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law of karma

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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


Dear Fellow Spiritual Travellers,


Greetings and Namaste!


Here is a quote from the magazine Spiritual Link of June 2008.


You're from a country beyond this universe

Yet your best guess is your're made of earth and ashes.

You engrave this physical image everywhere

Is a sign that you've forgotten where you're from!



Rumi, as quoted in The Soul of Rumi rendered by


Coleman Barks






With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)














> , Anupam Shil <anupamshil@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sudhakarji,

> > I appreciate the alacrity with which you 'thank' each and every

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, " M.S.Thimmappa. " <thimmappams




Thanks Thimmappaji, it was very clear post clearing many doubts.


Please write some more on Sanchita, Prarabhdha and agami karma


how Karmas are classified into these categories.?


our this birth is for which type of karma ?


Sadhna has more effect on which karma ?


How do we transcend these three categories of karma ?




love always



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, " so hum " <jigyaasuu wrote:


> , aumji <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> >> In some cases God himself forces to surrender and changes a person

> > overnite... i am one of the examples

> >

> babaji, please please share the incident/ attainment of bliss with

> the group.


> so hum...


dear aumji

i think it is a secret and perhaps you donot want to share it with the


is it so? plz reply


so hum...

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, " so hum " <jigyaasuu wrote:

> > babaji, please please share the incident/ attainment of bliss with

> > the group.

> >

> > so hum...

Dear Sohum,


what a telepathy !!!! I was writing the reply and meanwhile your

message came.


Yes many of the things can not be shared on a public board.. but i

will tell when we meet at the lotus feet of Jawalaji or chamunda.


As i wrote earlier, I was almost an atheist till 1992 and my life

was full of vices, i had not read any holy scripture and was not

respectful to any deity/temple (except jwalaji of course)... and

suddenly god brought a storm in my life. I slept as an atheist and

woke up as bhakta, crying and singling for god.


God has his ways to bring any person to his path. As we are

discussing, any sadhna done in last birth does not go wasted... hence

we have to wake up in next birth to the same level....and god has a

plan for each one of us.


with love always



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Dear AUMji,


Thanks for the comment and the interest.


Sancita karma refers to the remnant karmas/accumulated impressions of

all our past lives. The present lives for the most people is not

enough to exhaust/experience and erase all the remnant karmas of our

earlier lives. Hence, only a part of it is released for the present

life for 'bearing fruits' and what all we undergo in the present life

( or the most of it ) out of the accumulated past lives karmas is

Prarabdha karma. So, this life is the resultant of sancita karma

only, but all of it may not involve in this life.Agami karma refers

to the the performance of now and the future. Sadhanas(plus the

Lord's Grace!) can completely destroy the sancita karma and make even

the agami karma ineffective. When this happens, only prarabdha we

experience/tolerate/titiksha in this life and say good bye for ever,

no more life/rebirth!


Yes, Sir, how to transcend the karmas must be our prime concern.1.

Can we live without imprinting impressions of our actions/vibrations

created by our thoughts and deeds? Unattached/Detached. Or create

thoughts and deeds in such a way that it does not hurt self or others

both in the short and long range so that it does not create/return

back with strong/intense and lasting impressions.2. If we are aware

of every thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions as it occur right

here and now in the Present - shantnuji - then, we are in a flow, we

do not separate from the Reality as it is and as in full, and hence

it leaves no impression/sanskara, it just flows away, leaving us ever

fresh without any garbage/baggage, ever ready to be with the flow of

reality, afresh anew and alive.3.Great message of the Gita on how to

live a yogic life because we have to 'yogastha kuru karmani', do

actions established in yoga. Then, yogah karmasu kausalam, skillful

action emerge. What is its import for routine/ yogic living? Two :

nishkamakarma/self-less(selfish desire-less) action and

karmaphalatyaga/renunciation of the fruits of action for the selfish

end's. Why that way? Because it is not mine to enjoy as mine! Words

of Isha Upanishads haunts me often : Ishavasyam idam sarvam yat kim

ca jagatyam jagat, tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhah kasyasvid

dhanam. Everything is God's, return/renounce and enjoy, do not covet

what belongs to others! jiyo tyag se, bhog se nahi. Bhog burns and

binds, Tyag soothes(peace) and releases! do not bother about own

desires, it will be taken care better this way! It has a multiplier

effect, give whatever that you have, you get it back in bounty!


