omkar

<swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57.

Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part,

Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar

www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia > wrote:

Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this)

so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person.

so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards

kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data.

Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar

> wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the

detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT)

co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all,

The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way.

like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP.

even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain?

there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result.

so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one.

after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers.

finaly i want to tell the

comments on u r commnets.!

see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar

Dear Swami ji,

thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT)

co.in> wrote: Dear Twji,

I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings.

if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system!

I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement.


horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question

in mind at the time of meeting.

I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results.

What is the authantication of your result?

becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction.

from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address.

but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this?

and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on

RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent.

in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed.

You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right?


no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe.

some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work!

Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice.

what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to

provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data.

Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work.

Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right...


people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told.

you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not

future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future!

every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving!

You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using

Natal and horary)

Ok then teach us right way

for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result)

We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent.

even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for

making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too.

Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz

in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books.

in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session.

I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result.

i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again.

i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration.


if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done.

i always use RP for RBT. i never get

past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me.

Here is Data and please do rectification. Male

date of Birth: 25th JUNE

1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania

Time of Birth:

7.55 am to 8.00 am.

i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking.

Surly i wil do wait for a day!

Rergards kanak

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Satish ji,


What is source (classical text) of this method of RBT?


Thanks & Regards,


Punit Pandey

On 9/11/06, R Satish <rsatish1942 wrote:







Daer Kanakbhai,It order to improve on the correct birth time, there is an alternative ,using the Navamsa- Dwaddasamsa.The principle is very simple.One Navamsa covers 3deg 20 min of Zodiac.One

12th part of this covers 16 min 40 sec of zodiac Count from the Navamsa Lagna ,if it odd rasi, i.e Mesha, Mithunaets it is male.If it falls in even rasi eg Vrishabha, Karka etc. the sex is male. Thus knowing the sex of the child we can use this method to correct upto nearly 27 sec.( 2hrs approx is 120x60=7200 sec,is lagna duration).The navamsa lagna degree elapsed, is broken into intervals of 16min 40 sec., which rsi the last portion falls will decide the sex.

If the sex is right, no problem the time is correct, if sex is wrong a correction of 1 sign either way is to be attempted.This simple method can be used as cross check.Example Lagan 10deg 30min in Tula gives Makara Navamsa, This makara navamsa range is for 3deg 20 min(10deg to 13 deg 20min),The elapsed deg in this navamsa is 10deg 30 min min 10deg= 30 min. Divide 30 min by 16min 40 sec = nearly 2 i.e 2nd rasi from makara which is

Kumbha, an odd rasi hence sex is MALE. If the child is female we need to correct; deduct or add 1 sign depending on the elapsed deg. Adjustment approx27 sec. Ready made table can be made. for 12 rasis. .

Please try it out.Regards,SatishPlease experiment.

, Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia

wrote:>> Dear Swamiji,> > Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you.> > please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. > > I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON

possition.> > I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times )>

> with best regards> kanak> > >

> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00> > Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57.

> > Some Major Points to verify with natives physical.> 1) Some hair fall in head.> 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part,> > Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly.

> > > Swami Omkar> www.pranavapeetam.org> > >

> Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Swami ji,> > Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this)> > so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person.

> > so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE.> > Good Luck> > regards> kanak>


> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanak,> the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00.> > pls provid any other data.> > Swami Omkar> > '---> Dear Raichurji,> > very soon i post my method RBT. > > Swami Omkar

> www.pranavapeetam.org>

> Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> Dear Swami Onkar ji> Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. > > good luck>

> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanak and all,> The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way.> like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP.

> even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain?> > there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result.> > so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one.> after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers.> > finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.!

> > see my commnets with Orange!> > Swami Omkar> > Dear Swami ji,> > thanks for your view.> My comment in bold*************>

> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Twji,> > I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings.>

> if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system!> > I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement.> horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting.> I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results.> > What is the authantication of your result?> becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction.> from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address.> but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this?> and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT.

> i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the

RBT techque that is very importent.> in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed.

> > You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right?> no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe.> some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work!> > Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his

effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice.

> > what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data.> Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work.

> > Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right...> people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. > you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future...> i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future!> every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving!

> > You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary)> > Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we

memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result)> > We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent.> even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too.

> > > Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books.> > in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session.> > I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result.> i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again.> i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration.> > if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done.

> > i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me.> > Here is Data and please do rectification.> > Male> date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954

> Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania> Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am.> i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking.> Surly i wil do wait for a day!

> > Rergards> kanak> > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or less.

> > > > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > >

> Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. > > > > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.>

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Dears Punit and Satish, What is your experience with the late Dr.K.R.Kar's theory of Navamsa of Navamsa being the equivalent of sub-sub...? Personally I have tried it once or twice beforeand found it to be fairly accurate,but most consultants want quick results/predictions,sometimes even immediately...hence I have given up using this method,as I take some time,due to inadequate practice and experience... With best wishes, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK ! Punit Pandey

<punitp wrote: Satish ji, What is source (classical text) of this method of RBT? Thanks & Regards, Punit Pandey On 9/11/06, R Satish <rsatish1942 > wrote: Daer Kanakbhai,It order to improve on the correct birth time, there is an alternative ,using the Navamsa- Dwaddasamsa.The principle is very simple.One Navamsa covers 3deg 20 min of Zodiac.One 12th part of this covers 16 min 40 sec of zodiac Count from the Navamsa Lagna ,if it odd rasi, i.e Mesha, Mithunaets it is male.If it falls in even rasi eg Vrishabha, Karka etc. the sex is male. Thus knowing the sex of the child we can use this method to correct upto nearly 27 sec.( 2hrs approx is 120x60=7200 sec,is lagna duration).The navamsa lagna degree elapsed, is broken into intervals of 16min 40 sec., which rsi the last portion falls will decide the sex. If the sex is right, no problem the time is correct, if sex is wrong a correction of 1 sign either way is to be attempted.This simple method can be used as cross check.Example Lagan 10deg 30min in Tula gives

Makara Navamsa, This makara navamsa range is for 3deg 20 min(10deg to 13 deg 20min),The elapsed deg in this navamsa is 10deg 30 min min 10deg= 30 min. Divide 30 min by 16min 40 sec = nearly 2 i.e 2nd rasi from makara which is Kumbha, an odd rasi hence sex is MALE. If the child is female we need to correct; deduct or add 1 sign depending on the elapsed deg. Adjustment approx27 sec. Ready made table can be made. for 12 rasis. .Please try it out.Regards,SatishPlease experiment. , Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:>> Dear Swamiji,> > Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you.> > please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and

what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. > > I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition.> > I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times )> > with best regards> kanak> > > > swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00> > Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. > > Some Major Points to verify with natives physical.> 1) Some hair fall in head.> 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part,> > Pls tell your

view i am waiting for answer egarly. > > > Swami Omkar> www.pranavapeetam.org> > > > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Swami ji,> > Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this)> > so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. > > so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE.> > Good Luck> > regards> kanak> > swami omkar

<swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanak,> the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00.> > pls provid any other data.> > Swami Omkar> > '---> Dear Raichurji,> > very soon i post my method RBT. > > Swami Omkar > www.pranavapeetam.org> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> Dear Swami Onkar ji> Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. > > good luck>

> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanak and all,> The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way.> like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. > even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain?> > there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result.> > so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that

only the right one.> after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers.> > finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! > > see my commnets with Orange!> > Swami Omkar> > Dear Swami ji,> > thanks for your view.> My comment in bold*************> > swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Twji,> > I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings.> > if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system!> > I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with

Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement.> horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting.> I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results.> > What is the authantication of your result?> becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction.> from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address.> but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this?> and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s

postings...based on RBT. > i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent.> in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. > > You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right?> no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe.> some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work!> > Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the

authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. > > what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data.> Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. > > Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only

right...> people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. > you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future...> i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future!> every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! > > You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it

give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary)> > Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result)> > We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent.> even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked

verious time too. > > > Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books.> > in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session.> > I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result.> i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again.> i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration.> > if any people intrested

then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. > > i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me.> > Here is Data and please do rectification.> > Male> date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 > Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania> Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am.> i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking.> Surly i wil do wait for a day! > > Rergards> kanak> > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > Messenger

with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or less. > > > > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. > > > > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > >> I Love

Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.>

Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW

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Dear Punit and Yogesh Rao ,



This method of Birth rectification,Navamsa_Dwadasamsa method is a

part of several techniques which has come out in B V Raman's

Astrological Magazine in some past issues.


There is a book by SriK.V. Mallikarjuna Rao " An Exposition of

Divisional Charts' by M/s Navayuga Book house, Sultan Bazar,Hyd Pin

500 195. Tel 040-594688,514220 price Rs 75/-.It has readymade

tables to draw various divisional charts, a part of Vedic astrology.


The method I have given is a reproduction of the method ,simple

to use.


