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Saturn with mars and moon with rahu.

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I am preparing for civil services and once i attended interview also but failed


and also I dont want to marry


Could any one interpret my chart and let me know


will I ever get success in civil services ever? will I ever marry if yes how married life be ?


One astrologer said if have very difficult yogas


1: Saturn with mars

2: Sun with ketu

3: moon with rahu


Can anyone please help me


10 Jan 1982 , 4 AM

Basti (UP)

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I am preparing for civil services and once i attended interview also but failed


and also I dont want to marry


Could any one interpret my chart and let me know


will I ever get success in civil services ever? will I ever marry if yes how married life be ?


One astrologer said if have very difficult yogas


1: Saturn with mars

2: Sun with ketu

3: moon with rahu


Can anyone please help me


10 Jan 1982 , 4 AM

Basti (UP)




In my opinion, udh Maha dasa started last year. Budh is lord of 8th house (loss, death etc...) and placed with retrogade 12 th lord. Sun is with Kethu combinatio is not favourable for civil service. Moon amd Rahu combination in 8th house is not good for taking good or right decisions at right time. Mars is aspecting profession house lord Sun, mars is 6th lord. Thus, with lot of efforts will be requird to reduce some of these effects to clear civil service exams. House of learning lord is jupiter ans placed in 12th. You may like to do the following:


Offer surya dev water at Sun rise with some kumkum in it, recite Surya mantra.


Worship lord Ganesha and lord Shiva.


Wear a good unheated ruby in gold.


Married life: Some problems are indicated and will require adjustments on your part.


Hope it helps,



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