These are the ways - three ways mentioned above for the moment! - of

living that erases all the impressions of the past and leaves no

impressions in future. We will be free, 'empty', poorna, all in peace.


Pardon me if I am incomprehensible and overshooting.


Best regards,




, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> Thanks Thimmappaji, it was very clear post clearing many doubts.


> Please write some more on Sanchita, Prarabhdha and agami karma



> Aum


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Dear Sudhakarji,


Thanks a lot for your compliment, it is most valuable when it comes

from person like you.


Best regards and wishes.



, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> Dear Thimmappaji,


> Namaste!


> Thanks for such a beautiful detailed explanation on Karma.

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, aumji <no_reply wrote:

>but i

> will tell when we meet at the lotus feet of Jawalaji or chamunda.



i will wait for the time Maa decides for us to meet at chamunda or

jwalaji. as you said god has a plan for each of us, i am sure the time

will come when you visit there next time. i'll prey for that.




so hum...

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, " M.S.Thimmappa. " <thimmappams

> If we are aware

> of every thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions as it occur right

> here and now in the Present - shantnuji - then, we are in a flow, we

> do not separate from the Reality as it is and as in full, and hence

> it leaves no impression/sanskara, it just flows away, leaving us ever

> fresh without any garbage/baggage, ever ready to be with the flow of


Thimmappaji, this point is excellent - it sums up whole of Karma Yoga

in 1 sentence.


Again it shows its not action that binds, but our reaction to it. That

means all this running away from the world, taking sanyaas is useless,

as it is only treating the symptoms, not the disease. The disease can

only be treated by living conciously.


with love


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Dear Shantnuji,


Thanks for appreciating, it is great, coming from you!


Yes, awareness is the key - Prajnam Brahma - we are always in the

Source when fully aware, in a mere witness mode. We had this

naturally as a child; in that innocence of the child everything is

attended to without any value judgement, child gazes at everything

around in alertness and glee, engages and disengages in a jiffy,

child has no problem, he has left it to the world/parent to take care

of him! We have lost it as we grow up, we should have retained that

and of course grow in many other ways, it is possible. Trouble is, we

think we are or have to take care of self, our people and the world

and that puts us in tension, expectations, anticipations - we are

stuck, frozen, missed the flow! As you rightly said, leave it to Him,

after all what care we can take. If we only examine, we realise that

the most of the best happened to us is in spite of ourselves, with no

efforts of us and in fact it appears almost a-causal!It is from Him

we have come, it is He who is nurturing and taking care of us( air

water, crop, etc.,) and it is to Him we return at the end! Why to

think that in between I am the master of myself where we could do

nothing without His grace? Stupid, is it not?!






, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> Thimmappaji, this point is excellent - it sums up whole of Karma


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, " M.S.Thimmappa. " <thimmappams


>> Sancita karma refers to the remnant karmas/accumulated impressions


> all our past lives. The present lives for the most people is not


Thanks Dear Thimmappa, Now it is very clear and detailed.

Transcending karma is the main aim of all sadhanas.


please keep posting such beautiful thoughts





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First of all thanks to all for great Satsang . really it is



after reading all the messages in this topic what i personally



our discussions was started by the SO Hum


who said in his posting


The best answer for all this i found in this group only. Few

months back, in a discussion on same topic, a learned member stressed

that God does not know what is good or bad karmas, therefore we

should do 100% whatever we do.


Here SO HUM concluded that there are no bad no good KARMAS


my comments on this : yes it is true that Karmas are neither good

nor bad . it is with respect to a person for me what is good may be

bad for someoneelse.



than jaya asked the questions


1- How will we decide which karma is good and which is bad ? May be

what we think bad is good for us ?


