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hi, there is one method which can be used it is the ruling planet method by which one can derive the time of birth. regards Sahron Liz "S.C. Kursija" <sckursija wrote: Dear learned members,There are methods to correct the incorrect birth timein K.P. System by constellation, sub lord and sub-sublord from the Ruling planets at the time of judgmentof the chart. But how to find the time of the birth,if only date and place of birth is

known.I shall be glad and feel obliged if any body can helpfrom the forum.With thanks and regards.________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos./carfinder/

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Dear Mr.Kursija,

By using RPs and matching with known events...in life...

Method is described in the excellent book, by the late M.P.Shanmugham...Astrosecrets and K.P., Part II...

Best wishes,


S.C. Kursija <sckursija Sent: Friday, 22 June, 2007 12:31:49 PM Rectification of birth time


Dear learned members,There are methods to correct the incorrect birth timein K.P. System by constellation, sub lord and sub-sublord from the Ruling planets at the time of judgmentof the chart. But how to find the time of the birth,if only date and place of birth is known.I shall be glad and feel obliged if any body can helpfrom the forum.With thanks and regards.____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos. / carfinder/


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Dear Yogesh Rao Lajmi,

I appreciate your response.

The said book is not available with my book seller.

Please guide me for the book.

--- Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 wrote:


> Dear Mr.Kursija,

> By using RPs and matching

> with known events...in life...

> Method is described in the

> excellent book, by the late

> M.P.Shanmugham...Astrosecrets and K.P., Part II...

> Best wishes,

> L.Y.Rao.





> S.C. Kursija <sckursija


> Friday, 22 June, 2007 12:31:49 PM

> Rectification of birth time


> Dear learned members,

> There are methods to correct the incorrect birth

> time

> in K.P. System by constellation, sub lord and

> sub-sub

> lord from the Ruling planets at the time of judgment

> of the chart. But how to find the time of the birth,

> if only date and place of birth is known.

> I shall be glad and feel obliged if any body can

> help

> from the forum.

> With thanks and regards.


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________

> _________ _

> Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out

> Autos new Car Finder tool.

> http://autos. / carfinder/








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Thanks for the response.

--- Astrologer_vishy Nair

<astrologervishy_nair wrote:


> Dear Sir


> Year is indicated by Jupiter.

> Month is indicated by Sun

> Date is indicated by Moon

> Day is indicated by day lord

> Asc cusp sign lord will indicate Asc (lagna)

> Asc cusp star lord will indicate the star

> Asc cusp sub lord will indicate the hour.

> Asc cusp sub sub lord will indicate exact minute


> Regards

> Viswanath



> " S.C. Kursija " <sckursija wrote:

> Dear learned members,

> There are methods to correct the incorrect birth

> time

> in K.P. System by constellation, sub lord and

> sub-sub

> lord from the Ruling planets at the time of judgment

> of the chart. But how to find the time of the birth,

> if only date and place of birth is known.

> I shall be glad and feel obliged if any body can

> help

> from the forum.

> With thanks and regards.




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> Autos new Car Finder tool.

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Kindly illustrate the principles with an actual case so that we can understand. G.SubramanianAstrologer_vishy Nair <astrologervishy_nair wrote: Dear Sir Year is indicated by Jupiter. Month is indicated by Sun Date is indicated by Moon Day is indicated by day lord Asc cusp sign lord will indicate Asc (lagna) Asc cusp star lord will indicate the star Asc cusp sub lord will indicate the hour. Asc cusp sub sub lord will indicate exact minute Regards Viswanath "S.C. Kursija" <sckursija > wrote: Dear learned members,There are methods to correct the incorrect birth timein K.P. System by constellation, sub lord and sub-sublord from the Ruling planets at the time of judgmentof the chart. But how

to find the time of the birth,if only date and place of birth is known.I shall be glad and feel obliged if any body can helpfrom the forum.With thanks and regards.________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos./carfinder/ Looking for people who are YOUR TYPE? Find them here.

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Dear Vishwanath, Could you explain how Jupiter indicate year of birth and month by Sun. I understand that in Natal Chart, if Jupiter and Sun transit in one of the planets of RP series at the time of judgement, then only we can take the correctness of the year and month respectively. As far as Asc SSL is concerned, I understand it should signify Moon star of the native. If the rule is some thing else, please explain me KhasGURUMURTHY SUBRAMANIAN <gurusubra wrote: Kindly illustrate the principles with an actual case so that we can understand. G.SubramanianAstrologer_vishy Nair <astrologervishy_nair (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Sir Year is indicated by Jupiter. Month is indicated by

Sun Date is indicated by Moon Day is indicated by day lord Asc cusp sign lord will indicate Asc (lagna) Asc cusp star lord will indicate the star Asc cusp sub lord will indicate the hour. Asc cusp sub sub lord will indicate exact minute Regards Viswanath "S.C. Kursija" <sckursija > wrote: Dear learned members,There are methods to correct the incorrect birth timein K.P. System by constellation, sub lord and sub-sublord from the Ruling planets at the time of judgmentof the chart. But how to find the time of the birth,if only date and place of birth is known.I shall be glad and feel obliged if any body can helpfrom the forum.With thanks and

regards.________Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Autos new Car Finder tool.http://autos./carfinder/ Looking for people who are YOUR TYPE? Find them here. Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.Visit the Auto Green Center.

