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Million Dollars or Enlightenment?

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Some seek a million dollars, and some seek salvation. So if you had the

choice (which you don't), I would suggest that you seek a million dollars

because if you get a million dollars, there will be someone to enjoy those

million dollars. But when enlightenment happens, there will be no " one " to

enjoy anything.


A Net of Jewels

Ramesh S. Balsekar

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Hi Sultan,

This is not one of Ramesh best examples, I guess even

enlightened beings have bad days too. Eh?


When one stops believing in a separate self, does

enjoyment stop? When one lacks the notion of a self

is one Joyless? An infant who hasn't self awareness

yet, enjoys things more than an adult. Maybe to Ramesh

who was a banker, a million bucks means a lot, or


this only speaks volumes about his realization. Who

knows, who cares?





--- Jan Sultan <swork wrote:

> Some seek a million dollars, and some seek

> salvation. So if you had the

> choice (which you don't), I would suggest that you

> seek a million dollars

> because if you get a million dollars, there will be

> someone to enjoy those

> million dollars. But when enlightenment happens,

> there will be no " one " to

> enjoy anything.


> A Net of Jewels

> Ramesh S. Balsekar




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  • 3 years later...

Nisargadatta , " Era " <n0ndual@w...> wrote:


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> Some seek a million dollars, and some seek salvation. So if you had

the cho=

> ice (which you don't), I would suggest that you seek a million

dollars beca=

> use if you get a million dollars, there will be someone to enjoy

those mill=

> ion dollars.


> But when enlightenment happens, there will be no " one " to enjoy



> A Net of Jewels

> Ramesh S. Balsekar


> ~~~~~~~~~~

> Era



What Ramesh is saying is that in enlightenment there is only being

without separate beings?



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this is very nice example of speculation, so you can

see how ramesh use thinking mind perfectly ...


ramanaæ body also enjoyed peanuts at the morning,

maharajæ body also enjoyed bedees, so ramesh can talk

so nice words, but be very careful, in all sect is

just this procedure heppening!




> Some seek a million dollars, and some seek

> salvation. So if you had the cho=

> ice (which you don't), I would suggest that you seek

> a million dollars beca=

> use if you get a million dollars, there will be

> someone to enjoy those mill=

> ion dollars.


> But when enlightenment happens, there will be no

> " one " to enjoy anything.


> A Net of Jewels

> Ramesh S. Balsekar


> ~~~~~~~~~~

> Era













Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Some seek a million dollars, and some seek salvation. So if you had

the choice (which you don't),

I would suggest that you seek a million dollars because if you

get a million dollars, there will be someone to enjoy those million dollars.


But when enlightenment happens, there will be no " one " to enjoy



A Net of Jewels

Ramesh S. Balsekar




> What Ramesh is saying is that in enlightenment there is only being

> without separate beings?


> al.




I guess so Al. :-)


Or, iow only the Self is as witness: or Being, the ego-self is dead.



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Can somebody translate this for me?







In a message dated 10/21/2005 5:00:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

svahapraha writes:



this is very nice example of speculation, so you can

see how ramesh use thinking mind perfectly ...


ramanaæ body also enjoyed peanuts at the morning,

maharajæ body also enjoyed bedees, so ramesh can talk

so nice words, but be very careful, in all sect is

just this procedure heppening!










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In a message dated 10/21/2005 11:07:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

n0ndual writes:


But when enlightenment happens, there will be no " one " to enjoy



A Net of Jewels

Ramesh S. Balsekar


> What Ramesh is saying is that in enlightenment there is only being

> without separate beings?


> al.


I guess so Al. :-)


Or, iow only the Self is as witness: or Being, the ego-self is dead.






All true, but also, for the enlightened, there is no perception of need that

can be fulfilled since all is already contained within the Self. The duality

of fulfilled/not fulfilled is seen for the perceptual illusion of mind that

it is.







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