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Dear Ayush ji,Atul ji - need a reading

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Dear kesav,


currently you must be worried about career mainly.


Your LAgna lord is weak and lord of marriage is close to sun. You should give water to rising sun daily, keep fasts on Thursdays. This is sure gonna help you. Further worshiping Lord shiva will add to the results


Take care


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hello sir,

my dob is 10 dec 1983

time 6.20am

place giridih(bihar)

i am about to start on with with higher studies bt hv faced failure in past due to lack of proper concentration..my personal life and past has been disturbed too..please read my cahrt and help me out..somebody told me to wear a 22k gold ring to improve my concentration and results..what should i do..please help



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Hello vikram,


Your school education was good. But problems in college education is clearly indicated. Most probably due to poor retention and recall. You have a short term memory problem also. But you are good in calculations and logic.


Reason behind the problem is your combusted lord of education and dsturbed Sun in company of nodes. I advice you to give water to sun daily and keep fasts on thursdays and wear yellow clothes on thursdays. Practice meditation. Help needy people as per your ability on saturdays. THis is surely gonna help you in your profession and education.


Technical line is good for you, I am not sure whether you hold a engineering degree or not (Becuase you may be having if you had completed that before dec 2006). and you can reach to upper authorative positions in your profession. But you should do remedies for that


You should shrug off restlessness off your mind and also try not to behave short tempered and irritable too often. Do not tell your sorrows to everone (These are part of remedies also)


Your mother helped you a lot but usually have differences with father. Coming couple of years can translate into struggle but ultimately you will get what you deserve and good time no doubt wait for you. I am sure


Dear vikram I am just a novice and not an expert. Please let me know where I am wrong. I will be thankful if you point out my mistakes


Kind Regards


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