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allhindus i have some shocking news

the age of kali is very bad








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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=judulpost>Varakh </TD></TR><TR><TD class=isipost>


The silver foil on those yummy sweets is called 'Varakh' in local Indian dialect. It is used as decoration on many Indian sweets, paan and even Chyavanprash. Most vegetarians probably eat varakh without the knowledge of its source. Well, it so turns out that 'Beauty without Cruelty' had published an article regarding preparation of varakh, which caused an outroar. It is known that Indian Airlines stopped serving sweets with varakh on them years ago. So how is it claimed to be made?


Intestines of the ox and cattle that are butchered in the slaughter-house are sold (by weight) to people making varakh. The intestines are then cleaned for blood and mucous (although its not clear how clean they are) before they are cut into rectangular pieces of about 9x10 inches. About 60 pieces can be obtained from a single intestine. These are arranged one above the other to form leafs of a book. Strips of metallic silver are kept between them and the whole thing packed in a bag, which is then beaten till it flattens out. The flattened silver foil is extracted and sold to mithai-wallas. Intestines are not used for consumption and thats why they are sold to varakh-manufacturers for a nominal amount. The advantage in using them is that they are elastic so they dont break upon hammering. According to this analysis, a single ox-gut yields about 16000 foils, earning about Rs. 20K, and decorating about 4000 kgs of sweets.


According to this article, there was a lawsuit in California regarding presence of silver in cakes. Apparently, Enivronmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ruled that presence of silver even in miniscule amounts is toxic and its bio-accumulative - once enters the human body but stays for life. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not ban indian sweets with silver foil after the lawsuit althought cakes were banned, but several 'alerts' issued by FDA later on, specifically pointed to few imported silver-foiled Indian sweets as 'not permitted' but not all such sweets. A recent study by ITRC in Lucknow, India confirmed this. But Indian sweet manufacturers and people continue to relish it. Regardless of whether varakh is vegetarian or contains traces of animal blood, the silver in itself is not good for our body.


I dont know how true is this process for making varakh. Many websites, especially relating to Jain/Hare-Krishna/Swaminarayan however claim its veracity. I happened to chance upon them when I googled Varakh. A friend of mine kept asking me whats the 'silver thing' on sweets that he was offered by some Indians. I said its nothing, its edible, I have been eating since childhood. Since he persisted in knowing, I googled it for him and since then, my life is a little miserable. Is yours?




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  • 3 weeks later...

Waraq is an arabic word meaning foil.

The article speaks about cattle intestines produced at slaughterhouses. So, are cattle slaughtered in India or not? If slaughtered, are they cut up dead or alive?

I have been informed that when a cow dies naturally, they take the bile to make gorocana, and the skin to make drums. If this is done in India, do they also take intestines too from cows that have died, or do they kill cows?

This article creates much suspicion.

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Cattle slaughter is banned in india except in some states.

I had read this article that warq is beiing made by this through gutsof ox.

Now we in india eat sweets and also offer it to the lord.

Many of it are covered with varkh.

Even i am even suspicious about the article.

Can ox guts be used to make silver. Can anybody who knows about biology or chemistry answer tha. answer that.

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The US slaughters millions of cattle every year, then ship what's left over abroad. You'd be amazed how many products contain by-products of cattle. Some of the better-known ones are gelatin, which comes in just about every fruit snack or gummy bear, but also marshmallows and even some yogurt and fruit spreads as a gelling or binding agent. It's also put into cheap port to make it taste "vintage". Also we all know rennet can be found in cheese.


Animal fat is used all the time in cookies and sweets. Also in anything that's fried, and in margarine. If the label says "edible fats" it probably means animal fat. Who would suspect that ice cream would have cow fat in it - not from the milk, but from the slaughtered cow?


Gelatin in put into orange soda to act as a carrier for beta-carotene! You need to know your labels and what the words mean very well in order to make sure you're not eating animal products. Just because cow slaughter is outlawed in certain states of India doesn't mean a greedy manufacturer won't buy animal products from China or the US to make a buck.

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well if a product comes in india well most of them they have to have a green or red sticjer.it is not like u.s. .there are not much marshmellows here.nor edible oil containing meat i guess . it is 10 s of times better than usa the veg situation here i guess

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Indian food laws are very weak & fragile. Its not so in USA. We are eating food of lowest quality. Even the politicians are consuming this same food but they are blinded by the greed & lust of money. How many times we have heard there are pesticides in cold drinks. But what happened eventually. Money shuts everyone's mouth.

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Indian food laws are very weak & fragile. Its not so in USA. We are eating food of lowest quality. Even the politicians are consuming this same food but they are blinded by the greed & lust of money. How many times we have heard there are pesticides in cold drinks. But what happened eventually. Money shuts everyone's mouth.


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Youre right in maany of the things but low kwality food?

I dont think eating dal chawal is low kwality and eating a burger is high quality if that is what you mean.

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Low quality means we don't know how many toxicants we are consuming everyday.Russia banned because they have food laws & they are very strict about health measures. We don't even have any law against "lead"...which is a very poisonous substance.

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Low quality means we don't know how many toxicants we are consuming everyday.Russia banned because they have food laws & they are very strict about health measures. We don't even have any law against "lead"...which is a very poisonous substance.


You are right.The careless use of pesticides etc. is a big problem.It is spoiling food quality and the field.There is place in North India where the land had been subjected to so many pesticides and fertilizers and now it cannoty grow crops.Careless use of such is a sad.WE actually dont need many of fertilizers.I have been hearing BABA RAMDEV about this he gives excellent advise and informationon on such things.

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