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Please advice....Prediction regarding career

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Hi everyone,


My name is Amit. My rashi is Simha rashi. I am right now going through Sade-sati. I have researched and found that I am going through the second phase of Sade-sati and going to enter in the third phase around sept 2009. I am currently experiencing tremendous pain, stress, disturbance economically, mentally and physically.

The first phase was actually very good. I came to US for my Master's in Aug 2004. Those 2.5 years went good. I earned degree and got job instantly in Dec 2006. After that next 2 years also went good till Dec 2008. I went back to India for engagement and when I returned I lost my job after one week.

Till from then, I am experiencing huge pain and stress. I am still not finding project here. I have sold out everything, lost too many money in every selling. Now no money, no job, very much stressed, worried about future and too much of responsibility from my family. After too much of disappointment I have decided to go back to India.


Can anyone tell me any predictions regarding my career? When I will see good time?


Date of birth: 28 Nov 1980

Time: 20:10

Place: Pune, India


Nakshatra: Magha

Lagna rasi: Mithun

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For Leo born natives, this is the toughest time mainly because of sade sati. As you might know, Sun (Your rashi lord) and Saturn are bitter enemies. Hence, it indeed will show all the evil effects during sade sathi. Especially, when the saturn is transiting over the moon, the person is likely to become more lazy and prone to get some deceases. In your case, you are currently under Sun/Saturn dasha/bukti till october 2009. Things would get better by then because even transiting saturn will leave your rashi and enter kanya. Pray lord saturn to reduce the ill effects. Try to fast on saturdays. Avoil alcohol and meat. Chanting mahamrityunjaya mantra will also give you relief.

with regards

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