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i am disturbed by agastya

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i saw a article from "anmigha malar" - dinamalar paper. in that they have publised a article regardin agastya from skanda purana.

that article is really irritating. it tells that vaishnavas harassed shaivas in kutralam region thats why agastya converted vishnu temple to shiva temple. (irrititating news without proof as skanda purana is tamasic).

also it tells cauvery river originated from his kamandala (even though truth is it originates from chest of Adhi ranganatha). also it blabbers that agastya preached Sriram that skanda is supreme-brahman thru aaditya hruthayam. but i have read agasthya hridyam , in that theres no mention on skanda or muruga. it only praises Surya-naryana. i dunno why this newspaper publishes false news misguiding innocent people. can i write letter/email to that magazine ? moreover thers no upanishad praising muruga.


[moreover Sri ram incarnated in solay dynasty, so as to give respect to his dynasty-god lord ram chanted aadhitya hridhayam (preached by agastya). its not that sun-god is supreme as sun itself is a right-eye of narayana. ]


moreover is agastya really a genuine siddha ? (i am not insulting him. just asking).pardon me if any mistakes.


Om Namo Narayana

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moreover is agastya really a genuine siddha ? (i am not insulting him. just asking)


Agastya is definitely a siddha rishi, but don't let what some newspaper writes make you doubt him. Nowadays they write anything they like to get readers. They make up deities, like half hanuman/half ganesh in Madhya Kailash temple. Every week they need to come up with something spectacular to impress the readers, so they resort to making up all sorts of stories.

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