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Vak Suktam aka Devi Suktam

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Devi sukta is a popular hymn from the Rig Veda 10.8.125. It contains 8 riks. The Mantra Drashta of the Devi Suktam is Vaak the daughter of Rishi Ambhrina. And hence, it is also called "Ambhrina Sukta" or "Vak Sukta". This great mantra “Devi Suktam” sprang forth from the deep chasms of the her (the Rishika Vaak) heart which is Atma-Stuti when she was in communion with her Chit / I-ness / Aham Sphurana in the her Hridaya Guha Rupa Dahara Akasa.


I am giving below the literal meaning. But the esoteric meaning and interpretations are different.


Aham Rudrebhir vasubhir charami,

Aham aadhithyer uta vaisvadevaii,

Aham mithra varunobha bibharmi,

Aham indragni, aham ashvinobha.


I move with Rudras and Vasus,

I walk with the Sun and other Gods,

I esteem mithra, varuna

And Indra, fire and the Aswini devas.


Aham somam ahaanasam bhibhrami

Aham thwashtaaramr utha pooshanam bhagam,

Aham dadhami dravinam havishmathe,

Supravye yajamanya sunwathe.


I esteem Soma, which is extracted,

I support thwastri, pushan and bhaga,

I give wealth to those who perform yagna,

Who reach the gods with offerings.


Aham rashtri samgamani vasoonaam,

Chikithushee pradhamaa yagniyaanaam,

Thaam maa devaa vyadhaduha puruthra,

Bhuristhathram bhooyar visayanthim.


I am the one who gives wealth to the nation,

I am the first one to whom this sacrifice is addressed,

The gods have found my manifoldness,

And enter in to it and take possession of the manifoldness.


Mayaa so annamathi

yo vipasyathi,Ya pranithi

y aim shrunothi yuktham,

amaanathvo maam tha upa kshiyanthi,

Shrudhi shruthi shraddivam they vadami


I am the power which makes one eat the food, to see, to breath,

And to hear what I am saying,

They who do not believe me perish,

And I am telling you the truth, hear with attention.


Aham yeva swayam idham vadhami,

Jushtam devebhir utha manushebhi,

Yam kaamaye tham tham ugram krunomi,

Tham brahmanam tham rishim tham sumedham,


I am myself telling this,

Which man and gods should try to understand,

The one whom I love, I make him mighty,

I Make him Brahman, I make him the sage, and I make him wise.


Aham rudhraya dhanura thanomi,

Brahmadwishe sharave hanthava vu,

Aham janaaya samadham krunomi,

Aham dhyayaprithwi aa vivesha.


I stretch the bow to Rudra,

So that he who hates Brahmam is hurt by the arrow,

I bestow equality on people at war,

I am throughout the heaven and earth.


Aham suvepitharamasya moordhan,

Mama yonir apswatha samudhre,

Thatho vi thishte bhuvananu vishwotha,

Amum dhyam varshamanopam vishva utha.


I brought about the progenitor in to earth,

I sprang from the water of the ocean,

And from there I spread throughout the universe,

I touch that heaven with a flowering body.


Ahameva vatham yiva vatha yiva pravami,

Arambhamana bhuvanani viswam,

Paro dhiva para yena prithwya,

Yaithavathi mahinaa sam bhabhoova.


I blow like the fierce winds,

Which commences from the universe,

Which extends far beyond heaven and far below the earth,

And I have become very gross because of this.

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Sanskrit Version

Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 125



अहं रुद्रेभिर्वसुभिश्चराम्यहमादित्यैरुतविश्वदेवैः |

अहं मित्रावरुणोभा बिभर्म्यहमिन्द्राग्नीहमश्विनोभा ||

अहं सोममाहनसं बिभर्म्यहं तवष्टारमुतपूषणं भगम |

अहं दधामि दरविणं हविष्मतेसुप्राव्ये यजमानाय सुन्वते ||

अहं राष्ट्री संगमनी वसूनां चिकितुषी परथमायज्ञियानाम |

तां मा देवा वयदधुः पुरुत्राभूरिस्थात्रां भूर्यावेशयन्तीम ||

मया सो अन्नमत्ति यो विपश्यति यः पराणिति य ईंश्र्णोत्युक्तम |

अमन्तवो मां त उप कषियन्ति शरुधिश्रुत शरद्धिवं ते वदामि ||

अहमेव सवयमिदं वदामि जुष्टं देवेभिरुतमानुषेभिः |

यं कामये तं-तमुग्रं कर्णोमि तम्ब्रह्माणं तं रषिं तं सुमेधाम ||

अहं रुद्राय धनुरा तनोमि बरह्मद्विषे शरवे हन्तवाु |

अहं जनाय समदं कर्णोम्यहं दयावाप्र्थिवी आविवेश ||

अहं सुवे पितरमस्य मूर्धन मम योनिरप्स्वन्तः समुद्रे |

ततो वि तिष्ठे भुवनानु विश्वोतामूं दयांवर्ष्मणोप सप्र्शामि ||

अहमेव वात इव पर वाम्यारभमाणा भुवनानि विश्वा |

परो दिवा पर एना पर्थिव्यैतावती महिना सं बभूव ||



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