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pls read it carefully before you predict

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as i am new member of dis forum i have seen most of the post people put ..this web site is absolutely fine no doubt abt it

whoever put question in d post they must hv problem?? everyone has problem in life

my dear fren i have seen most of the guys doing -ve prediction or using -ve language while predicting dat makes people scare..astrology is knowledge guide people do not SCARE any one

most of the post i have seen people doing -ve prediction say more den 90% ask the person who post it ...did dey got -ve result

start practical astrology old books written during satyuga ...kalyug is going on only debilated planet rule d kalyug

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Dear goldie

I am born on 1981/april/18 at 9am,I got married during the very starting of guru mahadasa and my wife is carrying now,I could become a proprietor to my small travel base company...though i have financial problems,I get money when I am in need..( I sincerely thank god)..Will my finance condition attain stability?the very reason i ask you this is I have mars,sun and venus in my 12th house,I scare...people say 12th house being a bad house and the respective lords give very bad results like loss etc...is that true?does it mean I never become rich? do I need to change myself to overcome the bad placement of planets?

forum members also can guide and suggest me........thanx

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Hi Goldie123


It was nice to see ur message regarding -ve replies based on Astrology.....


I would like to ask some question from you and would be really thankful if you could give ur idea abt it


POB : New Delhi

DOB: 04/08/1976

TOB : 08:55 AM



1. Can you let me know abt the education of the individual ( details above )


2. What do you predict abt the marital life of the individual


3. Can you also predict abt the residency ( Longer duration ) of the individual ( whether the person will live in India or a Foreign Country )


I am not testing your knowledge in this case but I just want to see how a person can give positive answer if the planets are not showing postive results



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hi vip,

as u must know abt sun n saturn r like father n son but both of dem dont hv gud rapo wid eachother...as ur lagna malik sun is in 12th house which is strongly shows residence in abroad for life long i am even surprised why still ur in india ... futhermore u wont get sucess if u stay with ur dad or under same house of under same city

for ur better progress atleast change the entire region say ur from north india change ur residence in east of west or south india ... if u wont get sucess my face n ur shoe

my strong brotherly advice you go abroad by hook or croock ..... as i have seen people whose lagna malik is in 6th , 8th n 12th they r not getting any sucess where they hv born

so dear friend choice is yours ........ suffer here or .....


regarding your marriage 3 planet drashti is on 7th house my study is venus doesnt give dat power in rashi of tourus or libra even pieces ... venus became strong only on fire sign like leo .. even arieas or scorpio venus is eqully strong .. so i can say its plus point but again lord of 7th house is again on 12th house hope u got my point what i am saying................

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dont expect fame from ur horoscope so just drop d idea of thinking of it as mars mercury n venus is well placed do something related wid technology or any product which has new idea ... but pls dont involve ur self into metal business

ur good resercher isnt it?

again all will be possible if u change ur place choice is yours ... for an example if person having major problem in heart ..first doctor do d heart surgery if u tell doctor even i m having cough of cold ...he ll say first do most needfull thing

hope ur inteligent to get my point

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Thanks Goldie123


I will surely look to ur point and try to change my location to some foreign place


SO as per your advice if I change my Place and work in the area of Research then I will get very good from my career and growth....I am related with reserach area in technology currently but that is related to Medicene field ...Is this fine and good



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ya sure why not ... and hope i was perfect dat i told u ur gud in research ...n u already in dat field for sure u ll flourish career ....

pls guide me abt my health issue while i was in india recenly 3-4 astrologer told me dat u ll suffer from cancer reali i m not gud in medical astrology guide me pls

5th april 1978



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HI Goldie


But I don't see what you are telling abt ur health and cancer diesease...In ur chart there is SATURN is the Lord of Lagna and is situated in the 8th house but Since Saturn is Retrograde I still feel that you will not have such problem


I am budding astrologer but I still feel that it is not so negative in ur case..Let me know if I am right to certain extent



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vats 8th saturn wont give cancerious situation only thing in my char moon is in 2nd house which is again lord of saturn ...saturn moon opposite eachother n 8th is house of health .... but i think my moon is blessed wid guru as chandra has nava pancham drishti so guru can save me .... but dont know wich extend

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