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False Prophets, misleaders, hopesalesmen

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I'd like to apologize to the group for reacting the way I did but I did't know

in this group or than Terese and Panu. I remember how a lot of people ganged up

on him and he was eventually tossed out of the group. Now that I have gotten a

sample of the people that are in the club, I will direct all my questions and

comments to either Wing, Terese or Jivio since they have better manners.

Ed, I don't know you from Adam man but I didn't ask you anything and you

volunteered your answer to me. Your message read like tropical propaganda with

a lot of tresearch stolen from tropical websites. You may not like what I said

by you can't ignore the fact that my orginal e-mail had Terese's name first. I

didn't expect you in a sidereal group. I'll say it again, the group was linked

from a Fagan website so I only expected to find siderealists in here.

You only wish I would quit the group but that isn't going to happen. I'm here

to stay. So if you want to continue to challenge me to step outside so you can

kick my ass then your are welcome to do so. Just don't me suprised when I react

like any female or male would when they feel like they are backed into a corner.

" jivio <jivio " <jivio wrote:You don't get it...


Its about being negative....

If you got an education, you didn't learn how to share.

nor did you learn to be sensitive or compassionate to those in pain.


You continued to berate the youngster now you're coming after me.

Stick to astrology... find a dialogue...

Fact, if you like challenges... let us know how you anticipate future

incidents. What do you know about returns?






, " Ed Kohout <crumpo@e...> "

<crumpo@e...> wrote:

> , " jivio <jivio> "

> <jivio> wrote:

> > Ed...

> >

> > Look in the mirror...

> > If your your heart sings a sweeter song... Share it!

> > If all you can offer is a mirror image, then return to the pit


> > where you came " clueless edaculeus " .


> Poor little Jivio!! Did someone pee in your sandbox? What's next,

> are you going to say that my mother wears combat boots?


> I am amazed at how you keep lowering your own already low


> It's simply too bad for you that your illogic has been exposed,

> sliced, and diced by me like it was under a ginsu knife at

> Benehannas. It's simply not my fault that you are grossly

> undereducated and amateurish, so slinging mud at me only serves to

> underscore your shortcomings to the others who are reading your


> screeds.


> Please, by all means, continue with these most telling expose`s of

> your dearth of intellecutal reasoning skills!


> -



" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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Hey Chris. I'm a guy. The " Sher_e_Khan " is from the Jungle Book. The tiger

that tried to eat Mowgli. " The Game " is because I am a pleabian that still

watches pro wrestling and all its fakeness. I know that has nothing to do with

astrology, I just felt an urge to be illogical and explain my name so there

won't be any more references to ebonics.

" The actions of Capricorn are carefully aimed to produce the maximum effect with

the minimim effort. In controversy, he does not bother to leap to his own

defence, but leads his opponent on to commit himself, tempting him to build a

complicated structure of argument; and once he has gone too far to withdraw,

Capricorn denies the basic assumption on which structure was founded, and brings

it crashing to the ground...... "

I know I am a baby but am I learning yet?

PS I am not a capricorn on any system

cpwing44 wrote: i wish this person: > <A

HREF= " sher_e_khan " >sher_e_khan</A> would sign h/her

given name at end

> of each message as i am totally confused! But . . . whoever (ooops

> WHOMever) it is, i'm soooo glad they're here. /// wing aka chris wing in

> austin tx





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I'm Damon (we can go on for days with references to daimon, demon or , Damien

from " the Omen " . I've heard them all)



cpwing44 wrote:In a message dated 12/18/2002 6:28:22 AM Central

Standard Time,

sher_e_khan writes:



> , I will direct all my questions and comments to either Wing, Terese or

> Jivio since they have better manners


oh great, now i'm being accused of having good manners! LOL . . . oh wait:

you said " better manners " . . . now i feel better. all the same, please sign

your name! thanks /// wing




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Oops, I'm sorry for all the grammatical errors but I have to be at work by 9 AM

and I don't proofread all my e-mails.

The Game <sher_e_khan wrote:

I'd like to apologize to the group for reacting the way I did but I did't know

in this group or than Terese and Panu. I remember how a lot of people ganged up

on him and he was eventually tossed out of the group. Now that I have gotten a

sample of the people that are in the club, I will direct all my questions and

comments to either Wing, Terese or Jivio since they have better manners.

