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Please help me finding a right purpose in life

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Birth Details:


date: 22nd oct 1981

time : 6:47 am

Place: Pondicherry , India

Gender: male


Please analyze my horoscope and let me know when i will be doing a satisfying profession.What future holds for me?.So far i have been using astrology as a motivating factor for a better future.So do tell me some good and true prediction

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Dear Vijay,


I was not able to understand what type of satisfaction you are looking for. Your financial side is good and even your profession is seemingly fine. Your chart shows that you are related with medical line.


Also your chart shows tendency to have multiple interests. Having multiple interests are good but you should stick to your profession.


Remember, Grass is always greener at other side of fence.


Can you please specify what type of dissatisfaction you are feeling like financial, or growth in profession?


I will be happy to help you




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