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Please provide a remedy for my brother

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Respected Astrologers,


It would be really helpful if you could suggest a remedy for him to boost his career. He has never been able to give his best.He has a sharp mind but unable to focus on career. As he is my only brother, I am quite attached to him.


His birth details are

1st June 1981, BHilai, 04.24 am


He is currently working in Mumbai and is in software field.

When will he be able to get good opportunity in career.


PLease suggest puja/mantra to help him in his career. He was asked to wear Neelam and panna. Is it true that puja and mantra have far more beneficial results than wearing stones.


PLease help.


Your help is deeply appreciated.



- Durga

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Your brother is of Vrishabha Lagna and Mesh Rashi. At the moment he has Rahu mahadasha since October 2006 which is not good for him and will give him trouble. As Rahu mahadashas are for 18 years and he has only lived through 2.5 years of it he still has another 15.5 years left. After this he has Guru mahadasha which will be slightly better but not the best after 21 October 2024 until 21 October 2040. After which he has Shani mahadasha which for him is good as Shani is in a good place in his chart.


Another thing, your brother is unable to concentrate because Chandra which is the graha for concentration is in a bad place so to try and lessen the effect he could do Om Som Somaya Namaha or even Om Namaha Shivay because as you may know, the moon lives in Shiv Bhagwan's hair.


However on a positive note, your brother has Lakshminarayan yoga as Shukra and Budh are in the same house and because it is in the 2nd house of wealth he should become very rich or may already be rich.


He should wear Neelam and Panna as well as Heera but if you cannot afford the diamond then he could wear american diamond (zirconia) on the left hand middle finger. Neelam should be worn Right hand middle finger and Panna should be worn right hand small finger (pinky).


Your brother could also do Om Ram Rahave Namaha so that the effect of this Rahu mahadasha is lessened.


As to whether mantras and pujas help more than stones, it all depends on whether your brother does them 'dil se' with a pure heart. If he cant do it because he cannot concentrate then he should wear the stones as well but make sure that the correct mantra is done for the correct stone at the correct day and time.


Hope this helps

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further clarification


Dhru Patel

London, UK

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Dhru Ji,


I am really thankful to you for sparing time to read my brother's horoscope.

He is sharp but has unable to get good grades and job.


I would definitely ask him to do all the measures suggested by you.

My concern is when will he settle down in life personally and financially.


Are there alternative mantras/fasting for panna, neelam and diamond. He is wearing Ruby and gomedh now.


Thnaks & Regards,


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He was unable to get good grades because Guru is in the same house as Shani which means that Guru has become weak in his horoscope.

He should continue to wear the gomed but take it off when Rahu mahadasha finishes in Oct 2024. He can wear the Ruby but only if he wishes to go into running a business.


Also I cannot see him settling down personally or financially for a very long time although he may try to get married after December 2011 and financially after April 2022.


I would personally suggest that he wears a zircon (American diamond) which is much cheaper than diamond and must be single solitaire but if he wishes to get financial gains he should also wear emerald. Mantras: Emerald: Om Bum Budhaya Namaha

Neelam: Om Sham Shanish Charaya Namaha

Zircon/Heera: Om Shum Shukraya Namaha



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Dhru Ji,


Thanks a lot for your quick and prompt reply.

I am really grateful for your valuable time and suggestions.


Will you please be able to read the chart for my best friend.

She is like sister to me and both my brother and she share same b'day.


My friend's details are


1st June 1982, BHilai, 11.20 pm.

She was working for two years (Mar2006 -Mar2008) in Mumbai after her MBA(Finance). She got married in April 2008 and went to UK.

Recently she got blessed with baby girl.


She is facing severe difficulties in finding a job.

Some astrologers have said that her good time will start in May2010. Also she is planning to givea finance exam in dec 2009.

Will she be able to c;lear the exam.


When do you see her chances of getting a job.

please provide the required remedies/mantras to help her out.


your help is deeply appreciated.




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I would say that her good time will start Dec 2010 not may 2010. She will find it hard to pass the exam and for that she wil need to work extremely hard as well as do mantra Om Bum Budhaya Namaha and Om Guruve Namaha each 108 times every day. She could also wear the same stones as your brother which would be very beneficial to her. She will get a job at the time mentioned above of Dec 2010.

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PLease accept our sincere thanks for sparing your time and giving advice.

As my friend is concerned, she has gioven a finance exam in NOv 2008 and she flunked.


She was told that she has Budhaditya yoga which is good for her studies. But her sun and mercury are afflicted, as told by some astrologers.

she really wants to clear this exam.


will she be able to do it. she is currently fasting on monday and saturday(As both she and her husband have sade sathi). she has started jupiter and mercury mantra as advised by you.


They ahve plans to come (finally) to india in 2011.

do you see her getting a job in UK in Dec 2010.


I know i am asking a lot of questions.

If possible please provide your advice and remedies.


Thanks & Regards,


- Durga

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Yes she does have Budhatitya yog but her sun is not afflicted but her Mercury is combust as in the power of Budh in her chart is slightly weakened.


As i previously said keep doing mercury mantra and wear panna if possible.

She will definitely get a job after May 2010



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