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[AdvaitaToZen] The Battlefield Samadhi By Pete

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In a message dated 5/5/05 5:31:29 PM, Pedsie2 writes:



> In Juan's country the bullet was the ballot. In such a


> country, an evening stroll could turn into an unsought


> adventure. He was twenty then, and spent many hours


> roaming the streets- seeking diversions, conversations,


> pretty girls. To Walk burned the inexhaustible energy


> and the restlessness of youth.


> The hot evening  made the air stagnant. Juan headed for


> the bay. There, even on the hottest day, a little breeze


> stirred from the sea, and along the wide boulevard girding


> the shore, flocks of girls sauntered. And there, ice-cream


> vendors pushed colorful carts with tiny, merry bells.


> As he turned a corner, he saw the wide plaza next to the


> Presidential Palace.The sun had dipped behind the building,


> but its glare still gave the sky a sultry blush. Idlers sat


> on benches, or stood, among flowers and trees


> talking in small groups.


> From behind the Palace the sound of a shot came loud and


> dry, but people ignored the noise. Then another and another


> rang. Idlers stopped talking and looked around. Shots began


> crackling like a storm of firecrackers. For anyone still


> believing the bad muffler theory, the dry convulsive


> coughing of machine guns killed such hope.


> People ran, hid behind trees, took cover under benches, but


> Juan, gripped by an overwhelming curiosity stood looking


> toward the Palace. Flashes of light, followed by smoke puffs


> drifted from some second floor windows. From where Juan stood


> he didn't see the attackers. Yet, flying pieces of stones and


> dust erupted from the palace's walls as the the rebels fired


> back.


> His ennui vanished with the first shot. An intense alertness


> descended on him. Every detail of the scene unfolding jumped


> at him with blinding vividness. He felt no fear, the thought


> that he could be struck by a bullet seemed ridiculous.


> The smell of gunpowder intoxicated him, the sound of battle,


> like a symphony in which each instrument had its role- the


> crackling of pistols, the drum rolls of rifles, and the


> constant rattling of machine guns struck him like an ode to


> death. A bullet zipped above his head showering him with


> leaves, another whacked the tree trunk next to his ear. The


> sheer force, the awesome lethality of the impact sent a


> surge of joy through his brain. What's wrong  with me? He


> asked.


> For the first time, it hit him, that it wasn't really Juan


> who was acting this way. Someone else, someone who couldn't


> care less about Juan's safety was at play here.


> A young girl, still in a school uniform, crawled from under


> a bench and ran across the plaza. She didn't get far. Felled


> by a bullet, she didn't move. Only her school necktie stirred


> a little in the breeze which now blew from the sea. A woman


> ran to her and fell, also. She began to crawl toward the girl.


> Juan walked toward the girl without rushing, with the flare


> and bravado of a young man on his way to ask a girl for a


> dance. He picked her up. The girl's body was limp, her closed


> eyes didn't flutter, her peaceful face, pale. Her warm blood


> soaked his shirt. He gently placed her on the grass behind a


> bench. He returned for the woman and she screamed as he lifted


> her. He could see she had been shot through the right knee, a


> piece of bone, startlingly white, protruded from a deep gash. 


> " Is my daughter all right? " she asked.


> Juan tried to answer, but he couldn't talk. He realized that


> whoever acted through him now, didn't know how. He tried


> again, but couldn't. This should have alarmed him, somehow it


> didn't. Everything appeared as it should be, just as in dreams


> even the most bizarre events seemed normal.


> After he lowered the woman next to her daughter, the firing


> stopped. The silence struck Juan as odd, almost ominous. He


> waited for the firing to resume, but it didn't. People stood,


> ran away, others gathered around the wounded. Juan felt a hand


> on his shoulder, " You are a very brave young man. " said the man.


> A woman kissed him on the cheek. " You are a hero. "


> Juan didn't want to hear such nonsense.  He didn't want to be


> among them. He walked away fast, headed for the shore. Juan


> longed to be alone with the presence. As he sat on a bench


> facing the sea, the presence was vanishing, and the more he


> tried to focus on it, the faster it faded.


> Now, the wailing of ambulances and patrol cars filled the


> evening. A military vehicle went by, its loudspeaker ordering


> people to go home. Juan realized his blood soaked shirt could


> get him arrested. He took it off and dropped it in the water.


> The shirt floated, coloring the water pink, then a retreating


> wave whisked it away.


> Juan didn't tell anyone about his experience. He felt strange


> for days. Things looked odd, beautiful, but alien. To be, Juan,


> also, seemed a little odd. Then, in a few days all of it faded,


> became a memory. But Juan still didn't tell anyone, until a


> year later, when sitting next to a girl, the incense she


> burned in her living room, and the flicker of candles brought


> it all back. Juan told her, and she smiled, kissed him, stood up,


> went to a bookcase, and brought a small book to him.


> " For you. It'll explain everything! " She handed him the book


> with a smile.


> He took the book and looked at the title, it read: " The


> Bhagavad-Gita. "











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