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Srivastav ji, Thanks for your interest. 1. I always take mean Rahu. Diff in values may occur due to fomulas and calculations. Plz check one my article in KP EZine regarding softwares and basic input data. 2. Kindly note KP New Ayanamsa is NOT KP Straight line or KP Straight line Adj. KP New Ayanamsa is the same old KP ayanamsa with daily adjustments (This was not there in KP Old and the values remain same throughout the year.) Kindly see my article in KP EZine Feb issue. I was told this clearly by Sri K. Ganapathy....the eldest son of Sri KSK when I met him a few months back. 3. Your third question is answered in 2 above. However you are free to do research on this interesting idea. 4. Ramanujam's article is fully different. The logic of his article is based on formulas of trigonometry (..note how he finds the longiotudinal differences between Sun, moon and native's Lagan....) and it is an

equally good system. But you will need the DOB of the parents. 5. Possibilites of life and language of God is unlimited. Just explore.... Regards, Andrewrivastava" <swami wrote: Dear Prof Andrew Dutta,Sir,As a student of KP , I was impressed by your Research study published in EST issue June 2007.After grasping the concept taught by you, I recapsulated methods of Rectification Taught by Prof KSK And of others.I

found your method is very similar to RBT( rectification of Birth time By Ruiling planets) as taught by Swami Omkar of Coimbator.Only difference Is You take more postulates for defining linkage at Sign, star and Sub lebel whereas Swami Omkar to my understanding takes only three postulates.That are SUB-STR connection in each other or both in same Star.Now while applying principles of all the three models That is Prof KSK, Shanmugam and Yours(Swami omkar ji included) I find Some clarification is needed before I can correctly apply RBT methods .I hope you will educate me with regard to following. It has reference to your article.1. Which Rahu you are employing Mean or True. Balas Niryan Ephemeries gives Rahu as 229-07 on 19 Oct 1974 at 5:30 AM. Your calculations show 228-58-53.2. What Is value of KP New Ayanamsa on date of Judgement and DOB in illustrated examples.3. In case we use connection definition in

first example as per swami Omkar rectified Lagna shall be having BT to be about 6 minutes ahead. It is interesting to see how logic still works with old value of KP ayanmasa.4. Lastly has your rule of origin any relationship with concept described in article "A new Technique of Birth time Rectification by TKS Ramanujam in Astrological Magazinemay 2006.5. His theorem was "In every Rasi chart, the longitude of Either of the ASCendent is determined by the longitude of either the sun or moon or both of them through a connectivity factor.The connectivity factoris the age( in olar years) of the parents of native expressed in Zodical arc.In some cases this connectivity is seen in the Dwadasamsa chart instead of the Rasi chart.End note OF course Dwadasamsa indicate ancesters also, as thougt by your good self for evolving concept of origin.With regards.OM TAT

SATDr. Andrew DuttaFaculty Member The ICFAI Business School,Survey Number 156/157,Dontanapally Village, Shankerpally Mandal,R.R. District. Andhra Pradesh 501 203. IndiaTelephone (Direct): 0-0-92470 21036Cell: 0-0-98666 20483 Vice President,KP Astrologers' Forum, India

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II Om Gurave Namah IIHari OM

Thanks professor, for reply and comments. OM TATSAT------------------------R.C.SrivastavaB.Sc., Grad ; Telecom Engg: Grad Ayurveda, Jyotishi------------------------ " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."



andrew dutta

Friday, August 31, 2007 10:04 AM

Re: Rectification OF Birth time




Dear Srivastav ji,

Thanks for your interest.

1. I always take mean Rahu. Diff in values may occur due to fomulas and calculations. Plz check one my article in KP EZine regarding softwares and basic input data.

2. Kindly note KP New Ayanamsa is NOT KP Straight line or KP Straight line Adj.

KP New Ayanamsa is the same old KP ayanamsa with daily adjustments (This was not there in KP Old and the values remain same throughout the year.) Kindly see my article in KP EZine Feb issue. I was told this clearly by Sri K. Ganapathy....the eldest son of Sri KSK when I met him a few months back.

3. Your third question is answered in 2 above. However you are free to do research on this interesting idea.

4. Ramanujam's article is fully different. The logic of his article is based on formulas of trigonometry (..note how he finds the longiotudinal differences between Sun, moon and native's Lagan....) and it is an equally good system. But you will need the DOB of the parents.

