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Indivisual Effect of Saturn Sadhe satti

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I am mahesh

date of birth 24-08-1982

time 2:17 AM



Gemini Assendent


1 house=rahu(3)

2 house=venus(4)

3 house=sun(5)

4 house mercury+saturn(6)

5 house jupitor+mars+moon(7)

6 house 8(no planet)

7 house ketu(9)

8 house 10(no planet)


9 house 11(no planet)


10 house12(no planet)


11 house 1(no planet)


12 house 2(no planet)


it is known that effect of saturn sadhe satti will be different for different native(depend on native horoscope)


for me saturn sadhe satti is coming from september 2009 to 2016



what will be effect of saturn sadhe satti(7.5 Years) in my life.


because it is coming for me from 09/09/2009 to 2017(two stage in jupitor mahadasha and one stage in saturn mahadasha)


natal moon in is 5 house.(saturn transist from 12,1,2 house from natal moon).

now saturn is in leo means for me it is in 3 house and will be in third house till 09/09/2009.


after it will transit to 4,5,6 house of me.


Please tell me effect of this transits.


this is second saturn sadhe sati(first was start from 1979 to 1987 when i was child)

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Dear Mahesh,


Its true Saturn's Sadhe Sati has variable effects, the reason is different people have their Saturn in different states. If Saturn is highly inauspicious in the chart, then Sadhe Sati will break apart the native and if its auspicious then the phase will pass beneficially.


In your case Saturn is a natural benefic and is placed in Virgo, neutral sign with Mercury. I believe you won't be having any trouble in the concerned period.




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saturn is lord of 8 house and 9 house for .

during the sadhe satti will i get fruit of these house.


we are telling meaning of sadhe satti when saturn is moving from natal moon to 12,1,2 house.


IS sadhe satti(saturn transit from 12,1,2 house from natal moon) will depend on MOON??????????????


What is role played by moon in sadhe satti? Why we are not consider saturn's transit from 12,1,2 house from natal sun in natal horoscope??????


we consider sadhe satti when saturn transit's from 12,1,2 house from natal MOON.This means sadhe satti is depended on NAtal MOON.

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I am also a learner of astrology.With my limited knowledge I can tell you the following-

Yes, you are right,Sade-sathi is 12,1,2 from Natal moon of the horoscope.

In you case, the first phase and 2nd phase could be a bit of problem.Especially the 2nd phase when Shani enters libra..there could be issues related to your siblings/house/health issues.

Basically, however benefic Shani is for the native, during Sade-sathi the peace of mind is never there.Good things will happen as well during Sade-sathi, but this period in your life changes the way you look at life.It is a learning lesson we should take and make ourselves stronger.



Ms Hope

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