2- How do we know which desire/karma is creation of our ego and which

is from God?


3- Can we really surrender to god or it is just a state of mind?


here 1st question is allready answered by Jaya madem hereself ,

hence there is no question of good or bad karma .


it is we who made the karma good or bad .


if someone has abused me than my reactions could be


1. i have been punished him by any means by reporting to police

and ,.........................

if i am constantly thinking that i have done good by not forgiving

person because that person should be punished for the welfare of the

society , hence i have been made that karma as good karma .


2.the same thing could be felt by the me in that way oh i should

have forgiven Him , who am i to punish him , He is also God than why

why i have punished him oh i have done wrong oh my God . so here

this karma is bad for me



2nd question is the most difficult to understand .


my answer is that all the Karmas are created by ego only . God is

beyond karmas . He never does any karma . yes if you understand the

God in that way that ego is also created by the God than i would say

karmas are created by the ego hence by the God also


3rd question


surrendering to the Lord is beyond the state of mind also .

surrendering the Lord means surrendering the ego and


it is the question of debate that could we surrender our ego

completely or not.......


Than Shantanu Sir explained beautifully , the concept of

consciousness and you have written as..


" Its not actions that are important, but the conciousness they are


in. Both the Kauravs & Pandavs killed people in war, but their

conciousness was completely different. Kauravs were killing out of

hate, vanity, ego, while Pandavs were fighting for truth & honour. "



Here i would say Sir Ji that Pandavas were also in partial

consciouness , Arjuna asked so many questions with the Lord Sri

Krishna as a learner , what is Dharma ,.......they were definetely

with the Satya Dharma , but they were not aware of it


i personally think that Bhisham Pitameh , Vidur , Guru Dron ,

ANGRAJ KARNA were more aware ( conscious) than Pandavas . than Sir

ji we were always had opposite views about Angraj Karna . but i Love

you becuase of your feeling is not to BE AGAINST me , but to know

the God to write as maximum as possible to give knowledge to

everybody . OUR views may be different BUT WE LOVE EACH OTHER .


and i am really very much thankfull to you for the concept of the

awareness of everything through consciousness , may b e you have

taken wrong example as per my opinion .


but than again i would ask you that

do this consciousness has a boundary line also if yes than what is

that . what is the shape of that boundary line


than AUM Sir ji gave a very beautifull concept of the raktbeeja as

it creates one demon when it falls on the ground , so Maan Drunked

that blood and reaction of that is finished . but Sir Ji i would ask

a question that . please never be angry with my stupid questions .

as i want to ask more and more questions to gain more and more

knowledge from all of you . thanks a lot Sir Ji


is it not possible that while falling the blood on the ground , it

could create a deva instead of one demon .just a thought came to my

mind please comment on it . deva means a thought which could elavate

ourselves in sadhana



M.S.Thimpa Sir Ji

as per your psoting


thoughts and deeds in such a way that it does not hurt self or others

both in the short and long range so that it does not create/return

back with strong/intense and lasting impressions.


Sir Ji i think till we are obseving that we are hurting someone or

ourself till that we are not in Yoga . what is your comment on it .


i am thankfull to all . for a great knowledge which i have gained

through your postings. no doubt a great change in myself , but than

i have to ask questions on the postings as per my nature , hence

please never mind it , as i am also doing my job.



Thanks to ALL sadhakas




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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:


> than AUM Sir ji gave a very beautifull concept of the raktbeeja as

> it creates one demon when it falls on the ground , so Maan Drunked

> that blood and reaction of that is finished . but Sir Ji i would ask

> a question that is it not possible that while falling the blood on

the ground , it

> could create a deva instead of one demon .


Dear Jitinder, thanks for your comments.. and no one gets angry on

questions... rather this gives rise to more discussion and more

knowlwedge.. so as long as questions are not to taunt, they are

welcomed. We are all learning from this Group and these discussions.


Yesss your idea is really great. But it is only Raktabeeja, a

demon, who has been given this boon. No Deva ever was given such boon.


