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Tantra: a few clarifications

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I am not answering the question or providing

clarification in defense of the east. From what I have

practiced about Yantra, Tantra, Mantra Shastras in

their original context (un-adulterated by analytical

brains of Western Society and eastern self-proclaimed

teachers), all these writings by modern writers who

call themself as Gurus, and Western researchers who

try to paralyze themselves and rest of the readers

through analysis will NEVER lead anyone to liberation

or realization. Please let me know one soul in the

past and present that has attained liberation or

realization of God Consciousness through extensive

scholarly study of spiritual/religious literature. I

mean a soul similar to Krishna, Christ, Buddha,

Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Yogi Ramsurat Kumar,

Vishwaamitra, Mohammed, Ragavendra, Shirdi SaiBaba,

Sathya SaiBaba,..., all of whom(1) Did not have a Guru

(2) Did not proclaim literary knowledge supremacy, yet

were great spiritual personifications. This just

proves to me that all the scholarly knowledge,

literature research, paralysis by analysis of the

so-called modern spiritual scientist is only as useful

as colorful tinsels serving the purpose of decorating.

That is, all this analysis, knowledge and readings are

useful only for scholarly discussions and debates, but

not for deliverance. Just look back and try to see

what each one as achieved by these literary knowledge.

Lord Buddha's life should be a clear indication that

learning from a Guru or reading and mastering

literature alone can't provide liberation and

realization. He said, 'enough of all these teachings

and learnings' and went on to the path of actively

seeking the TRUTH on His Own and found IT. How many of

us in today's world are ready to embark on such a

journey? All of us are materialistic focused,

including those who write books in the name of

spreading it, but won't do it without profit of

publishing. Marshal Govindan who claims that he had

Dharshan of Maha Avataar Babaji, charges for his

services on credit card. Did Babaji ask Marshal

Govindan to " Sell " Kriya Yoga? Dan Brown writes

DaVinci Code book and claims that Mary Magdalene was

wife of Jesus. What good is it other than Dan Brown

becoming famous by controversy and living on the

fortune earned by his book and movie? People like June

McDaniel writing about Ramakrishna is as insane and

ill-founded as anyone writing about Christ's

relationship with people around Him at that time. We

are a pathetic society of mercilessly crucifying and

cruelly killing a Great Spiritual Being like Christ

and shamelessly proclaiming that He shed His blood for

our sins. Go ahead keep researching, analying, writing

books, making money and throwing dirt at other great

spiritual beings and God Herself for all your

materialistic gains. Ask yourself. Why should I have a

reason or logical basis for offering rice or flower or

any other thing to God during prayer (pooja)? Why

should I ground myself to logical basis for learning

what each mudra means, what power it offers? Why

should I gain understanding of physical and etheral

world to reach GOD - the Infinite Spirit. All that we

need is to be infinite to unite with infinite. All the

knowledge and writings will only be limit oneself to

finiteness, whereas we need to be infinite to unit

with infinite. There is no one true Yogi who has

written books on their attainments. In India and

elsewhere, true Yogis never travelled globally. They

just lived and live a simple life on the streets

without possessing any form of wealth including their

own clothes. God Bless.


Sakthi Thondan.


--- IlluminatedCelestial wrote:


> Namaste,


> I been reading the book " Offering Flowers, Feeding

> Skulls " by June McDaniel. [....]