5. Possibilites of life and language of God is unlimited. Just explore....





Andrewrivastava" <swami (AT) kaalvastu (DOT) com> wrote:



Dear Prof Andrew Dutta,Sir,As a student of KP , I was impressed by your Research study published in EST issue June 2007.After grasping the concept taught by you, I recapsulated methods of Rectification Taught by Prof KSK And of others.I found your method is very similar to RBT( rectification of Birth time By Ruiling planets) as taught by Swami Omkar of Coimbator.Only difference Is You take more postulates for defining linkage at Sign, star and Sub lebel whereas Swami Omkar to my understanding takes only three postulates.That are SUB-STR connection in each other or both in same Star.Now while applying principles of all the three models That is Prof KSK, Shanmugam and Yours(Swami omkar ji included) I find Some clarification is needed before I can correctly apply RBT methods .I hope you will educate me with regard to following. It has reference to your article.1. Which Rahu you are employing Mean or True. Balas Niryan Ephemeries gives Rahu as 229-07 on 19 Oct 1974 at 5:30 AM. Your calculations show 228-58-53.2. What Is value of KP New Ayanamsa on date of Judgement and DOB in illustrated examples.3. In case we use connection definition in first example as per swami Omkar rectified Lagna shall be having BT to be about 6 minutes ahead. It is interesting to see how logic still works with old value of KP ayanmasa.4. Lastly has your rule of origin any relationship with concept described in article "A new Technique of Birth time Rectification by TKS Ramanujam in Astrological Magazinemay 2006.5. His theorem was "In every Rasi chart, the longitude of Either of the ASCendent is determined by the longitude of either the sun or moon or both of them through a connectivity factor.The connectivity factoris the age( in olar years) of the parents of native expressed in Zodical arc.In some cases this connectivity is seen in the Dwadasamsa chart instead of the Rasi chart.End note OF course Dwadasamsa indicate ancesters also, as thougt by your good self for evolving concept of origin.With regards.OM TAT SAT


Dr. Andrew Dutta

Faculty Member


The ICFAI Business School,

Survey Number 156/157,

Dontanapally Village, Shankerpally Mandal,

R.R. District. Andhra Pradesh 501 203. India

Telephone (Direct): 0-0-92470 21036

Cell: 0-0-98666 20483


Vice President,

KP Astrologers' Forum, India



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  • 1 month later...

respected Swami ji,

if the birth time given is within 30-45 minutes of original

birth time , then only the general BTR methods can be applied.but if

the difference is very big ,like a few hours,it will be prudent to

use ruling planet method.

in terms of birth time rectification method,i have found the

following :

1> the moon star lord should have connection with the lagna

sublord.by connection ,i mean

a> the lagna sublord might be the moon star lord .

b> the lagna sublord might be in the star of moon star lord.

c> the lagna sublord might be in conjunction with moon star lord.


2> the 9th cusp sublord must be connected with moon star lord in

some way.

3> for total confirmation , one can verify the birth star of close

relatives like father ,mother,wife,children with the relevant cusp

sublords of the native.there is a very fine article written by

O.V.N.Murthy ji in this regard.you can find it in the file section.

with regards-rohini

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Ramanuja, In the 1969 Editin,p.208,it has been explained in the same Chapter"Rectification of birth Time",very clearly,how to use the Xth cusp", by linking the profession,when the person started his livelihood,and match it according to the Dasa Bhukti etc., at the time... Perhaps in the edition you possess these lines are missing... With best wishes, L.Y.Rao.Ramanuja Rao Kalvala <kalvalarao wrote: Dear Sirs, In discussing rectification of birth time and Ascendent Lagna (page 60, Astrosecrets PART II), ri Subramanyam mentions that one should consider the sub of MC i.e. the 10th cusp.. He does not elaborate much, or I could not understand well what he meant. I request that the experts

please elaborate and explain this with an example , if possible, so that it is more clear to me. Kalvala Ramanuja Rao Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Mail. See how.

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Dear R, As per the 1969 Edition... One has to match the profession,when he bagan his livelihood,job/business/farming and so on,and the changes he might have had according to the Dasa Bhukti ... Perhaps these few lines are missing from your edition... With best wishes, L.Y.Rao. GOOD LUCK !Ramanuja R Dear Sirs, In discussing rectification of birth time and Ascendent Lagna (page 60, Astrosecrets PART II), ri Subramanyam mentions that one should consider the sub of MC i.e. the 10th cusp.. He does not elaborate much, or I could not understand well what he meant. I request that the experts please elaborate and explain this with an example , if possible, so that it is more clear to me. Kalvala Ramanuja Rao Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends

inside Mail. See how.

