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Kundalini Yoga - 12

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I have read with interest and appreciation what many of you have

shared in recent weeks about your experiences doing KY and

meditation. This is a very valuable part of this list. I would like

to make a few comments.


(1) I am not going to make detailed comments on personal experiences.

Everyone has his or her own experiences. The more we acknowledge and

appreciate our own experiences, the more we develop our own awareness

system. Awareness is what KY is all about. One of the principle

goals of this training is guide you in expanding your awareness.


(2) Change and variety are the norm in meditation. Our individual

experiences vary according to our current stage of growth, what we

are going through at a particular time, our moods, the stars, who

else is in the house, if we are meditating in a group, and on and

on. There are so many factors that influence us at each point in

time, which eventually leads us to realize that the best thing to do

is to tune into the moment and be present to ourselves, our feelings

and our reactions. There are so many ways we get reminded to " Be

Here Now. " In the now, the infinite is available to us.


(3) What we experience can range from pain and anguish to joy and

bliss. There is a myth that meditation is the mindless experience of

bliss. Well, eventually we hope to have these experiences.

Sometimes we do. Most of the time we don't. A lot of students

wonder what is the matter with them when they don't automatically pop

into a state of ecstasy. Nothing is the matter. It takes time to

clear our subconscious and conscious minds of garbage accumulated for

eons of time and added to daily. I always laugh when I read

meditation exercises that start out with " first clear your mind. "

Actually I used to get mad when I read these words. If I knew how to

clear my mind I wouldn't even need this silly book! Tell me how

please! The next few lessons are going to be devoted to meditations

that show you how.


(4) What needs to be cleansed, must be released. As Avtar Kaur so

generously shared in her experience of chanting Kirtan Kriya ( SA TA

NA MA Meditation) for 120 days, we may have to consciously remember

and reencounter our fears and past traumas. (This meditation will be

explained in detail soon.) The good news is that once we process them

with the cleansing power of a divine mantra, they get cleared out.

We can free ourselves by going through the pain. Better 120 days of

31 minutes of anguish, than a deep ennui controlling your whole life.


(5) We also become aware of how our subconscious fears create our

reality. This is why we need meditation and mantras. Mantras

penetrate to the subconscious mind and clear the programs that we

cannot consciously access. If we could, our naïve affirmations would

work. How many of us have repeated some form of " I attract the

perfect partner into my life, " and met our Romeo or Juliet? Or

repeated prosperity affirmations and won the lottery? Life is not

that simple. Life is a complex, rich and elegant game and hard

work. Fortunately if we have the effective tools like Kundalini Yoga

and meditation, life can also be fun, rewarding and empowering.


(6) The possibilities of what we can experience are infinite. One

time a friend had a very powerful and blissful experience during

meditation. He was so pleased. He went to Yogi Bhajan and recounted

the whole thing, expecting to receive some positive response. Yogi

Bhajan simply looked at him and said, " Son, there's more. " Even when

our experiences are pleasurable and " far out, " there is still more to

experience. The gift of infinity is that there are no boundaries.

The more we free ourselves of expectations and stop trying to

recreate the same thing, the more we open ourselves up to unlimited

inner and outer possibilities.


(7) Tuning into different qualities of energy is fun and useful.

About a month ago I asked you to experiment with white and gold

light. One person from Germany explained his experience, which from

my experience corresponds very accurately to the nature of gold and

white light. This is an example where I will say no more. I don't

want to spoil your fun and delight as you cultivate your own internal



(8) Visualization is manipulation. Feeling is knowing. We many have

visions, but they are spontaneous, not contrived by our minds. The

less we try to control reality, the more we can tune into reality.


(9) One way to measure the effectiveness of your meditation practice

is the changes and quality of your life. Can you sleep better? Are

you happier? Are you less afraid? If so, you are making progress.

Lim got a job and can now support his family. His meditation is

working for him.


(10) Someone mentioned in a letter that her sensitivity to soul

connections is starting to open up. When she talked to me on the

phone an awareness of knowing me before was very strong. This is

also a result of meditation. We get beyond our mind chatter about

our daily routines and tune into how we are connected to each other.

Many of us were probably in monasteries together in past lifetimes.

I know that everyone I work and play with I have met and interacted

with before.


(11) We are connected to each other on so many levels. When we start

to do KY, we become aware of these connections. Many of them are non-

verbal. It is exhilarating to experience these feelings and

awarenesses. Healing is taking place. And many things are being

communicated at the soul level. The more we allow these experiences

into our consciousness the richer and more fulfilling our lives



(12) Be present to and get into what you are experiencing. The

vastness and the richness are gifts from the universe. Bring them

into your body and they will be yours for this precious moment on

Planet Earth.


(by Gururattan Kaur Khalsa)

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