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financial trouble

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my friend is in deep financial trouble since last 3 years. he is facing bad loans, creditors, court cases and struggling to survive through this. all his hard earned properties are at stake.


His details are :


name - Manoj, male

date of birth - 2nd April, 1970

time - 4.37 am

place of birth - Calcutta

current place of stay - Gurgaon


when will his financial position improve and how he can get out of these problems. He was working with his father before when all these losses happened. but now he works with his friends.

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Yes, last 3 years Back, you friends Moon AD started thats why all this problems.

Because, Moon is the Lord of Debts, worries, Fears which is placed in the 12th house, which is called Repayment of Debts and the house of Losses and expenses.


Every one will have problems during this kind of dasha.


And now the Mars Antar Dasha started from Apr this year...


Jupiter is the lord of 2nd and 11th.. (Money House)which is very benific.

Ask you friend to wear Yellowsapphire Immediately in the Right hand Index finger in Gold Ring.. this is very very important for your friend to come out from this Money problems. He will feel very relaxed and will be in peace, things will be in his favor after that.


Yellowsapphire should be only Celone Mines Yellowsapphire( Pukh Raj) you will get yellow topaz or golden topaz which is 50 rupees only... this is Duplicate and will have no effects..


There will be another yellowsapphire, Heated one - Bangkok mines Yellowsapphire.

this will have no effects..


Buy only Celone Mines Pukhraj... tell him buy 2 to 4 karrats.

1 karat would cost you 1000 to 2000Rupees.


Wear it on Thursday 5:00PM

Some how arrange the money for this Gemstone...


Take care


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