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Beej Mantras

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Beej Mantras are single character mantras which are as capable as

any bigger mantra. Sankrit is called the language of gods because

every character of Devnagari, current script for Sanskrit, is a Beej

Mantra. Beej Mantras are free from all restriction; there are no

rules, no rosary or yantra is required and no diksha is necessary.

And best of all, these can be recited mentally anywhere while doing

anything. To recite mentally, I imagine to be hearing the mantra

again and again in my own voice.


Beej Mantras are available for each deity or god, thus have solution

for any situation. The best example of their power is the

Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Mantra -'Hreem' which is a Beej Mantra. The

method is simple. Pick a Beej Mantra based on the situation and

recite it as much as you can till the problem is solved. You can do

it in office, in gym, in restaurent and even while sleeping.


I have chanted many of these beej mantras and have experience the

sheer power that these contain. Beej mantras yeild almost instant

results. Please note, correct pronounciation is a must for these

mantras to work. BEWARE, if you'll try to use these mantras for wrong

purposes, they WILL NOT work and you'll face terrible consequences.

The mantras are -


Nikhileshwaranand Mantra: Nim


For realization of my Guruji, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, in his

Nikhileshwaranand form. Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand is the

controller of Siddhashram, a place divine even to gods. He has all

the powers, all the siddhis, yet he is very much accessible. All it

takes is dedication. There are millions of deities, gods and powers;

and numerous sadhanas for them; but, the secret of aquiring

everything in one go is my guruji, Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand

Maharaj. Creates a strong base for all sadhanas.


Kali Mantra: Kreem


For realization for Goddess Kali, health, strength, protection,

elimination of enemies, solution of grave problems and all round

success. Creates a strong base for Kali Mahavidya Sadhana.


Mahalaxmi Mantra: Shreem


For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi, wealth, material gains,

success in business or profession, elimination of ailments &

worries, protection, getting a beautiful wife, happy manrried life

and all round success. Creates a strong base for other Mahalaxmi



Shiv Mantra: Hroum


For realization for Lord Shiv, protection from deadly diseases,

immortality, moksh and all round success. Creates a strong base for

Mahamrutyunjay Sadhana.


Durga Mantra: Doom (D as in Durga)


For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength, protection,

health, wealth, victory, wisdom, knowledge, elimination of enemies &

grave problems, happy married life and all round success. Creates a

strong base for other Durga Sadhanas, Shakti Sadhanas and Mahavidya



Bhuvaneshwari Mantra: Hreem


For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, getting everything

including but not limited to Kundalini Jagran. The best and the most

powerful. This also the mantra for Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Sadhana.

Creates a strong base for all sadhanas.


Saraswati Mantra: Ayeim


For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in

exams, pleasure and all round success. Creates a strong base for

other Saraswati sadhanas.


Ganapati Mantra: Gam


For realization of Lord Ganapati, knowledge, wisdom, protection,

fortune, happiness, health, wealth, elimination of all obstacles and

all round success. Creates a strong base for other Ganapati sadhanas.


Hanuman Mantra: Fraum


For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength, power,

protection, wisdom, happiness, elimination of bad spirits & ghosts,

victory over enemies and all round success. Creates a strong base

for other Hanuman sadhanas.


Vishnu Mantra: Dam


For realization of Lord Vishnu, wealth, health, protection, happy

married life, happiness, victory and all round success. Creates a

strong base for other Vishnu sadhanas.


Bhairav Mantra: Bhram


For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti

sadhanas, strength, protection, victory, health, wealth, happiness,

fame, success in court cases, elimination of enemies, success in

Shmashan sadhanas and all round success. Also creates a strong base

for other Bhairav sadhanas.


Dhoomavati Mantra: Dhoom


For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati, quick elimination of all

adversaries, strength, fortune, protection, health, wealth and all

round success. Creates a strong base for Dhoomavati Mahavidya



Bagalamukhi Mantra: Hleem


For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi, quick elimination of all

enemies, fierce power, victory, fame, elimination of tantra badha,

nullifying maran proyogs of enemies and all round success. Creates a

strong base for Bagalamukhi Mahavidya sadhana.


Tara Mantra: Treem


For realization of Goddess Tara, unending monetary gain, unlimited

wealth, fortune, fame, happiness, victory and all round success.

Creates a strong base for Tara Mahavidya sadhana.


Narsimha Mantra: Kshraum


For realization of Lord Narsimha, quick victory over enemies,

elimination of enemies, fortune and all round success. Creates a

strong base for other Narsimha sadhanas.


Kuber Mantra: Dhham


For realization of Lord Kuber, massive monetary gain, wealth,

fortune and all round success. Creates a strong base for other Kuber



Akash Tatva Mantra: Ham


For activating the Akash Tatva (space element) in us which gets us

siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation

of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables

a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.


Agni Tatva Mantra: Ram (Sounds like 'Rum')


For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in us which gets us

siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation

of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables

a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.


Vayu Tatva Mantra: Yam


For activating the Vayu Tatva (air element) in us which gets us

siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation

of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables

a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.


Prithvi Tatva Mantra: Ksham


For activating the Prithvi Tatva (earth element) in us which gets us

siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation

of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables

a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.


The knowledge of tantra is never complete without the knowledge of

Shathhkarm, i.e.; Shanti, Vashikaran, Stambhan, Vidweshan, Uchchatan

and Maran. Only reciting the following Beej Mantra won't accomplish

any of the above; but, will surely create a favourable environment

for you. I am including these mantras just for your reading

pleasure. Please note, the following mantras can lead to deadly

consequences. DO NOT try any of these without your Guru's permission.


Shanti (Peace) Mantra: Tam


For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.


Vashikaran (Enslaving) Mantra: Aim


For controlling the mind of someone else.


Stambhan (Paralysing) Mantra: Rim


For stopping the action of a person, thing or situation.


Vidweshan (Division) Mantra: Lrum


For creating opposition between two people using anger, fear,

jealousy and aggression.


Uchchatan Mantra: Oom


For disturbing a person's mental equilibrium and creating doubt,

fear, delusion and uncertainty.


Maran (Killing) Mantra: Gham


For killing a person without any physical symptoms of death.


Wishing you luck and success...




Ashish Marathe

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