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Granthhis (3 knots)

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Further to our discussion on granthhis, i am re-posting one of my

old post which tells more about these three Granthhis.


Granthhis have nothing to do with chakras or bad karmas. It is

very deep subject and is rarely discussed. The Granthhis (knots) are

the main reason of our being human .


Granthhis (KNOTS) are the permanent blockages in the sushumna

nadi...and their main job is to stop kundalini going up...WHY?


Granthhis are a sort of valves which let the consciousness flow

downwards...but stops it from going back to the source... otherwise

the universe would have ended by now.


To prolong the Leela of God these three Granthhis were placed by

Mother Shakti, known as Brahm Granthhi, Vishnu Granthhi and Rudra

Granthhi. Brahmm granthhi is the knot just above Kundalini near

the mouth of sushumna, and its main job is to keep the kundalini

slept and keep its energies from going up....again WHY?? :)


The pure energy currents released by Kundalini must go up by

default and clean the chakras...and if chakras are pure..go further

up. The moment this energy current touchs Shiva in

Sahasradhara...kundalini will be sucked into shiva...the game ends.


So Brhama granthhi stops that pure energy from going upwards. So

any current released by Kundalini is taken by two mysterious energy

centers above kundalini...which are Vak-beeja and Kaam-beeja. so

some of the power is used in speech(or thoughts) and the bigger

portion is taken over by Kaam beeja which converts that purest form

of energy into sexual energy. this is necessary so that the humans

continue re-producing...and keep the race alive. This is what

Brahmaa does hence perhaps this knot was named Brahmm Granthhi.




It must be re-stressed here that these Granthhis are knots of

Mahamya to keep the jeeva entangled in the wordly affairs. Only

those who are worth due to their sadhna can pierce the Granthhis.

There is no particular sadhna to open these knots. It is our over

all progress which loosens these knots and let the kundalini go up.


So in the end it is always Kundalini who breaks these knots and goes

up. If the knots are strong, the kundalini will go back to her seat.


There are three very import aspects to reach Moksha


1- removal of " Viprayaya Gyan " viprayaya gyan is the wrong wisdom.

Due to veil of Manya jeeva understands the worldly things in wrong

ways, their mind translate it wrongly and their intelligence

presents wrong logics.


The example of rope and snake is best here. In dark someone sees a

rope and takes it as snake, buddhi confirms it is a snake and mind

reacts with fear and orders limbs to run away. When we lit the light

we see it was rope not a snake and our fear goes and mind and

intelligence confirms that it is a rope. This phenomenon is called

Viprayaya Gyan (vipra =viprit). In shakt path this Viprayaya gyan is

denoted by Demon Dhumralochan, who is killed by Durga…..means the

Brahmaa Granthhi is pierced by Kundalini.


Brahmaa Granthhi is pierced or loosens when we have the correct gyan…

we see there is no difference in soul and matter… all have light of

Hari in them. Opening of this Granthhi lets Kundalini to hit the

second granthhi Vishnu Granthi which is before the heart chakra


2. Pravritti-Nivritti : Pravritti is desire to do some work and

nivritti is desire not to do. This feeling in us is also due to Maya

and all jeevas, all the life are busy in pravritti and nivritti. To

transcend pravritti and nivritti, we have to establish ourselves in

Sakshi Bhava (witness). When we are in the Sakshi bhava, we do not

take part in action or inaction. Also as per Geeta if we surrender

all our Karmas to god, we are beyond actions…. This also causes

removal of Pravritti-Nivritt. This is denoted by Chanda-Munda in

shakta path. When Chanda Munda demons are killed by Mother, we are

established in Sakshi Bhava .


This is exactly the piercing of Vishnu Granthi. Brahma Granthi

piercing removes our Avidya and Vishnu Granthi piercing removes our

Dvaita of actions. So the more we are established in surrendering

our actions to god, or developing our sakshi bhava, the more is

Vishnu granthi lose…and then kundalini can sit in Heart Chakra and

we develop divine Love for all the cosmos as Hari has.


3. SarvaDharma Parityaag : In Geeta shri Krishna tells that we

should leave all dharma and surrender unto him and we merge into

him. This Sarvadharma parityag is the piercing of Rudra Granthhi.

Rudra granthhi is denoted by Shumbha-Nishumbha where shumba is

Asmita (ego) and Nishumbha is Moha (false attachement).


