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Sadhna F.A.Q.

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* What is tantra?


Tantra is a systemized method of worship. Tantra is both a spiritual

path and a science. As a spiritual path, it emphasizes on the

purification of mind and body. As a science, it experiments with the

precise application of mantra and yantra, ritual use of specific

materials, the performance of tantrik mudras and accompanying mental

exercises.Unfortunately, many people in both the West and the East

still consider tantra a kind of black magic, witchcraft, and a way of

influencing the minds of others.


* Does tantra actually work?


Yes. Tantra can never fail. For success; guidance of guru, faith,

devotion, motivation, concentration and proper knowledge of rituals

are necessary. Tantra has worked for many and it can work for you too.


* Is tantra related to sex?


No, not at all. Tantra aims at the spiritual illumination through

awakening of Shakti, the divine mother of all creation, and her

unification with Shiv, the universal consciousness. Laymen can not

easily understand this concept, they take it in general terms and

think that tantra is related to sex.


* What is a mantra?


A mantra is a confluence of specific sounds. When chanted, it creates

vibrations in one's mind, body, surroundings, rosary beads and the

yantra. These vibrations can cross the boundaries of time and space,

create a favourable environment and get the desired results.


* How should I chant a mantra?


The sound is the most vital part of a mantra, therefore it must be

pronounced correctly. It can be chanted either early in the morning

or late in the night at a clean, calm and pleasant place, after

bathing wearing clean clothes. There are three methods of chanting:


Ø Chant aloud so that a person in the next room can also hear



Ø Chant as softly as only you can hear it.


Ø Chant mentally. To chant mentally, you may imagine hearing

your own voice.


* What is a yantra?


A yantra is a geometric figure inscribed on paper, metallic plate

etc. and energized with mantras. It is the confluence of the powers

of the concerned deity.


* What is a sadhana?


Sadhana means training the mind and the body. The results depend on

the degree of concentration, intensity, devotion and faith. Follow

all rules, improve your concentration, have faith and devotion,

perform sadhana intensely and get results in no time.


* How sadhana is different from a ritual?


A ritual is a series of ceremonial acts. When a person performs a

ritual aided by physical and mental energies to train the mind and

acquire certain abilities, it becomes a sadhana.


* I am not a hindu. Can I perform sadhanas?


Yes. Although, tantra is a subset of Hinduism; it is beyond religion,

belief and practice.


* I am non-vegetarian and take drinks. Can I perform sadhanas?


Non-veg food, alcohol, garlic, onion and smoking are not allowed

while performing sadhanas. You must give them up.


* If I perform a sadhana, would I have to remain celibate all my life?


No. You would have to remain celibate during the course of the



* If I perform a sadhana, would I have to grow long hair, beard and



No. It is the thing of the past and is no longer applicable.


* If I perform a sadhana, would I have to give-up soap, perfume etc?


No. It is the thing of the past and is no longer applicable.


* Do past lives affect one's spiritual life?


Yes, sins and good deeds of past lives do affect one's spiritual

advancement. Soul is eternal, soul never dies. It carries the effect

of past lives.


* What do I need to successfully complete a ritual?


You need the following to successfully complete a ritual.


Ø Blessings of a real guru.


Ø Devotion and faith in guru, tantra, god and yourself.


Ø Good concentration.


Ø Motivation to complete the ritual with full intensity.


Ø Strength to remain celibate during the course of the sadhana

and give up non-veg food, alcohol, smoking etc.


Ø Physical fitness.


* Can a sadhana give instant results?


Sadhana means training the mind and the body. The results depend on

the degree of concentration, intensity, devotion and faith. Follow

all rules, improve your concentration, have faith and devotion,

perform sadhana intensely and get results in no time.


* Can women perform sadhanas?


Yes. Spiritually, men and women are same. Women should stop their

sadhana during their periods. It is not considered a break and thus,

does not affect the end results.


* How should I hold the rosary?


Hold the rosary in your right hand (palm and finger tips pointing

your chest), let it hang over your middle finger and move the beads

towards your chest with your thumb. Avoid touching the rosary with

your index finger. There is a separator (central) bead in every

rosary. Start from the bead next to the separator bead, move one bead

with each chant and when you reach the bead before the separator

bead, you complete one round. Overturn the rosary using your right

hand (the one which is holding it) and start again.


* How should I place oil and ghee lamps?


Lamps should be placed in front of the idol or the yantra. Oil lamps

should be placed in the left while ghee lamps should be placed in the



* What should I wear while performing sadhana?


Wear comfortable, clean and freshly washed clothes while performing



* Should I close my eyes while performing sadhana?


There is no rule in this regard. You may either close your eyes or

keep them open.


* What is an Anushthan?


An anushthan is ritual, which is performed in a time-bound manner

following certain rules to accomplish certain goal. You can perform

it yourself, if you have a teacher, or you can get it performed on

your behalf by someone who is experienced in the ways of tantra and

who has completed the ritual successfully.


(Frequently Asked Questions replied by tantra_shakti)

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