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why we should not eat meat?

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I have always wondered in my childhood days why my parents always say that i should not eat meat ...


But they could not explain a real reason for it...

They will say that you cannot kill and eat and they think its because

animals might have some disease and you may get it (which i could not accept).


But now i found out a explanation for it...

According to vedic system there are three modes of living,


1. Mode of goodness – In this mode you follow all the basic rules and you do chanting.

2. Mode of Passion – If you are following the basic rules but you don’t chant and you are in constant passion. Like we want to see places we want to buy different things and desires are more.

3. Mode of Ignorance – If you eat meat you are in this mode.


Even the Vedas are divided according to these 3 modes.

People in different modes need to read different vedas.


is this the correct explanation....Please share your views...



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Murali Ji,


Good to know you are a vegetarian. I am too. The biggest ignorance of all, probably, is...according to me, the persons who thinks they are holier just because of being vegan/vegetarian. I think if we focus on our karmas, treat people equally, serve god in our capacity, and have unwavering bhakti towards god, these traits will help to turn us into a good soul. Namaste.

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I have been vegetarian all my life, am grateful that I have been raised that way. There are a number of reasons why you must consider plant based food and say NO to meat.


And yes, there are number of health reasons as being a vegetarian would benefit a lot as it by significantly lowering risks of cancer and heart diseases:



Plants also contain phytochemicals like isoflavones and lycopene, some of which have been shown to inhibit cancer cell and tumor growth directly. These phytochemicals are not found in animal foods. Animal foods contain compounds that raise the risk for cancer.


The risk of heart disease is linked to diets high in saturated fat, which is found mostly in animal foods and processed foods. Heart disease is much less common among vegetarian men, with vegans having the lowest risk of all.


The second leading cause of cancer death among men – prostate cancer – is the result of a lifetime diet of animal fat.


Residues of antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and other non-degrading toxins from the environment accumulate up the food chain and into animal products.





If you see what goes on behind animal slaughter, you would have NO taste for meat.

We must voice out for stopping this killing of animals in factories farms and in any form because most farming horrors are well kept secret from the consumer "common man" :YouTube - Meet your Meat


Who is responsible in the process of this brutal slaughtering of animals?


One who permits the slaughter of an animal

One who cuts it up

One who kills it

One who buys or sells meat

One who cooks it

One who serves it up,

And one who eats it, must all be considered as the slayers of the animal



Think for a while, when you are served meat, just think how did your food made it on your plate, how it will will affect your consciousness if there was cold blooded murder invovled in the process and that you have a choice, a healthier, environmentally beneficial,spiritual, murder-free, a choice to go vegetarian or even vegan, when you know animals are not treated right.

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Murali Ji,


Good to know you are a vegetarian. I am too. The biggest ignorance of all, probably, is...according to me, the persons who thinks they are holier just because of being vegan/vegetarian. I think if we focus on our karmas, treat people equally, serve god in our capacity, and have unwavering bhakti towards god, these traits will help to turn us into a good soul. Namaste.


Animals are people too.

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Animals are people too.


Respected Theist Ji,


I respect your feelings and sentiments. Some things in the world cannot be changed drastically, no matter how we try. The awareness should be from the non-vegans/non-vegetarians. Let them have that awareness, let them change in their own pace.


I am all for propagating veganism/vegetarianism. But, change if not from within...it is futile (Referring to non-vegans/non-vegetarians).


The only point I was stressing, and I am stressing is, let god judge people from the merits that one possesses. I strongly believe every actions that one takes good or bad, there are consequences soon after it, that too are based on the nature of the actions, respectively. I am very much positive things will change for the better due time, until then I will remain hopeful. Namaste.

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Yeah. Until they bit you.:)


Right, but humans bite into animals far more than animals bite humans. Think on this statistic. In the USA alone 1 million animals are slaughter per HOUR for food. 9 BILLION animals are slaughtered per year in the USA.


No one more dangerous than a human meat eater with a good set of teeth.



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Thank you everyone for your replies...


I beleive that if we argue with somebody who is

eating meat especially in US with the facts like it is

not good for body or it can cause a disease will not

work. They have been eating meat for so long and they

need something very strong to stop the desire of eating meat.


There will be lot of counter arguments from the other side saying

how good meat is for your body. They will say you get your

protiens from egg and other vitamins from other meats.

And moreover they may argue about the quality of meat

also. They will say it is processed and healthy and organic and



The only way we can stop eating meat espacially in Kali-yuga

is by knowing the real spiritual resaons. As the kali-yuga progresses

it is said that the people will be eating only meat.