Ed, I don't know you from Adam man but I didn't ask you anything and you

volunteered your answer to me. Your message read like tropical propaganda with

a lot of tresearch stolen from tropical websites. You may not like what I said

by you can't ignore the fact that my orginal e-mail had Terese's name first. I

didn't expect you in a sidereal group. I'll say it again, the group was linked

from a Fagan website so I only expected to find siderealists in here.

You only wish I would quit the group but that isn't going to happen. I'm here

to stay. So if you want to continue to challenge me to step outside so you can

kick my ass then your are welcome to do so. Just don't me suprised when I react

like any female or male would when they feel like they are backed into a corner.

" jivio <jivio " <jivio wrote:You don't get it...


Its about being negative....

If you got an education, you didn't learn how to share.

nor did you learn to be sensitive or compassionate to those in pain.


You continued to berate the youngster now you're coming after me.

Stick to astrology... find a dialogue...

Fact, if you like challenges... let us know how you anticipate future

incidents. What do you know about returns?






, " Ed Kohout <crumpo@e...> "

<crumpo@e...> wrote:

> , " jivio <jivio> "

> <jivio> wrote:

> > Ed...

> >

> > Look in the mirror...

> > If your your heart sings a sweeter song... Share it!

> > If all you can offer is a mirror image, then return to the pit


> > where you came " clueless edaculeus " .


> Poor little Jivio!! Did someone pee in your sandbox? What's next,

> are you going to say that my mother wears combat boots?


> I am amazed at how you keep lowering your own already low


> It's simply too bad for you that your illogic has been exposed,

> sliced, and diced by me like it was under a ginsu knife at

> Benehannas. It's simply not my fault that you are grossly

> undereducated and amateurish, so slinging mud at me only serves to

> underscore your shortcomings to the others who are reading your


> screeds.


> Please, by all means, continue with these most telling expose`s of

> your dearth of intellecutal reasoning skills!


> -



" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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, The Game

<sher_e_khan> wrote:


> I'd like to apologize to the group for reacting the way I did but I

did't know in this group or than Terese and Panu. I remember how a

lot of people ganged up on him and he was eventually tossed out of

the group. Now that I have gotten a sample of the people that are in

the club, I will direct all my questions and comments to either

Wing, Terese or Jivio since they have better manners.

> Ed, I don't know you from Adam man but I didn't ask you anything

and you volunteered your answer to me. Your message read like

tropical propaganda with a lot of tresearch stolen from tropical

websites. You may not like what I said by you can't ignore the fact

that my orginal e-mail had Terese's name first. I didn't expect you

in a sidereal group. I'll say it again, the group was linked from a

Fagan website so I only expected to find siderealists in here.

> You only wish I would quit the group but that isn't going to

happen. I'm here to stay. So if you want to continue to challenge

me to step outside so you can kick my ass then your are welcome to do

so. Just don't me suprised when I react like any female or male

would when they feel like they are backed into a corner.



To our gender-confused friend,


A) I responded to Terese's responose to you, as there was nothing of

substance to comment on in any of your posts;


B) The sum total of your relevance, even after your many posts, is

still just a hair above Zero, and unlikely to change, except perhaps

downward from there, testing the limits of what can be infinitely



C) Do please try, if nothing else, to construct a proper sentence

according to standard English guidelines. This:


" I'd like to apologize to the group for reacting the way I did but I

did't know in this group or than Terese and Panu. "


is one of the worst I've ever seen by someone over 8 years old, but

it stands as a testament to the relevance of your criticisms of me --

'consider the source.' One's ability to use language is in direct

proportion to one's IQ.


D) Consequently, your championing of " sidereal astrology " has the

net effect of being a discredit and embarrassment to the field. So,

please, don't leave this list! We " tropicalists " need you to help

our cause.

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Oh, no, believe me -- YOU are the brilliant one, Chris Wing! This

most excellent prose below confirms it! Your intellect shines

through like a thousand suns, showering wisdom down on the whole of

humanity, from the sidereal zodiac, of course.


Yes, Chris Wing, you and the equally masterful Damon can go marching

arm in arm, like the Twins of Gemini, Hercules and Apollo, saving

mankind from their folly of ignorance, eschewing any contentions that

the sidereal zodaic might not be far superior to any other such



I will promise to thank the gods every day for sending you and your

special friend to this planet, to show us the great sidereal way that

is so utterly magnificent.


