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Tuesday Fast to Mariamman

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I read in the latest issue of Hinduism Today about a man who observes a weekly fast on Tuesday in honour of the Goddess Mariamman. I also knew a student at the language centre where I teach that did the same thing. Unfortunately, she's not studying there anymore so I can't ask her about the fast.


Some specific questions about it.


1. When does the fast start? When does it end? I got the impression from the student that it ends at sunset, so does that make it a sunrise to sunset fast, like the Muslim fast during Ramadan?


2. Can you drink water during the fast? From what I read in Hinduism Today, it seems that water can be drunk. Anyone know about this?


3. Are there any specific prayers or devotions to Mariamman that are carried out along with the fast?


4. What should you eat to break the fast? I'm a vegetarian.


5. Are there any other regulations or restrictions on observing the fast?


Thanks in advance,



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MikeMalaysia Ji,


Apart from Tuesdays, Fridays are good too for fasting for Devi. Some non-vegetarians Tamils in Malaysia take only vegetarian food on Tuesday and Friday.


For the sunrise-sunset fasters...there are different things they follow in their diets. So many variations that I feel tough to write it here. It really depends on you, and on your determination.Well, it is up to you, you should fast or not. Depends on your intentions.


Well, in my opinion, there are many ways to show devotion. It all depends on your capacity, temperament and health. Do not be rigid, causing harm to yourself by observing rigid fast. I believe body is a temple, where god resides, why harm with overtly practicing anything, just in the name of being religious. Moderation is the key.


People think...spirituality is being religious...mechanically, robotically following rules and regulations. Actually spirituality is much more beyond that.


The fact that you are a vegetarian is already a great feat. I think offering sincere prayers Tuesdays and Fridays will be good enough, in fact every other day is good for prayers.


I hope experienced members would give some opinions regarding this matter. Namaste.

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MikeMalaysia Ji,


Apart from Tuesdays, Fridays are good too for fasting for Devi. Some non-vegetarians Tamils in Malaysia take only vegetarian food on Tuesday and Friday.


Yes, I know about the practice. My wife's grandfather is vegetarian on Fridays.



For the sunrise-sunset fasters...there are different things they follow in their diets. So many variations that I feel tough to write it here. It really depends on you, and on your determination.Well, it is up to you, you should fast or not. Depends on your intentions.


I would like to fast. Is the standard fast just no food from sunrise to sunset? What about water?



Well, in my opinion, there are many ways to show devotion. It all depends on your capacity, temperament and health. Do not be rigid, causing harm to yourself by observing rigid fast. I believe body is a temple, where god resides, why harm with overtly practicing anything, just in the name of being religious. Moderation is the key.



I know this, but fasting gives us spiritual discipline as well.



People think...spirituality is being religious...mechanically, robotically following rules and regulations. Actually spirituality is much more beyond that.


I know. If you follow the rules without having the devotion, it is worthless.



The fact that you are a vegetarian is already a great feat. I think offering sincere prayers Tuesdays and Fridays will be good enough, in fact every other day is good for prayers.


I'd like to offer sincere prayers every Tuesday and Friday as well as fasting. Can you tell me which prayers I should offer? Are there any specific prayers to say? Most of the prayer books here are in Tamil, but there is one called Manonmoney something that I've seen.

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MikeMalaysia Ji,


To an extent I have all the answers for your questions. But, I am a bit apprehensive to give my answers, because I am not qualified, insignificant and I am not the right person to guide you. In my opinion, I would really want you to get the right understanding and the right guide and suggestions that only can be given by someone who has the necessary experience e.g. senior members of this forum, the senior and religious people that you know, temple priests at your place and so on. I am sure they will put you on the right track.


I am sorry for the inconvenience. Namaste.

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Since practices differ from place to place and temple to temple, the right person who can guide you would be the priest of the local Mariamman temple.


BTW Mariamman is a Puranic Goddess. She is mentioned in the Devi Mahatmyam where Devi says that she will appear as Maha Mari. MahaMari Swarupayaya.


This fact is not known to many.

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Since practices differ from place to place and temple to temple, the right person who can guide you would be the priest of the local Mariamman temple.


That seems like an excellent idea. Only thing is, the priests at the local temple (and most temples here) don't speak English. They only speak Tamil (and possibly Hindi). I can speak a little Tamil, enough to order food at restaurants and ask if it is vegetarian, but I don't know enough to either ask the questions I have or understand the answers. My wife can understand Tamil but she cannot speak it.



BTW Mariamman is a Puranic Goddess. She is mentioned in the Devi Mahatmyam where Devi says that she will appear as Maha Mari. MahaMari Swarupayaya.


This fact is not known to many.


Yes, I was surprised to read that. I'd heard that she was originally a South Indian smallpox Goddess.


By the way, do you know the origins of the Goddess Santoshi Ma? Were there temples and devotions to Her before the release of the film "Jai Santoshi Ma"?

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Dear MikeMalaysia Ji,


I just stumbled upon this videoclip. It is from a very old Tamil devotional film. The actress is the great, the late Padmini Ji. She is one actress and Bharatanatyam expert that I admire most.


The video's subtitles in English doesn't do much justice in giving the correct understanding compared to the beautiful essence of the story in Tamil.


Well..Basically the moral of the story is , whether the Devi is called, Mariamman, Karumari, Kamatchi, Visalatchi and many others they are all a few, of the many representations of the supreme truth, OM, the Brahman. Namaste.



Edited by kshama
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Mariamman is from the Puranas. But there is no story associated with her. Later on she became the goddess who protects people from Small Pox, Chicken Pox and Measles. These eruptions were considered as an indication of the anger of the Goddess. In the east and north it is Sithal Devi. In Bengal it is Olai Chandi.


These Goddesses have been classified by western scholars as Village Goddesses. They portrayed these deities as outside the Brahminical Hinduism. Though we do have similar Goddesses in Bengal they are called folk deities. In Bengal they gave a puranic background to all these deities in their Kavyas. These were written between 13th and 19th century.


A similar attempt was made in Kerala where Ayyappan became a God in the 13th century by the writing in Aithika Mala.


Santhoshi Maa is a recent goddess. Her popularity is due to the movie. Even Ayyappan became popular only after the release of the Malayalam movie of the name.


Take along a Tamil friend and get the instructions from the priest. But I do not think we have specific prayers to Mariamman in any other language than Tamil. But any prayer to Kaali/Durga should be sufficient as Mariamman is one of the forms of Devi.

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