I would like to add that people who live in US and are vegetarians

have to praised a lot. If you are in india its very easy. You still get nice vegetarian food all around you. But in US everywhere you turn you will be seeing meat and you cant even enter some resatraunts like Mc-donalds.

If you go into Mc-donalds and ask for vegetarian food they laugh at you and they will say only french fries is there which is vegetarian.

Even that is made from fish oil.



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Some things in the world cannot be changed drastically, no matter how we try. The awareness should be from the non-vegans/non-vegetarians. Let them have that awareness, let them change in their own pace.


I am all for propagating veganism/vegetarianism. But, change if not from within...it is futile (Referring to non-vegans/non-vegetarians).



Certainly, nobody expects people to give up their current lifestyle overnight. Its a gradual process. However, it has to start, with the desire to change.


Ideally , yes, it should come from within.


Many times however, the within has a trigger without.

* Like the wild hunter who would refuse to step on an ant after associating with Narad Muni.

* Like numerous in the west who gave up meat practically overnight after meeting Srila Prabhupad.


Many times also, it will not come exclusively from within in this life - due to


1. strong belief that its OK to eat meat.

2. fear that it will be harmful to them. A fear based on misconceptions.


In that case , it is lack of education or awareness that is the barrier, in order for the change to come from within.



The biggest ignorance of all, probably, is...according to me, the persons who thinks they are holier just because of being vegan/vegetarian. I think if we focus on our karmas, treat people equally, serve god in our capacity, and have unwavering bhakti towards god, these traits will help to turn us into a good soul. Namaste.


No. No one should think they are better because they are vegetarian. There are all kinds of karma in this world.


However, many vegetarians may very well simply have welfare of others (the human as well as the animals) at heart


and simply be trying to remove myths like

"Veg = lettuce and tomatoes" or "vegetarians eat rabbit food" or "it will make one die".

They may simply be engaged in spreading the glories of vegetarianism starting with

1. how complete and wholesome it can be ,

2. how hazardous meat can be

3. how spiritually uplifting vegetarianism can be,

4. how much cruelty goes into the food on a plate. This is something many take for granted. Someone has to point this out - like what PETA is doing.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The animal rights organization.


Some vegetarians think its their job to provide the knowledge that is lacking and remove the misconceptions that may be prevailing.


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad , writes in his purports to Gita verses - that not giving others spiritual awareness is a kind of violence to them.


The key has to be given, its upto them to open the lock.



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Smaranam Ji,


I have read your post. Your feedback really makes people understand the importance of being a vegetarian/vegan. I just hope the efforts by good souls like Theist Ji, you and others in promoting this very blessed way of living does reach out to many people as possible. Namaste.

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No. No one should think they are better because they are vegetarian. There are all kinds of karma in this world.


No one should think in terms of personally being better because no one is the body. The identities of meat eater and vegetarian have no relation to the soul.



However, many vegetarians may very well simply have welfare of others (the human as well as the animals) at heart

Exactly. We seek to end the vicious cycle of of slaughter and be slaughtered that people are revolving on. Who is in the cow body being slaughtered? Most likely a meat eater from a past birth. And what happens to the one killing and eating the cow body today? He gets slaughtered and eaten in some future birth. The same with the abortion madness.


It is not that we should have some feelings for the cow and not the humans who abuse them. A devotee is not selective in this way. Nor is he puffed up about anything. But we can't fake feelings of compassion. Does this mean we have to wait until we are pure before we can offer advice on this matters? No we must intervene as we can, where we can rather we are a little puffed up or not.



and simply be trying to remove myths like

"Veg = lettuce and tomatoes" or "vegetarians eat rabbit food" or "it will make one die".

They may simply be engaged in spreading the glories of vegetarianism starting with

1. how complete and wholesome it can be ,

2. how hazardous meat can be

3. how spiritually uplifting vegetarianism can be,

4. how much cruelty goes into the food on a plate. This is something many take for granted. Someone has to point this out - like what PETA is doing.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The animal rights organization.


Yes knowledge must be spread. Mis-information has been spread for 60 years or more by the slaughter industry. They have infected the whole western world with their propaganda from hell.


I also think PeTA is doing a great job.



Some vegetarians think its their job to provide the knowledge that is lacking and remove the misconceptions that may be prevailing.





A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad , writes in his purports to Gita verses - that not giving others spiritual awareness is a kind of violence to them.


certainly. Not to give food to a starving man makes one implication in his death.



The key has to be given, its upto them to open the lock.




And knowledge is that key.

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