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Frustrating time...please help...

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Dear Gurujis...

I have been going through quite a tricky time since an year or so...facing a difficult period now....

Now my Guru mahadasha and shani antardasha is going on from 08/10/07 and will continue till 20/04/2010...evrything i do, i have to confront with failure and delay...though i understand that these are natural characteristics of periods influenced by shani...yet it is affecting me mentally as well as physically...

my details...

DOB - 13.01.1987

Time - 05:12AM

Place - Rourkela, Orissa, India


Im mentally upset...especially the period betn beginning of september of 2008 till end of December was awful...i am in a relationship with a girl since last 8yrs...and things are really tough now...we are not even in contact since some days(we stayfar away these days...i stay in orissa and she stays in bihar), which is really frustrating...and sometimes im ending up having suicidal tendencies in the mind....things have gone wrong due to interference from her father(her mother expired in September 2002). Her details..

DOB - 28.03.1987

Time - 07:15AM

Place - Rourkela, Orissa, India

Physically, i am suffering from diseases simultaneously...kidney stones, prolonged constipation since last 4months...and some signs of early stages of piles recently...im worried...


Recently i met an astrologer who said that there is no way she can get married till 14.03.2011...he also said that she wud soon have a lot of differences with her father...whish seem to have started...and he was quite sure that i wud be the person that wud marry her, but in 2011...is it true...please clarify with details refering to positions..please help...cud u help me with approximate dates(months, week etc...)


P.S. - I have attached both of our horoscopes in order to save your valuable time...the first horoscope is mine and the 2nd belongs to my partner...






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Dear Gurujis...

I have been going through quite a tricky time since an year or so...facing a difficult period now....

Now my Guru mahadasha and shani antardasha is going on from 08/10/07 and will continue till 20/04/2010...evrything i do, i have to confront with failure and delay...though i understand that these are natural characteristics of periods influenced by shani...yet it is affecting me mentally as well as physically...

my details...

DOB - 13.01.1987

Time - 05:12AM

Place - Rourkela, Orissa, India


Im mentally upset...especially the period betn beginning of september of 2008 till end of December was awful...i am in a relationship with a girl since last 8yrs...and things are really tough now...we are not even in contact since some days(we stayfar away these days...i stay in orissa and she stays in bihar), which is really frustrating...and sometimes im ending up having suicidal tendencies in the mind....things have gone wrong due to interference from her father(her mother expired in September 2002). Her details..

DOB - 28.03.1987

Time - 07:15AM

Place - Rourkela, Orissa, India

Physically, i am suffering from diseases simultaneously...kidney stones, prolonged constipation since last 4months...and some signs of early stages of piles recently...im worried...


Recently i met an astrologer who said that there is no way she can get married till 14.03.2011...he also said that she wud soon have a lot of differences with her father...whish seem to have started...and he was quite sure that i wud be the person that wud marry her, but in 2011...is it true...please clarify with details refering to positions..please help...cud u help me with approximate dates(months, week etc...)


P.S. - I have attached both of our horoscopes in order to save your valuable time...the first horoscope is mine and the 2nd belongs to my partner...






Jupiter is in Neecha position currently and by end of Dec 2009 it will move to Kumbha Rasi and it will improve your situation a lot since it is Lagna lord and also aspecting 7<SUP>th</SUP> (spouse) house. Thus marriage is possible for you after this period. Saturn is in 12<SUP>th</SUP> and signifies kidney stones or kidney related problems. But it can be rectified easily. Mercury subperiod is likely to have marriage.

Girl friend: Jupiter moves in Kumbha rasi by Dec 2009 and after that the time is good for her to get married. With father difference of opinion, yes but they may be resolved in time.

Hope it helps.


For personal and confidential questions contact:


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thanks a lot for your views...but i wud like to make a few points...

the astrologer i met few days ago said that her father would never agree to our relationship till the end...and her relationship with him would be even worse after she gets married...thts quite a point, isnt it...

there is another common point tht he made as u have in ur above post, tht Jupiter moves into kumbha rashi by December 2009...but he said tht there would be no way in which her father would be able to marry her to anyone before march 2011???

he also said tht the first 6-7 months in the antardasha of mercury in jupiter mahadasha(in my chart) isnt the most favourable time for marriage...so tht makes it effectively the beginning of 2011 for favourable time for both of us...how about these points...

he also pointed out one more thing...that her horoscope indicates untimely death of her father in near future...but when i informed tht her mother had expired, he was quite surprised and said tht theres no indication of mother's death in her chart??...

quite confused...

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Namaskar webyogiji..

can you please analyse my horoscope and tell me about possible remedies for the period ahead...because this period is literally killing me...its affecting my work seriously....may be some puja, gems etc..somebody suggested me yellow sapphire...is it good???


another thing, can i mail u in ur id for other personal questions?

hope i dont disturb you...



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Namaskar webyogiji..

can you please analyse my horoscope and tell me about possible remedies for the period ahead...because this period is literally killing me...its affecting my work seriously....may be some puja, gems etc..somebody suggested me yellow sapphire...is it good???


another thing, can i mail u in ur id for other personal questions?

hope i dont disturb you...






Yellow Topaz (not yellow sapphire as many may give you) is good for you.



For personal & confidential Questions ask: horoveda@gmail.com

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