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The process of liberation

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The Vedic-Vaishnava is not just a philosophy, but it indicates the concrete method of reaching perfection. We have already said that we are spiritual soul, but at the present moment we are convinced to be the material body we are able to see and touch. So we have to reawaken our transcendental senses to be able to see, hear, touch, understand our real original position. To be able to do that, we need to come in contact with agents of a nature similar to ours, namely spiritual. The first thing to do is to search for a bonafide spiritual master.

It is important he be authentic. There are many so called spiritual master who are only after moneay, worship and similar mundane achievements. A spiritual guide has to be detached from those things and must know the Truth, in theory and in practice. He will guide the disceple in the path back home, back to Godhead. One of the first thing a genuine guru will teach is the importance of chanting the holy name of God. Vedas say that in this age of Kali, the best process of liberation is the meditation through chanting and recitation of the name of Krishna. He has put all His potencies in those names. So reciting those is equal to being in direct contact with the Supreme Lord. There are many mantras; amongst those one only is called the maha-mantra, or the best of all mantras. It is the following:

Hare KrishnaHare KrishnaKrishna KrishnaHare Hare Hare Rama Hare RamaRama RamaHare Hare There arenot hard and fast rules to chant it: you can do it anywhere and in all possible situations. Even just meditating, if you cannot chant it out loud. There are two ways to chant it: in kirtana and in japa. In the first you will chant it, with instruments or by clapping your hands keeping rithm. In the second you'll sit quietly and reciting it with a voice sufficiently loud to be able to hear it, helped by a mala (rosary). The chanting of this maha-mantra will give you transcendental understanding and all possible benedictions. Of course there are many rules which will facilitate your spiritual advancement. The association with other devotees, the study of the sacred scriptures are very important. Another one is the offering of the food to the Dieties. For this you have to be strictly vegetarian. Smoking and drinking alcool is not recomended. Unrestricted sexual promiscuity will take away the peace of mind necessary for spiritual life. Also gambling is not recomended. By reading the scriptures, associating with Vaishnavas and also attending to this Web Site will give you much knowledge on the right things to do.


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yes...The vedas states,"manah karana bandhana mosksha."


Kaushitki,Tejo bindu etc upanishads clearly declare that the mind is the main culprit.It has to be subdued...to be cleaned.


Bhakti is the independent,the Supreme,the sole way to cleanse the mind.


While addressing Uddahva,Sri Krsna states,"Bhaktya mam ekaya grahya."

Uddhava,I'm obtained only through Bhakti.


Bhakti in general is summed up as the process of surrendering the mind to Sri Krsna.


In the Bhagavad Geeta,Sri Krsna challenges,"This maya is My energy.No one can overcome it without My grace."


What is this 'My grace' of sri Krsna ???


How is it obtained ???


Since No one can overcome Maya except by the grace of Sri Krsna,it is very imperative to understand ways to achieve this grace.


Sri Krsna says,"mam ekam sharnam vraja.Aham tvam sarva paapebhyo mokshashyami."


You surrender yourself to Me completely.Cent percent.And i will burn all your sins and punya away.I will liberate you.


Punya ?? But He says only PAAPA.


Gauranga Mahaprabhu has clarified it,"paapa means paapa+punya." in this context.


what context is it ??


In the world of Bhagavan and Bhagavatas even punya-good karma is paapa-heinous.


What's more,the bhagavatas cringe at the mere mention of mukti.



one Bhagavata was worshipping tulsi when mukti came at his gate.He asked her,"Who are you ?"

"I'm your master's servant.I've come to serve you.I am mukti."


The bhagavata shouts impulsively,"DOORE TISHSHT."


"FAR FAR ! STAND FAR AWAY.Even if somehow or other desire to attain you comes in my mind,I will lose all my attraction-my bhava for Shyamsundara !! Go away !"

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