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You may also be interested in the following:


Tantra: Sex, Secrecy, Politics, and Power in the Study of Religion

by Hugh B. Urban


ISBN-10: 0520236564

ISBN-13: 978-0520236561


From the description at Amazon:

" Tracing the complex genealogy of Tantra as a category within the

history of religions, Hugh B. Urban reveals how it has been formed

through the interplay of popular and scholarly imaginations. Tantra

emerges as a product of mirroring and misrepresentation at work

between East and West--a dialectical category born out of the ongoing

play between Western and Indian minds. Combining historical detail,

textual analysis, popular cultural phenomena, and critical theory,

this book shows Tantra as a shifting amalgam of fantasies, fears, and

wish-fulfillment, at once native and Other, that strikes at the very

heart of our constructions of the exotic Orient and the contemporary

West. "


book preview:


hl=en & id=mmfkUb5whvgC & dq=hugh+urban+tantra & printsec=frontcover & source=

web & ots=4svbuZIbKP & sig=CR8mSZ7-9dLFBFmGqZEgF8TBw04#PPR1,M1




, " msbauju " <msbauju wrote:


> You might consider writing to Dr. McDaniel if

> you need clarification with regards to what she wrote.


> http://www.cofc.edu/~rels/mcdaniel.htm


> http://www.cofc.edu/~facfocus/FacultyArticles_spring06/mcdaniel.html


> , <IlluminatedCelestial@>


> >

> > I been reading the book " Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls " by


> McDaniel. [...]

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I have heard good things about Hugh Urban. I will put the book on my " to get "

list for the future.


Thank you for your feedback everyone.


Jai Ma!







---- msbauju <msbauju wrote:

> You may also be interested in the following:


> Tantra: Sex, Secrecy, Politics, and Power in the Study of Religion

> by Hugh B. Urban


> ISBN-10: 0520236564

> ISBN-13: 978-0520236561



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I understand that books can be limiting if we rely on solely them. It is part

of why I asked for clarification. I was not trying to place any judgment at







---- Sakthi Thondan <sakthithondan wrote:


> [....] From what I have

> practiced about Yantra, Tantra, Mantra Shastras in

> their original context (un-adulterated by analytical

> brains of Western Society and eastern self-proclaimed

> teachers), all these writings by modern writers who

> call themself as Gurus, and Western researchers who

> try to paralyze themselves and rest of the readers

> through analysis will NEVER lead anyone to liberation

> or realization. [....]

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Its interesting... if you have ever read any biography of Sri Sri Ramakrishna

Paramahansajee it describes in obscure detail the Master's guidance under

Bhairavi Brahmani. She was his guru in Aghora sadhana. .... yet today his

disciples, and devotees dont like to discuss his involvement in tantric

practices. They seemed to me to be just as puritanical as Vaishnavas to me when

I spent time near Belur Math in Clacutta.





: IlluminatedCelestial: Sun,

27 Jan 2008 20:48:57 -0500 Tantra: a few clarifications

in terms of common practices.


Namaste,I been reading the book " Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls " by June

McDaniel. [....]

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Hi Rachel:


" Interesting " is precisely the correct term for your observation:

it's diverting; leads one to ponder, etc.


You are quite correct to say that non-devotional biographies of

Ramakrisha do in some cases indicate his involvement on the fairly

extreme edge of Tantric practice (i.e. consumption of human flesh;

consumption of human fecal matter; 5M's, all that good, subversive



And you are also correct to say that many modern practitioners

(beginning, in fact, immediately with Ramakrishna's direct disciple,

Vivekananda) " don't like to discuss " these aspects of the great

saint's practice.


Why? Simply because these practices were never intended for detached,

anthropological, biographical " discussion. " From the perspective of

the tradition and its followers, they are secret, initiatory

practices, handed down through the centuries from guru to shishya,

and absolutely devoid of meaning or discernable significance outside

the specific, given context in which they are prescribed and expanded



As the Tao Te Ching observed: " He who speaks, knows not. He who

knows, speaks not. "


Yes, I agree with you that there are sometimes " puritanical elements "

involved. There certainly are reactionary " puritans " in Hindu neo-

conservative circles; fr example, Rajiv Malhotra -- Hinduism's own

Jerry Falwell -- who has made Jeffrey Kripal's bio, " Kali's Child:

The Mystical and the Erotic in the Life and Teachings of

Ramakrishna, " into the hated centerpiece of his campaign against

Western academic explorations of Hinduism. Characters of his

Malhotra's ilk sicken me as much as fundamentalists of any stripe.