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Dear Rao ji, Please read Birth time rectification thorugh Krishnamurti Paddhati in Express Star Teller June 2007 issue. All doubts will be resolved for ever. Regards, AndrewRamanuja Rao Kalvala <kalvalarao wrote: Dear Sirs, In discussing rectification of birth time and Ascendent Lagna (page 60, Astrosecrets PART II), ri Subramanyam mentions that one should consider the sub of MC i.e. the 10th cusp.. He does not

elaborate much, or I could not understand well what he meant. I request that the experts please elaborate and explain this with an example , if possible, so that it is more clear to me. Kalvala Ramanuja Rao Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Mail. See how. Dr. Andrew DuttaFaculty Member The ICFAI Business School,Survey Number 156/157,Dontanapally Village, Shankerpally Mandal,R.R. District. Andhra Pradesh 501 203. IndiaTelephone (Direct): 0-0-92470 21036Cell: 0-0-98666 20483 Vice President,KP Astrologers' Forum, India

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Mail. See how.

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  • 2 months later...

PRABHAJI,.DOJ : 01-02-2008 @ 11:11 AM 16.15N 80.25 ERP: ASC : MARS KETU JUPMON : MARS SAT VEN (SAT IS REPRESENTED BY KET, RAH)DAY : VEN i set ur asc to be in ven,rah,mars,ket,jup (i use jh hora)time comes to be 19:36:40"prabha.acharya" <prabha.acharya wrote: Dear Members I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha that i am currently runningdoesnt

matchwith my circumstances. So Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time. DOB 23-4-1968 TOB 19:36 POB Sion, Mumbai, India Marriage Date 7-6-1990 first child 24-5-1991 second child 18-9-1994 Thanks Prabha

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Thank you Mr.Pavan for the information regarding the rectification of time. But Please could you let me the details of what you have written and how you have come to the conclusion of my birth time. Just as a learner I too would like to understand the technique.

Thanks PrabhaOn Fri, Feb 1, 2008 at 12:23 PM, vgr pavan <vgr_pavan1 wrote:






DAY : VEN i set ur asc to be in ven,rah,mars,ket,jup (i use jh hora)time comes to be 19:36:40 " prabha.acharya " <prabha.acharya wrote:

Dear Members I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha that i am currently runningdoesnt

matchwith my circumstances. So Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time. DOB 23-4-1968 TOB 19:36 POB Sion, Mumbai, India Marriage Date 7-6-1990 first child 24-5-1991 second child 18-9-1994

Thanks Prabha Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.

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Dear PrabhajiIf you give the TOB and POB of your 2 children, it will be a great help to check your TOB, after correcting it using one of the various methods."prabha.acharya" <prabha.acharya wrote: Dear Members I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha that i am currently runningdoesnt matchwith my circumstances. So Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time. DOB 23-4-1968 TOB 19:36 POB Sion, Mumbai, India Marriage Date 7-6-1990 first child 24-5-1991 second child 18-9-1994 Thanks Prabha raichur anant mumbai

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prabhaji,ruling planets at the time of judgement should connect with ruling planets atthe time of birth.ruling planets at judgement are mars(appeared twice), ket, sat, jup, vensaturn is represented by ketu,rahu. so final rp are mars,ven,rah.ket,jup.as jup is not much stronger rp i selected rah star for lagna.and another strong rpmars as sublord . ket,jup the remaining ones as sub-sub , sub-sun-sub lords respectively .we have to check also major events in life as follows:note : jup lagna sub lord no doubt is strong .ven a fast moving planet behindjupiter is stronger.hence jup cantbe given starlord and sublord status forlagna. mars is strong so his sub is to be selected.marriage : 07-06-1990dba : sat-mon-ven-sat7th csl rah in 6 th in mer star . mer l/o 9,12 in6 in ket star.ket in 12.actually this is not favourable for marriage.but rah with sat, ven in 6th ven rules star on 7,11

hoses. sat sub on 11th..rah denotes jup in ketu star ketu is the only planet in mars star. l/o 2,7 in 7.mer is with sun l/o 11 (no planet in 11 and sun stars unoccupied).hencerah connected with 2,7,11.sat-- l/o 4,5 in 6 in mer star and rah sub. ragu as said above is strong.moon---in5 no planet in moon star. moon in jup starmer sub. jup l/o 3,6 in 10and mer in ket star. (ket strong significator for 2,7)note : as ketu is a node. no planet is with him it will strongly denote its star lord i.e. mars then the results of ven,sat and lastly of mercuryhence moons connection to ket at sub lewvel is good for marriage.ven --- l/o 1,8 in 6 in mer star rahu sub.as rahu is good ven is also good.first child 24-05-1991dba-sat-mars-ven-monsat-- lord and sub lord of 5, csl of 11.mars-- l/o 2,7 in 7 in ven star and ketu sub . ven with saturn and ketu in

mar star.ven --as said above.mon-- in 5 in jup star.second child 18-09-1994dba-- sat-jup-jup-vensat--as said abovejup-- star lord for 5 in lket star ven subven-- ven in rahu sub i want to know about ur health status during mars bhukthi i.e aug1990-sep1991i may or may not be correct. learned members should correct me if am wrong.it is an interesting chart because more or less all planets are connected to 6,12houses. with regards.......GOODLUCKPrabha Acharya <prabha.acharya wrote: Thank you Mr.Pavan for the information regarding the rectification of time. But Please could you let me the details of what you have written and how you have come to the conclusion of my birth time. Just as a learner I too would like to understand the technique. Thanks PrabhaOn Fri, Feb 1, 2008 at 12:23 PM, vgr pavan <vgr_pavan1 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: PRABHAJI,.DOJ : 01-02-2008 @ 11:11 AM 16.15N 80.25 ERP: ASC : MARS KETU JUPMON : MARS SAT VEN (SAT IS REPRESENTED BY KET, RAH) DAY : VEN

