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Anger and fear

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I have a problem and i hope that you can hellp me!! I am very angry person and when it comes to a some kind of a problem that i do not like i become very engry. I do meditate and do yoga for a few month but i fell that i have to control or to remove anger. I am tring but i feel that i need some meditation techniqu that will speed up my denunciation of anger. I also live in a house full of bad energy (if you know what i meen) with bad parents and it is harder for me to get control over the anger fast. Pleas help!


Namaste to all!

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Dear Ahara Vimaladvaita,


You have answered your own question, if you look carefully, that is...you need to control or remove the anger.


Find out the source of anger. From your post you are not just surrounded by bad energies...you are probably one of the emitter of bad energy by saying parents are bad. You have to think about it.


I am amazed you can do yoga and meditation. Whatever it is, pray to god to help you overcome this anger problem and at the same time do try to find ways how to maintain the calmer side of you. Namaste.

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