But that is not, I would suggest, the process at work in the silence

of modern Kali devotees, Shakta devotees, Ramakrishna devotees, in

choosing not to linger upon the saint's sometimes subversive Tantric

practices, rather than the bulk of his written teachings. The fact

are, they are devotees. One can practice Shaktism from within the

tradition, one can forensically examine it from outside the

tradition; but it is exceedingly difficult (and with no practical

benefit to speak of) to achieve both perspectives at once.


This group's topic is Shakti Sadhana, by and for followers of this

living tradition -- some of whom, Rachel, are Tantric adepts at

levels that would absolutely wilt your assumptions of " puritanism. "

But these adepts are not speaking to this topic, and I can assure you

that they will not speak to it -- because what does it accomplish?


Unless you want to offer human-flesh or fecal matter sushi recipes,

or tips on how to " try it at home " -- i.e., topics completely outside

the reality of tradition and practice at any level -- what is the

point of " discussing " these matters in a devotional forum?


Believe me, I see your argument. Such extreme practices have existed

within the purview of " Tantra " : Great! Scholars have written about

these practices: Fantastic! You have read about these practices:

Congratulations! The Hindus you met in Kolkata who would not discuss

these aspects of Ramakrishna's sadhana with you are " puritans " whose

reactions are anthropologically and sociologically " interesting " :

Wonderful! Well said!


But now what? What would you have us do with this information?


I am really just curious.


aim mAtangyai namaH





, RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii



> Its interesting... if you have ever read any biography of Sri Sri

Ramakrishna Paramahansajee it describes in obscure detail the

Master's guidance under Bhairavi Brahmani. She was his guru in Aghora

sadhana. .... yet today his disciples, and devotees dont like to

discuss his involvement in tantric practices. They seemed to me to be

just as puritanical as Vaishnavas to me when I spent time near Belur

Math in Clacutta.


> Rachel



> : IlluminatedCelestial: Sun, 27 Jan 2008

20:48:57 -0500 Tantra: a few clarifications

in terms of common practices.


> Namaste,I been reading the book " Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls "

by June McDaniel. [....]


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Okay, so all of that being said... what would be the point of having an internet

forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'?


It's true that the true devotees who are doing real sadhana would never discuss

their practices! Much of what I see coming from this group are people trying to

do sadhana without the guidance of a guru and so have to turn to the internet

for clarifications on texts, mantras, and so on. It's like the blind leading the


I think it's not only interesting, but often hilarious.


Of course I realize that people do not discuss these things.



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The message archive speaks for itself.

There are worthwhile things to be said.


If you dig, you can find gems buried in

all the chit-chat and cut-n-pastes.


And there ARE practices that can be discussed.

For example, see the recurring

discussion of the Khadgamala Stotram.


, RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii



> Okay, so all of that being said...

> what would be the point of having an internet

> forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'?


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Sometimes....... DEVI brings in the wrong to lure the right.....

throw in the rubbish so that the GEM can shine. But again, to be

able to identify the real GEM from the fake, it takes more than the

books. You need the master to give you the pointers. Often when the

masters tell them, they choose not to listen because they prefer to

listen to people who like to brag and boast about their achievement.

Not all that shine bright are the GEMS.


Humility goes a long way.... one of the atributes of DEVI herself.

She reveal herself to those who truly understand the virtue of



This group is meant for those who truely appreciate. If you think

this group is just a waste of time, then please go.... We did not

invite you here. You come on your own accord and youre to leave on

your own. We will not show you the exit door. If you know how to get

in, you should know how to get out.





, " msbauju " <msbauju wrote:


> The message archive speaks for itself.

> There are worthwhile things to be said.


> If you dig, you can find gems buried in

> all the chit-chat and cut-n-pastes.


> And there ARE practices that can be discussed.

