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Webyogi Ji... plz tell me about my marital life and career

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My name is Deepti. I am a Fine Artist.


Date of Birth - 16th April 1982

Time - 03 :15 :00 am

Birth Place - Mumbai.

Qualification - G.D.Art (painting)


I would like to know about marriage and my career. when I will get marry. How will be my married life? can you answer my queries. Please be frank in your answers. I will be very thankful to you.





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My name is Deepti. I am a Fine Artist.


Date of Birth - 16th April 1982

Time - 03 :15 :00 am

Birth Place - Mumbai.

Qualification - G.D.Art (painting)


I would like to know about marriage and my career. when I will get marry. How will be my married life? can you answer my queries. Please be frank in your answers. I will be very thankful to you.





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In my opinion,Marriage: This year when Jupiter moves to Kumbha Rasi is favourable for you (mainly after Dec 2009). The person is aggressive in temparment but caring too. Late marriage is indicated as you have Mangal dosha and also Shani is in the 8th with Mangal gives disharmony in married life and thus it is important for you to match with a manglik person.


Rahu dasa is running who is in 5th house. Mediate a lot to remove fogginess of your thoughts so that you can take right decisions, Moon with Kethu also adds more to it. You may have to work hard for career.






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Thank u so much webyogi ji for ur reply. u told me that i have Mangal dosha but my guruji said me that i don't have Mangal dosha in my patrika. they written like that in my patrika so i confused now whthr i have Mangal dosha or not.








With the time of birth details you provided, I checked again. In my opinion, you are heavily afflicted with Mangal Dosha. Mangal is with Shani in 8th house with Kumbha Lagna.


-Web Yogi-

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