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general question about marriage in horoscope

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When we study a Horoscope, we can always see a "possible period" for marriage, depending on the planetary positions. An astrologer would tell us that we have a "yoga" to get married during certain periods of time.


I have had such periods before. I have not married yet. According to astrologers, I my horoscope does indicate marriage, children etc.


My question is, is it possible to skip over all these "marriage periods" and not get married at all? If one took that up as a challenge and consciously avoided getting married, will that win over what is written in his horoscope?


So my question is if marriage is destined, can one avoid it through conscious effort. For example, if one knows he has cancer and has a chance of a short life, and tries to avoid marriage, although the horoscope indicates marriage, is that possible to do?



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