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Failure after stiff competition and good result

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Sir I had successfully cleared a very difficult exam in 2004 but after the completion of course in 2009 from a very prestigious college and good rank in class the career is at stake can any one help me to get out of this situation

DOB is 28 Nov 1982

Place Fatehgarh (UP) 27N22 79E38

Time 19:40

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Sir I had successfully cleared a very difficult exam in 2004 but after the completion of course in 2009 from a very prestigious college and good rank in class the career is at stake can any one help me to get out of this situation

DOB is 28 Nov 1982

Place Fatehgarh (UP) 27N22 79E38

Time 19:40



In my opinion, Surya Dasa is running since 2004 for 6Yrs. Surya is in 6th house (enemies…) with Lagna lord Budha indicating more efforts require. Surya is neecha position and in 8th house (loss, death…) in navamsa chart and thus weak. Surya/Budha combination is joined by Jupiter who is profession lord. In general, more efforts then before will be required on your part to achieve something. You may like to offer water to Surya Dev every morning at Sun rise, respect elders and specially father. Wear good quality unheated yellow Topaz in silver ring.

Hope it helps,


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Sir thanks for your reply.

Your interpretation is absolutely correct I have to put in a lot of efforts to achieve some thing which has been true in past also in my life from many many experiences.The exam which I had mentioned you I had to put in all sorts of my efforts and took me lots and lots of struggle to overcome them and also one after another problems kept coming in my way. Finally when I was to get the result I missed my target by say 1% i mean

I got 1% less than what I deserved.The decision at the most important time proved to be wrong. It happened in July 2004 and July 2007.


I will do the said remedies that you suggested is there any other solution which you wish to be followed that can make the problems decrease and over come the obstacles caused by this planetary combination.


I want to know what is unheated yellow Topaz I have heard of yellow topaz but not the unheated one.



Just by my curiosity I wanted to ask some thing may be it looks absurd your reply came on Saturday it has been a thing to observe from past 6 years I observed the fact that any good thing with me happens only on Saturday I mean if I have thought of doing some thing for a long time then on Saturday it surely will happen if I give it a try is Saturn favouring me or any other diety on Saturday good for me.Since your reply also came on Saturday so the belief in me is strengthened.

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Sir thanks for your reply.

Your interpretation is absolutely correct I have to put in a lot of efforts to achieve some thing which has been true in past also in my life from many many experiences.The exam which I had mentioned you I had to put in all sorts of my efforts and took me lots and lots of struggle to overcome them and also one after another problems kept coming in my way. Finally when I was to get the result I missed my target by say 1% i mean

I got 1% less than what I deserved.The decision at the most important time proved to be wrong. It happened in July 2004 and July 2007.


I will do the said remedies that you suggested is there any other solution which you wish to be followed that can make the problems decrease and over come the obstacles caused by this planetary combination.


I want to know what is unheated yellow Topaz I have heard of yellow topaz but not the unheated one.




Just by my curiosity I wanted to ask some thing may be it looks absurd your reply came on Saturday it has been a thing to observe from past 6 years I observed the fact that any good thing with me happens only on Saturday I mean if I have thought of doing some thing for a long time then on Saturday it surely will happen if I give it a try is Saturn favouring me or any other diety on Saturday good for me.Since your reply also came on Saturday so the belief in me is strengthened.




Many gems are heated to to get better colos and to take away defects that they have. It values /sales for more price. But, in this process in my opinion loose the inherent qualities/properties that they have befor they are mined since they were in the earth for thousands of years and getting cosmic and all forms of energies. Thus I am interested to have you wear a unheated TOPAZ so that you get the good effects. regarding Saturday....Qn: To me every incidence in this Universe is not a coincidence and every incidence although may look even a small has a meaning and has a time to happen.



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Many gems are heated to to get better colos and to take away defects that they have. It values /sales for more price. But, in this process in my opinion loose the inherent qualities/properties that they have befor they are mined since they were in the earth for thousands of years and getting cosmic and all forms of energies. Thus I am interested to have you wear a unheated TOPAZ so that you get the good effects. regarding Saturday....Qn: To me every incidence in this Universe is not a coincidence and every incidence although may look even a small has a meaning and has a time to happen.



I have started doing the said remedies as you said except the Topaz ring since I am not financially sound currently it costed one thousand rupees nearly.

I had been to market today I some how had managed the courage to purchase but then there were many type of Topaz the shopkeeper showed me one was very very yellow the other ones were lighter in color I feel they were the ones which you have recommended me to wear.I am not sure though.


Sir It is not possible for me to tell you that what pain I have undergone from Feb 2008 till 4 Sept 2008 not yet ended .There had been tremendous change in my life and a lot of resistance I have faced in terms of a lot of things.My degree was about to finish and land in terms of a rewarding career but some how situations turned in such a way that I am wonderstruck after loosing every thing.


I am not exaggerating my situation just as in Mahabharat Abhimanyu knew how to go in a chakravyuh but he could not come out similar is my situation and I feel that I will not be able to overcome the situations.


After a very hard decision I am willing to go for a higher studies abroad a PhD for 5 years I am already facing a very tough competition more than that I am facing the resistance from my financial conditions I am willing to have a small job for a short time by which I can get some savings and go for higher studies I am facing a lot of tough time solving my situations specially in terms of money.


Please suggest me some thing that makes my studies go smoothly for financial conditions and I am able to find the best possible option when will be a good time to write a GRE exam this year.Dates are given according to the choice of students.So I am asking.

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  • 2 weeks later...




In my opinion, Surya Dasa is running since 2004 for 6Yrs. Surya is in 6th house (enemies…) with Lagna lord Budha indicating more efforts require. Surya is neecha position and in 8th house (loss, death…) in navamsa chart and thus weak. Surya/Budha combination is joined by Jupiter who is profession lord. In general, more efforts then before will be required on your part to achieve something. You may like to offer water to Surya Dev every morning at Sun rise, respect elders and specially father. Wear good quality unheated yellow Topaz in silver ring.


Hope it helps,




Sir I have got a job as per your advice I had an interview on tuesday

I borrowed a ring from a friend of yellow stone it was not topaz though substitute (since I did not had the money to purchase it)when I had gone to give the interview and it had worked though there are a lot of hurdles for what I am looking at but this job has come as a rescue for me gives me a temporary relief

temporary because it is not in my domain but any how in tough times people are not getting even this one.



So I am happy to the almighty for the correct advice that I got from you.



Why I am saying that ring had worked because there were other interviews which I was not able to clear when I was not having any ring.



Thanks a lot

Once again

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Sir I have got a job as per your advice I had an interview on tuesday

I borrowed a ring from a friend of yellow stone it was not topaz though substitute (since I did not had the money to purchase it)when I had gone to give the interview and it had worked though there are a lot of hurdles for what I am looking at but this job has come as a rescue for me gives me a temporary relief

temporary because it is not in my domain but any how in tough times people are not getting even this one.



So I am happy to the almighty for the correct advice that I got from you.



Why I am saying that ring had worked because there were other interviews which I was not able to clear when I was not having any ring.



Thanks a lot

Once again




Thanks for your E mail and this message and congratulations for getting job for a time being relief. I would still suggest to get TOPAZ ring as suggested before. It may be very helpful to you in coming time.



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