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Request for Kundali analysis

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Respected Astrologers ,



Could you please analyse my birth details and tell me about my future as per my marriage and job concerned ?


My marriage is delaying though we are working hard on that for couple of years ; I had a very good job but recently due to backstabbing at work place I resigned from the company ;


My birth details are :

Place of birth : Kolkata

Date of birth : 1st September, 1978

Time of birth : Morning 2.50 am



Will be 2009 year good for me ? Any chance for marriage and a good job possibility ? will i have a peaceful married life and a good professional career ?


If you kindly reply , I 'll be grateful .



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hi Chumki,


You are blessed with domestic peace, Shukra, Venus is Strolgely placed in the 4th house. regarding marriage prediction, i am not so good in that.


Mercury dasha started from jun 2008 and till apr 2011.

in the 2nd house, sun is strongly placed but with the natural enemy saturn (marriage lord) which is not good.

2nd lord is also govern the person professional and status.

When sun and saturn are placed in the same house, the person will create enemies.

You are from Kolkata, people wear lot of gemstone. are you wearing any?

if you are wearing Red Coral, please remove that immediately because Mars (red coral) is placed with Rahu which is not at all good.


If you wear Ruby - you will create lot of enemies, frequent fights with family members and also in profession. no support from friends and relatives, and they will forsake you when you actualy need them.


Please do not wear pearl (moti).


Venus is the enemy of Moon, but if you want to wear any gemstone then you may please wear Diamond in the left hand middle finger.

This will surely support you marriage and domestic peace.

Please do not wear any other gemstone.

And please do the Naag Sarpa Dosha pooja in the Nag devta Temple only.




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Hello ,


Thank you for the reply and suggestions for gemstone .


As of now I do not wear any gemstone ;


As you have mentioned Mercury dosha from June '08 to April '11 ; is this phase a good or bad ?


Also if you kinldy analyse my kundali and say how will be my professional career in general ? Shall I attain good heights in career or lots of constarint in between ?




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