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anyone who is Master in Mantra practice , please answer

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hi, i have been intereted in Mantra practice for long time, so i reached one guy who was actually doing some sidhdhu, like getting a gold coin, converting sand into sugar , converting a piece of paper to rupee..

He agreed to teach this practice to me and i started a mandala pooja.

The mantra that he gave me is

"Ohm Namo Bhagavathy

Yaksha kula pramuki Vata yakshini

Devi eak eahi yekshi yekshi maha yekshi vata viruksha navashini

seekiram sarva sowbakyam dehimea guru guru swaha"


everyday i recited for 108 times.

i reached almost 45days , during that time i got only some symbolic feelings.

suddenly my guru asked me to stop the pooja and he said he will tell me some other mantra after sometime but he hasn't told anything yet.


My only doubt is , the mantra that i mentioned above is the correct mantra for Bhagavathy?

my ista devetha is also Bhagavathy.

If that is NOT the correct one , then anyone please provide a correct one.

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That is the Vata Yakshini Mantra. Not exactly a mantra for Bhagavathy. Vata Yakshini mantra is used for performing for certain specific deeds.


Mantras like Vata Yakshini, Karna Pisachini and others are used to gain control over certain forces which are then used for personal benefit.


But these Mantras also require elaborate rituals and ingredients, date, time etc. etc. to fructify.


There are also serious consequences of getting control over these forces.


You can not expect to get mantra on the internet and expect it to lead you to spiritual advancement. Approach a proper Guru and get the mantra.

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thanks kali_upasaka...

as far as my understanding , all the 64 devetas are coming under Bhagavathy , this is what told by my Guru.

i know this mantra is for Vata yakshini , but my concern is the correctness/validity of this mantra.


can you confirm that this is the valid Mantra for vata yakshini?

just say yes or no , that would help me.




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thanks kali_upasaka...

as far as my understanding , all the 64 devetas are coming under Bhagavathy , this is what told by my Guru.

i know this mantra is for Vata yakshini , but my concern is the correctness/validity of this mantra.


can you confirm that this is the valid Mantra for vata yakshini?

just say yes or no , that would help me.




The Mantra on first reading has some errors. navashini should have been nivasini. I have not checked with the texts.


However since the Mantra is given by your Guru, you should not change it on your own. I once met a Siddha who had attained mantra Siddhi by reciting a particular Mantra. But while talking to him, I came to know that the Mantra was different from the one given in the texts. I thought it was an error.


Then I asked my Guru. His words "If one has attained mantra Siddhi with a particular version of a mantra, then it becomes his Sampradhaya." As I had posted earlier we really do not go by the literal meaning of a mantra. Mantra are not bound by such linguistic rules since they are meta language.


So my suggestion would be to stick to the mantra given by your Guru.

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@krishna -

Correct! stick to the mantra given by guru-


This is a Yakshini mantra of Vata. Normally Yakshini s is difficult to impress. But when impressed then they would do gr8 deeds for you. It is said that for Karna Pisachini & other similar mantra siddhi of your sort, we need to lock ourself in one room & do this siddhi. Also we need to eat our shit as our daily food. They are dangerous to handle. But the best part is you have guidance of your Guru. Stick to it.


I would still prefer to be practical. Take diksha of any one Mahavidhyas. Perform & accomplish them. They are the strongest of any one. Try taking Bhuvneshwari Mahavidya for your nature of work.


Also, if you are so attracted towards Gold.

GOLD can be made and this process came into light and existence only because of the tries of Sadgurudev which was known only to world of Saints and that too very hidden and this is possible with the help of "SWARN PATRA".

Swarn Patra is made up of 3 metals and looks like a round dish and if in this dish few crushed material is kept on the high flame and pure mercury is mixed in it and after few hours no matter what is the amount of PARAD it gets converted into Gold.

The preparation of SWARN PATRA is done with mixing of pure Bronze, Copper and Iron in equal amounts and the "MUSLI" is also made of this same material with the help of which the material can be crushed easily. With the help of this Patra, GOLD can be made with different methods. Precaution needs to be take care while preparing the Patra that all metals should be pure and in equal amount only then Patra will be complete. After making of Patra, it should be purified with 10 Kgs."KAND" on flames this method was once tried by one of our GURUBHAI and before year 1990 he declared to make the gold by this method in one of camps in front of Sadgurudev but he denied to show any such type of process in front of public.


Dhruv Bhura


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  • 9 months later...

u should know how, when, where to performed it to be successful

used the great original indrajal book it will help u

no one will tell u about secrets

u must find it by yourself

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