Our mind is like Raktabeeja and its thoughts and actions are drops of



When mind becomes deva.... it loses its blood. A supermind has no

thought or action... it stands still and allows sakshi bhava.


Mind of an ordinary person is Raktabeeja and mind of a sadhaka in

Samadhi is Deva.


Love always




PS: I am waiting for your next question

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Dear AUMji,


Thanks for appreciating, coming from a genuine sadhaka like you is

most valuable to me!


, aumji <no_reply wrote:

> Thanks Dear Thimmappa, Now it is very clear and detailed.

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Dear Jitendraji,


Your questions are most welcome, it reflect your sincere quest and

set the group on discussion which is the purpose of this site as well.


, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:


> First of all thanks to all for great Satsang . really it is

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Dear Jitendraji,


My earlier reply post to you got sent in the middle of it by

accident (touching button inadvertently!)


Yes, awareness of what we do, feel, think and intend is truly the

major part, nay the very core, of yoga.






, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:




> First of all thanks to all for great Satsang . really it is

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> But it is only Raktabeeja, a

> demon, who has been given this boon. No Deva ever was given such



> Our mind is like Raktabeeja and its thoughts and actions are drops


> blood.


> When mind becomes deva.... it loses its blood. A supermind has no

> thought or action... it stands still and allows sakshi bhava.


> Mind of an ordinary person is Raktabeeja and mind of a sadhaka in

> Samadhi is Deva.



Thanks a lot Sir Ji for reply , thanks



thanks for clearing my doubt


but again something i want to write


like Sir Ji devas are supposed to be from Swarg loka and they must

be having astral mind , and you are right Sir ji , that astral

bodies do not have blood they are made of like eather like light

blue in color . blood is just because of the physical bodies. please

correct me If wrong and please add something more .


Mind as a whole is one , and when this mind comes in contact with

the impurities it is known as physical mind, astral and casual

mind . Hence mind or supermind is free from all the impurities . i

think mind never dies ie mind remains for foreever even you get

moksha . i am not sure of all these please correct me and please

write something more on mind ........... it is my request to all

please share about the mind



since devas are definetely superior to human beings and if we

worship them than they can elavate us ie firstly we can become deva

and than again by worshipping there we can progress . this is for

those people who can not do sadhana without accomplishing their

desires. please comment on this too .




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> My earlier reply post to you got sent in the middle of it by

> accident (touching button inadvertently!)


> Yes, awareness of what we do, feel, think and intend is truly the

> major part, nay the very core, of yoga.





My main concern was that in Karma Yoga a person must be aware of His

Karma only . eg an army man sould concentrate where He has to hit the

bullet and nothing matters for Him that time




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as i have written in my last posting


God is beyond karmas . He never does any karma .


and i want to correct myself that God also does Karmas , but He is

not bound to do karmas . God does karmas out of Love , Sympathy and

kindness as written by AUM Sir thanks Sir Ji .


i have a complain with all the members of this group that why you do

not correct me , even you know that i am wrong for some things which

you know that you are right .


but i will surely raise objections where i think that you are

wrong do not worry for that.


Thanks to all




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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:

> i have a complain with all the members of this group that why you do

> not correct me


Dear Jitinder, what you wrote earlier was also correct and what you

wrote now is also correct.


Here in sadhna we find our own mistakes not of others... and finding

the mistake ourselves is Sadhna, whereas finding fault in others is

for a common herd.


In spirituality everything is true, even if it looks wrong.



Mind contradicts and argues


heart accepts happily


and soul smiles



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, " jitendra kumar " <jtin_ja wrote:




> as i have written in my last posting


> God is beyond karmas . He never does any karma .


> and i want to correct myself that God also does Karmas , but He is

> not bound to do karmas . God does karmas out of Love , Sympathy and



as aumji beautifully said:

mind contradict

heart happily accept

and soul smiles...


jitendraji yes, everything is a truth. contradiction happens when we

analyse it with different perspectives. in lower planes of our

existence " I " do everything, in higher planes, its nature or maya, in

much higher planes its God who does everything through us...and

highest planes..nothing is there..all leela of God


so hum...

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> >






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