Since I donot have Kar's techniques or any data, no comments.If

the articles can be uploaded in the Files section it would be just

wonderful benifitting students of astrology.









-- In , Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1



> Dears Punit and Satish,

> What is your experience with

the late Dr.K.R.Kar's

> theory of Navamsa of Navamsa being the equivalent of sub-sub...?

> Personally I have tried it

once or twice beforeand found it to be fairly accurate,but most

consultants want quick results/predictions,sometimes even

immediately...hence I have given up using this method,as I take

some time,due to inadequate practice and experience...

> With best wishes,

> L.Y.Rao.




> Punit Pandey <punitp wrote:

> Satish ji,


> What is source (classical text) of this method of RBT?


> Thanks & Regards,


> Punit Pandey



> On 9/11/06, R Satish <rsatish1942 wrote:

> Daer Kanakbhai,


> It order to improve on the correct birth time, there is an

> alternative ,using the Navamsa- Dwaddasamsa.


> The principle is very simple.One Navamsa covers 3deg 20 min of

> Zodiac.One 12th part of this covers 16 min 40 sec of zodiac Count

> from the Navamsa Lagna ,if it odd rasi, i.e Mesha, Mithunaets it


> male.If it falls in even rasi eg Vrishabha, Karka etc. the sex is

> male. Thus knowing the sex of the child we can use this method to

> correct upto nearly 27 sec.( 2hrs approx is 120x60=7200 sec,is


> duration).


> The navamsa lagna degree elapsed, is broken into intervals of

> 16min 40 sec., which rsi the last portion falls will decide the


> If the sex is right, no problem the time is correct, if sex is


> a correction of 1 sign either way is to be attempted.This simple

> method can be used as cross check.


> Example Lagan 10deg 30min in Tula gives Makara Navamsa, This

> makara navamsa range is for 3deg 20 min(10deg to 13 deg 20min),The

> elapsed deg in this navamsa is 10deg 30 min min 10deg= 30 min.


> 30 min by 16min 40 sec = nearly 2 i.e 2nd rasi from makara which


> Kumbha, an odd rasi hence sex is MALE. If the child is female we

> need to correct; deduct or add 1 sign depending on the elapsed


> Adjustment approx27 sec. Ready made table can be made. for 12

> rasis. .


> Please try it out.


> Regards,


> Satish


> Please experiment.


> , Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@>



> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Swamiji,

> >

> > Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but

> to learn from you.

> >

> > please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the

> Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON.

> with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation.

> >

> > I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON

> possition.

> >

> > I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many

> members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep

> silent for sometime ( retirement for some times )

> >

> > with best regards

> > kanak

> >

> >

> >


> > swami omkar <swamiomkar@> wrote:

> > Dear Kanakji,

> >

> > As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed

> the chart between 7.55 to 8.00

> >

> > Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57.

> >

> > Some Major Points to verify with natives physical.

> > 1) Some hair fall in head.

> > 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private

> part,

> >

> > Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly.

> >

> >

> > Swami Omkar

> > www.pranavapeetam.org

> >

> >

> >


> > Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@> wrote:

> > Dear Swami ji,

> >

> > Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint (


> you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take


> from clint so i do this)

> >

> > so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no

> misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide


> email id for whom who want to check with directly with this


> >

> > so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO



> >

> > Good Luck

> >

> > regards

> > kanak

> >


> > swami omkar <swamiomkar@> wrote:

> > Dear Kanak,

> > the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much

> correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00.

> >

> > pls provid any other data.

> >

> > Swami Omkar

> >

> > '---

> > Dear Raichurji,

> >

> > very soon i post my method RBT.

> >

> > Swami Omkar

> > www.pranavapeetam.org

> >


> > Raichur-a-r <raichurar@> wrote:

> > Dear Swami Onkar ji

> > Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth

> time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like


> learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would


> helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please


> re post it.

> >

> > good luck

> >


> > swami omkar <swamiomkar@> wrote:

> > Dear Kanak and all,

> > The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in

> wrong way.

> > like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP.

> > even though the people not understanding my simple email....they

> misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil

> going to explain?

> >

> > there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the

> asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all


> is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result


> am not told i am getting 100% result.

> >

> > so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give

> and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some

> event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time

> what u r having in mind that only the right one.

> > after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it.

> again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed


> give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP

> astrologers.

> >

> > finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.!

> >

> > see my commnets with Orange!

> >

> > Swami Omkar

> >

> > Dear Swami ji,

> >

> > thanks for your view.

> > My comment in bold*************

> >


> > swami omkar <swamiomkar@> wrote:

> > Dear Twji,

> >

> > I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old

> postings.