I was unsure of your adriotness at first, but now, knowing that you

have wisely positioned yourself in this big world to work the coveted

night shift, I have been convinced that you are indeed splendant to

the highest octave!! And this, after your brilliant work as

secretary for the amazing Doktor Szebehly, well, you have proven your

brilliance far beyond what could be asked for!


Thank you for showing me the error of my ways, oh peerless one! I

await further instruction from you with the anxiousness of a young

puppy suckling his mother's milk.







, cpwing44@a... wrote:


sherekan. Ed, You

> Should Be Ashamed Of Yourself. Is it true that in your world there

are no

> typos? There is no confusion? There are no naive people? No brash

youth eager

> to learn but ready to stumble? I am totally sad for you. And with

that sad

> note, after a long night of working, i go me now to bed. En eef

you don'

> leek how i rite, than u kin buzz effing off and take yer fetid with

you. I

> hope someone pulls your plug. /// chris wing /// p.s. " fetid " is

short for

> " fat head " / / / p.s.p.s. be sure to read " URbrilliantWhoeverUR "


> responding to this -- it was written especially to you.

> And by the way . . . i worked for many years as secretary to Dr.


> Szebehly, the late brilliant aerospace engineer and cosmologist.

He was

> brilliant beyond measure but his way with language in casual

conversation was

> just, well, kinda sloppy. His IQ had nothing to do with his use of


> but rather the use of his mind. You, my friend, are an insult to

his memory.

> --------------

> --


> --



> ----


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I didn't even bother to read the crap you wrote because I can see you won't let

this go. I won't be as verbose as you or take up nearly as much page weight.


Here we go!!







" Ed Kohout <crumpo " <crumpo wrote:--- In

, The Game

<sher_e_khan> wrote:


> I'd like to apologize to the group for reacting the way I did but I

did't know in this group or than Terese and Panu. I remember how a

lot of people ganged up on him and he was eventually tossed out of

the group. Now that I have gotten a sample of the people that are in

the club, I will direct all my questions and comments to either

Wing, Terese or Jivio since they have better manners.

> Ed, I don't know you from Adam man but I didn't ask you anything

and you volunteered your answer to me. Your message read like

tropical propaganda with a lot of tresearch stolen from tropical

websites. You may not like what I said by you can't ignore the fact

that my orginal e-mail had Terese's name first. I didn't expect you

in a sidereal group. I'll say it again, the group was linked from a

Fagan website so I only expected to find siderealists in here.

> You only wish I would quit the group but that isn't going to

happen. I'm here to stay. So if you want to continue to challenge

me to step outside so you can kick my ass then your are welcome to do

so. Just don't me suprised when I react like any female or male

would when they feel like they are backed into a corner.



To our gender-confused friend,


A) I responded to Terese's responose to you, as there was nothing of

substance to comment on in any of your posts;


B) The sum total of your relevance, even after your many posts, is

still just a hair above Zero, and unlikely to change, except perhaps

downward from there, testing the limits of what can be infinitely



C) Do please try, if nothing else, to construct a proper sentence

according to standard English guidelines. This:


" I'd like to apologize to the group for reacting the way I did but I

did't know in this group or than Terese and Panu. "


is one of the worst I've ever seen by someone over 8 years old, but

it stands as a testament to the relevance of your criticisms of me --

'consider the source.' One's ability to use language is in direct

proportion to one's IQ.


D) Consequently, your championing of " sidereal astrology " has the

net effect of being a discredit and embarrassment to the field. So,

please, don't leave this list! We " tropicalists " need you to help

our cause.







" How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----


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This is WAY out of line. I'm leaving this board for awhile. If there is

someone in charge of this board, this poster should be eliminated. Sidereal

astrology has just sunk way into the ground. Professionalism? Again, I'm

ashamed to say that I'm an astrologer.




At 01:47 PM 12/18/02 -0800, sher_e Khan wrote:


>I didn't even bother to read the crap you wrote because I can see you

won't let this go. I won't be as verbose as you or take up nearly as much

page weight.


>Here we go!!

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In a message dated 12/18/2002 3:05:04 PM Central Standard Time,

crumpo writes:



> Oh, no, believe me -- YOU are the brilliant one, Chris Wing!


i will no longer read your posts. Besides . . . i know i'm brilliant and

certainly don't need to hear from anyone else for validation. /// so long Mr.

Ed /// wing




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