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[shriadishakti] marakadakshetra - CENTRE HEART catch

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Jai Shri Mataji,

As I was reading the details about the false guru and the parashakti devi, my centre heart started pulpitating heavily(Dhak Dhak Dhak). I thought what a irony taht the "Goddess Parashakthi bestows her devotees `abhaya', through well-revered personality, Sri Narendranath Kotekar." and I am getting a centre heart catch. The centre which is supposed to give fearlessness itself is in jeopardy just by reading the details about it.

Koti Koti Pranam Shri Mataji for elevating us upto this level of evolution.

Jai Shri Mataji

C.A.KHERODKARjagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote:

shriadishakti , "jagbir singh" <adishakti_org> wrote:> shriadishakti , mahesh khatri > <maheshkhatri> wrote:> > > > Jai Shri Mataji> > > > just as I was about to click the link to the site > > www.marakadakshetra.org I got severe prickling on left nabhi > > > and left mooladhar. can anyone explain. > > > > I did not open the site due to severe catch.> > > > > > Regards,> > > > Mahesh Khatri> > www.shalstudios.com > > > > > > > Mahesh Khatri,> > My pranaam to you!> > You have done very well because it is the link of a false guru who > claims that at Sri Parashakti Kshetra

Marakada, a suburb of > Mangalore, the "Goddess Parashakthi bestows her devotees> `abhaya', through well-revered personality, Sri Narendranath > Kotekar." > > In other words the false guru Sri Narendranath Kotekar claims that > the Goddess Parashakthi bestows abhaya through him!!! Since you > worship and meditate on the One and only Adi Shakti Shri Mataji > Nirmala Devi, your Mother Kundalini has warned you through your > severe left Nabhi and Mooladhara catch not to proceed.> > Your experience is an excellent example of what Shri Mataji is > talking about regarding the Koran - that during the time of > Qiyamah your hands will talk to you. > > > Jai Shri Mataji> > jagbir > > > > "Muhammad Sahib has written very clearly that "when your > Resurrection will take place then your hands will speak and will > give

witness against you." That is what that they will tell you > what's wrong with you. Your hands will tell clearly and that to> know the Truth you will feel it in the palm here (pointing to > center of palm.) When you ask the question to the real One you > will get your answer here (again pointing to center of palm.) All > these things can only happen in Sahaja Yoga — in no other way. > Whether you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Jew we have to know > that we have to still step one step forward."> > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi > Cabella, Italy — Sep. 15, 1996 > "Object : A personal experience of Self-Realisation I wish to share with my compatriots.Thanks for creating a world forum to allow those of us who live so far away from home to express our deep concern for our country and perhaps make a useful contribution to the debate around our country's future.I

have to admit that not a single day goes by without feeling a sense of frustration at not being able to do something for my country which will improve its social, economic and political status. Moreover every Algerian that I meet abroad feels powerless to do anything which could bring happiness, well being and security to a country which has been torn by years of dictatorship, violence and economic hardship. Instead of brooding on my frustration, I thought I might share my personal experience with my compatriots.Naturally I was born a Muslim but I was also a seeker of truth. I liked the idea of believing in God but I had to admit that it was just blind faith because no matter how much I prayed, fasted and gone through all sorts of penances I never managed to communicate with God let alone see Him. Everything I learned in Islam came from my family, my society and ancestors. I can't blame anyone forhaving forced me to accept

a set of rituals and beliefs given that nobody knew any better and it was just everyone's desire to dotheir best to raise pious, obedient, religious children. This is the way my parents were brought up and so were their ancestors. In addition I was told that since I was born in Algeria, I was most likely to be Sunni which I later came to know as an orthodox form of Islam where communication with the divine or through a saint or some other religious institution was out of question. Gradually I discovered that Islam had split into several groups which had different ways of approaching the divine, the major ones being Sunni, Chia and sufism (as a mystical branch of Chia Islam).In my quest for truth I began to sense that there must be a way as promised by the prophet (pbuh) of knowing oneself (the Rouh or inner being) and thereby knowing the divine with all its science, knowledge joy and self fulfilment. So one day, I was

extremely fortunate to meet a very great lady, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who was not just a saint but who had the unique power of giving en-masse self realisation. This experience consisted of having one's inner dormant power, called Kundalini which islocated in the sacrum bone area, awakened and rising along the spine until it pierces the fontanel bone area. As a result the recipient feels cool vibrations on his hands and on top of the head. Shri Mataji spoke like a Mother and with compassion, taught me and thousands of people all over the world, that this connection is the actualisation of the resurrection promised by Islam and by all the major religions. She added that when you get this enlightenment you become a much better Muslim because you don't need blind faith anymore, you can feel God and his divine powers on your fingertips and within yourself, something which has never happened en-masse in the times

of previous Incarnations. Once you feel these vibrations you become Sahaj which means spontaneous (thus the name of the discipline: Sahaja Yoga). During the time of the Prophet (pbuh), self-realisation was only enjoyed by those closest to him while the great majority could never understand what he meant by self-knowledge. However in the Koran He promised that one day your hands will speak and your feet will testify against you. This is exactly what happened when I felt vibrations, as an enlightened Muslim I could feel which part of my inner being was alright and which was affected with a problem and then I could clear my energy centres (known in Koran as the seven skies or Sabaa Samawat), improve my connection with reality and feel the infinite compassion and joy of the Almighty flowing through me. Prior to giving any more details about this extraordinary experience, I have to prove that this is not just a hypothesis

but a genuine happening which can be enjoyed by every aspiring seeker. The easiest way of trying the experience of self-realisation is to put your hands, with palms upwards, towards a photograph of Shri Mataji and observe what you feel on your fingers, hands and eventually on top of your head. To begin with, you may just feel tingling and heat but gradually, the heat will dissolve and you will feel a cool breeze flowing on your hands and on top of your head. Even if you don't have a photograph just putting your attention on H.H. Shri Mataji with the palms upwards is sufficient to start feeling cool vibrations on your hands.If I had to describe all the blessings Sahaja yoga has bestowed on thousands of people, all over the world, I would need to write a pile of books. This is just a very humble introduction to the most powerful breakthrough in human evolution.Finally I have to come back to talking about my country

only to say that my dream is that someday many thousands of Algerians will get their self-realisation and will attract the blessings of the divine to establish peace, prosperity and complete satisfaction."jammy akhbar, 21:14:44 on 09/04/01

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  • 8 years later...

Dear Mahesh Khatri,



U need some psychiatric help.I think u have weakened your mind to a severe extent by doing some crap form of meditation

and you call this "elevating us upto this level of evolution".Wake Up and get a life you need help!!



Please check your internet connection if ur browser hangs dont talk useless

things relating it with something else.



I am a devotee of Parashakthi Kshetra for many years now and my life is blessed by my Gurus presence.

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