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Respected Gurujis, will I be devorced again?

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Respected Gurujis,


I'm recently devorced. Someone said I'll be devorced again because there is no married life in my horoscope. Even if I married there won't be any kids or I live very far from kids.


Is it true?


I had a very bad experience from my first marriage. Afraid to get married again and don't want to spoil my life and the girl's life if devorce is certain in my horoscope.

I am very depressed because my horoscope is very bad and hurts others life too.

Please give me your valuable reading. My details are


DOB: 20-11-76

TOB: 21:13 hrs

POB: Vijayawada, AP, India.


I'm currently living in Australia and working as a lecturer. Please give me a reading regarding marriage and kids.

Thank you.


best regards,



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