i set ur asc to be in ven,rah,mars,ket,jup (i use jh hora)time comes to be 19:36:40"prabha.acharya" <prabha.acharya > wrote: Dear Members I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha that i am currently runningdoesnt matchwith my circumstances. So Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time. DOB 23-4-1968 TOB 19:36 POB Sion, Mumbai, India Marriage Date 7-6-1990 first child 24-5-1991 second child 18-9-1994 Thanks Prabha Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prabha ji


May i know whether your first child is male or female and also about

the 2nd child. Can you please give us ONLY the Date of Birth of your

husband, only date, if possible.






, " prabha.acharya "

<prabha.acharya wrote:


> Dear Members

> I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha

> that i am currently runningdoesnt matchwith my circumstances. So

> Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time.

> DOB 23-4-1968

> TOB 19:36

> POB Sion, Mumbai, India


> Marriage Date 7-6-1990

> first child 24-5-1991

> second child 18-9-1994


> Thanks

> Prabha


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From the given inputs and using RPs taken on 13 Feb 2008 at

20:39:48hrs, New Delhi, correct Birth time works out to be 19:36:03

hrs. Lagna comes out to be Libra 19-33-12. It appears your temporary

health upset from the morning of 12 feb 2008 till 15 feb 2008 using

dasha only. Is that correct? Please confirm it. If it is so. Then

take it as your rectified birth time to the second.




, " prabha.acharya "

<prabha.acharya wrote:


> Dear Members

> I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha

> that i am currently runningdoesnt matchwith my circumstances. So

> Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time.

> DOB 23-4-1968

> TOB 19:36

> POB Sion, Mumbai, India


> Marriage Date 7-6-1990

> first child 24-5-1991

> second child 18-9-1994


> Thanks

> Prabha


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Razen jiMy eldest son's details areDOB 24-5-1991TOB 2:30amPOB Panipat, Haryana, IndiaMy youngest son's details are

DOB 18-9-1994TOB 2:30amPOB Steton,Keighley, UKMy Husband's details are

DOB 24-2-1962TOB 7:37amPOB Karkala, Udupi, Karnataka, IndiaThanksPrabhaOn Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 7:34 PM, razenonly <razenonly wrote:






Prabha ji


May i know whether your first child is male or female and also about

the 2nd child. Can you please give us ONLY the Date of Birth of your

husband, only date, if possible.




, " prabha.acharya "

<prabha.acharya wrote:


> Dear Members

> I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha

> that i am currently runningdoesnt matchwith my circumstances. So

> Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time.

> DOB 23-4-1968

> TOB 19:36

> POB Sion, Mumbai, India


> Marriage Date 7-6-1990

> first child 24-5-1991

> second child 18-9-1994


> Thanks

> Prabha


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----- Forwarded Message ----Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1Razenonly Sent: Thursday, 14 February, 2008 12:09:37 PMRe: Re: rectification of birth time


Dear Razenonly,

Prabha's exact TOB is 07-41-00. P.M. IST.as per Krishnamurthi Padhdhati...

With kind regards,


razenonly <razenonly Sent: Wednesday, 13 February, 2008 7:34:44 PM Re: rectification of birth time


Prabha jiMay i know whether your first child is male or female and also aboutthe 2nd child. Can you please give us ONLY the Date of Birth of yourhusband, only date, if possible.Razen.@gro ups.com, "prabha.acharya"<prabha.acharya@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Members> I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha> that i am currently runningdoesnt matchwith my circumstances. So> Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time.> DOB 23-4-1968> TOB 19:36> POB Sion, Mumbai, India> > Marriage Date 7-6-1990> first child 24-5-1991> second child 18-9-1994> > Thanks> Prabha>



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RazenjiI heard that one of my relatives is coming to our house on 20th Feb.I am upset about it and my mind is thinking of all bad thoughts of having a fight with him/her.But now I am trying to control this emotion.

ThanksPrabhaOn Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 9:07 PM, razenonly <razenonly wrote:







From the given inputs and using RPs taken on 13 Feb 2008 at

20:39:48hrs, New Delhi, correct Birth time works out to be 19:36:03

hrs. Lagna comes out to be Libra 19-33-12. It appears your temporary

health upset from the morning of 12 feb 2008 till 15 feb 2008 using

dasha only. Is that correct? Please confirm it. If it is so. Then

take it as your rectified birth time to the second.




