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Feeling Dizziness all times--plz suggest remedies

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Respected Gurus,


I am feeling dizziness/giddiness all times. this problem is from Apr 2004.

I medicated from well known doctors. but no effect. Now days i am feeling lower

abdominal pain.  Ultrasound &  CT have done but nothing in reports.


Plz suggest me the remedies for the same.


These are my details.


Name         Pawan Kumar

DOB:         23.05.1983

T.O.B         10:30 AM

Place         Jalandhar



Awaiting for the swift reply!!


Thanks in advance,



Pawan Kumar








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Dear Pawan Ji,

Moon as lagna lord in chitta in parakrama bhava,dispositor mercury in 10th in

sun's nakshtra makes life tiresome.when you r patted and encouraged atleast you

can think the day next will be rejoicing.saturn retrograde in 4th aspecting 10th

denies recognition or delays.

Exalated and retrograde saturn aspeting ketu in 6th reuires medical advice.pl

check your salt levels mainly sodium and pottassium levels.relax and involve the

mind in meditation.

Venus rahu and 12th should not burn too many calories by external orientation.

Pl note the climatic variations and switch over to summer needs caution.This

apart,the financial setbacks in day to day life  and the routine nature of

avocations do take away balance in life.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Mon, 3/8/10, Pawan Kumar <p_awan33 wrote:


Pawan Kumar <p_awan33

Feeling Dizziness all times--plz suggest remedies


Monday, March 8, 2010, 11:50 AM




















Respected Gurus,




I am feeling dizziness/giddiness all times. this problem is from Apr 2004.

I medicated from well known doctors. but no effect. Now days i am feeling

lower abdominal pain.  Ultrasound &  CT have done but nothing in reports.




Plz suggest me the remedies for the same.




These are my details.




Name         Pawan Kumar


DOB:         23.05.1983


T.O.B         10:30 AM


Place         Jalandhar






Awaiting for the swift reply!!




Thanks in advance,






Pawan Kumar









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Dear Pawan Kumar,


With drekana of lagna being the 2nd, the problems seems to more in the middle

portion of the body. Giddiness etc may be secondary symptoms mostly due to lower

blood circulation / pressure etc.


Jupiter is in Vrischika sign aspected by Sun+Mars (Atiagni yoga). This could

result in ulcers. Moon in kanya & Jupiter in Vrischika could mean the uclers /

abscess could be in the intestines. Saturn's navamsa in Vrischika is also not

good. CT Scan or ultrasound may not reveal the problem. A gastroenterologist

might be able to a good idea.




A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Pawan Kumar <p_awan33


Mon, March 8, 2010 10:20:22 PM

Feeling Dizziness all times--plz suggest remedies




Respected Gurus,


I am feeling dizziness/giddiness all times. this problem is from Apr 2004. I

medicated from well known doctors. but no effect. Now days i am feeling lower

abdominal pain. Ultrasound & CT have done but nothing in reports.


Plz suggest me the remedies for the same.


These are my details.


Name Pawan Kumar

DOB: 23.05.1983

T.O.B 10:30 AM

Place Jalandhar



Awaiting for the swift reply!!


Thanks in advance,



Pawan Kumar





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Dear Pawan,From your birth chart it is evident that Mars is sub of 1st and

significator of 1st and 5th cusp and Jupiter is significator of 6th and 8th

cusp.Mars is afflicted with Jupiter and Jupiter is posited in Scorpio sign and

in 5th cusp Jupiter and Ketu is posited.These planetary configuration show lower

abdominal pain.The disease may be related to liver dysfunction,acid

reflux,gastrititis asociated with ulcer.Ulcer is seen through Endoscopy and this

can be done by experienced doctor.You may get relief,If you propitiate Jupiter

as it is significator of 6th and 8th cusp but don't keep fast on any day. 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







Pawan Kumar <p_awan33


Mon, March 8, 2010 10:20:22 PM

Feeling Dizziness all times--plz suggest remedies




Respected Gurus,


I am feeling dizziness/giddiness all times. this problem is from Apr 2004.

I medicated from well known doctors. but no effect. Now days i am feeling

lower abdominal pain.  Ultrasound &  CT have done but nothing in reports.


Plz suggest me the remedies for the same.


These are my details.


Name         Pawan Kumar

DOB:         23.05.1983

T.O.B         10:30 AM

Place         Jalandhar



Awaiting for the swift reply!!


Thanks in advance,



Pawan Kumar





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Dear sri pawan kumar,

U will have to chek whether ur giddiness is due to inner ear

imbalance or is it due to cervical spondylosis leading to

 cerebellar insufficiency. Both these conditions can lead to

giddiness or otherwise known as vertigo. There is a difference

between giddiness and vertigo. In giddiness the person feels

his body is unable to maintain its balance. In vertigo the person

feels the objects around him are rotating and hence he loses his


If it is due to inner ear imbalance or cerebellar insufficiency u

can be on medicines which maintains the balance mechanism and

also start doing neck and eye exercises which ur ENT or neurologist

will advise.

Ur running Jupiter mahadasa and saturn antara. Ur also running

IInd round of sade sati. It is advised u offer ur prayers on saturdays

to Lord shaneeswara.


good wishes for speedy recovery,





--- On Mon, 3/8/10, Pawan Kumar <p_awan33 wrote:



Pawan Kumar <p_awan33

Feeling Dizziness all times--plz suggest remedies


Monday, March 8, 2010, 10:20 PM








Respected Gurus,


I am feeling dizziness/giddiness all times. this problem is from Apr 2004.

I medicated from well known doctors. but no effect. Now days i am feeling

lower abdominal pain.  Ultrasound &  CT have done but nothing in reports.


Plz suggest me the remedies for the same.


These are my details.


Name         Pawan Kumar

DOB:         23.05.1983

T.O.B         10:30 AM

Place         Jalandhar



Awaiting for the swift reply!!


Thanks in advance,



Pawan Kumar





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  • 4 years later...
Guest Ketav Modi

As per my knowldge you know astrology well and by the way in the 12th house conjection of venus and rahu of feeling dizziness and 5th house jupiter aspecting mars and sun too which is maing you gastrictrbles daily.


first one remedy is kindly daily read vishnu sahastranaam stotram and

second remedy is  make a holy water by chanting this mantra "ohm dwam dwarvasinobhyam namah||" 3 malas daily and drink this holy water full day. you can add water as per your requiremnt.



this will cure diziness. and you are also suffering that gastric problem comes to the head . which is also getting cure after 4 to 5 months....

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