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explain the three phases of sade sati

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In tradition gochar system .when shani is 3.6.11 form one's moon, it gives good results.



Murti Paddhati Gochar system


Shani transit form one rasi to other in 2-1/2 yrs.At the time of transit of from one rashi to next rashi ,rashi


occupied by Moon on that moment to be called sawarna,rajata,tamara.Loha depend upon position of Moon at that moment


form one janam rashi.


1,6.11 from one's moon rashi,a planter become sawarna morti


2,5,6----------- Rajat moorti


2,7,10---tamra marti





Rajatha moothy-effect will be 100% Good

Tambara muthy- effect will be 75% Good and 25% Bad

Swarna Morthy -effect eill be 25% Good and 75% bad


One should adopt following remedies for sade sati


1.Recitation of ShaniStotram on Saturday

Om Nilaanjana Samaabhasam, Ravi Putram Yamagrajam.

Cahaya Martanda Samhubhutam, Tama Namami Shanescharam”


The meaning of mantra:

I bow to God Shanidev, who is black in colour and son of Sun and born to Chhaya and brother of Yama dev, who moves very slowly.

This Maha Mantra is effective for those people who have the Saturn/Shani cycle or Sade sathi in their horoscope. This mantra is cure for sade sati. The person who has Sade Saathi should recite Shani Mantra 23000 times within sade saathi period.


2.Wear an iron ring made of black horse shoe in middle fingre -saturday

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