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shrI Sundara kanda Nirnaya- MBTN- Verses 47-50 (conclusion)

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shrI hari vAyu gurubhyO namaH


Translation by Scholars of Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha, Chennai


sa rAvaNaM saputrakaM tR^iNopamaM vidhAya cha |

tayoH prapashyatoH puraM vidhAya bhasmasAd.h yayau || 7-47||


Word to word meaning:

saH = and Hanuman

vidhAya = rendered

rAvaNaM = Ravana

saputrakaM = along with his son (Indrajit)

tRiNa upamaM = worthless as blades of grass

vidhAya = He reduced

purIM = the city

bhasmasAd.h = to ashes

tayoH prapashyatoH = before the very eyes of those two (Ravana & Indragjit)

yayau = and then he departed from that place

puraM and purIM both mean the same. They are pAThAntaras



Ravana & his sons were watching helplessly while Hanuman reduced the city to ashes and Ravana

and his sons to blades of grass. After this, he departed from there.


Explanatory notes:

While the city was burning, they were watching & could do nothing not even an attempt to put out

the fire. Hanuman, therefore, made Ravana & his sons equal to straw (tRiNopamaM) by this act.

Ravana with the boon from Rudra, & Indrajit who defeated Indra were helpless during the buring

of Lanka. This suggests that Hanuman is greater than Rudra & Indra. He is therefore Jeevothama.


vilaN^ghya chArNavaM punaH svajAtibhiH prapUjitaH |

prabhaxya vAnareshiturmadhu prabhuM sameyivAn.h || 7-48||


Word to word meaning:

vilaN^ghya = He crossed

punaH cha = again

arNavaM = the ocean

prapUjitaH = was honoured

svajAtibhiH = by his fellow monkeys

prabhaxya = enjoyed

madhu = honey

vAnara IshituH = of the king of monkeys, Sugreeva (in his Madhuvana)

sameyivAn.h = and reached (came back to )

prabhuM = his Lord Rama



Hanuman, after crossing the ocean, reached Kishkindha & after his fellow vanaras honored

Hanuman & after all of them rejoiced to their heart's content by drinking honey from Sugreeva's

Madhuvan, Hanuman quickly reached Sri Ramachandra.


Explanatory notes:

Sugreeva maintained Madhuvan well & he liked it. Hanuman and other vanaras, in order to rejoice

their return to Kishkindha and to convey indirectly the good news of their successful mission,

destroyed Madhuvana and drank the honey from Madhuvana. They symbolically suggested

thereby to Sugreeva that Hanuman destroyed Ashoka vana of Ravana in Lanka. "

This act did not displease Sugreeva, while destroying Ashoka vana displeased Ravana. From

Madhu vana, Hanuman going to see Ramachandra suggests he is duty bound.


rAmaM sureshvaramagaNyaguNAbhirAmaM samprApya sarvakapivIravaraiH sametaH |

chULAmaNiM pavanajaH padayornidhAya sarvAN^gakaiH praNatimasya chakAra bhaktyA

|| 7-49||


Word to word meanings:

pavanajaH = Hanuman

sarva kapi vIravaraiH sametaH = along with all other Vanara leaders

saMprApya = approached

rAmaM = Sri Rama

sura IshvaraM = the Lord of Celestials

agaNya guNa abhirAmaM = who was resplendent with countless excellent


nidhAya = having placed

chUDaamaNiM = the crest jewel (of Sita)

chUDaamaNiM and chULaamaNiM both mean the same. They are pAThAntaras

padayoH = at His feet

chakAra = he performed

bhaktyA = with loving devotion

praNatiM = prostration

sarvaN^gaiH = with all parts of his body (touching the ground)



Along with other Vanara leaders, Hanuman after reaching Sri Ramachandra, who is resplendent

with countless excellent attributes an enchanting figure himself, placed Choodamani at His lotus

feet & offered his obeisances with overflowing bhakthi in his heart, mind & soul.


Explanatory notes:

Hanuman's taking all other vanaras with him to see Sri Ramachandra suggests that he alone can

take all devathas to God & recommend to Him to shower His Grace.

All vanaras could get the darshan of Sri Rama since all of them were behind Hanuman in his noble

task of location Sita.

Similarly, if we as disciples of Sri Madhwacharya follow what he had said would certainly take us

nearer to Him & be liberated.


rAmo.api nAnyadanudAtumamushhya yogyamatyantabhaktiparamasya vilaxya kiJNchit.h |

svAtmapradAnamadhikaM pavanAtmajasya kurvan.h samAshlishhadamuM

paramAbhitushhTaH ||7-50||


Word to word meanings:

rAmaH api = and Rama

na vilaxya = unable to find

anyat.h ki~nchit.h = anything else

anudAtuM= to be given

amuShya pavanAtmajasya = to him (Hanuman)

atyanta bhakti bharitasya = who was full of immeasurable loving devotion for Himself

kurvan.h = performed the act of

sva aatmapradAnaM = giving away Himself (to him)

adhikaM= which was something extraordinary

paramAbhituShTaH= with utmost satisfaction & pleasure

samAshliShat.h= He embraced

amuM = him



Sri Ramachandra fully satisfied & moved by Hanuman's immeasurable bhakthi unable to reward

him befittingly with any gifts gave himself fully to (svAtma pradAna) Hanuman & embraced him &

bestowed His Grace.


Explanatory Notes:

The service rendered by Hanuman & the reward Sri Rama bestowed on him are unique examples

in themselves & they stand on their own without any comparision.

Here bhakthi exhibited by Hanuman is pure & exalted for it is shown by Jeevothama, & pleased

with him is none less than Sri Rama, the Sarvothama.


This concludes the Sundarakanda Nirnaya in the Mahabharatha Tatparya nirnaya of Jagadguru

Srimad Madhwacharya.


Jagadguru Sri Madhwacharya virachita Sundara Kanda Nirnaya

Published by

Sri Madhwacharya Seva Sangha(Regd)

1395, 31st street, 6th Sector, K K Nagar

Chennai 600 078

Phone # 044-24740049

 shrI kR^iShNArpanamastu

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