> For example, see the recurring

> discussion of the Khadgamala Stotram.


> , RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Okay, so all of that being said...

> > what would be the point of having an internet

> > forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'?

> >


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do not be so harsh please.


NMadasamy <nmadasamy wrote: Sometimes....... DEVI brings

in the wrong to lure the right.....

throw in the rubbish so that the GEM can shine. But again, to be

able to identify the real GEM from the fake, it takes more than the

books. You need the master to give you the pointers. Often when the

masters tell them, they choose not to listen because they prefer to

listen to people who like to brag and boast about their achievement.

Not all that shine bright are the GEMS.


Humility goes a long way.... one of the atributes of DEVI herself.

She reveal herself to those who truly understand the virtue of



This group is meant for those who truely appreciate. If you think

this group is just a waste of time, then please go.... We did not

invite you here. You come on your own accord and youre to leave on

your own. We will not show you the exit door. If you know how to get

in, you should know how to get out.


, " msbauju " <msbauju wrote:


> The message archive speaks for itself.

> There are worthwhile things to be said.


> If you dig, you can find gems buried in

> all the chit-chat and cut-n-pastes.


> And there ARE practices that can be discussed.

> For example, see the recurring

> discussion of the Khadgamala Stotram.


> , RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Okay, so all of that being said...

> > what would be the point of having an internet

> > forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'?

> >









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Why not! rememebr previous message.... before we all decide to go

into hybernation........ being nice does not pay sometimes.


Remember too the story about the sishya and the master walking pass

the villages on the camel. Whatever you do.... people will talk. U

do nice, they will condemn u for being a weakling. You being harsh,

they say ure bad.


Sula bula..........DB is good and IM the bad ones..... U see how we

complement each other, so its a balance. LOL









, sankara menon <kochu1tz



> do not be so harsh please.


> NMadasamy <nmadasamy wrote: Sometimes....... DEVI

brings in the wrong to lure the right.....

> throw in the rubbish so that the GEM can shine. But again, to be

> able to identify the real GEM from the fake, it takes more than

the books. You need the master to give you the pointers. Often when

the masters tell them, they choose not to listen because they prefer

to listen to people who like to brag and boast about their

achievement. Not all that shine bright are the GEMS.


> Humility goes a long way.... one of the atributes of DEVI herself.

> She reveal herself to those who truly understand the virtue of

> patience.


> This group is meant for those who truely appreciate. If you think

> this group is just a waste of time, then please go.... We did not

> invite you here. You come on your own accord and youre to leave on

> your own. We will not show you the exit door. If you know how to

get in, you should know how to get out.


> , " msbauju " <msbauju@> wrote:

> >

> > The message archive speaks for itself.

> > There are worthwhile things to be said.

> >

> > If you dig, you can find gems buried in

> > all the chit-chat and cut-n-pastes.

> >

> > And there ARE practices that can be discussed.

> > For example, see the recurring

> > discussion of the Khadgamala Stotram.

> >



> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Okay, so all of that being said...

> > > what would be the point of having an internet

> > > forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'?

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I heard it (in a longer version) from my great-grandmother a million

years ago, and it still holds as true as anything I've ever read:


A miller and his son were taking their donkey to sell at market, when

they passed a group of girls, who laughed at how foolish the miller

was to have an donkey and yet be walking. So the miller put his son on

the donkey.


Further down the road they passed some old people who scolded the

miller for allowing his young son to ride, when he should be riding

himself. So the miller removed his son and mounted the donkey himself.


Further along the road, they passed some travelers who said that if he

wanted to sell the donkey the two of them should carry him or he'd be

exhausted and worthless. So the miller and his son bound the donkey's

legs to a pole and carried him.


When they approached the town the people laughed at the sight of them,

so loud that the noise frightened the donkey, who kicked out and fell

off a bridge into the river and drowned.