> >

> > if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is


> use to follow this system!

> >

> > I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time

> rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of


> is not velid statement.

> > horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can

> tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary?


> time chart also reflects the answer which the native having


> in mind at the time of meeting.

> > I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc

> and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow

> that is giving amazing results.

> >

> > What is the authantication of your result?

> > becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction.

> > from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this

> technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact

> address.

> > but any other people who done 100 charts research and told

> comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this?

> > and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s

> postings...based on RBT.

> > i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP

> system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity


> data which they used in thier research? first how they understood


> RBT techque that is very importent.

> > in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of

> result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between


> and MOON or which techniqe they followed.

> >

> > You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i

> right?

> > no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the

> techniuqe.

> > some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the

> thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work!

> >

> > Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data

> of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his

> effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing

> research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence


> system which we following. so i request people who doing research

> they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice.

> >

> > what is the authantication of data from his own data which they

> getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct

> data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try


> too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got

> only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data.

> > Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i

> will do all my work again and dispose all my old work.

> >

> > Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA

> rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who


> we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and


> is with us is only right...

> > people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give

> fake data. in that manner i told.

> > you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that ,

> natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the

> same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the

> truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just

> understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in

> future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to

> archaeology which tellis only past ! not future...

> > i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future!

> > every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive

> the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving!

> >

> > You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get


> asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we


> RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my

> experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.


> am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary)

> >

> > Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment,


> memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what

> heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment


> always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji,


> and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance

> result)

> >

> > We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent.

> > even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school

> of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making

> confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q

> for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students


> tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked

> verious time too.

> >

> >

> > Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT

> in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter

> 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful


> KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and


> failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books.

> >

> > in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if

> people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct

> demo in CHAT session.

> >

> > I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss

> in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and


> try to look about result.

> > i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil


> again.

> > i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only

> after 10 days becoz of moduration.

> >

> > if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or

> 2 charts and explain how it done.

> >

> > i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i

> belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me.

> >

> > Here is Data and please do rectification.

> >

> > Male

> > date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954

> > Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania

> > Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am.

> > i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and

> MOON position for my checking.

> > Surly i wil do wait for a day!

> >

> > Rergards

> > kanak

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India

> > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger


> 8. Get it NOW

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US

> (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or less.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India

> > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger


> 8. Get it NOW

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

> >

> >

> >

> > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India

> > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger


> 8. Get it NOW

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.

> >











> Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India

> Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger

Version 8. Get it NOW


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Lagmi ji,


I have not used this theory, so can not comment. Would be glad to know if somebody else has done so?


Thanks & Regards,


Punit Pandey

On 9/17/06, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote:








Dears Punit and Satish,

What is your experience with the late Dr.K.R.Kar's

theory of Navamsa of Navamsa being the equivalent of sub-sub...?

Personally I have tried it once or twice beforeand found it to be fairly accurate,but most consultants want quick results/predictions,sometimes even immediately...hence I have given up using this method,as I take some time,due to inadequate practice and experience...


With best wishes,





Punit Pandey <punitp wrote:




Satish ji,


What is source (classical text) of this method of RBT?


Thanks & Regards,


Punit Pandey

On 9/11/06, R Satish <rsatish1942

> wrote:






Daer Kanakbhai,It order to improve on the correct birth time, there is an alternative ,using the Navamsa- Dwaddasamsa.The principle is very simple.One Navamsa covers 3deg 20 min of Zodiac.One

12th part of this covers 16 min 40 sec of zodiac Count from the Navamsa Lagna ,if it odd rasi, i.e Mesha, Mithunaets it is male.If it falls in even rasi eg Vrishabha, Karka etc. the sex is male. Thus knowing the sex of the child we can use this method to correct upto nearly 27 sec.( 2hrs approx is 120x60=7200 sec,is lagna duration).The navamsa lagna degree elapsed, is broken into intervals of 16min 40 sec., which rsi the last portion falls will decide the sex. If the sex is right, no problem the time is correct, if sex is wrong a correction of 1 sign either way is to be attempted.This simple method can be used as cross check.Example Lagan 10deg 30min in Tula gives Makara Navamsa, This makara navamsa range is for 3deg 20 min(10deg to 13 deg 20min),The elapsed deg in this navamsa is 10deg 30 min min 10deg= 30 min. Divide 30 min by 16min 40 sec = nearly 2 i.e 2nd rasi from makara which is

Kumbha, an odd rasi hence sex is MALE. If the child is female we need to correct; deduct or add 1 sign depending on the elapsed deg. Adjustment approx27 sec. Ready made table can be made. for 12 rasis. .

