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His Holiness ParavkkoTtai Andavan of Srirangam Poundarikapuram Andavan Thirunakshathram

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SrImathE Goapaldseika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


asmadhacharyan His Holiness Srimad Paravakkottai Andavan Sri Gopaladesika

Mahadesikan's 90th Thirunakshathram is on March 21st (Panguni Rohini)



Please accept adiyEn’s dhaNdavath praNAmams at your feet.


The word Guru means one who removes ignorance (agnjAnam) of spiritual

knowledge. In Prapanna pArijAtham by SrI NadAdhoor AmmAL Guru is described

very beautifully:


Please forgive me for my free translations (from tamil meanings)


A great Guru should be sought after by a person (disciple), immersed in

samsaaric afflictions; who is afraid of the transitory life; the sorrows due to

internal and external factors (AdhyAthmikam- soul dependent;

Adhiboudhikam- extermal world dependednt; and Adhideivikam- pertaining to

Supreme Lord). That Guru will teach and initiate the disciple with the

necessary manthrAs and impart jnAnam.


This Guru is the Supreme Highest; he is verily Brahman (Lord); He is the

highest of highs; He is the highest desire; He is the Highest God Himself.

Guru is the Ultimate wealth; Guru is the knowledge; Guru is our treasure;

Guru himself is means; Guru is the end. He needs to be worshipped at all

times, under all circumstances; His name shall always be uttered by the

disciple at all times.


gururEva parambrahma gururEva param dhanam;

gururEva paraa vidyA gururEva parAyaNam;

gururEva para: kAma: gururEva parAgathi:

tasmAth sathupadEshTasou thasmAth guruthamO guru: (48 Chapyter 4- Guru


Let us unite under the umbrella of Sri Bhagawath Ramanuja, the YathirAja,

and contribute for the Thirunakshathram celebrations of the LIVING

YATHIRAJA, Sri PaRavaakkOttai Andavan, Prakritham ANdavan of Sri

Poundarikapuram Andavan Ashramam.


In the words of Dr. Sri V.N. Vedantha Desikan Swamin:


There is a special kind of link between the Ahobila Mutt and Sri

Poundarikapuram Andavan Asramam deserves mention in this connection. Down

from 1750 to this day the Acharya hierarchy is unbroken, uniquely continuous in

this Asramam. The Acharyas are also native to the school; inbred and brought up

by Kalakshapam / invitation by earlier Pontiffs at some time.


Once a gap occurred in the Ahobila Mutt; for some five years (1900-1905).

The Poundarikapuram Andavan of this Asramam had proudly helped in securing a

deserving candidate and giving him Sannyasa – order and installing him as the

Pontiff (the 38th). This happened in 1905.


Also with regard to Srimad Andavan PeriAshramam: Till about 1890's there was

only one Andavan Asramam, situated somewhat near further up-stream the

coleroon. Sri Andavan, particularly called Peria Andavan had many

disciples, among whom two were Tatacharya cousins; Sri Valianallur Andavan is

the one finding a place in the hierarchy of Sri Poundarikapuram Asramam. The

other pontiff, Sri Chinnandavan headed the Mela (or Peria) Asramam. The two

were naturally intense friends [only incidentally I would mention that my aunt -

the daughter of Sri Navanitam Swami had been given in marriage to Sri V R S

Tatacharya, the grandson of Sri Chinnandavan. This gentleman was more than a

son-in-law to my grandfather!]. Certain circumstances might have necessitated

the setting up of this new Asramam for Sri Poundarikapuram Andavan but we - the

modern educated disciples ought to bear in mind that the more there are

Acharyas, the more they serve the religious cause in a broad canvas. It is

relevant to mention that Sri Vinnatrangarai Swami was accepted as same teacher

by Sri Thenbarai Andavan (of Peria asramam), since the latter had a feeling of

regret that he had not mastered his

own Sakha, saama veda!


Very interestingly, in the Sannyasa life too, Sri Vinnatrangarai Andavan

exhibited great concern for the health (that was rapidly declining) of Sri

Thenbarai Andavan (1960's). Everyday he would walk to and fro. What it

means is that he should take bath every time on return! Once indeed, a

moving event occurred, Sri Vinnatrangarai Andavan walks to Peria Asramam,

meets Sri Kannan Swami on the way, learnt that the latter was going to

Madras on some urgent work since the Thenbarai Andavan's health would

sustain life for some three days, but Sri Vinnatrangarai Andavan warns the

latter that it was not so, takes him back to the Asramam and almost

influences him to take to the saffron order. Yes, it was urgently

necessary. Readers would realise the risk, the confusion, etc. That often

results on the successor not taking over immediately without a gap in time.


Indeed on later occasions, Sri Vinnatrangarai Andavan used to congratulate

Sri Thirukkudanthai Andavan on the growth, expansion, increasing affluence, etc.

of his Asramam, with a legitimate satisfaction that He himself had worked for it

by forcing Sri Kannan Swami to accept Sannyasa at the right moment.


How I wish disciples of both the Asramams bear this in mind and help the

cordial spirit to grow ever and ever. There is - and there can be - no

reason for any other feeling between two such parallel and allied streams of

spiritual propagation, working for the same goals of spiritual uplift of society

according to the great, common, heritage both inherit.


We are planning to celebrate the Satabhishakam (the 90th Thirunakshthram) of H.

H. Sri Paravakottai Andavan for five days ending on March 21st Sunday at



It is the duty of all spiritually-minded persons to contribute their mite

towards this celebration. (Thanks to Sri Dr. VN Vedantha Desikan Swamin for

giving permission to make use of his article.)


I humbly request with my folded hands to each Bhagawatha of this list, to

contribute your mite for the 81st Jayanthi celebration. Please pay your

obeisance by contributing your mite and donate generously to the cause of

the 90th Tirunakshatram celebrations planned for March 21, 2010



Contributions for 90th birthday celebrations of Srimad Paravakkottai Andavan Sri

Gopaladesika Mahadesikan may be sent in any of the following modes:


(1) Remittances can be sent in favour of Srimad Andavan Poundarikapuram

Swami Asramam Trust, SRIRANGAM which is enjoying 80G Income Tax exemption. The

same can be drawn payable at Srirangam, Trichy-620 006 and sent by post or

courier to the following address:


Srimad Andavan Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam


43-A/13, Asramam Road


Trichy 620 006

Ph : 0431-2436100



(2) Remittances can be made in favour of the Trust account which is holding

an SB A/c with ICICI Bank Ltd., Srirangam, Trichy – A/c No. 612501121724.

However, even if the remittance is directly made to this bank a/c, the details

of the remitter’s address should be sent to the Asramam for sending the

receipt alongwith 80G exemption certificate copy.


Achaaryan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


namo narayana


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