The embarrassed miller and son went home with nothing, save the lesson

that you will achieve nothing by trying to please everyone.




P.S. Good?! Bad?! No comment! ;-)



, " NMadasamy " <nmadasamy wrote:


> Why not! rememebr previous message.... before we all decide to go

> into hybernation........ being nice does not pay sometimes.


> Remember too the story about the sishya and the master walking pass

> the villages on the camel. Whatever you do.... people will talk. U

> do nice, they will condemn u for being a weakling. You being harsh,

> they say ure bad.


> Sula bula..........DB is good and IM the bad ones..... U see how we

> complement each other, so its a balance. LOL



, sankara menon <kochu1tz@>

> wrote:

> >

> > do not be so harsh please.

> >

> > NMadasamy <nmadasamy@> wrote: Sometimes....... DEVI

> brings in the wrong to lure the right.....

> > throw in the rubbish so that the GEM can shine. But again, to be

> > able to identify the real GEM from the fake, it takes more than

> the books. You need the master to give you the pointers. Often when

> the masters tell them, they choose not to listen because they prefer

> to listen to people who like to brag and boast about their

> achievement. Not all that shine bright are the GEMS.

> >

> > Humility goes a long way.... one of the atributes of DEVI herself.

> > She reveal herself to those who truly understand the virtue of

> > patience.

> >

> > This group is meant for those who truely appreciate. If you think

> > this group is just a waste of time, then please go.... We did not

> > invite you here. You come on your own accord and youre to leave on

> > your own. We will not show you the exit door. If you know how to

> get in, you should know how to get out.

> >

> > , " msbauju " <msbauju@> wrote:

> > >

> > > The message archive speaks for itself.

> > > There are worthwhile things to be said.

> > >

> > > If you dig, you can find gems buried in

> > > all the chit-chat and cut-n-pastes.

> > >

> > > And there ARE practices that can be discussed.

> > > For example, see the recurring

> > > discussion of the Khadgamala Stotram.

> > >


> <omshantii@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Okay, so all of that being said...

> > > > what would be the point of having an internet

> > > > forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'?


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Ahhh, you are all such fiery Shaktas! Christina, I hope you are

holding up under the fire! Devi Bhakta, I find your " snarkiness "

refreshing and entertaining! I feel as if I were in a room with all

of my beloved aunties and uncles. But I am just a child keeping quiet

in the corner listening and learning. I was trained in Dakshinachara

and all of you fiery ones are blazing up and revealing more about

sadahna in your passion then you do when this forum is calm! There

were 60mph wind gusts at my house last night-I wonder if there is a


There are storms and then there is calm-I hope that doesn't chase

anyone away from diving into the sea for a good swim....




, sankara menon <kochu1tz



> what a group of wimps we are!! *smile " n'est ce pas DB?


> RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii wrote: God bless you, DB.

You are a treasure.


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I mean a soul similar to Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi,

Yogi Ramsurat Kumar, Vishwaamitra, Mohammed, Ragavendra, Shirdi SaiBaba, Sathya

SaiBaba,..., all of whom(1) Did not have a Guru


I know Krishna had sandeepani Maharshi as Guru

and Vivekananda had Ramakrishna

Raghavendra had his predecesspor as Guru - I forget the name.


Sakthi Thondan <sakthithondan wrote:


I am not answering the question or providing

clarification in defense of the east. From what I have

practiced about Yantra, Tantra, Mantra Shastras in

their original context (un-adulterated by analytical

brains of Western Society and eastern self-proclaimed

teachers), all these writings by modern writers who

call themself as Gurus, and Western researchers who

try to paralyze themselves and rest of the readers

through analysis will NEVER lead anyone to liberation

or realization. Please let me know one soul in the

past and present that has attained liberation or

realization of God Consciousness through extensive

scholarly study of spiritual/religious literature. I

mean a soul similar to Krishna, Christ, Buddha,

Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Yogi Ramsurat Kumar,

Vishwaamitra, Mohammed, Ragavendra, Shirdi SaiBaba,

Sathya SaiBaba,..., all of whom(1) Did not have a Guru

(2) Did not proclaim literary knowledge supremacy, yet

were great spiritual personifications. This just

proves to me that all the scholarly knowledge,

literature research, paralysis by analysis of the

so-called modern spiritual scientist is only as useful

as colorful tinsels serving the purpose of decorating.