Please try it out.Regards,SatishPlease experiment. , Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia

wrote:>> Dear Swamiji,> > Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you.> > please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. > > I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON

possition.> > I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times )>

> with best regards> kanak> > >

> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanakji,> > As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00> > Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. > > Some Major Points to verify with natives physical.> 1) Some hair fall in head.> 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part,> > Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. > > > Swami Omkar> www.pranavapeetam.org> > >


> Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:> Dear Swami ji,> > Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this)> > so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. > > so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE.> > Good Luck> > regards> kanak>


> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanak,> the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00.> > pls provid any other data.> > Swami Omkar> > '---> Dear Raichurji,> > very soon i post my method RBT. > > Swami Omkar > www.pranavapeetam.org>

> Raichur-a-r <raichurar wrote:> Dear Swami Onkar ji> Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. > > good luck>

> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Kanak and all,> The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way.> like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. > even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain?> > there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result.> > so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one.> after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers.> > finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! > > see my commnets with Orange!> > Swami Omkar> > Dear Swami ji,> > thanks for your view.> My comment in bold*************>

> swami omkar <swamiomkar wrote:> Dear Twji,> > I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings.> > if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system!> > I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of system is not velid statement.> horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting.> I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results.> > What is the authantication of your result?> becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction.

> from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address.> but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this?> and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. > i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent.> in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. > > You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right?> no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe.> some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work!> > Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. > > what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data.> Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. > > Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what is with us is only right...> people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. > you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology which tellis only past ! not future...> i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future!> every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! > > You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary)> > Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we

memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result)> > We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent.> even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. > > > Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books.> > in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session.> > I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result.> i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again.> i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration.> > if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. > > i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me.> > Here is Data and please do rectification.> > Male> date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 > Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania> Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am.> i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking.> Surly i wil do wait for a day! > > Rergards> kanak> > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or less.

> > > > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. > > > > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW > > > > > >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<> > > > > Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail.>








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Dear Ramchandran ji, Please donot reject outrightly this rules. this rule is give in Baskaran's book and it was as: RP ASC = BIRTH MOON RP MOON = BIRTH ASC. If you set Birth moon as per RP Asc you will found autometicly Asc as per RP Moon. I have done two rectification as per this rules for Vijaykumar ji and Indira Gandhi. please look some days back mail. please write your work how you check RP MOON -Birth Asc. so i will try to correct you if there is any mistake.but with full details date time & name of place regards kanak BosmiaPadma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran wrote: Respected KP masters,I hav tried birth time rectification with Asc and RP moon. I have not been successful even with my own family memebers. Whereas, the Natal moon and Asc as researched by late Shanmugham for birth time correction and professed by both Lajmiji and Raichurji have shown good results. These are of course my findings. I may be wrong to put down any theory since I am not a professional astrologer. With due apologies;V.Ramachandran. On 9/16/06, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and Swamiji, Absolutely desireable,indeed.In my personal experience only Shanmugham's method,used with a SW which gives positions of planets and cusps upto sub-sub level is found very useful... BTW,am extremely happy to note,Kanak, that you are back with us...! With kind regards, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK ! Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia >

wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please check both time. both are very near def is only one mnt.but in 7.57 3rd sub is KET and in 7.58 3rd Sub is VEN. so when we check third cusp metter then which one count as right? this is reson that i insist to rectifed up to sub-sub leaval. hope it help regards kanak Bosmiaswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, This looks very amazing that you are having exact time of birth. as per my very little knowledge i tryied to do RBT. and also given some practical

exampels. but as per your result my thoery is failure..we can keep like this...! so i hope i dont want to explain my failure thoery to all. now i need answer for my two questions.! 1) how you can proove that 7.58 time is correct. what is the astrologcial or practical..logical truth behaind it? 2) you are doing lot of KP research as a well known kp astrologer, i am asking to u that 7.57 and 7.58 makes diffrence in SUB level?( if so pls tell the explaination) Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@ > wrote: Dear Swami ji, His time of birth is 7:58 AM and two

indication given by you is wrong. He has very good hair groth. and no Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, regards Kanakswami omkar <swamiomkar@ .co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak, I thought after getting answer from you then i can explain "how i got". ASC = 93:23:39 moon-sat-sat Moon = 35:44:53 Ven-Sun-Mer This above value is for ASC and Moon. i always ready to share my knowledge. so after your answer i wil give a details report about my RBT Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@ > wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you. please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times ) with best regards kanak swami omkar

<swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia >

wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear

Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote: Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the

detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way. like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP. even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain? there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result. so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u

give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one. after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers. finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.! see my commnets with Orange! Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji, thanks for your view. My comment in bold*************swami omkar

<swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings. if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system! I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of

system is not velid statement. horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting. I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results. What is the authantication of your result? becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT. i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right? no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe. some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work! Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice. what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in

thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data. Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work. Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what

is with us is only right... people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told. you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology

which tellis only past ! not future... i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future! every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving! You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using Natal and horary) Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two

three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result) We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent. even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having

confidence on them. i already checked verious time too. Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session. I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again. i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration. if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done. i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me. Here is Data and please do rectification. Male date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954 Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am. i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking. Surly i wil do wait for a day! Rergards kanak Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Get on board. You're invited to try the new Mail. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or less. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In

Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying << All-new Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. Find out what India is talking about on - Answers India Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger Version 8. Get it NOW >> I Love Walking In Rain Because Nobody Can See Me Crying <<

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Dear Kanakji,Thanks for your encouragement in trying the connection between RP moon and Natal Asc. Finally succeeded. The corrected time of Birth is 10.33 AM, Place Palghat in Kerala, Date of Birth is 21 January 1947. The RP moon I cast signified Sun sign, saturn star, Ketu sub and saturn Sub-sub. 1.The RP Moon is In Cancer in Moon's house together with saturn and the RP moon is in Saturn star. Asc is in Jupiter rasi and Jupiter in RP is in Saturn star. So, I think they are connected.2. The RP moon is in Saturn Star and the Asc Star Lord is also saturn. This matches without any doubt.

3. The RP moon is in the sub of Ketu and the Asc is in the sub of Venus. Venus and Ketu have common sub, Jupiter. This is OK.4. The sub - sub in both cases is again Saturn. So this is a perfect match.

I had done a correction based on Natal moon and Asc which showed 10.28.AM.and based on RP it is 10.33. I must also inform you that when I did the RP, I based it on the LAt and Long of my birth place- Palghat. I did it after I read your mails at 9.17.03 PM today ,i.e., 17/Sept/2006.o Sir, please write to me if I am correct.Also, I wish to know from you one thing from my horoscope. I will be starting saturn Mahadasa from Jan 2007.saturn is in the 5th house and is in own star and sub mars. sub mars gives 10, 2, 9 signification. sun is in 5th house and owning 11 and 12. From the 10th, saturn is in the 8th. Does this mean bad for the profession? Or the significators of saturn being 2, 9,10 saturn will benefic results anyway. In saturn star both saturn and ketu are seated. So the significators of 5,11,12 houses are saturn and ketu. saturn does not form the strong significator since Ketu is associated with these house. Ketu will give the effect of Venus. Venus is in the 9th Which is the right approach? Alos, does this mean during saturn mahadasha I have a lot of travel abroad?

If you find my approach to BT rectification OK, I will try to correct the same of my family members and send you the same.Thanks for your help.V.Ramachandran.

On 9/17/06, Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia wrote:






Dear Ramchandran ji, Please donot reject outrightly this rules. this rule is give in Baskaran's book and it was as: RP ASC = BIRTH MOON

RP MOON = BIRTH ASC. If you set Birth moon as per RP Asc you will found autometicly Asc as per RP Moon. I have done two rectification as per this rules for Vijaykumar ji and Indira Gandhi. please look some days back mail.

please write your work how you check RP MOON -Birth Asc. so i will try to correct you if there is any mistake.but with full details date time & name of place regards

kanak BosmiaPadma Ramachandran <padma.ramachandran@

gmail.com> wrote: Respected KP masters,I hav tried birth time rectification with Asc and RP moon. I have not been successful even with my own family memebers. Whereas, the Natal moon and Asc as researched by late Shanmugham for birth time correction and professed by both Lajmiji and Raichurji have shown good results. These are of course my findings. I may be wrong to put down any theory since I am not a professional astrologer. With due apologies;V.Ramachandran. On 9/16/06, Yogesh Rao Lajmi <

lyrastro1 wrote: Dear Kanak and Swamiji,

Absolutely desireable,indeed.In my personal experience only Shanmugham's method,used with a SW which gives positions of planets and cusps upto sub-sub level is found very useful...