, " prabha.acharya "

<prabha.acharya wrote:


> Dear Members

> I am a learner/student in astrology. I find sometimes that the dasha

> that i am currently runningdoesnt matchwith my circumstances. So

> Please could somebody help in rectifying my Birth time.

> DOB 23-4-1968

> TOB 19:36

> POB Sion, Mumbai, India


> Marriage Date 7-6-1990

> first child 24-5-1991

> second child 18-9-1994


> Thanks

> Prabha


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Dear all ,

I will illustrate how to check whether Birth time is accurate or not,

in just one example as under.


Here is a lady whose date of Birth is 26th August 1956.

Place of Birth- Not known. Lat - 28 N 38 Long 77 E 12

Time of Birth 04.01.36

Now i want to check the accuracy of this birth time

given, before I start studying the same.


Next step

Now we must first check at the time of Judgement by

the astrologer , what is the planetary Configurations.

Place of Judgement Bombay Time of judgement 19.37.25

Date -Today 18th July 2008.


Lagna is Capricorn - Lord is Saturn

Moon star is U. Asadha - Lord is Sun

Moon raashi is capricorn - Lord is Saturn

Day is Friday - Lord Venus


The above is known as the LSRD Method.

L stands for Lagna Lord

S stands for Moon star lord

R stands for Moon Rashi Lord

D stands for Day Lord.


Note down these Lords and remember that if You find rahu or ketu

in the rashis of the above planets, then write rahu and Ketu alongwith the

above planets.

Rahu is presently in Saturns raashi


So the LSRD Planets would be - Saturn,Sun,Rahu and Venus.


If the difference is just a few minutes as per the client, then the best way

to check is , look at the SubLord of the ascendant when you make a

chart as per the clients given time of birth. The Sub Lord is a planet.

Does this SubLord planet match the planets in Your LSRD ?

If it does, then your birth time is absulutely right.


In this lady,s case her chart shows Ascendant Lord as Moon,

Star lord as Saturn, and Sub Lord as Rahu.


Check whether the sublord Rahu is there in Your LSRD Planets ?

yes its there.


This is a most perfect birth time recorded, as even the

Star Lord Saturn, and even the Sub Lord, Rahu,

both these planets are in our Group of LSRD Planets.


Her Birth time is perfect , and we can now confidently move ahead

to study the chart and start predicting.


Now be Careful

There are further rules in the Ruling Planets method.

As you will advance in your studies, you will learn how to use them.

At times we have to use Ascendant Star Lord too of the time of judgement.

Retrograde planets or Planets in LSRD in constellations of retrograde

planets have to be kept behind the screen.


Suppose the Sub Lord had not matched the LSRD ?

Then you would have had to move the birth time, either forward

or behind by few seconds to few minutes, to make the

SubLord Planet, one from among the LSRD Planets You have noted.


What about rectification when hours difference and days differnece and months difference is here ?


This too can be done from the Ruling Planets method, but of course this needs expertise and practise, For most of you the charts that would be coming would mainly have difference of few minutes here or there.


In Mr.Pathis chart, the rectification was a bit complicated, hence did not

put it here. I want people to understand and then move forward.


The above is a most simple way of checking the accuracy of the Birth time, and takes 2 minutes maximum, to verify, and 5 minutes to 1 hour to rectify , if the birth time is not accurate.


The above lady, is Mrs. Menaka Gandhi.

I picked her chart at random, after coming from office for verification method, and after having my tea, sat down to verify, and happy with the results.


There is no need to wait for learning full KP. till then you can start.

There is no need to buy any software. Shri Narsimha Rao jindabad.

Use his J.Hora.


And remember always, those who wish to learn more, must learn to share more, whatever they have and possess.


best wishes,



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Dear Sh. Bhaskar ji:Thanks for your explanation about rectification of Birth time. I tried this but got into couple of confusions. Hope you will find time to enlighten my novice understanding further on this!(1.) We know that the sublord changes after every 2-5 minutes. It means sublord stays same for 2-5 minutes. Suppose birth time is 1.45 AM and sublord changes at 1.49 AM. I understand we should take the starting time when it changes and not ending time e.g. we should take 1.49.27 AM as correct BT and not 1.53.22 AM. Pls. confirm.(2.) Suppose I came across a chart in which the expected deviation is more than 25 minutes, in that case the sublord would be changing 10-11 times (25+25 minutes) then should be take the sublord nearest to said BT? Since in 45-50 minutes

duration, I may come across 2-3 sublords who are in current LSRD.(3.) You mentioned: Retrograde planets or Planets in LSRD in constellations of retrogradeplanets have to be kept behind the screen.Does this mean, we should keep retrograde planets out of our list of current LSRD? If yes then should be also keep them out from birth time rectification?I tried this method for my son 11th Apr 08 given time is 17.50 at Hoshiarpur Punjab. After rectification, it came out to be 17.50.49 (at this time the sublord changes from Ju to Sa). Though Ju is in the list of LSRD but currently (23rd July 08, 15.11, Delhi) it is retrograde. Though I took sublord Sa but in birth horoscope it is retrograde. Kindly elaborate.RegardsAshish-----