That is, all this analysis, knowledge and readings are

useful only for scholarly discussions and debates, but

not for deliverance. Just look back and try to see

what each one as achieved by these literary knowledge.

Lord Buddha's life should be a clear indication that

learning from a Guru or reading and mastering

literature alone can't provide liberation and

realization. He said, 'enough of all these teachings

and learnings' and went on to the path of actively

seeking the TRUTH on His Own and found IT. How many of

us in today's world are ready to embark on such a

journey? All of us are materialistic focused,

including those who write books in the name of

spreading it, but won't do it without profit of

publishing. Marshal Govindan who claims that he had

Dharshan of Maha Avataar Babaji, charges for his

services on credit card. Did Babaji ask Marshal

Govindan to " Sell " Kriya Yoga? Dan Brown writes

DaVinci Code book and claims that Mary Magdalene was

wife of Jesus. What good is it other than Dan Brown

becoming famous by controversy and living on the

fortune earned by his book and movie? People like June

McDaniel writing about Ramakrishna is as insane and

ill-founded as anyone writing about Christ's

relationship with people around Him at that time. We

are a pathetic society of mercilessly crucifying and

cruelly killing a Great Spiritual Being like Christ

and shamelessly proclaiming that He shed His blood for

our sins. Go ahead keep researching, analying, writing

books, making money and throwing dirt at other great

spiritual beings and God Herself for all your

materialistic gains. Ask yourself. Why should I have a

reason or logical basis for offering rice or flower or

any other thing to God during prayer (pooja)? Why

should I ground myself to logical basis for learning

what each mudra means, what power it offers? Why

should I gain understanding of physical and etheral

world to reach GOD - the Infinite Spirit. All that we

need is to be infinite to unite with infinite. All the

knowledge and writings will only be limit oneself to

finiteness, whereas we need to be infinite to unit

with infinite. There is no one true Yogi who has

written books on their attainments. In India and

elsewhere, true Yogis never travelled globally. They

just lived and live a simple life on the streets

without possessing any form of wealth including their

own clothes. God Bless.


Sakthi Thondan.


--- IlluminatedCelestial wrote:


> Namaste,


> I been reading the book " Offering Flowers, Feeding

> Skulls " by June McDaniel. [....]







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That is okay. I have not left yet, and if I feel there is an issue, I always

confront people about it - usually in private. ;-)


And as I told someone last night, I would probably be just as fiery if someone

came into this group and called Kali a demoness from Hell (lol!). Mind you, I

asked a question, but still...I know how it is to be put on the defense.


Jai Ma!






---- deviloka <deviloka wrote:

> Ahhh, you are all such fiery Shaktas! Christina, I hope you are

> holding up under the fire! [....]

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Hi Rachel:


You commented: " Okay, so all of that being said... what would be the

point of having an internet forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'? "


This statement seems to assumes that the relatively minute percentage

of extreme practices that are not openly discussed are the only thing

about Shakti Sadhana that is worth discussing.


In fact, even serious, traditional practitioners in authentic Shakta

lineages would not dream of venturing into these " razor's edge "

techniques without the guidance of a truly qualified guru. And no real

guru would ever prescribe such practices to any but the most qualified

sadhakas under the most specific set of circumstances.


So why encourage, as you put it, " the blind to lead the blind " in such

matters? While it may help make the forum entertaining, even

" hilarious " for some, it doesn't do much for the vast (and

unfortunately mostly silent) majority of serious practitioners who

actually comprise the invisible bulk of this group.