BTW,am extremely happy to note,Kanak, that you are back with us...! With kind regards, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK ! Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia >

wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please check both time. both are very near def is only one mnt.but in 7.57 3rd sub is KET and in 7.58 3rd Sub is VEN. so when we check third cusp metter then which one count as right? this is reson that i insist to rectifed up to sub-sub leaval. hope it help regards kanak Bosmiaswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in

> wrote: Dear Kanak, This looks very amazing that you are having exact time of birth.

as per my very little knowledge i tryied to do RBT. and also given some practical

exampels. but as per your result my thoery is failure..we can keep like this...! so i hope i dont want to explain my failure thoery to all. now i need answer for my two questions.!

1) how you can proove that 7.58 time is correct. what is the astrologcial or practical..logical truth behaind it? 2) you are doing lot of KP research as a well known kp astrologer, i am asking to u that 7.57 and 7.58 makes diffrence in SUB level?( if so pls tell the explaination) Swami Omkar Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@

> wrote: Dear Swami ji, His time of birth is 7:58 AM and two

indication given by you is wrong. He has very good hair groth. and no Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part, regards Kanakswami omkar <

swamiomkar@ .co.in> wrote:

Dear Kanak, I thought after getting answer from you then i can explain " how i got " . ASC = 93:23:39 moon-sat-sat Moon = 35:44:53 Ven-Sun-Mer

This above value is for ASC and Moon. i always ready to share my knowledge. so after your answer i wil give a details report about my RBT Swami Omkar

Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia@ > wrote: Dear Swamiji, Please remember that We are not doing this for to check you but to learn from you.

please send you details how you come at 7:57 and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of Asc. and what is the Rasi.Deg.Mnt.sec of MOON. with out this detail there is no meaning of your rectiifcation. I will reply your two question after detals about Asc and MOON possition. I know I am write mutch in group and so i critisize by many members in group and by personal mail so i am thinking on to keep silent for sometime ( retirement for some times ) with best regards kanak swami omkar

<swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Kanakji, As per your confidence based on info and guidence, i rectifiyed the chart between 7.55 to 8.00 Through my View the Birth Time is 7:57. Some Major Points to verify with natives physical. 1) Some hair fall in head. 2) Birth mark( like mole) in his lower abdomen near to private part,

Pls tell your view i am waiting for answer egarly. Swami Omkar

www.pranavapeetam.org Kanak Bosmia <kanakbosmia >

wrote: Dear Swami ji, Time is 100% bitwin 7.55 to 8.00. this person is my clint ( bcose you insiste me to not take data from any other source but take only from clint so i do this) so nothing wrong with data this is 100% genuanl data ther is no misleading from my side. after you rectifed time i will provide his email id for whom who want to check with directly with this person. so swamiji please go only with this data OR I AM NO READY TO SEND ANY OTHER DATA AND WE WILL DROP THIS CASE HERE. Good Luck regards

kanak swami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


Kanak, the data which you are given i think, the time is not that much correct means the birth not taken place between 7.55 to 8.00. pls provid any other data. Swami Omkar '--- Dear Raichurji, very soon i post my method RBT. Swami Omkar

www.pranavapeetam.org Raichur-a-r <raichurar > wrote:

Dear Swami Onkar ji Will you kindly detail the method you are using to rectify birth time. You may post to the group, or to me personally. I would like to learn of the method. An example showing the

detailed steps would be helpfull to all. If you have done for some other group, please just re post it. good luckswami omkar <swamiomkar (AT) (DOT)

co.in> wrote:

Dear Kanak and all, The Matter which i tried to explain..that you and all taken in wrong way.

like same people are misundarstood the theory of RBT with RP.

even though the people not understanding my simple email....they misunderstood then how they wil understand RP thoery which i wil going to explain?

there is lot of technuqe is there for RBT. but i telling you the asking past and rectifying the BT is wrong. i never told all method is wrong. and even though i am telling that i get only good result i am not told i am getting 100% result.

so finaly i telling that i can take the birth time which u

give and i wil rectify the time between 7.55 to 8.00 but i can tel some event you can check and tell. pls dont tell with me that the time what u r having in mind that only the right one.

after getting my feed back then u can ask.and theory behaind it. again i am telling i am not the person telling that my meothed only give result.and the method which i using that also used by many KP astrologers.

finaly i want to tell the comments on u r commnets.!

see my commnets with Orange!

Swami Omkar Dear Swami ji,

thanks for your view.

My comment in bold*************swami omkar

<swamiomkar (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Dear Twji, I am very much surprised after seeing your posing as well as old postings.

if Birth rectification is not having proper rule then there is no use to follow this system!

