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Namaste gurujis, please help me with this horoscope match

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Namaste gurujis,


I need your opinion about the match of the following two horoscopes:



DOB: 14th June 1980

Place: Mumbai

Time: 07.02 pm



DOB: 15th December 1983

Place: Belgaum, Karnataka

Time: 08.52 am


Software match indicates 25.5 gunas but shows graha maitri as 0.5 points. Learned gurujis, can you please compare the two and determine if there is a match?


Many thanks and regards,


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Dear Phoeni,


I agree that 25.5 Gunas do match in favour. And as per Dash Koota mode 20.5 out of 44 Gunas match.


These are considered adequate, and the matching is cosidered as very good.


There is no Graha Maitri, and also there is no Navamsha Maitri present in the two horoscopes.


Even in the absence, the matching is favourable.


In my opnion it is a good match.


V K Shridhar.



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Dear Shridhar guruji,


Thank you so much for looking into the match and responding. When my parents approached our panditji, he said not to go ahead because of the following reasons:


1) Nakshatra maitri is not there. My nakshatra is Punarvasu 1st charan, hers is Revati, 4th charan. So, is it true that nakshatra maitri is not there?


2) The respective rashi lords in each other's horoscope are in inauspicious positions. This might affect the longevity of marriage. Is this true?


Once again thanks for guiding me about this match.




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Dear Phoeni,


Your Moon is in Ardra (Pada 3), & girls' is in Revati (Pada 4) - based on the information of birth data provided by you.


As I already told above that Navamsha Maitri is not existing - that is based on lords of Navamsha in Navamsha chart. Navamsha Maitri is a strong anitidote for lot many Doshas.


Next about placement of Rashi lords in inauspicious positions. Placemnet of mutual Moon, is examined in Bhakoot. Which is present favourably. Further placement of lords of the Moon signs is not covered under Ashtakoot mode od examining matching. Some astrologer might have culled out this aspect based on his observations - but I have not come acctross about it in any standard text.


Since 25.5. Gunas match, I feel the matching is good.


.. V K Shridhar

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