Original Message ----Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 12:04:39 PM RECTIFICATION OF BIRTH TIMEDear all ,I will illustrate how to check whether Birth time is accurate or not,in just one example as under. Here is a lady whose date of Birth is 26th August 1956.Place of Birth- Not known. Lat - 28 N 38 Long 77 E 12Time of Birth 04.01.36Now i want to check the accuracy of this birth timegiven, before I start studying the same. Next stepNow we must first check at the time of Judgement bythe astrologer , what is the planetary Configurations.Place of

Judgement Bombay Time of judgement 19.37.25 Date -Today 18th July 2008. Lagna is Capricorn - Lord is SaturnMoon star is U. Asadha - Lord is SunMoon raashi is capricorn - Lord is SaturnDay is Friday - Lord Venus The above is known as the LSRD Method.L stands for Lagna LordS stands for Moon star lordR stands for Moon Rashi

LordD stands for Day Lord. Note down these Lords and remember that if You find rahu or ketu in the rashis of the above planets, then write rahu and Ketu alongwith the above planets. Rahu is presently in Saturns raashi So the LSRD Planets would be - Saturn,Sun,Rahu and Venus. If the difference is just a few minutes as per the client, then the best way to check is , look at the SubLord of the ascendant when you make a chart as per the clients given time of birth. The Sub Lord is a planet.Does this SubLord planet match the planets in Your LSRD ?If it does, then your birth time is absulutely right. In this lady,s case her chart shows Ascendant Lord as Moon,Star lord as Saturn, and Sub Lord as Rahu. Check whether the sublord Rahu is there in Your LSRD Planets ?yes its there. This is a most perfect birth time recorded, as even theStar Lord Saturn, and even the Sub Lord, Rahu,both these planets are in our Group of LSRD Planets. Her Birth time is perfect , and we can now confidently move aheadto study the chart and start predicting. Now be CarefulThere are further rules in the Ruling Planets method.As you will advance in your studies, you will learn how to use them.At times we have to use Ascendant Star Lord too of the time of judgement.Retrograde planets or Planets in LSRD in constellations of retrogradeplanets have to be kept behind the screen. Suppose the Sub Lord had not matched the LSRD ?Then you would have had to move the birth time, either forwardor behind by few seconds to few minutes, to make theSubLord Planet, one from among the LSRD Planets You have noted. What about

rectification when hours difference and days differnece and months difference is here ? This too can be done from the Ruling Planets method, but of course this needs expertise and practise, For most of you the charts that would be coming would mainly have difference of few minutes here or there. In Mr.Pathis chart, the rectification was a bit complicated, hence did notput it here. I want people to understand and then move forward. The above is a most simple way of checking the accuracy of the Birth time, and takes 2 minutes maximum, to verify, and 5 minutes to 1 hour to rectify , if the birth time is not accurate. The above lady, is Mrs. Menaka Gandhi. I picked her chart at random, after coming from office for verification method, and after having my tea, sat down to verify, and happy with the results. There is no need to wait for learning full KP. till then you can start.There is no need to buy any software. Shri Narsimha Rao jindabad. Use his J.Hora. And remember

always, those who wish to learn more, must learn to share more, whatever they have and possess. best wishes,Bhaskar.

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Dear Sh. Ashish ji,

My answers in Purple.

, Ashish Sharma <ashi078 wrote:>> Dear Sh. Bhaskar ji:> > Thanks for your explanation about rectification of Birth time. I tried this but got into couple of confusions. Hope you will find time to enlighten my novice understanding further on this!> > (1.) We know that the sublord changes after every 2-5 minutes. It means sublord stays same for 2-5 minutes. Suppose birth time is 1.45 AM and sublord changes at 1.49 AM. I understand we should take the starting time when it changes and not ending time e.g. we should take 1.49.27 AM as correct BT and not 1.53.22 AM. Pls. confirm.

The Sub start or the end to be taken, depends on the Sub Sub Lord which is the 4th level rectification , which requires you to again choose one of the RP's from your List. Once you choose the Sub Sub Lord, then automatically your Sub Lord degrees would become perfect, and you can adjust the Birth time accordingly.if You are a novice then it would be difficult for you. You need practise of the same, and at the moment presently just try to rectify the charts in your family and circle, uptil the Sub Lord level, if they need to be rectified. At least that much more accurate would the charts become after your efforts.

> > (2.) Suppose I came across a chart in which the expected deviation is more than 25 minutes, in that case the sublord would be changing 10-11 times (25+25 minutes) then should be take the sublord nearest to said BT? Since in 45-50 minutes duration, I may come across 2-3 sublords who are in current LSRD.