Rudra Granthi is situated in Agya Chakra and it is the most

difficult to pierce. Rudra Granthhi can only be pierced with the

grace of God….no sadhna, no tapasya can do. So here this granthhi

becomes important as those who do not believe in god or those who

start their sadhna with void etc…do not get god's grace and hence

their Rudra Granthhi can not be pierced. Anyone who rejects Shiva-

Shakti, Radha-Krishna, Ram-sita….can not go beyong rudra Granthi…

because Shiva and shakti together have to be called for help to

pierce this Granthhi


But we can losen this granthhi by understanding the Ashta Paashas

which are Ghrina (hate), Lajja (shame), Bhaya (fear), shanka(doubt),

Jugupsa (feeling to hide), Sheel (modesty) and Kul & jaati…without

killing these 8 demons one can not even think of piercing the rudra

Granthhi (I wrote a long post on these 8 paash..which u can read if

you wish to better understand them).


In these 8 paashas the first five can be removed by our sadhna and

Rudra granthi loosens…the last three sheel, kul and jaati are

removed only by God by his Grace.


Hari Aum



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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> Further to our discussion on granthhis, i am re-posting one of my


Aumji, whats the difference between Vishnu & Rudra granthi, as they

seem the same?




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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:

Pravritti-Nivratti is really thinking i should do this work or not

here the ego remains But in Sarva Dharma Tyag the ego too is dissolved

into shakti hence no duty is left for us.


Literally, Vishnu's job is to operate the work...the same feeling is

in us too that we have to take care of our body, our family, our

friends or our country. This feeling makes the Vishnu Granthhi.


Rudra Granthhi on the other hand is present due to presence of our

individual ego as Jiva, at any level be it physical, astral or causal.


The other main difference between the two is that Vishnu granthhi can

be pierced by Sadhna but Rudra Granthhi needs God's intervention





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Dear Aumji,


Thanks for the post on Granthis, it is simply brilliant with great

clarity and illumination. It is holistic and all encompassing.

Creation, Maintenance, Dissolution and Transcendence - all explained

so lucidly!







, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> Further to our discussion on granthhis, i am re-posting one of my

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, " M.S.Thimmappa. " <thimmappams



> Dear Aumji,


> Thanks for the post on Granthis, it is simply brilliant with great


Thanks Thimmappaji, but i expect wise sadhaka like you and others to

question/suggest/add something to such posts so that we can have more



With love always



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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> , shanracer <no_reply@> wrote:

> Pravritti-Nivratti is really thinking i should do this work or not


Aumji, is it fair to say- when Vishnu Granthi is pierced, we realise

God is doing all work though us, & when Rudra granthi is peirced, we

realise we are God, & we were always playing our own game in the world?


with love


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Yes, Aumji, I will share when and wherever I can, wise or otherwise!


Thanks for your interest.


Best wishes and regards,






, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> , " M.S.Thimmappa. " <thimmappams@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Aumji,

> >

> > Thanks for the post on Granthis, it is simply brilliant with great


> Thanks Thimmappaji, but i expect wise sadhaka like you and others to

> question/suggest/add something to such posts so that we can have more

> wisdom.


> With love always


> Aum


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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> , aumji <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > , shanracer <no_reply@> wrote:

> > Pravritti-Nivratti is really thinking i should do this work or not


> Aumji, is it fair to say- when Vishnu Granthi is pierced, we realise

> God is doing all work though us, & when Rudra granthi is peirced, we

> realise we are God, & we were always playing our own game in the




Exactly....i would not have said it better


when vishnu granthi is pierced we still are in the duality... me and

this universe


but when we go beyond all dualities Rudra granthi is opened



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Aumji and shantnu ji, nice explanations about the granthis. Aumji as

u said in your starting post(this time) that there is no specific

sadhna to pierce these granthis, my question is that if we have deep

love for god, have compassion, lead a surrendered life, perform our

duties well, observe sakshi bhava; can thses granthis peirced? ( coz

you also said that these are not linked with our karmas either)


downfall of the energies are only responsible for the hinderance in

piercing these granthis?


level of rigidityloosening varies from person to person as far as the

nature of theses granthis are there in an individual?


since granthis are blockages in sushumna nadi, what can be the effect

of pranayam and meditation then?


thanks again


so hum...

