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My Personal / Business life

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Dear Guruji



Thanks for this excellent forum.


Hope, iam given with solutions and remedies for all the problems facing in my Business and Personal Life.


i stopped my education after failing Higher Secondary (+2)


At the age of 24, I made a heavy loss of Rs. 12 Lacs. From then my problem started


I lost my business,

I worked for my uncle

I had stopped the marriage fixed by my parents

I worked as a agricultural labor


Then I got married with a different female again fixed by my parents

after 1 year with the help of my parents i started a small internet cafe

from then i was earning with Computer Sales & Service

also in 2007 i started the software development office

since then i could not save little bit of money


there were lot of struggles, heavy losses due to improper planning on the projects, loss of customers


heavy financial burden started again, i borrowed lot of money hoping that MY HARD WORK will help me one day.


But the things are always happened in the negative side


But me without losing the hope, continue my struggle, financial borrowings, applying for government loans, hunting for new customers,.....


the problem continues and my debt amount increases every month due to salary, rental other expenditures. There were no solid income as a outcome of my software business


for the past two years, i had not spent any money for my family members and i am living at their shadow always, even after my marriage & having two female children aged 2 1/2 years and 3 months, i am living at the mercy of my younger brother and my parents as a joint family


my family members, my customers, my money lenders had lost hope on me and i am facing every sorts of problem.


what should i do to set right my life, gain respect and solve my financial problems

Please guide me to overcome this struggle.


Name: S. Sithi Vinayagam

Born 01-02-1975

Birth Place : Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Birth Time : around 03:30 PM

star: Hastha, Kanya Rasi


Thanking you and with faith,

S. Sithi Vinayagam

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Hi Sithi


No worries slowly and steadily Time will change and you get good from life too


I am learner in filed of Astrology and Guru of this forum will surely correct me if I lack something in my prediction


1. Mars in seventh House will lead to some problem in your married life and due to which you will have some quarrel with your wife.It could also cause bad health to you and your spouse.Saturn aspect on this house also adds to the problem.


2. Jupiter is the Lord of 7th and the 10th House i.e. House of Spouse and Occupation could produce hindrances in your occupation...Since Mercury is Combust and Retrograde in your Ninth house it will hinder your fortune and the period between 2003 to 2006 would have incur losses..


Hoping that your do prayers of Lord Vishnu would bring peace to your married and Occupation..I hope more remedies will be told by other GURU's

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Hi Sithi


No worries slowly and steadily Time will change and you get good from life too


I am learner in filed of Astrology and Guru of this forum will surely correct me if I lack something in my prediction


1. Mars in seventh House will lead to some problem in your married life and due to which you will have some quarrel with your wife.It could also cause bad health to you and your spouse.Saturn aspect on this house also adds to the problem.


2. Jupiter is the Lord of 7th and the 10th House i.e. House of Spouse and Occupation could produce hindrances in your occupation...Since Mercury is Combust and Retrograde in your Ninth house it will hinder your fortune and the period between 2003 to 2006 would have incur losses..


Hoping that your do prayers of Lord Vishnu would bring peace to your married and Occupation..I hope more remedies will be told by other GURU's



vipvats please check you private message

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