I am not agree with you, if we are not setisfied with birth time rectification we can go with Horary, so as you sya no use of

system is not velid statement.

horary is another tool and natal chart is another tool. if u can tell all questions about native's life in single chart?in horary? the time chart also reflects the answer which the native having question in mind at the time of meeting.


I am following RBT(Rectification of Birth Time) like Birth Asc and Current Moon from past 6 yrs. i feel the method which i follow that is giving amazing results.

What is the authantication of your result?

becoz the people are coming aging and again with satisfaction. from past 6yrs. and my students more then 50 members using this technuqne without fail. any one need i can also give thier contact address. but any other people who done 100 charts research and told comment about RBT they have any practical proof like this? and you given reference of rangarajan and kuppu ganapathi.'s postings...based on RBT.

i like to tell that ranga and ganapathi are not authoraty of KP system. and any one ready to give authontication and relaiablity of data which they used in thier research? first how they understood the RBT techque that is very importent. in that erlyer posting they only giving the % percentage of result. but not they explained what is the connectivity between ASC and MOON or which techniqe they followed. You mean to say no one understood RBT techque except you. am i right?

no you are wrong. i already told that i fulfeeled with the techniuqe.

some people also having good technuqe. but i against with the thought the people who telling that RBT using RP wil not work!

Basicaly i don't like the people doing research on the bulk data of horoscope. which kanak also done based on marriage, i like his effort...but without knowing the authantication of data doing research is not that much good.some time it breake the confidence on system which we following. so i request people who doing research they can use thier own data which they getting in thier practice.

what is the authantication of data from his own data which they getting in

thier practice? if in our prctice we found all correct data then what is the meaning of RBT? why we need RBT?I am try this too. i ask members to provide data but it is 100% true that i got only 10 data and no one can do research with 10 data.

Now i request you to provide me 100 data from you own prectice i will do all my work again and dispose all my old work.

Data taken for Research by me for Multiple marriage are all AA rated and All worlds astrologer accepet it with selute then who are we to chalange that data? what is other have all are wrong and what

is with us is only right...

people who coming to us for thier life guidence they never give fake data. in that manner i told.

you are the KP astrologer. you can know the basics of KP that , natal chart wil differ with person to person. even for twins. the same chart we wil not see again in our entier life. this is the truth. then checking rule in old chart it wil not make sense. just understand the rules and apply to all charts which u wil get in future. keeping lot of chart and applying KP rules is simmiler to archaeology

which tellis only past ! not future...

i can give more then 1000 data's but there is no use for Future!

every mint is new. evevry moment is new. so use rules and drive the astro car! done see the road behaind u while driving!

You told in you posting that diffrent astrologer wil get diffrent asnwer if they used RBT based on RP. i feel this is wrong. if we use RP in right way then it give same result for every one. in my experiance RP gives more result compare to Natal and horary chart.(i am prediction only with RP without using

Natal and horary)

Ok then teach us right way for RBT and we done one experiment, we memebrs in this group do at one this RP and lets look what heppan.befer two

three seniore KP astrologer done this expriment and always found that reselt was deffernt, even we(Raichurji, Kuppuji, me and Tinwin ji do one experiment about Horary and we got defferance result)


We studied in diffrent way and our way of approch is diffrent.

even though doctors having same medical thoery but theier school of thought becom diffrent so the result is diffrent. for making confidence that i am ready for a contest. i wil give true horary Q for my 5 students in diffrent time and diffrent day. my students wil tell right result. i having

confidence on them. i already checked verious time too.

Unfortunatly KSK can't able to give more information about RBT in his Readers and his mag. but others after his life time (affter 20yrs) they published the books about RBT. that's not much useful for KP astrologer. becoz in same book they used verious techqune and all failure methodolgy.simple i can tell pls avoid that books. in other forum i already posted how to do RBT based on RP. if people intrested i can also do same and possible i wil give direct demo in CHAT session.

I know your intrest on only in chat session whay dont we discuss in group by mail? send your work i will do same at my place and lets try to look about result. i already done this thoery in another forum. if needed i wil post again.

i feel if i post anything in this forum people can read only after 10 days becoz of moduration.


if any people intrested then i can Rectifiy the birth for one or 2 charts and explain how it done.

i always use RP for RBT. i never get past events from native. i belive RP 100% so it giving more result to me.

Here is Data and please do rectification.


date of Birth: 25th JUNE 1954

Place of Bierth:Chake Chake-Tanzania

Time of Birth: 7.55 am to 8.00 am.

i am eagrly waiting for your rectification and mention Asc and MOON position for my checking.

Surly i wil do wait for a day!

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