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help needed with ketu in astrological charts

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I have a copy of my astrological charts but do not know the meaning of it and obviously I can not read it. Someone looked at my charts and told me this year was really bad for me and I should not make any major changes. These few months are extremely important for me. I am planning on getting married soon, plan to go back to college, start working in the near future. So I am really nervous about what the person told me.


What does it mean if my charts say:


starting 3/26/2009 at my age 26.9

dasha jupiter and ketu


next year it will be jupiter and venus.


Is this really a bad year for me to make all hte changes I need? Is there anything I can do to lessen the effects of ketu?


hope someone can help me!

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I have a copy of my astrological charts but do not know the meaning of it and obviously I can not read it. Someone looked at my charts and told me this year was really bad for me and I should not make any major changes. These few months are extremely important for me. I am planning on getting married soon, plan to go back to college, start working in the near future. So I am really nervous about what the person told me.


What does it mean if my charts say:


starting 3/26/2009 at my age 26.9

dasha jupiter and ketu


next year it will be jupiter and venus.


Is this really a bad year for me to make all hte changes I need? Is there anything I can do to lessen the effects of ketu?


hope someone can help me!




Please provide birth details so that some one can answer your Qns.



for personal & confidential Qns;


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