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Medical astrology ji, need prediction...

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medical astrology ji,

need remedy and suggestion for my relative.

She completed her studies and is trying for a job.

Also She has some problems related to skin.

Her birth details

D O B is: 24-Jan-1986

Time : 12:30 Pm

Place : erode

need remedies for this, also suggestion for getting job.


Thank you

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Thank u ji,

Name is not specific, 'skin allergy' when exposed to strong chemical soaps or due to mosquito bites.mainly during winter seasons she faces it more.Treatment of taking medicine and applying medicine on it is continued,which is not much effective.

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Thank u ji,

Name is not specific, 'skin allergy' when exposed to strong chemical soaps or due to mosquito bites.mainly during winter seasons she faces it more.Treatment of taking medicine and applying medicine on it is continued,which is not much effective.


Dear Sir, I shall do the horoscope and give you my suggestions regarding the skin problem, as soon as possible. I am a bit busy today. So I'd like to request you to wait a day or two, if that's okay with you?

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Dear Sir, I shall do the horoscope and give you my suggestions regarding the skin problem, as soon as possible. I am a bit busy today. So I'd like to request you to wait a day or two, if that's okay with you?


Dear Sir, here is my reading, as promised.


Rahu in Aries lagna and lagna lord Mars in 8th house in Scorpio rashi and getting neecha amsa Cancer rashi, with Mars being with Saturn who is the dasha lord and Saturn aspecting combust Venus (who is the present bhukti lord) and 6th lord Sun in the 10th house, are all factors that may be responsible for this chronic skin problem.


Omitting curd from the diet and fasting on Mondays along with other measures to pacify Rahu and Saturn may help to reduce the skin problem.


Of course, precipitating factors should be avoided.

Besides curd, other foods which might be causing an exacerbation of the problem should also be avoided!


Hope this helps.

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Thank you ji for ur analysis.

Already she is avoiding milk and other milk products including curd. i will ask her to fast on mondays.

as you said "measures to pacify Rahu and Saturn " - What methods do u recommend to pacifate them...


please clarify,

wat do u mean by - getting neecha amsa Cancer rashi


thank u

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Thank you ji for ur analysis.

Already she is avoiding milk and other milk products including curd. i will ask her to fast on mondays.

as you said "measures to pacify Rahu and Saturn " - What methods do u recommend to pacifate them...


please clarify,

wat do u mean by - getting neecha amsa Cancer rashi


thank u


Neecha amsa means Mars is in Cancer rashi in the navamsh kundali. A lot of importance is given to navamsh, to ascertain strength or weakness of the planets.


Other measures that can be used here are (this chart is for skin conditions only and not for other types of diseases)...............


1. Using a gemstone (but I'm no expert in that, you need to consult a professional astrologer for it).


2. Herbal treatment (that's my field of work; I prepare formulae of herbs to suit individual Cases). I use herbal extracts sourced from many parts of the world. Here, my knowledge of astrology comes in useful to me.

Herbs give partial relief only, which varies from case-to-case. Relief lasts from a few weeks to a few months. There are no side-effects and is not costly at all.

Herbal baths (as separate from herbal treatment) are advisable and may actually help.


Steroids are to be avoided at any cost. (Unless given by a Dermatologist and that too, when the condition of the skin is awful and unbearable).


3. Ayurveda: pancha-karma therapy. This often works by giving partial relief for months at a time. It does not give 'permanent' cure.

(No treatment really gives permanent cure. It depends on the patient's luck viz. stars.)


4. Homeopathy. Sometimes the results can be dramatic but relpases almost always occur. But this is the least costly option and at least it has no side-effects.

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Thank you medical astro Ji,


your suggestions are useful. But it is generic.

i too asked how to pacify rahu and sani devtas,

like any poojas to be done

OR in your point of medical astro view - "Any intaking of specific herbal or applying any herbal" eg: like tulsi,turmeric etc.,

was expected from u..

Let it be for skin itself.If you like, You can also share an insight which relates each planet with certain herbs(If u like).


thank u.

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Thank you medical astro Ji,


your suggestions are useful. But it is generic.

i too asked how to pacify rahu and sani devtas,

like any poojas to be done

OR in your point of medical astro view - "Any intaking of specific herbal or applying any herbal" eg: like tulsi,turmeric etc.,

was expected from u..

Let it be for skin itself.If you like, You can also share an insight which relates each planet with certain herbs(If u like).


thank u.


Actually the herb/s to be chosen would depend upon the clinical condition, also.

That gets primary consideration.


The herbs should be chosen according as to their effect on the doshas (vaata, pitta and kapha), mentioned in Ayurvedic texts.


We know that Saturn causes more vaata, Mars causes more pitta, Jupiter and Moon cause kapha, Merucry increases all the doshas..... so on and so forth.


Hence, a judicious combination of factors should be used in selecting herbs.

Tulsi would be most useful in kapha condition, Durva in pitta, Turmeric in vaata-kapha and so on.


There are many possibilities.

Plus, local herbs which can be picked fresh, should be given preference.


Ambe-haldi, grown in many gardens, is considered excellent for skin allergies. Its rhizome can be rubbed on a grinding stone to make a paste, and used.

So also the fresh and tender leaves of Kokum (Garcinia indica). they are of use in skin allergy. Its dried fruit is even better, soaked in water and applied.


If Saturn is associated with the allergy, ambe haldi would be preferred.

If it is Mars, then Kokum.

For Rahu, ambehaldi again.


Ayurvedic texts exhort a vaidya to look around him, see the nature of the herbs and use them in accordance to the doshas.

We can match the herbs to the planets, when necessary.


About Devatas..... I wouldn't be able to say!

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