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You Are A Vibrational Transmitter - Receiver

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by Jerry and Esther Hicks


Now you are ready to understand the most essential part of

controlling, creating and enjoying your physical life experience..


Even more than the material being that you have come to know as you –

you are a Vibrational Being. When someone looks at you, they see you

with their eyes and hear you with their ears, but you are presenting

yourself to them and to the Universe, in a much more emphatic way

than can be seen or heard: You are a vibrational transmitter and you

are broadcasting your signal in every moment of your existence..


As you are focused in this physical body and while you are awake, you

are constantly projecting a very specific, easily identifiable signal

that is instantly received, understood and answered. Immediately,

your present and future circumstances begin to change in response to

the signal you are offering now. And so, the entire Universe, right

now, is affected by what you are offering..


You Are an Eternal Personality, Focusing in the Now


Your world, present and future, is directly and specifically affected

by the signal that you are now transmitting. The personality that is

you is really an eternal personality, but who you are right now and

what you are thinking right now, is causing a focusing of Energy that

is very powerful. This Energy that you are focusing is the same

Energy that creates worlds. And it is, in this very moment, creating

your world..


You have a built-in, easy-to-understand guidance system within you,

with indicators that help you understand the strength or power of

your signal, as well as the direction of your focus. And, most

important, it is this very same guidance system that helps you

understand the alignment of your chosen thought with the Energy

Stream itself..


Your feelings are the representatives of your guidance system. In

other words, the way you feel is your true indicator of your

alignment with your Source and of your alignment with your own

intentions – both pre-birth and currently..


Our Powerful Beliefs Were Once Gentle Thoughts


Every thought that has ever been thought still exists and whenever

you focus upon a thought, you activate the vibration of that thought

within you. So, whatever you are currently giving your attention to

is an activated thought. But when you turn your attention away from a

thought, it becomes dormant or no longer active. The only way to

consciously deactivate a thought is to activate another. In other

words, the only way to deliberately withdraw your attention from one

thought is to give your attention to another..


When you give your attention to anything, the vibration, at first, is

not very strong, but if you continue to think about it or speak about

it, the vibration gets stronger. So, with enough attention to any

subject, it can become a dominant thought. As you give more and more

attention to any thought and as you focus upon it and therefore

practice the vibration of it – the thought becomes an even bigger

part of your vibration – and you could now call this practiced

thought a belief.


The Longer You Think Thoughts, the Stronger They Become


Because the Law of Attraction is behind the expansion of your

thoughts, it is not possible to give your attention to something

without achieving an alignment with it to some degree. And so, the

longer you ponder the thought and the more frequently you return to

the thought, the stronger your vibrational alignment becomes..


As you achieve a stronger alignment with any thought, you then begin

to feel emotions that indicate your increased or decreased alignment

with your own Source. In other words, as you give more of your

attention to any subject, your emotional reading of either harmony or

disharmony with who you really are becomes stronger. If the subject

of your attention is in alignment with what the Source of your Being

knows, you would feel the harmony of your thoughts in the form of

good feelings. But if the subject of your attention is not in

alignment with what your Source knows it to be, you would feel the

disharmony of your thoughts in the form of bad feelings..


Your Attention to It Invites It In


Every thought that you give your attention to expands and becomes a

bigger part of your vibrational mix. Whether it is a thought of

something you want or a thought of something you do not want – your

attention to it invites it into your experience..


Since this is an attraction-based Universe, there is no such thing as

exclusion. Everything is about inclusion. So, when you see something

that you would like to experience and you focus upon it, shouting yes

to it, you include it in your experience. But when you see something

that you would not want to experience and you focus upon it, shouting

no at it, you also include that in your experience. You do not invite

it in with your yes and exclude it with your no, because there is no

exclusion in this attraction-based Universe. Your focus is the

invitation. Your attention to it is the invitation..


And so, those who are mostly observers thrive in good times but

suffer in bad times because what they are observing is already

vibrating and as they observe it, they include it in their

vibrational countenance; and as they include it, the Universe accepts

that as their point of attraction and gives them more of the essence

of it. So, for an observer, the better it gets, the better it gets;

or the worse it gets, the worse it gets. However, one who is a

visionary thrives in all times..


With your practiced attention to any subject, the Law of Attraction

delivers circumstances, conditions, experiences, other people and all

manner of things that match your habitual dominant vibration. And as

things begin to manifest around you that match the thoughts you have

been holding, you now develop stronger and stronger vibrational

habits or proclivities. And so, your once small and insignificant

thought has now evolved into a powerful belief and your powerful

beliefs will always be played out in your experience..

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