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Effects of Sade saathi

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This question is with respect to my daughter:

Her DOB is 20th March 1981

Place: Bangalore India

Time: 16:02

Rashi Kanya (Virgo)

Nakshatra: Uttara


She is undergoing sade saathi. Her marriage is getting delayed. The placement of planets in her horoscope is as follows:


Lagna Simha (Leo)

2nd House: Saturn, Jupiter, Moon

6th House: ketu

7th House: Mercury

8th House: Mars, Venus, Sun

12th House: Rahu


Presently undergoing Rahu Dasa- mercury Bhukti. Can anyone please let me know if she would have an arranged or love marriage? Also the probable time? And if there are any afflictions in the horoscope which need parihaar?


We have received a good proposal from a boy havign Leo lagna and Saturn/mars inLeo. He is moola nakshtra and the guna matching points came to 14 out of 36. Is this match recommended?


Can anyone please help!!!


Many Thanks

A worried Mom

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recitaton of Mars,Saturn and Sun manta may help. worship hanuman ji and wear Saturn iron ring on middle finger on Saturday and be religious in outlook.

All problem is due to past karma.

If there proposal is good and there is no kuja dosha .you can consider it.

but do take blessing of lord shani ji , and recite Saturn stotra on saturday.


God bless you

Rishi vatsyayan

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Please get your daugther married to whomever she likes rather than you deciding on what and whom she has to marry. A human being is responsible for his own doings and every girl has her own right.


Now it is none of my business but if you want to consult more astrologers then please hear me out:


Three years ago, I had lost everything including a cloth to cover my private parts (in literal sense I was having the worst famine of my life) due to the effects of Shani. Today I have chosen to take up extreme physical labor (which Shani likes and Mars blesses) -I read somewhere two years ago that before Shani decides your terms it is better to take up extreme physical labor and I guess I cracked the code to a healthy mind and that is by having a healthy body. No one will give you this advice except a person with realtime experience.


I had spent more than $10,000 (USD) on various consultations with various astrologers around the world but I found my answer in this one minute song here:



Give your daugther the right to marry whomever she wants to and let it be her decision. Whenever parents decide they are so worried because they are not sure. They love their children and want the best but in all this worry they tend to make one false step which spoils everything for their children.


Also why are you so worried?? She is ONLY 1981 born and still has sometime. My sister born in 1976 who got married one year ago. Not because she has problems -NO she was Miss California in 2006 so my advice is.... Nothing gets delayed its just that every fruit has its own timing to ripen.



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Dear Manofthefuture and Rishivatsayanji..


Thankyou both very much for your replies and sound advice. No matter how old the children get a mother always worries for their well being. I guess I got overworked as she is undergoing the sade saathi phase and is showing signs of stress and strain.


I shall advise her of the remedies suggested accordingly and hope for the Best!


Thankyou once again, I appreciate your help!


God Bless!

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To help a worried mom,you, i am tempted to add these few observations.

The present Mahadasa is of Rahu with antardasa of Budha till 6/2011.They are in 8-6 relation.Rahu is in 12th.Budha is 2nd and 11th lord the main lord for inviting and adding a new family member in your daughter's life.Budha is in 7th in the house of 7th lord Shani. Lord Shani moves to 2nd by 10-9-2009.

To solve her problems few things are to be done by her.

Shanti puja to Rahu.

Regular prayers to Shri Vishnu or Tirumala Balaji.

Reciting Suryashtakam regularly.

When Lord Shani moves to Kanya rasi by 10-9-2009, she can expect good results.

Good luck to her.


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