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wonders of sri lalitha in 21 st century

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during kaliyuga nama japa recitation is the best method for bakthi marga .

Mother lalitha has many done many wonders(innumerarable)for her devotees the following story happened in my own life.

In my personal experience my sister have escaped from a fire accident only because of lalitha saharanama recitation. My sister’s planetary positions were very weak during that period all astrologers told that my sister would not survive, but we had faith in lalitha upasana and worshipped with belief. One day a great fire accident happened even coconut trees,mango trees of our garden caught fire(ie. The fire burnt to that height).But my sister escaped without injury only because of the mercy of devi .

After that incident my mother went to a famous astrologer with her horoscope who told that horoscopes of dead should not be kept at home(he did not believe that my sister was alive), also said that the death is due to a fire accident. My mother was shocked to hear that. From that day all our relatives who heard this deeply believe godess lalitha.

The divine mother always protects her Devotees who worship with deep belief.

Those who have known such type of wonders of lalitha maatha please share with us

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