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, aumji <no_reply wrote:

> But we can losen this granthhi by understanding the Ashta Paashas

> which are Ghrina (hate), Lajja (shame), Bhaya (fear), shanka(doubt),

> Jugupsa (feeling to hide), Sheel (modesty) and Kul & jaati…without

> killing these 8 demons one can not even think of piercing the rudra

> Granthhi


devisuktam says:

ya devi surva bhuteshu..lajja rupen, jaati rupen, bhranti rupen



here you call them as demons...


please please clarify if they are menifestation of devi only as cited

in athtantroktam devisuktam, if so why.


so hum...

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, " so hum " <jigyaasuu wrote:

, my question is that if we have deep

> love for god, have compassion, lead a surrendered life, perform our

> duties well, observe sakshi bhava; can thses granthis peirced? ( coz



Dear So-hum...thanks for such deep questions. When I said specific

Sadhna...it means there is no single sadhana which can pierce these

granthis..Over all progress is required, and as mentioned by you deep

love for the Mother/God and surrender to god is a great help in

piercing these granthis.


As shantnu said in one of his posts...a combination of all paths be it

Bhakti, karma or gyana is required to reach the Ultimate.


Surrender itself is such a powerful tool that it can pierce the

granthhis and re-set the energy patterns ... but for true surrender we

need help of bhakti gyan and karma too.


love always



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, aumji <no_reply wrote:



does pranayam and meditation also help in unblocking/ loosening ? i

think they are helpful, just wan to hear from you


so hum...

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, " so hum " <jigyaasuu wrote:

> , aumji <no_reply@> wrote:



> devisuktam says:

> ya devi surva bhuteshu..lajja rupen, jaati rupen, bhranti rupen

> sansthita.....


> here you call them as demons...


> please please clarify if they are menifestation of devi only as


> in athtantroktam devisuktam, if so why.


> so hum...



Dear Sohum.... thanks.. this question brought a big smile on my face

as the same question was today asked by one of my friends after

listening to the Ashta pasha description.


To understand this aspect you have to go a little deeper into the

Shakta philosophy.


The whole universe is manifestation of Mother Shakti....who works

with help of three gunas (sat, raj and Tam). All animals, all

vegetation and all human beings are manifestation of shakti.


similarly Asuras and demons are also other forms of Mother shakti

with a different set of Gunas.


When even an atom is made of shakti...how can there be a different

demon or asura which is not shakti.


Mother shakti works in two ways ... in one stroke she goes away from

Shiva...and in other She returns back to source.


All the manifestations of shakti which are going towards the source

are called devas and good souls... whereas those going away from

Shiva are asuras, demons or negative energies.


Hence those attributes (like Lajja, Ghrina etc)...keep the

jivatama away from Shiva hence they are called demons.... otherwise

they are also negative forms of shakti.


Like I wrote in case of Mahavidyas... the 10 Mahavidyas reduce

Shiva to a Jeeva... now can we call those shaktis bad ? No because

the Maya Shakti of the Mother, specially makes these mahavidyas,

demons and asuras to entangle the jeeva into the universe.


The positive shakti of the Mother helps us in getting Moksha and

negative aspect of shakti keeps us chained in the universe.... but

in reallity both are aspects of shakti... which are necessary for

Leela of the universe.


Hence when in Durga-Saptshati, we recite Ya devi sarva Bhuteshu

Laaaja rupen sansthita---- we actually recognise that even in

demonic forces which are keeping us chained are aspects of mother.


And when we recognise mother in all forms... we are liberated



Am I clear ?


love always




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, " so hum " <jigyaasuu wrote:


> , aumji <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> Aumji,

> does pranayam and meditation also help in unblocking/ loosening ?


> think they are helpful, just wan to hear from you


> so hum...


Yes certainly they do... in fact Pranayama, meditation, Hathha

yoga, tantra, bhakti, gyan karma alll yogas help in losening and

piercing these granthis.


Specially Brahma granthi is easily piercable with these... vishnu

granthi is little difficult and Rudra granthi is impossible.. that

granthi is pierced only by Shiva and Shakti with their grace.




