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I would like someone to assess my horoscope please.

Looks like i am on crossroads in life. Things are not going as planned


I have recently moved out of country to Uk on my own ( looks like a stupid move seeing the credit crunch here ) and its not working.

My life has taken a downward trend with every new day bringing disappointment & even though i had a good job & was earning well i am not getting happiness


My family is also suffering as they stay in tension coz of me and other issues as well


My details are

date of birth - 7 sep 1982

time - 19:50

place - ludhiana ( punjab)


Can somebody check and let me know


thanks & best regards


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I would like someone to assess my horoscope please.

Looks like i am on crossroads in life. Things are not going as planned


I have recently moved out of country to Uk on my own ( looks like a stupid move seeing the credit crunch here ) and its not working.

My life has taken a downward trend with every new day bringing disappointment & even though i had a good job & was earning well i am not getting happiness


My family is also suffering as they stay in tension coz of me and other issues as well


My details are

date of birth - 7 sep 1982

time - 19:50

place - ludhiana ( punjab)


Can somebody check and let me know


thanks & best regards




anybody on this please

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Can anyone help on this one please





I would like someone to assess my horoscope please.

Looks like i am on crossroads in life. Things are not going as planned


I have recently moved out of country to Uk on my own ( looks like a stupid move seeing the credit crunch here ) and its not working.

My life has taken a downward trend with every new day bringing disappointment & even though i had a good job & was earning well i am not getting happiness


My family is also suffering as they stay in tension coz of me and other issues as well


My details are

date of birth - 7 sep 1982

time - 19:50

place - ludhiana ( punjab)


Can somebody check and let me know


thanks & best regards


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hye lucky you didnot mention your gender here:confused:.i am taking you as a guy.


lucky period upto feb 2010 can be very confusing and misled you in a variety of ways.give yourself enough time to plan well whenever a new idea comes to you before the ideas take control of you.offcourse ,your financial position could be in great mess but,the money collected will never bring any happiness for you becase of your fear inside that there will be no resources.


i have noticed one more thing there may have been little or no affection or even inappropriate affection, in childhood. This could now be shown through stubbornness and a dismissive attitude to others opinions.


i am just an astrology lover and not a professional astrologer .this is my view as per my knowledge.

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Hiya Shonna


thanks for the reply . Yup i am a guy here :)


thanks for the analysis ... i have a few doubts ... can you explain me these 2 lines

"give yourself enough time to plan well whenever a new idea comes to you before the ideas take control of you""


and ""the money collected will never bring any happiness for you becase of your fear inside that there will be no resources.""" what do u mean by no rescources here .


Actually i am student of astrology too .. and according to me last 5 years should have been good period for me but it hasnt turned out in that way ..thats why i was confused and needed help. Maybe i was wrong in intrepreting.


Any more light on my future would be great help :pray:


hye lucky you didnot mention your gender here:confused:.i am taking you as a guy.


lucky period upto feb 2010 can be very confusing and misled you in a variety of ways.give yourself enough time to plan well whenever a new idea comes to you before the ideas take control of you.offcourse ,your financial position could be in great mess but,the money collected will never bring any happiness for you becase of your fear inside that there will be no resources.


i have noticed one more thing there may have been little or no affection or even inappropriate affection, in childhood. This could now be shown through stubbornness and a dismissive attitude to others opinions.


i am just an astrology lover and not a professional astrologer .this is my view as per my knowledge.

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i meant that ideas come to you very quickly and you try to start new things without proper planning.did you think alot and made a proper plan before moving out to uk?


Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds .your chiron is in house 2.The 2nd house is money, possessions, and values. You can show other people how to take care of their money better than you take care of your own.i meant that you will always have doubts regarding earning of money in your inner self.questions regarding money will disturb you.



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