Make sure of the StarLord whether its right first, then choose the Main Planet from the List of RPs. And you would also be guided by the native of the range of timings difference and whether pklus or minus, so that you know in which direction to move accordingly. What You are asking is advanced queries . I would like you to first learn to fix the Sub Lord for few minutes difference and not jump to those charts where there is difference of 1/2 hour on either side.

No You do not take the SubLord nearest to the Birth time. This is not right. First make sure that the StarLord is right and then proceed as per above principles to finalise the Sub Lord.

> (3.) You mentioned: > > Retrograde planets or Planets in LSRD in constellations of retrograde> planets have to be kept behind the screen.> > Does this mean, we should keep retrograde planets out of our list of current LSRD? If yes then should be also keep them out from birth time rectification?

Keep them out of Your List currently, but do not strike them off.

> I tried this method for my son 11th Apr 08 given time is 17.50 at Hoshiarpur Punjab. After rectification, it came out to be 17.50.49 (at this time the sublord changes from Ju to Sa). Though Ju is in the list of LSRD but currently (23rd July 08, 15.11, Delhi) it is retrograde. Though I took sublord Sa but in birth horoscope it is retrograde. Kindly elaborate.

Take Jupiter as the Sub Lord though its Retrograde here, if othe rplanets do not fill the spot. And Saturn is represented by Rahu, since rahu is in Capricorn. If saturn is not there in your List of RP's then you cannot take it.

Do not ask me any further queries. I need energy and time to reply such queries.I have given you a start. You have now to swim for yourself by reading books, practising on charts of family members and circle.

Best wishes,

Bhaskar. www.shrikrishnajyotish.com



> > Regards> Ashish> > > > Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish > Saturday, July 19, 2008 12:04:39 PM> RECTIFICATION OF BIRTH TIME> > > Dear all ,> I will illustrate how to check whether Birth time is accurate or not,> in just one example as under.> > Here is a lady whose date of Birth is 26th August 1956.> Place of Birth- Not known. Lat - 28 N 38 Long 77 E 12> Time of Birth 04.01.36> Now i want to check the accuracy of this birth time> given, before I start studying the same.> > Next step> Now we must first check at the time of Judgement by> the astrologer , what is the planetary Configurations.> Place of Judgement Bombay Time of judgement 19.37.25 > Date -Today 18th July 2008.> > Lagna is Capricorn - Lord is Saturn> Moon star is U. Asadha - Lord is Sun> Moon raashi is capricorn - Lord is Saturn> Day is Friday - Lord Venus > > The above is known as the LSRD Method.> L stands for Lagna Lord> S stands for Moon star lord> R stands for Moon Rashi Lord> D stands for Day Lord.> > Note down these Lords and remember that if You find rahu or ketu > in the rashis of the above planets, then write rahu and Ketu alongwith the > above planets. > Rahu is presently in Saturns raashi> > So the LSRD Planets would be - Saturn,Sun,Rahu and Venus.> > If the difference is just a few minutes as per the client, then the best way > to check is , look at the SubLord of the ascendant when you make a > chart as per the clients given time of birth. The Sub Lord is a planet.> Does this SubLord planet match the planets in Your LSRD ?> If it does, then your birth time is absulutely right.> > In this lady,s case her chart shows Ascendant Lord as Moon,> Star lord as Saturn, and Sub Lord as Rahu.> > Check whether the sublord Rahu is there in Your LSRD Planets ?> yes its there. > > This is a most perfect birth time recorded, as even the> Star Lord Saturn, and even the Sub Lord, Rahu,> both these planets are in our Group of LSRD Planets.> > Her Birth time is perfect , and we can now confidently move ahead> to study the chart and start predicting.> > Now be Careful> There are further rules in the Ruling Planets method.> As you will advance in your studies, you will learn how to use them.> At times we have to use Ascendant Star Lord too of the time of judgement.> Retrograde planets or Planets in LSRD in constellations of retrograde> planets have to be kept behind the screen. > > Suppose the Sub Lord had not matched the LSRD ?> Then you would have had to move the birth time, either forward> or behind by few seconds to few minutes, to make the> SubLord Planet, one from among the LSRD Planets You have noted. > > What about rectification when hours difference and days differnece and months difference is here ?> > This too can be done from the Ruling Planets method, but of course this needs expertise and practise, For most of you the charts that would be coming would mainly have difference of few minutes here or there. > > In Mr.Pathis chart, the rectification was a bit complicated, hence did not> put it here. I want people to understand and then move forward. > > The above is a most simple way of checking the accuracy of the Birth time, and takes 2 minutes maximum, to verify, and 5 minutes to 1 hour to rectify , if the birth time is not accurate.> > The above lady, is Mrs. Menaka Gandhi. > I picked her chart at random, after coming from office for verification method, and after having my tea, sat down to verify, and happy with the results. > > There is no need to wait for learning full KP. till then you can start.> There is no need to buy any software. Shri Narsimha Rao jindabad. > Use his J.Hora. > > And remember always, those who wish to learn more, must learn to share more, whatever they have and possess. > > best wishes,> Bhaskar.>

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