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request 4 Amateur - plz analyze dis

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Respected Target,


I am not an expert astrologer, I advice you to consult an expert astrologer for sorting out your problems.


Although I will like to write few interpretations from your chart.


In your Rashi chart, Lagnesh and 2L is strong and in 10H. 5L and 8L strong and in friend's house 10H. 6L Debilitated in 10H. and 10L in 8H (11th from 10H). 11L debilitated in 12H and is dispositor of Gullika although getting a strong neechbhanga. 7L in 9H debilitated.

In your Bhava chart, 1L and 2L in 9H so is 6L in 9H and not debilitated.

In Chandra Kundli, 1L in 11H, 10L n 12H debilitated and 2L in 3H debilitated with neechbhanga.


Indicates that your owm business will be good for you. But invest with extreme caution. Avoid Partnerships. You are good in Accounts but you may face problems in managing your employees. Job Indications are not good and least for Govt Job.

For your business, business related to ready-made garments, Jewellery, Oil can be good for you. Business related to Machinery can also benefit you.


For settling abroad, I am not sure, but there are multiple foreign related trips. These indication can also mean that you may visit foreign places or far away places within home country (Some travelling related business) for business and settle there or you may do export related business of above items. Frankly I am not sure about residence, but this is sure that you will get benefit for business related matters from foreign or far away places within home country.


Study good for you, Currently Merc Dasha is on Helping you in studies at least for upto PG level. It seems that you are related to Accounts. Maybe B,com or you may go for MCom (Please correct me where I am wrong, just for my learning purpose). MBA doesnot seems good for job perspective but it may help you if you consider to do your own business. If you are currently studying then and had not started your own business yet I will advice you to gain some experience for now and Start business after June 2011 that will be best time for your business Although after June 2009 you can expect mixed results.

If you had already started business I will advice you to proceed with caution for some time.


Again I want to say that I am just a novice and many of above interpretations may be wrong, I will appreciate your feedback.

Also consult any expert astrologer before taking any decision based on above interpretations


Kind Regards


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Thanks for your feedback. Can you tell me what can be the reason behin your performance in studies. Can this be your ignorance only? I mean you seem to be intelligent otherwise in accounts. Althhough your retention/recall may be hampered. But with your hard work you can do well in your studies.


Anyway, I think you should think again about your decision again. These decisions are big and important and affect our life to a great extent so be careful while taking them. Do not take your decisions in passion but with balanced mind.


God Bless you and Good Luck


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