Moreover, there is plenty that *can* and *should* be discussed, with

practical and reliable benefit to many. And -- as Nora and Msbauju

pointed out -- our six-plus years' worth of archives are full of good

(and yeah, not-so-good :-p) examples.


There is so much bad, unintentionally " hilarious " and potentially

damaging misinformation out there; more every day. With all due

respect to those who crave such stuff, I am not interested in having

this group add to the cacophony.


Best regards






, RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii



> Okay, so all of that being said... what would be the point of having

an internet forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'?


> It's true that the true devotees who are doing real sadhana would

never discuss their practices! Much of what I see coming from this

group are people trying to do sadhana without the guidance of a guru

and so have to turn to the internet for clarifications on texts,

mantras, and so on. It's like the blind leading the blind.

> I think it's not only interesting, but often hilarious.


> Of course I realize that people do not discuss these things.


> Rachel


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I wanted to clear some things that I recently discovered.


I addressed my concerns with Dr. McDaniel via e-mail, and it seems that I took

what she said out of context myslf. She said it was only rumors spread about

Ramakrishna, and she herself did not believe they were true. She also went into

detail that there was one minor sect that is a minority that boasts about

claiming to do certain things, but otherwise your average Tantrika in India are

like your everyday person.


I apologize for any confusion I may have created in my queries. It seems that

what I read was different from what was meant to be expressed, or meant to be

seen. So it seems I owe an apology to her, as well.


In addition to addressing my concern, she spoke highly of authentic Tantra and

dispelled the negative things that more or less has been said, that has been

promoted by Western bias. Suffice to say, I am glad that she finally got back

with me. It not only further supported what this group has supported about

Tantra, but also further clarified what might have been taken out of context

when I was reading the book " Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls. "


I thank you all again for your patience.



Jai Ma!




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Hi DB,


Are you saying that it is appropriate to discuss sadhana with strangers as long

as you dont tell them exactly what you do? Anyway, what would be the benefit of

that? You may not have noticed, but I am one of those who has long been a

member, but is (until very recently) inclined to hold my tongue. I am somewhat

confounded by all of this. The concept of kaula is very Tantric, and to have

this online community does seem to make sense in a certain way... but I would

guess it only feeds and encourages peoples misinformation.


I wonder, why is hinduism SO appealing to so many westerners?





: devi_bhakta: Thu, 31 Jan

2008 12:43:35 +0000 Re: Tantra: a few clarifications





Hi Rachel:You commented: " Okay, so all of that being said... what would be

thepoint of having an internet forum on 'Shakti Sadhana'? " This statement seems

to assumes that the relatively minute percentageof extreme practices that are

not openly discussed are the only thingabout Shakti Sadhana that is worth

discussing.In fact, even serious, traditional practitioners in authentic

Shaktalineages would not dream of venturing into these " razor's edge " techniques

without the guidance of a truly qualified guru. And no realguru would ever

prescribe such practices to any but the most qualifiedsadhakas under the most

specific set of circumstances. So why encourage, as you put it, " the blind to

lead the blind " in suchmatters? While it may help make the forum entertaining,

even " hilarious " for some, it doesn't do much for the vast (andunfortunately

mostly silent) majority of serious practitioners whoactually comprise the

invisible bulk of this group. M

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, RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii



> Are you saying that it is appropriate to discuss sadhana with

strangers as long as you dont tell them exactly what you do?


No, he said there is much that can and should be discussed

OTHER that which should be private. Please review his message.


> to have this online community does seem to make sense in a certain



Yes, it does.

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Don't be so hard on yourself. Even though your posts may not have been " remotely

useful "

still you have stimulated discussion here.







, RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii wrote:


> I admit that I do not recal any posting from this group that has been remotely



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thank you


RACHEL GARCIA <omshantii wrote: I admit that I do not

recal any posting from this group that has been remotely useful...







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