A few drops of tears flown for the love of Mother shakti or

Krishna... are sufficient to losen the Brahma granthi and if

kundalini is otherwise ready it easily breaks through Brahma granthi

and goes up

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, aumji <no_reply wrote:

Thanks Aumji

its very much clear now

for leela of the universe, both aspects of devi are necessary. Mother

Shakti is having all attributes for very much existence of the universe

to play her leela with sat, raj and tam gunas.


thanks again


so hum...

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Hari Om!

I used to understand 'lajja' as a positive force, meaning ' a quality especially

in women to blush, or chastity and in men  a quality of hestance to do an

unwanted thing " . Am I right? How lajja is an attribute which sends one away from


Kindly enlighten me.

Ulaganthan P



aumji <no_reply >


Hence when in Durga-Saptshati, we recite Ya devi sarva Bhuteshu

Laaaja rupen sansthita--- - we actually recognise that even in

demonic forces which are keeping us chained are aspects of mother.


And when we recognise mother in all forms... we are liberated


Am I clear ?


love always



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> > , aumji <no_reply@> wrote:





If all is shakti then why Durga killed Raktabeeja and other demons ?

If demons are also shakti why shakti fighting with shakti ?



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But questions keep on arising as we have limited understanding.


As you said all attributes are within shakti only, so what about chanda-

munda, rakta-beej, shumbh-nishumbha....etc? If they are also within maa

only then whats there to fight with? if we accept here that there is a

fight between high/low or opposite energies, then which attribute of

mother is killing and why


hope you clarify and add to my limited knowledge.


so hum...

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, Amit Arora <catchamityonline



> Dear Hari Om,

> I have recently posted a question about shiva avatars, please let me

know if you can contribute in the same.

> Regards,

> Amit Arora

> www.aboutshiva.com


Dear Amit


Where is your question on Shiva?? pls post it again in this group as

i never received your question in this Group





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Dear Om,

Thanks for your quick reply. I have created a website for Lord Shiva named

www.aboutshiva.com and I want to put everything about Lord Shiva in the same


Now regarding different names of Shiva Avatars i am not able to find much

information on the net, so i would like to know if you can help me by providing

this information or this group will be helpful for me in updating the

information in my site about Lord shiva.

Please suggest if you can contibute in the same.

I came across few names which are are as follows:


aadi guru sankar

,hanuman 11th avtara

kaal bhairava



laata bahirav

ananda bhairav

aadi bahirava

guru datta


ishaan rudra

gorakaha naath


However I am not very sure. please suggest


Amit Arora






aumji <no_reply >


Friday, July 4, 2008 4:42:09 PM

Re: Granthhis (3 knots)



@ s.com, Amit Arora <catchamityonline@ ...>



> Dear Hari Om,

> I have recently posted a question about shiva avatars, please let me

know if you can contribute in the same.

> Regards,

> Amit Arora

> www.aboutshiva. com


Dear Amit


Where is your question on Shiva?? pls post it again in this group as

i never received your question in this Group












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, Amit Arora <catchamityonline



> Dear Om,

> Thanks for your quick reply. I have created a website for Lord Shiva

named www.aboutshiva.com and I want to put everything about Lord Shiva

in the same site.



Dear Amit ..i will visit your website this weekend and will surely try

to contribute. I am also sure our other learned members will help you

as we have spiritual persons here

with love always



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Thanks OM and I would to thanks to evey group member in advance.

Warm regards,

Amit Arora





aumji <no_reply >


Dear Amit ..i will visit your website this weekend and will surely try

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You have made a beautiful site Amit. Congrats and Best Wishes !!!


Why don't you add NIRVAN SHATAKAM (Atma Shatakam) also in the collection of


Here is the youtube link


Ofcourse, I say so coz its one of my favourites :-)





--- On Fri, 7/4/08, Amit Arora wrote:

Dear Om,


Thanks for your quick reply. I have created a website for Lord Shiva

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> Hence when in Durga-Saptshati, we recite Ya devi sarva Bhuteshu

> Laaaja rupen sansthita---- we actually recognise that even in

> demonic forces which are keeping us chained are aspects of mother.


Indeed Aumji, the Tantroktam Devisuktam starts with " Ya Devi... Vishnu

Maya Shabdita " - Obeyance to one who is Vihsnus Maya & ends with " Ya

Devi, Bhranti rupena sansthita " - Obeyance to one who is confusance &



It shows the hiding, confusing part of Shakti is an important part of

Her. But not the only part.


with love


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